$whereParamsArray['country'] = $options['country-code'];

if ( !$options['new-position'] )
    $cli->output( "[error] option --new-position is missing" );

// first : we fetch all the users with this country code
$step = 1000;
$appid = $options["appid"];
$newPosition = $options["new-position"];
$countryCode = $options["country-code"];
$whereParams = buildWhereParams( $whereParamsArray );

$cli->output( "[notification] start script for user with country $countryCode" );
$queryCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) 
               FROM mm_users 

$userCountArray = $db->arrayQuery( $queryCount );
$userCount = $userCountArray[0]["COUNT(*)"];

$cli->output( "[notification] $userCount objects to treat" );

$treated = 0;
$page = ceil( $userCount/$step );

for ( $i = 0; $i < $page; $i++ )
$appsInfo = $db->arrayQuery( $query );
$updateSql = array();
$counter = 0;
foreach ($appsInfo as $app)
    $whereMaxPositionArray = array();
    $whereMaxPositionArray['cluster_identifier'] = $app['cluster_identifier'];
    if( $app['customer_type'] )
        $whereMaxPositionArray['customer_type'] = $app['customer_type'];
        $whereMaxPositionArray['main_speciality'] = $app['main_speciality'];
        $whereMaxPositionArray['user_profile_id'] = $app['user_profile_id'];

    $whereParams = buildWhereParams( $whereMaxPositionArray );
    $sqlGetMaxPosition = 'SELECT MAX(`order`) as max_order FROM mm_country_apps_bar '.$whereParams;

    $maxPositionArray = $db->arrayQuery( $sqlGetMaxPosition );
    $maxPosition = $maxPositionArray[0]['max_order'];

    $currentPosition = $app['order'];
    $positionToUpdate = array();

    //if app is upadated to last position
    if( $newPosition == 'last' || $newPosition >= $maxPosition ) {
        $newPosition = $maxPosition;
    if( $currentPosition == $newPosition ) {
        $cli->warning('Application id "'.$app['id'].'" is already on position '.$currentPosition.' for: "'.$whereParams.'"');