Esempio n. 1
    $TReply = str_replace('[autor]', $autor, $TReply);
    $TReply = str_replace('[tagbar]', $tagbar, $TReply);
    $TReply = str_replace('[text]', $text, $TReply);
    $TReply = str_replace('[smilies]', $smilies, $TReply);
    $TReply = str_replace('[mail]', $mail, $TReply);
    $TReply = str_replace('[abbo_yes]', $abbo_yes, $TReply);
    $TReply = str_replace('[smil_yes]', $smil_yes, $TReply);
    $TReply = str_replace('[bcode_yes]', $bcode_yes, $TReply);
    $TReply = str_replace('[max_len]', $config['max_post_len'], $TReply);
    return $TReply;
if (!isset($action)) {
    message('Bitte wäle eine Funktion aus.', 'Fehler', 0);
$data['nav_path'] = board_nav($boardid, $threadid, $data['nav_path']);
// edit ------------------------------------------------------------
if ($action == 'edit') {
    // nav_path
    $data['nav_path'] .= ' >> Editieren';
    // threaddaten
    $r_thread = db_query("SELECT\n\t     thread_topic,\n\t\t thread_closed,\n\t\t deleted\n\t FROM " . $pref . "thread WHERE thread_id='{$threadid}'");
    $thread = db_result($r_thread);
    if ($thread['deleted'] == 1) {
        message('In gelöschten Threads kann nicht editiert werden.', 'Fehler', 0);
    // postdaten
    $r_post = db_query("SELECT\n\t     user_id,\n\t\t post_time,\n\t\t guest_name,\n\t\t post_text,\n\t\t edit_count\n\t FROM " . $pref . "post WHERE post_id='{$postid}' AND thread_id='{$threadid}'");
    if (db_rows($r_post) != 1) {
        message('Sorry! Fehlerhafter Link.', 'Fehler', 0);
    } else {
Esempio n. 2

         This  program is  free  software;  you can
         redistribute it and/or modify it under the
         terms of the GNU General Public License as
         published by the Free Software Foundation;
         either  version 2 of  the License,  or (at
         your option) any later version.

include 'inc/';
include 'inc/';
$TBoard = Get_Template('templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/board.html');
$TReport = Get_Template('templates/' . $style['styletemplate'] . '/report.html');
$data['nav_path'] = board_nav($boardid, $threadid, $data['nav_path']) . ' >> Melden';
if ($config['report'] == 0) {
    message('Meldungen sind vom Administrator deaktiviert.', 'Rechte', 0);
if (U_ID == 0) {
    message('Meldungen können nur von registrierten Usern gemacht werden.', 'Rechte', 0);
$r_report = db_query("SELECT\n     report_id\n FROM " . $pref . "report WHERE user_id='" . U_ID . "' AND post_id='{$postid}'");
if (db_rows($r_report) > 0) {
    message('Du hast dieses Posting bereits gemeldet.', 'Fehler', 0);
$form = 'form';
$textarea = 'text';
$laenge = $config['report_max_len'];
if ($laenge > 1500) {
    $laenge = 1500;