$text[] = "-- DO NOT REMOVE THE LINES ABOVE!"; $text[] = "-- Otherwise this backup will be broken."; switch ($action) { case 'backup_content': header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="phpmyfaq-data.' . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . '.sql'); foreach ($db->tableNames as $table) { $tablenames .= $table . ' '; } foreach ($db->tableNames as $table) { print implode("\r\n", $text); $text = build_insert("SELECT * FROM " . $table, $table); } break; case 'backup_logs': header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="phpmyfaq-logs.' . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . '.sql'); foreach ($db->tableNames as $table) { if (SQLPREFIX . 'faqadminlog' == $table || SQLPREFIX . 'faqsessions' == $table) { $tablenames .= $table . ' '; } } foreach ($db->tableNames as $table) { if (SQLPREFIX . 'faqadminlog' == $table || SQLPREFIX . 'faqsessions' == $table) { print implode("\r\n", $text); $text = build_insert("SELECT * FROM " . $table, $table); } } break; } } else { print $PMF_LANG['err_NotAuth']; }
print implode("\r\n", $text); $text = build_insert("SELECT * FROM " . SQLPREFIX . "faquser", SQLPREFIX . "faquser"); print implode("\r\n", $text); $text = build_insert("SELECT * FROM " . SQLPREFIX . "faqvisits", SQLPREFIX . "faqvisits"); print implode("\r\n", $text); $text = build_insert("SELECT * FROM " . SQLPREFIX . "faqvoting", SQLPREFIX . "faqvoting"); print implode("\r\n", $text); $text = build_insert("SELECT * FROM " . SQLPREFIX . "faqfragen", SQLPREFIX . "faqfragen"); print implode("\r\n", $text); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["aktion"]) && $_REQUEST["aktion"] == "sicherdaten" && $auth && !$permission["backup"]) { print $PMF_LANG["err_NotAuth"]; } if (isset($_REQUEST["aktion"]) && $_REQUEST["aktion"] == "sicherlog") { $text[] = "-- pmf1.6: " . SQLPREFIX . "faqadminlog " . SQLPREFIX . "faqsessions"; $text[] = "-- DO NOT REMOVE THE FIRST LINE!"; $text[] = "-- pmftableprefix: " . SQLPREFIX; $text[] = "-- DO NOT REMOVE THE LINES ABOVE!"; $text[] = "-- Otherwise this backup will be broken."; print implode("\r\n", $text); $text = build_insert("SELECT * FROM " . SQLPREFIX . "faqadminlog", SQLPREFIX . "faqadminlog"); print implode("\r\n", $text); $text = build_insert("SELECT * FROM " . SQLPREFIX . "faqsessions", SQLPREFIX . "faqsessions"); print implode("\r\n", $text); } if (DEBUG == TRUE) { print "<p>" . $db->sqllog() . "</p>"; } if (isset($_REQUEST["aktion"]) && $_REQUEST["aktion"] != "sicherdaten" && $_REQUEST["aktion"] != "sicherlog") { print "</body></html>"; } $db->dbclose();