Esempio n. 1
				$output = "Mot de passe invalide pour $login !";
				authlog("BadPasswd - $login");
				$auth = FALSE;
			} else {
				$authflag = @mysql_result($result,0,"flag");
				if ($authflag < 1) {
					$output = "Désolé.<bR><br>\nVotre Login n'a pas encore été activé.\n";
					$output.= "<br><br>\n<a href=javascript:history.go(-1) style=color:#FFFFFF>&lt;- retour</a>";
					$output.= "<br><br>\n$query";
					authlog("NoRight - $login");
					$showform = FALSE;
				} else {
				  $auth = TRUE;
				 	$me = $login;
					authlog("Login - $login");
} else {
  $auth = TRUE;

if (($closed and !$auth) or $identify) { ?>
<html><head><title>Authentification required</title></head>
<body bgcolor=#336699 text=#FFFFFF onLoad="document.authform.login.focus()" AUTOCOMPLETE="off">
<table width=100% height=100% border=0><tr><td align=center valign=middle>
<? // displays output message if it exists
if ($showform) {
Esempio n. 2
					$oou   = @ldap_get_values($conn,$ii,'ou');
					$cn = $ccn[0];
					$ou = $oou[0];
					$auth = TRUE;
					$me = $login;
					authlog("Login - $login");
				} else {
					$auth = FALSE;
					$output = "Désolé vous n'avez pas accès a cet espace.";
					authlog("BadRight - $login");
			} else {
      	$auth = FALSE;
    		$output = "Mot de passe invalide pour $login !";
    		authlog("BadPasswd - $login");
} else {
  $auth = TRUE;

if (($closed and !$auth) or $identify) { ?>
<html><head><title>Authentification required</title></head>
<body bgcolor=#336699 text=#FFFFFF onLoad="document.authform.login.focus()" AUTOCOMPLETE="off">
<table width=100% height=100% border=0><tr><td align=center valign=middle>
<? // displays output message if it exists
if ($showform) {
    echo "<FORM  NAME=authform ACTION=$PHP_SELF METHOD=post>\n" ?>