function weixin_login() { global $_G; //微信登录需要开发者 有进行开发者认证才能继续... $redirect_uri = urlencode($_G['siteurl']); if (!$_G[setting][weixin_appkey] || !$_G[setting][weixin_appsecret]) { msg('抱歉,站点未开启微信登录', 'error', 'm=member&a=login'); } $appid = $_G['setting']['weixin_appkey']; $appsecret = $_G['setting']['weixin_appsecret']; if (isset($_GET['code']) && isset($_GET['state'])) { if ($_SESSION['weixin_state_key'] != $_GET['state']) { msg('抱歉,CSRF验证失败'); } //get token $code = trim_html($_GET['code']); $token_url = "" . $appid . "&secret=" . $appsecret . "&code=" . $code . "&grant_type=authorization_code"; $rs = fetch($token_url); if (!$rs) { msg('接口验证失败'); } $data = json_decode($rs, 1); if ($data['errcode'] > 0 && $data['errmsg']) { msg($data['errmsg']); } $user_id = $data['openid']; //针对开发者用户唯一id //获取用户信息 $url = '' . $data['access_token'] . '&openid=' . $user_id; $rs1 = fetch($url); if (!$rs1) { msg('获取用户信息失败'); } $info = json_decode($rs1, 1); if ($info['errcode'] > 0 && $info['errmsg']) { msg($info['errmsg']); } $arr = array(); $arr[login_id] = $info[unionid]; //用户的唯一ID $arr[address] = $info[province] . $info[city]; $arr[username] = $info[nickname]; $arr[set] = intval($info[sex]); $arr[groupid] = 23; $arr[login_name] = 'weixin'; $arr[picurl] = $info[headimgurl]; $this->login_callback($arr); } else { if ($_GET['state'] && !$_GET['code']) { msg('授权取消'); } } $state_key = authcode('weixin_login', 'ENCODE'); //防止crfs攻略的随机字符串 $_SESSION['weixin_state_key'] = $state_key; $start_url = "{$appid}&redirect_uri={$redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_login&state=" . $state_key . "#wechat_redirect"; _header("Location:" . $start_url); }
function home() { if (!empty($_GET)) { return _header('Location: /', 301); } $html_title = 'workerman 一个高性能的PHP Socket 服务器框架'; $html_keywords = 'workerman, php socket'; $html_desc = 'Workerman是一款纯PHP开发的开源高性能的PHP socket服务器框架。支持TCP长连接,支持Websocket等诸多协议。被广泛的用于手机app、手游服务端、网络游戏服务器、聊天室、硬件通讯、智能家居、车联网、物联网等领域的开发。'; $html_nav = 'home'; $download_workerman_count_key = 'download_workerman_count'; $workerman_download_count = \WorkerMan\Lib\Store::get($download_workerman_count_key); include NET_ROOT . '/Views/header.tpl.php'; include NET_ROOT . '/Views/home.tpl.php'; include NET_ROOT . '/Views/footer.tpl.php'; }
function dourl() { $id = (int) $_GET['id']; $mid = (int) $_GET['mid']; $__TABLE__ = 'article'; if ($mid) { $model = $this->iCMS->getCache('system/models.cache', $mid); $__TABLE__ = $model['tbn']; } $rs = iCMS_DB::getRow("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__" . $__TABLE__ . "` WHERE `id`='{$id}'", ARRAY_A); include iPATH . 'include/forum.class.php'; $forum = new forum(); $F = $forum->forum[$rs['fid']]; $iurl = $this->iCMS->iurl($mid ? 'content' : 'show', array($rs, $F)); if (stristr($iurl->href, $mid ? 'content.php' : 'show.php')) { $iurl->href = '../' . $iurl->href; } _header($iurl->href); }
function header_404() { _header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); //_header('location: /404.html'); $sys = explode('/', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']); $c404 = "<html>\n<head><title>404 Not Found</title></head>\n<body bgcolor='#fff'>\n<center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center>\n<hr><center>" . $sys[0] . "</center>\n</body>\n</html>"; echo $c404; exit; }
$temparr = array('forward' => rawurlencode($forward)); if ($mode == 'js') { js_write(template(empty($curuser->info['mid']) ? 'jslogin' : 'jsloginok', $temparr)); mexit(); } else { if ($enable_pptin && !empty($pptin_url) && $pptin_login) { $url = $pptin_url . $pptin_login; $url .= (strpos($url, '?') ? '&' : '?') . "{$getval}=" . rawurlencode($forward); header('location:' . $url); exit; } if (empty($_sys) && ($html = template('login', $temparr))) { mexit($html); } else { include_once M_ROOT . "./include/"; _header(lang('memberlogin')); $cookiedef = '1m'; $cookiearr = array('0' => lang('inbrowser'), '1h' => '1' . lang('hours'), '1d' => '1' . lang('days'), '1w' => '1' . lang('weeks'), '1m' => '1' . lang('month'), '-1' => lang('saveforever')); echo '<form name="cmslogin" id="cmslogin" method="post" action="?forward=' . rawurlencode($forward) . ($infloat ? "&infloat={$infloat}&handlekey={$handlekey}" : '') . '" onsubmit="return checklogin(this)">'; tabheader_e(); echo '<tr class="header"><td colspan="2"><b>' . lang('memberlogin') . ' >><a href="tools/lostpwd.php"' . (empty($infloat) ? '' : " onclick=\"return floatwin('open_{$handlekey}',this)\"") . '>' . lang('getpwd') . '</a></b></td></tr>'; trbasic(lang('membercname'), 'username'); trbasic(lang('loginpwd'), 'password', '', 'password'); tr_regcode('login'); trbasic('Cookie', 'expires', makeoption($cookiearr, $cookiedef), 'select'); trhidden('client_t', ''); $infloat && trhidden('infloat', 1); tabfooter('cmslogin', lang('login')); mexit('</div></body></html>'); } }
*/ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; require_once iPATH . 'include/member.class.php'; switch ($_GET['do']) { case 'register': $iCMS->assign('config', array('seccode' => $iCMS->config['userseccode'])); $iCMS->assign('forward', __REF__); $iCMS->iPrint("usercp/register.htm", "register"); break; case 'agreement': $iCMS->assign('config', array('agreement' => str_replace("\n", "<br />", $iCMS->config['agreement']))); $iCMS->iPrint("usercp/agreement.htm", "agreement"); break; case 'login': if (member::checklogin(true)) { _header($iCMS->config['usercpURL']); } $iCMS->assign('config', array('seccode' => $iCMS->config['userseccode'])); $iCMS->assign('forward', __REF__); $iCMS->iPrint("usercp/login.htm", "login"); break; case 'logout': member::cleancookie(); break; default: require_once iPATH . 'include/UI.class.php'; $action = $_POST['action']; //$forward= $_POST['forward']; if ($action == 'register') { ckseccode($_POST['seccode'], 'U') && javascript::json('seccode', 'error:seccode'); $username = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['username']);
_aenter($_da, 1); @extract($btags); extract($_da, EXTR_OVERWRITE); tpl_refresh($tplname); @(include M_ROOT . "template/{$templatedir}/pcache/{$tplname}.php"); $_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_clean(); mexit($_content); } } else { load_cache('mlfields'); include_once M_ROOT . "./include/fields.cls.php"; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/upload.cls.php"; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/"; include_once M_ROOT . "./include/mcuedit.cls.php"; $inajax ? aheader() : _header(); if (!empty($mcommu['setting']['norepeat']) && ($cid = $db->result_one("SELECT cid FROM {$tblprefix}mflinks WHERE mid='{$mid}' AND fromid='{$memberid}' ORDER BY cid"))) { mcmessage('dorepeataddflink', axaction(2, M_REFERER)); } $db->query("INSERT INTO {$tblprefix}mflinks SET\n\t\t\tmid='{$mid}',\n\t\t\tmname='" . $actuser->info['mname'] . "',\n\t\t\tfromid='{$memberid}',\n\t\t\tfromname='" . $curuser->info['mname'] . "',\n\t\t\tcreatedate='{$timestamp}'\n\t\t\t"); if ($cid = $db->insert_id()) { $uedit = new cls_mcuedit(); $uedit->read($cid, 'flink'); foreach (array('fields') as $var) { ${$var} =& $uedit->{$var}; } $c_upload = new cls_upload(); $fields = fields_order($fields); $a_field = new cls_field(); foreach ($fields as $k => $v) { if (!$v['isfunc'] && !$v['isadmin']) {
public function main() { global $_G; $aid = $_GET['aid'] ? $_GET['aid'] : get_goods_id($_GET['itemid']); if ($aid && $aid < 1) { msg('抱歉ID不存在'); } if ($_GET['aid']) { $aid = intval($aid); $goods = D(array('and' => "aid = " . $aid, 'limit' => 1, 'all' => true, 'key' => 'goods_' . $aid)); } else { $goods = D(array('and' => "num_iid = '{$aid}'", 'limit' => 1, 'all' => true, 'key' => 'goods_' . $aid)); } if ($goods['status'] == 0 || $goods['status'] == 2) { msg('抱歉,当前商品 ' . $goods[status_text] . ' 暂时无法查看'); } if ($_G[mobile]) { $url = URL . 'a=go_pay&num_iid=' . $goods[num_iid]; _header("Location:" . $url); } $update = array(); if ($goods['aid'] > 0) { if (!$goods[keywords]) { $keyword = get_keywords($goods['title'] . $goods['ly']); if ($keyword) { $goods[keywords] = $keyword; $update[keywords] = $keyword; } } } if ($goods['fid']) { $channel = $_G['all_channel']['k' . $goods[fid]]; } $tpl = ''; if ($channel) { $tpl = trim($channel['goods_tpl']); } $_G['channel'] = $channel; if ($goods[fid]) { $_G[fid] = $goods[fid]; } if ($_G['setting']['get_message'] && !$goods['message']) { $message = top('m_taobao', 'get_message', $goods[num_iid]); if ($message) { $goods['message'] = $message; $update['message'] = $message; } } $up = D(array('and' => ' AND aid <' . $goods['aid'], 'table' => 'goods', 'order' => 'aid DESC')); $down = D(array('and' => ' AND aid >' . $goods['aid'], 'table' => 'goods', 'order' => 'aid ASC')); $goods[up] = $up[id] ? '<a href="' . $up[id_url] . '">' . $up[title] . '</a>' : '没有了'; $goods[down] = $down[id] ? '<a href="' . $down[id_url] . '">' . $down[title] . '</a>' : '没有了'; $this->add(array('goods' => $goods, 'up' => $up, 'down' => $down)); if ($goods['aid'] > 0 && $update) { $update[views] = $goods['views'] + 1; DB::update('goods', $update, 'aid=' . $goods['aid']); } save_history(__CLASS__, $goods['aid']); $title = $goods['seo_title'] ? $goods['seo_title'] : $goods['title']; seo($title, $goods['keywords'], $goods['description']); $this->show($tpl); }
function _setcookie($name, $value = null, $expire = null, $path = null, $domain = null, $secure = null, $httponly = null) { global $SERVER; $out = @setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly); if ($out === false) { // TODO: Handle $domain, $secure and $httponly if (!($expire > 0)) { $expire = time() + 60 * 60 * 24; } // 1 day default cookie duration $datetime = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expire)); $cookie_time = $datetime->format(DATE_COOKIE); if ($path == null) { $path = "/"; } if ($domain == null) { $domain = $SERVER['domain']; } $ret .= "Set-Cookie: " . urlencode($name) . "=" . urlencode($value) . "; expires=" . $cookie_time . "; path=" . $path . "; domain=" . $domain . ";"; _header($ret); return true; } else { return true; } }
<?php /** * @package iCMS V3.1 * @copyright 2007-2009, iDreamSoft * @license iDreamSoft * @author coolmoo <*****@*****.**> */ require_once "global.php"; empty($_GET['id']) && exit; $iCMS->db->query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__article` SET hits=hits+1 WHERE `id` ='" . (int) $_GET['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); _header(urldecode($_GET['url']));
<td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" /></td> </tr> <table> </form> </div> <?php echo _footer(); // Create new user, after submiting the form } elseif ($_GET['act'] == 'createNewUser') { $dbControlHandler = new SQLiteDatabase(DB_CONTROL_FILE); // Create Users Table $dbControlHandler->query("CREATE TABLE users(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, username CHAR(60), salt CHAR(10), password CHAR(32), permissions INTEGER);"); $userName = $_POST['userName']; $userPw = $_POST['password']; addNewUser($dbControlHandler, $userName, $userPw, GLOBAL_ADMIN); $dbTrackHandler = new SQLiteDatabase(DB_TRACK_FILE); // Create Tracking Table $dbTrackHandler->query("BEGIN;\r\n\t\tCREATE TABLE computers(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(250), region INTEGER, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, comment INTEGER, icon CHAR(150), laststatus INTEGER, lastsignal INTEGER);\r\n\t\tCREATE TABLE miscrecords(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(250), timestamp INTEGER, recordtype INTEGER, data TEXT);\r\n\t\tCREATE TABLE trackrecords(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(250), time INTEGER, status INTEGER);\r\nCREATE TABLE zones(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, region_name CHAR(255), region_width INTEGER, region_height INTEGER, region_map_img CHAR(255));\r\n\t\tCOMMIT;"); echo _header(_('New Database Setup')); ?> <div id="yui-main"> <h1>Database Creation Completed!</h1> <div> <p>The Database Creation Process is completed. Please login to your root account!</p> </div> </div> <?php echo _footer(); } else { die('Not Implemented!'); }
static function run() { global $_G; $m = 'index'; $a = 'main'; if (CURSCRIPT == 'main') { $m = 'index'; } elseif ($_GET['m']) { $m = trim($_GET['m']); } elseif (isset($_GET['fid']) && $_GET['fid'] > 0) { $m = 'channel'; } elseif (isset($_GET['aid']) && $_GET['aid'] > 0 || isset($_GET['itemid']) && $_GET['itemid'] > 0) { $m = 'goods'; } else { $m = defined('IN_ADMIN') ? 'admin' : 'index'; } $a = $_GET['a'] ? $_GET['a'] : 'main'; if (!preg_match("/^[a-z_]+\$/is", $m)) { system_error('system', 'Module String Error'); return false; } if (!preg_match("/^[a-z_]+\$/is", $a)) { system_error('system', 'Action String Error'); } if (defined('IN_ADMIN') && !$_G[uid]) { login(); } $jump_url = ''; if (defined('IN_ADMIN')) { include libfile('config/admin'); $group = $_G['group'][$_G['member']['groupid']]; foreach ($menu as $k => $v) { $menu[$k]['select'] = 0; if (array_key_exists($k, $group[power]) || $_G['adminid'] == 1) { $menu[$k]['select'] = 1; } foreach ($v['nav'] as $k1 => $v1) { if (array_key_exists($v1['a'], $group[power][$k]) || $_G['member']['groupid'] == 1) { $menu[$k]['nav'][$k1]['select'] = 1; $menu[$k]['select'] = 1; if (!$jump_url) { $jump_url = 'm=' . $k . '&a=' . $v1['a']; } } else { $menu[$k]['nav'][$k1]['select'] = 0; } } } $_G['menu'] = $menu; seo('uz-system 后台管理 power by'); include_once ROOT_PATH . "inc/admin_action/" . $m . ".action.php"; } else { include_once libfile("action/" . $m); } if ($m == 'list') { $mm = '_' . $m; if (!class_exists($mm)) { system_error('system', 'Module not exists'); } $class = new $mm(); } else { if (!class_exists($m)) { system_error('system', 'Module not exists'); } $class = new $m(); } define('CURMODULE', $m); if (defined('IN_ADMIN') && $_G[uid] && $_G[member][groupid] != 1) { $group = $_G['group'][$_G['member']['groupid']]; $gid = $_G['member']['groupid']; $power = $_G['group'][$gid]['power']; $power['login']['logout'] = 1; //验证登录进后入台权限 if ($_G[group][$gid]['login_admin'] != 1) { logout(); _header("Location:" . CURSCRIPT . ".php"); //system_error('system','您当前用户组无权进入后台'); } //验证后台模块权限 if (!$power[$m]) { if ($m == 'admin' && $a == 'main' && $_G['member']['groupid'] != 1 && $jump_url) { header("Location:" . URL . $jump_url); echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href = "' . URL . $jump_url . '";</script>'; exit; } else { cpmsg('当前模块您无法进行操作', 'errr', $jump_url); } } if ($a == 'del' && $power[$m]['post'] == 1) { } else { if ($power[$m][$a] != 1) { cpmsg('当前模块分类您无法进行操作', 'errr', $jump_url); } } } if ($a == 'list') { $a = '_list'; } if (method_exists($class, $a)) { if ($a == '_list') { define('CURACTION', "list"); } else { define('CURACTION', $a); } $class->{$a}(); unset($class, $a, $power, $m); } elseif ($a == 'pages' && $_GET[show]) { $tpl = trim($_GET[show]); if (!preg_match("/^[a-z_]+\$/is", $tpl)) { system_error('system', 'Action String Error'); } define('CURACTION', $tpl); $app = new $app(); $app->show(CURMODULE . '/' . $tpl); } else { if (!$_G[uid] && defined('IN_ADMIN')) { header("Location:index.php"); echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.location = "index.php";</script>'; exit; } system_error('system', 'Action not exists'); } }
function _fiche(&$PDOdb, &$dispatch) { global $db, $conf, $langs; llxHeader(); $form = new TFormCore('auto', 'asset', 'post'); echo $form->hidden('action', 'save'); echo $form->hidden('id', $dispatch->fk_object); echo $form->hidden('type_object', $dispatch->type_object); $object = _header($dispatch->fk_object, $dispatch->type_object); $pListe[0] = "Sélectionnez une ligne"; foreach ($object->lines as $k => &$line) { $label = !empty($line->label) ? $line->label : $line->libelle; if (empty($label) && !empty($line->desc)) { $label = $line->desc; } $pListe[$line->id] = $k + 1 . '/ ' . $label; } print count($dispatch->TDispatchAsset) . ' équipement(s) lié(s)<br />'; ?> <table width="100%" class="border"> <tr class="liste_titre"> <?php if (GETPOST('type_object') !== 'ticketsup') { print '<td>Ligne concernée</td>'; } ?> <td>Equipement</td> <?php if (!empty($conf->global->USE_LOT_IN_OF)) { ?> <td>Numéro de Lot</td><?php } print '<td>DLUO</td>'; ?> <?php if ($conf->global->clinomadic->enabled) { ?> <td>IMEI</td> <td>Firmware</td> <?php } ?> <td> </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($dispatch->TDispatchAsset as $k => &$da) { if ($da->to_delete) { continue; } $class = $class == 'pair' ? 'impair' : 'pair'; ?> <tr class="<?php echo $class; ?> "> <?php if (GETPOST('type_object') !== 'ticketsup') { echo '<td>' . $pListe[$da->fk_object] . '</td>'; } ?> <td><?php echo $da->asset->getNomUrl(1, 0, 1); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $da->asset->lot_number; ?> </td> <?php if (!empty($conf->global->USE_LOT_IN_OF)) { ?> <td><?php echo $da->asset->dluo ? dol_print_date($da->asset->dluo) : 'N/A'; ?> </td><?php } ?> <?php if ($conf->global->clinomadic->enabled) { ?> <td>IMEI</td> <td>Firmware</td> <?php } ?> <td><?php if ($object->statut == 0 || $type_object == 'contrat') { echo '<a href="?action=delete-line&k=' . $k . '&id=' . $object->id . '&type_object=' . $dispatch->type_object . '">' . img_delete() . '</a>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } $formproduct = new FormProduct($db); if ($object->statut == 0 || $type_object == 'contrat') { ?> <tr style="background-color: lightblue;"> <?php if (GETPOST('type_object') !== 'ticketsup') { echo '<td>' . $form->combo('', 'TLine[-1][fk_object]', $pListe, '') . '</td>'; } ?> <td><?php echo $form->texte('', 'TLine[-1][serial_number]', '', 30); ?> </td> <?php if (!empty($conf->global->USE_LOT_IN_OF)) { ?> <td> </td><?php } ?> <td> </td> <?php if ($conf->global->clinomadic->enabled) { ?> <td> </td> <td> </td> <?php } ?> <td>Nouveau </td> </tr><?php } ?> </table> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $( "input[name='TLine[-1][serial_number]']" ).autocomplete({ source: "<?php echo dol_buildpath('/dispatch/script/interface.php', 1); ?> ?get=serial_number", minLength: 1, select: function( event, ui ) { } }); }); </script> <?php echo $form->btsubmit($langs->trans('Save'), 'bt_new'); dol_fiche_end(); $form->end(); llxFooter(); }
</script> </div> DIVMAP; echo _footer(); die; } // If this is a request, then construct // the SQL command. if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $retCacheId = generateStats($_POST); header("location: generate-report.php?cache_id={$retCacheId}"); die; } // else, please display the request form. echo _header("Statistics Generation"); echo <<<DIVMAP <div id="yui-main"> \t<h2>Report Set-up</h2> \t \t<form action="generate-report.php" method="post"> \t<p> \tPlease generate the report named \t\t<input id="reportName" name="reportName" value="Genie"> <br /> <br /> \t\t \tabout \t\t<select id="reportType" name="reportType"> \t\t <option value="computerStats">Computer Availability</option> \t\t <option value="programUsage">Program Usage</option> \t\t</select> <br /> <br /> \t\t
function doextractpic() { Admin::MP("menu_extract_pic"); include iPATH . 'include/forum.class.php'; set_time_limit(0); $speed = 100; //提取速度 $action = $this->PG('action'); $fids = $this->PG('fid'); $startid = (int) $this->PG('startid'); $endid = (int) $this->PG('endid'); $starttime = $this->PG('starttime'); $endtime = $this->PG('endtime'); $totle = isset($_GET['totle']) ? $_GET['totle'] : 0; $loop = isset($_GET['loop']) ? $_GET['loop'] : 1; $i = isset($_GET['i']) ? $_GET['i'] : 0; empty($action) && javascript::alert("请选择操作项"); if ($fids) { empty($fids) && javascript::alert("请选择版块"); is_array($fids) && ($fids = implode(",", $fids)); if (strstr($fids, 'all')) { $forum = new forum(); $fids = substr($forum->fid(), 0, -1); if (empty($fids)) { javascript::dialog("提取完毕", 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extract'); } else { _header(__SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extractpic&fid=' . $fids . '&action=' . $action); } } else { $cArray = explode(',', $fids); $_Ccount = count($cArray); $k = isset($_GET['k']) ? $_GET['k'] : 0; $rs = iCMS_DB::getArray("SELECT id FROM #iCMS@__article WHERE fid in ({$fids}) and `status`='1'"); empty($totle) && ($totle = count($rs)); $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed); if ($loop <= $tloop) { $max = $i + $speed > $totle ? $totle : $i + $speed; for ($j = $i; $j < $max; $j++) { if ($action == "thumb") { if ($this->extractThumb($rs[$j]['id'])) { $msg .= "文章ID:" . $rs[$j]['id'] . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; } } elseif ($action == "into") { $intoMsg = $this->into($rs[$j]['id']); if ($intoMsg) { $msg .= $intoMsg . "文章ID:" . $rs[$j]['id'] . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; } } } javascript::dialog($msg ? $msg : "暂无提取信息!", 'src:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extractpic&fid=' . $fids . '&totle=' . $totle . '&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j . '&action=' . $action); } else { javascript::dialog("提取完毕", 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extract'); } } } elseif ($startid && $endid) { $startid > $endid && !isset($_GET['g']) && javascript::alert("开始ID不能大于结束ID"); empty($totle) && ($totle = $endid - $startid + 1); empty($i) && ($i = $startid); $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed); if ($loop <= $tloop) { $max = $i + $speed > $endid ? $endid : $i + $speed; for ($j = $i; $j <= $max; $j++) { if ($action == "thumb") { if ($this->extractThumb($j)) { $msg .= "文章ID:" . $j . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; } } elseif ($action == "into") { $intoMsg = $this->into($j); if ($intoMsg) { $msg .= $intoMsg . "文章ID:" . $j . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; } } } javascript::dialog($msg ? $msg : "暂无提取信息!", 'src:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extractpic&startid=' . $startid . '&endid=' . $endid . '&g&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j . '&action=' . $action); } else { javascript::dialog("提取完毕", 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extract'); } } elseif ($starttime) { $s = strtotime($starttime); $e = empty($endtime) ? time() + 86400 : strtotime($endtime); $rs = iCMS_DB::getArray("SELECT id FROM #iCMS@__article WHERE `pubdate`>='{$s}' and `pubdate`<='{$e}' and `status`='1'"); empty($totle) && ($totle = count($rs)); $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed); if ($loop <= $tloop) { $max = $i + $speed > $totle ? $totle : $i + $speed; for ($j = $i; $j < $max; $j++) { if ($action == "thumb") { if ($this->extractThumb($rs[$j]['id'])) { $msg .= "文章ID:" . $rs[$j]['id'] . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; } } elseif ($action == "into") { $intoMsg = $this->into($rs[$j]['id']); if ($intoMsg) { $msg .= $intoMsg . "文章ID:" . $rs[$j]['id'] . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; } } } javascript::dialog($msg ? $msg : "暂无提取信息!", 'src:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extractpic&starttime=' . $starttime . '&endtime=' . $endtime . '&totle=' . $totle . '&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j . '&action=' . $action); } else { javascript::dialog("提取完毕", 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extract'); } } else { javascript::alert("请选择方式"); } }
$path = $url_info['path']; } else { $path = ''; } $tmp_arr = explode('/', $path); foreach ($tmp_arr as $key => $value) { if (trim($value) == '') { unset($tmp_arr[$key]); } } $tmp_arr = array_values($tmp_arr); if (isset($tmp_arr[0])) { $func = "\\Workerman\\Modules\\{$tmp_arr[0]}"; if (isset($tmp_arr[1])) { $func .= '_' . $tmp_arr[1]; unset($tmp_arr[1]); } unset($tmp_arr[0]); } else { $func = "\\Workerman\\Modules\\home"; } $func = str_replace('-', '_', $func); if (!function_exists($func)) { foreach (glob(NET_ROOT . "/Modules/*") as $php_file) { require_once $php_file; } } if (!function_exists($func)) { return _header('Location: /' . (!empty($_GET) ? '?' . http_build_query($_GET) : '')); } call_user_func_array($func, $tmp_arr);
$computersQuery = $dbTrackHandler->query("SELECT DISTINCT computers.*, child.region_name, as region_id\n FROM computers, zones as parent, zones as child\n WHERE\n AND ({$regid} OR ({$regid} AND child.parent_id =\n ORDER BY"); $regionHTML = ''; foreach ($computersQuery as $entry) { $regionHTML .= "\t\t\t\t" . '<div class="computerbit computerbit-noinfo" id="computer' . $entry['id'] . '" style="'; if ($hasMap) { $regionHTML .= 'left: ' . ($entry['x'] - $iconOffsetX) . 'px; top: ' . ($entry['y'] - $iconOffsetY) . 'px; position: absolute;'; } $regionHTML .= '" onClick="editComputerDetails(this, ' . $entry['id'] . ',\'' . $entry['name'] . '\',' . $entry['x'] . ',' . $entry['y'] . ');" >'; $regionHTML .= '<a class="acomputer tips" rel="tip-computerdetails.php?id=' . $entry['id'] . '"> '; if (!$hasMap) { $regionHTML .= $entry['name']; } $regionHTML .= '</a></div>' . "\n"; } unset($computersQuery); echo _header("Viewing {$regionName}", $embedded); echo <<<DIVMAP <div id="yui-main"> \t\t<h2>Overview Map</h2> \t\t<div class="mapscontainer"> \t\t<div class="regionmap" id="regionmap" style="{$regionCss}"> \t\t<div class="transparentregionlayer" id="regiontransparent" style="display: block; cursor: crosshair; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: transparent url(assets/bullet_placeholder.png) -16px -16px no-repeat;"> \t\t\t{$regionHTML} \t\t</div> \t\t</div> <div id="legends" style="text-align: center"> Move mouse over a computer for more information.<br /> Machine name (<font color="darkred">WCS</font><font color="darkblue">200</font><font color="darkgreen">03</font>) = <font color="darkred">BuildingAbbreviation</font><font color="darkblue">RoomNumber</font><font color="darkgreen">MachineNumber</font>.<br /> <strong>Legends</strong>: <div class="computerbit computerbit-busy" style="position: static; display: inline"> </div> Computer in use <div class="computerbit computerbit-available" style="position: static; display: inline"> </div> Computer is available for use <div class="computerbit computerbit-noresponse" style="position: static; display: inline"> </div> No information or computer is down. </div>
<?php include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/include/'; include_once M_ROOT . 'include/'; _header(lang('addpre')); echo '<div style="width:680px; height:530px; overflow:hidden; padding:3px; margin:0 auto;">'; //分为两种,一种是普通添加,一种是合辑内的添加 $aid = empty($aid) ? 0 : max(0, intval($aid)); if (!$aid) { load_cache('cotypes,channels,acatalogs'); $nmuid = empty($nmuid) ? 0 : max(0, intval($nmuid)); $u_coids = array(); $u_chids = $u_nochids = ''; if ($nmuid && ($u_url = read_cache('murl', $nmuid))) { $u_mtitle = @$u_url['mtitle']; $u_guide = @$u_url['guide']; foreach (array('coids') as $var) { if (!empty($u_url['setting'][$var])) { ${'u_' . $var} = explode(',', $u_url['setting'][$var]); } } foreach (array('chids', 'nochids') as $var) { if (!empty($u_url['setting'][$var])) { ${'u_' . $var} = '&' . $var . '=' . $u_url['setting'][$var]; } } } $caid = empty($caid) ? 0 : max(0, intval($caid)); foreach ($cotypes as $k => $v) { if (!$v['self_reg']) { ${'ccid' . $k} = empty(${'ccid' . $k}) ? '' : trim(${'ccid' . $k});
$mchid = empty($mchid) ? 1 : max(1, intval($mchid)); if (!($mchannel = $mchannels[$mchid])) { message('choosememchann'); } if (!submitcheck('register')) { if ($enable_pptin && !empty($pptin_url) && $pptin_register) { $url = $pptin_url . $pptin_register; $url .= (strpos($url, '?') ? '&' : '?') . "{$getval}=" . rawurlencode($forward); header('location:' . $url); exit; } if (!($tplname = @$mchannel['addtpl'])) { //系统自带的的模板 include_once M_ROOT . './include/'; load_cache('mtconfigs'); _header(lang('register')); echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="include/js/register.js"></script>'; $mchannel = $mchannels[$mchid]; $mfields = read_cache('mfields', $mchid); foreach (array('additems') as $var) { ${$var} = !empty($mchannel[$var]) ? explode(',', $mchannel[$var]) : array(); } tabheader(lang('newreg'), 'cmsregister', "?mchid={$mchid}&forward=" . rawurlencode($forward), 2, 1, 1); $muststr = '<span style="color:red">*</span>'; $submitstr = tr_regcode('register') ? '' : "passinfo['code']=1;\n"; trbasic($muststr . lang('membercname'), 'mname'); trbasic($muststr . lang('password'), 'password', '', 'password'); trbasic($muststr . lang('repwd'), 'password2', '', 'password'); trbasic($muststr . lang('email'), 'email'); $submitstr = "function checkChannel(form){\nvar i = true;\n{$submitstr}"; if (in_array('mtcid', $additems)) {
function doCreateTag() { $speed = 25; //生成速度 $sids = $this->PG('sortid'); $startid = (int) $this->PG('startid'); $endid = (int) $this->PG('endid'); $starttime = $this->PG('starttime'); $endtime = $this->PG('endtime'); $cpageNum = 0; //$_GET['cpn']; $totle = isset($_GET['totle']) ? $_GET['totle'] : 0; $loop = isset($_GET['loop']) ? $_GET['loop'] : 1; $i = isset($_GET['i']) ? $_GET['i'] : 0; $isA = $this->isAll(); if ($sids) { empty($sids) && javascript::alert("请选择分类"); is_array($sids) && ($sids = implode(",", $sids)); if (strstr($sids, 'all')) { $forum = new forum(); $sids = substr($forum->fid(), 0, -1); _header(__SELF__ . '?mo=html&do=CreateTag&time=' . $this->cTime . '&cpn=' . $cpageNum . '&sortid=' . $sids . $isA); } else { $sArray = explode(',', $sids); $sCount = count($sArray); $cpage = isset($_GET['cpage']) ? $_GET['cpage'] : 1; $k = isset($_GET['k']) ? $_GET['k'] : 0; $rs = iCMS_DB::getArray("SELECT `id`,`name` FROM #iCMS@__tags WHERE `sortid` in ({$sids}) and `status`='1' order by id DESC"); empty($totle) && ($totle = count($rs)); $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed); if ($loop <= $tloop) { $max = $i + $speed > $totle ? $totle : $i + $speed; for ($j = $i; $j < $max; $j++) { $c = iHtml::Tag($rs[$j]['name'], $cpage, $loop, $cpageNum); $msg .= "标签: [" . $c['name'] . "] 生成…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; } javascript::dialog($msg, 'src:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=html&do=CreateTag&sortid=' . $sids . '&totle=' . $totle . '&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j . $isA, 'ok', 0); } else { $isA && javascript::dialog("标签更新完毕!<br />开始生成首页", 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=html&do=index&all=true'); javascript::dialog("标签更新完毕"); } } // }elseif($startid && $endid){ // ($startid>$endid &&!isset($_GET['g'])) && javascript::alert("开始ID不能大于结束ID"); // empty($totle)&&$totle=($endid-$startid)+1; // empty($i)&&$i=$startid; // $tloop=ceil($totle/$speed); // if($loop<=$tloop){ // $max=$i+$speed>$endid?$endid:$i+$speed; // for($j=$i;$j<=$max;$j++){ // iHtml::Tag($j); // $msg.="标签ID:{$j}生成…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; // } // javascript::dialog($msg,'src:'.__SELF__.'?mo=html&do=CreateTag&startid='.$startid.'&endid='.$endid.'&g&loop='.($loop+1).'&i='.$j.$isA,'ok',0); // }else{ // javascript::dialog("标签更新完毕"); // } } elseif ($starttime) { $s = strtotime($starttime); $e = empty($endtime) ? time() + 86400 : strtotime($endtime); $rs = iCMS_DB::getArray("SELECT id,name FROM #iCMS@__tags WHERE `updatetime`>='{$s}' and `updatetime`<='{$e}' and `status`='1' order by id DESC"); empty($totle) && ($totle = count($rs)); $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed); if ($loop <= $tloop) { $max = $i + $speed > $totle ? $totle : $i + $speed; for ($j = $i; $j < $max; $j++) { iHtml::Tag($rs[$j]['name']); $msg .= "标签:[" . $rs[$j]['name'] . "]生成…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; } javascript::dialog($msg, 'src:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=html&do=CreateTag&starttime=' . $starttime . '&endtime=' . $endtime . '&totle=' . $totle . '&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j, 'ok', 0); } else { javascript::dialog("标签更新完毕"); } } else { javascript::alert("请选择方式"); } }
/** * 下载手册 */ function download_manual() { _header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); _header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="workerman-manual.pdf"'); readfile(NET_ROOT . '/Web/downloads/workerman-manual.pdf'); }
function Show($argv, $page = 1, $tpl = true) { $catalog = $this->cache('catalog.cache', 'include/syscache', 0, true); $sql = $this->linkmodeSQL('', 'a.customlink', $argv); //$this->mode=="CreateHtml" && $sql.=" and a.url=''"; $rs = $this->db->getRow("SELECT a.*,d.tpl,d.body,d.subtitle FROM #iCMS@__article as a LEFT JOIN #iCMS@__articledata AS d ON = d.aid WHERE {$sql} AND a.visible ='1'"); empty($rs) && $this->error('error:page'); if ($catalog[$rs->cid]['ishidden']) { return false; } if ($rs->url) { if ($this->mode == "CreateHtml") { return; } else { _header($rs->url); } } $rs->catalogdir = $this->cdir($catalog[$rs->cid]); $_urlArray = array('id' => $rs->id, 'cid' => $rs->cid, 'link' => $rs->customlink, 'url' => $rs->url, 'dir' => $rs->catalogdir, 'domain' => $catalog[$rs->cid]['domain'], 'pubdate' => $rs->pubdate); $_iurlArray = array('id' => $rs->id, 'link' => $rs->customlink, 'url' => $rs->url, 'dir' => $rs->catalogdir, 'pubdate' => $rs->pubdate); $iHtml = $this->iurl('show', $_iurlArray, $page - 1, iPATH); $rs->url = $this->iurl('show', $_urlArray); $tpl && $this->jumptohtml($iHtml, $rs->url); $this->get['id'] = $rs->id; $this->get['title'] = $rs->title; if ($this->config['linkmode'] == 'id') { $this->iList($rs->cid, false); } elseif ($this->config['linkmode'] == 'title') { $this->iList($rs->catalogdir, false); } if ($this->config['ishtm']) { $rs->hits = "<script src=\"" . $this->config['url'] . "/action.php?do=hits&id={$rs->id}&action=show\" language=\"javascript\"></script>"; $rs->digg = "<script src=\"" . $this->config['url'] . "/action.php?do=digg&id={$rs->id}&action=show\" language=\"javascript\"></script>"; $rs->comments = "<script src=\"" . $this->config['url'] . "/action.php?do=comment&id={$rs->id}\" language=\"javascript\"></script>"; } $picArray = array(); preg_match_all("/src=[\"|'| ]+((.*)\\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png))/isU", $rs->body, $picArray); $pA = array_unique($picArray[1]); foreach ($pA as $key => $value) { $iValue = getfilepath(trim($value), iPATH, '+'); file_exists($iValue) && ($rs->photo[] = trim($value)); } $body = explode('<div style="page-break-after: always"><span style="display: none"> </span></div>', $rs->body); $rs->pagetotal = count($body); $nBody = $body[intval($page - 1)]; $rs->body = $this->keywords($nBody); $rs->pagecurrent = $page; if ($rs->pagetotal > 1) { $rs->pagebreak = $page - 1 > 1 ? '<a href="' . $this->iurl('show', $_urlArray, $page - 1) . '" class="pagebreak" target="_self">上一页</a> ' : '<a href="' . $this->iurl('show', $_urlArray) . '" class="pagebreak" target="_self">' . $this->language('page:prev') . '</a> '; for ($i = 1; $i <= $rs->pagetotal; $i++) { $cls = $i == $page ? "pagebreaksel" : "pagebreak"; $rs->pagebreak .= $i == 1 ? '<a href="' . $this->iurl('show', $_urlArray) . '" class="' . $cls . '" target="_self">' . $i . '</a>' : '<a href="' . $this->iurl('show', $_urlArray, $i) . '" class="' . $cls . '" target="_self">' . $i . '</a>'; } $np = $rs->pagetotal - $page > 0 ? $page + 1 : $page; $rs->pagebreak .= '<a href="' . $this->iurl('show', $_urlArray, $np) . '" class="pagebreak" target="_self">' . $this->language('page:next') . '</a>'; } $rs->page = array('total' => $rs->pagetotal, 'current' => $rs->pagecurrent, 'break' => $rs->pagebreak); if ($rs->tags) { $tagarray = explode(',', $rs->tags); if (count($tagarray) > 1) { foreach ($tagarray as $tk => $tag) { if ($this->chkTagVisible($tag)) { $rs->tag[$tk]['name'] = $tag; $rs->tag[$tk]['url'] = $this->config['url'] . '/tag.php?t=' . rawurlencode($tag); $rs->taglink .= '<a href="' . $rs->tag[$tk]['url'] . '" class="tag" target="_self">' . $rs->tagname[$tk]['name'] . '</a> '; } } } else { if ($this->chkTagVisible($tagarray[0])) { $rs->tag[0]['name'] = $tagarray[0]; $rs->tag[0]['url'] = $this->config['url'] . '/tag.php?t=' . rawurlencode($tagarray[0]); $rs->taglink = '<a href="' . $this->config['url'] . '/tag.php?t=' . $rs->tag[0]['url'] . '" class="tag" target="_self">' . $tagarray[0] . '</a>'; } } } if ($rs->related) { $relatedArray = explode("~#~", $rs->related); if ($relatedArray) { foreach ($relatedArray as $idtitle) { list($reid, $retitle) = explode("#|\$", $idtitle); $reid && $retitle && ($rel[] = $reid); } } if ($rel) { $rs->rel = implode(',', $rel); $this->assign('rel', $rs->rel); } } $prers = $this->db->getRow("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__article` WHERE `id` < '{$rs->id}' AND `cid`='{$rs->cid}' AND `visible`='1' order by id DESC Limit 1"); $rs->prev = $prers ? '<a href="' . $this->iurl('show', array('id' => $prers->id, 'cid' => $prers->cid, 'link' => $prers->customlink, 'url' => $prers->url, 'dir' => $rs->catalogdir, 'domain' => $catalog[$rs->cid]['domain'], 'pubdate' => $prers->pubdate)) . '" class="prev" target="_self">' . $prers->title . '</a>' : $this->language('show:first'); $nextrs = $this->db->getRow("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__article` WHERE `id` > '{$rs->id}' and `cid`='{$rs->cid}' AND `visible`='1' order by id ASC Limit 1"); $rs->next = $nextrs ? '<a href="' . $this->iurl('show', array('id' => $nextrs->id, 'cid' => $nextrs->cid, 'link' => $nextrs->customlink, 'url' => $nextrs->url, 'dir' => $rs->catalogdir, 'domain' => $catalog[$rs->cid]['domain'], 'pubdate' => $nextrs->pubdate)) . '" class="next" target="_self">' . $nextrs->title . '</a>' : $this->language('show:last'); $this->mode != 'CreateHtml' && $this->db->query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__article` SET hits=hits+1 WHERE `id` ='{$rs->id}' LIMIT 1"); $rs->link = "<a href='{$rs->url}'>{$rs->title}</a>"; $this->result = $rs; $this->assign(array('id' => $rs->id, 'pic' => $rs->pic, 'url' => $rs->url, 'link' => $rs->link, 'title' => $rs->title, 'keywords' => $rs->keywords, 'description' => $rs->description, 'source' => $rs->source, 'author' => $rs->author, 'userid' => $rs->userid, 'postype' => $rs->postype, 'pubdate' => $rs->pubdate, 'subtitle' => $rs->subtitle, 'body' => $rs->body, 'pagetotal' => $rs->pagetotal, 'pagecurrent' => $rs->pagecurrent, 'pagebreak' => $rs->pagebreak, 'hits' => $rs->hits, 'digg' => $rs->digg, 'comments' => $rs->comments, 'tag' => $rs->tag, 'taglink' => $rs->taglink, 'prev' => $rs->prev, 'next' => $rs->next)); $this->assign('show', (array) $rs); //3.1 所有内容 if ($tpl) { $tpl = empty($rs->tpl) ? $catalog[$rs->cid]['tpl_contents'] : $rs->tpl; return $this->iPrint($tpl, 'show'); } }
redirect("文章更新完毕!", 'admincp.php?do=html&operation=article'); } } elseif ($starttime) { $s = strtotime($starttime); $e = empty($endtime) ? time() + 86400 : strtotime($endtime); $rs = $DreamCMS->db->get_results("SELECT id FROM #DC@__article WHERE `pubdate`>='{$s}' and `pubdate`<='{$e}' and `visible`='1'"); empty($totle) && ($totle = count($rs)); $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed); if ($loop <= $tloop) { $max = $i + $speed > $totle ? $totle : $i + $speed; for ($j = $i; $j < $max; $j++) { MakeArticleHtm($rs[$j]['id']); echo "文章ID:" . $rs[$j]['id'] . "生成…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; flush(); } _header('admincp.php?do=html&operation=create&action=article&starttime=' . $starttime . '&endtime=' . $endtime . '&totle=' . $totle . '&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j . $QUERY_STRING); } else { redirect("文章更新完毕!", 'admincp.php?do=html&operation=article'); } } else { alert("请选择方式"); } } break; } function _redirect($T1, $T2, $U1, $U2) { global $QUERY_STRING; if (isset($_GET['all'])) { redirect($T2 . ',' . $T1 . "开始.....", 'admincp.php?do=html&operation=' . $U1 . $QUERY_STRING); } else {
<?php require_once 'config.php'; if (!WS_ACCESS) { die(_header() . _noauth() . _footer()); } $html = _header(); $html .= _menu(); $html .= _global_index(); switch ($_GET['p']) { case 'zayav': switch (@$_GET['d']) { case 'info': $html .= zayav_info(); break; default: $html .= zayav(_hashFilter('zayav')); } break; } $html .= _footer(); die($html);
<?php require_once 'inc.config.php'; logincheck(); if (isset($_POST['journal'])) { db_update('planets', array('journal' => trim($_POST['journal'])), 'id = ' . PLANET_ID); Go(); } _header(); ?> <div class="header">Personal Journal</div> <br /> <form method="post" action=""> <textarea name="journal" rows="20" style="width:100%;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($g_arrUser['journal']); ?> </textarea><br /> <br /> <input type="submit" value="SAVE" style="width:40%"> </form> <br /> <?php _footer();
} } $tmp_arr = explode('/', $path); foreach ($tmp_arr as $key => $value) { if (trim($value) == '') { unset($tmp_arr[$key]); } } $tmp_arr = array_values($tmp_arr); if (isset($tmp_arr[0])) { $func = "\\Workerman\\Modules\\{$tmp_arr[0]}"; if (isset($tmp_arr[1])) { $func .= '_' . $tmp_arr[1]; unset($tmp_arr[1]); } unset($tmp_arr[0]); } else { $func = "\\Workerman\\Modules\\home"; } $func = str_replace('-', '_', $func); if (!function_exists($func)) { foreach (glob(NET_ROOT . "/Modules/*") as $php_file) { require_once $php_file; } } if (!function_exists($func)) { _header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found", true, 404); echo "<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h3>404 Not Found</h3></body></html>"; //return _header('Location: /'.(!empty($_GET) ? '?'.http_build_query($_GET) : '')); } call_user_func_array($func, $tmp_arr);
include_once "includes/headfoot.php"; initSession(); if (!($_SESSION['loggedinUserPerms'] & VIEW_ZONES)) { die('You do not have permission to view this page!'); } $dbTrackHandler = connectDb(); // Query All Zones $zonesQuery = $dbTrackHandler->query('SELECT * FROM zones WHERE `parent_id`=0;'); foreach ($zonesQuery as $entry) { $thisZone['id'] = $entry['id']; $thisZone['name'] = $entry['region_name']; $zones[] = $thisZone; } $totalComputers = $dbTrackHandler->query('SELECT count(*) FROM computers;')->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $offlineComputers = $dbTrackHandler->query('SELECT count(*) FROM computers WHERE laststatus=' . AVAIBILITY_TYPE_OFFLINE . ';')->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); echo _header("System Overview"); ?> <div id="yui-main"> <div class="yui-b"> <h2>System Overview</h2> <h2>Sites</h2> <ul> <?php foreach ($zones as $thisZone) { echo "\t\t\t\t" . '<li><a href="viewregion.php?id=' . $thisZone['id'] . '">' . $thisZone['name'] . '</a></li>'; } ?> </ul>
<?php include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/include/'; include_once M_ROOT . 'include/'; $inajax ? aheader() : _header(lang('membergetpwd'), 'curbox'); $forward = empty($forward) ? M_REFERER : $forward; $forwardstr = 'forward=' . rawurlencode($forward); empty($action) && ($action = ''); if ($action == 'getpwd' && !empty($mid) && !empty($id)) { $cmember = $db->fetch_one("SELECT m.mid,m.mname,,s.confirmstr FROM {$tblprefix}members m,{$tblprefix}members_sub s WHERE m.mid='{$mid}' AND s.mid=m.mid"); if (!$cmember || !$cmember['confirmstr']) { mcmessage('invalidoperate'); } list($dateline, $deal, $confirmid) = explode("\t", $cmember['confirmstr']); if ($dateline < $timestamp - 86400 * 3 || $deal != 1 || $confirmid != $id) { mcmessage('invalidoperate'); } if (!submitcheck('bgetpwd')) { tabheader(lang('memberpwdsetting'), 'getpwd', "?action=getpwd&mid={$mid}&id={$id}", 2, 0, 1); trbasic(lang('membercname'), '', $cmember['mname'], ''); trbasic(lang('inputnewpwd'), 'npassword', '', 'password'); trbasic(lang('renewpwd'), 'npassword2', '', 'password'); $submitstr = ''; $submitstr .= makesubmitstr('npassword', 1, 0, 3, 15); $submitstr .= makesubmitstr('npassword2', 1, 0, 3, 15); $submitstr .= tr_regcode('register'); tabfooter('bgetpwd'); check_submit_func($submitstr); } else { if (!regcode_pass('register', empty($regcode) ? '' : trim($regcode))) { mcmessage('safecodeerr');
function Show($argv, $page = 1, $makehtml = 0) { //zhaoyanmin $makehtml=0 自己加的,防止更新静态页和添加静态页有跳转地址时跳转 global $_catalog; $sql = $this->linkmodeSQL('', 'a.customlink', $argv); // $rs=$this->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `#DC@__article` WHERE {$sql} AND `visible`='1'"); // $rst=$this->db->get_row("SELECT subtitle,body FROM `#DC@__articledata` WHERE aid='{$rs->id}'"); $rs = $this->db->get_row("SELECT a.*,d.subtitle,d.body FROM #DC@__article as a ,#DC@__articledata AS d WHERE {$sql} AND = d.aid AND a.visible ='1'"); $zymrs = $this->db->get_row("SELECT a.*,d.subtitle,d.body FROM #DC@__article as a ,#DC@__articledata AS d WHERE {$sql} AND = d.aid AND a.visible ='1'", ARRAY_A); //zhaoyanmin //if($_catalog[$rs->cid]['ishidden'])return false; //zhaoyanmin去掉,以免隐藏的栏目不能更新文章 //if($rs->url){_header($rs->url);return;} //原 //zhaoyanmin start 防止更新静态页和添加静态页有跳转地址时跳转 if ($makehtml == 0) { if ($rs->url) { _header($rs->url); return; } } //zhaoyanmin end empty($rs) && $this->error('error:page'); $rs->catalogdir = $_catalog[$rs->cid]['dir']; $this->result = $rs; $this->jumptohtml($this->config['htmdir'] . $rs->filename); $this->get['id'] = $rs->id; $this->get['title'] = $rs->title; if ($this->config['linkmode'] == 'id') { $this->_List($rs->cid, false); } elseif ($this->config['linkmode'] == 'title') { $this->_List($rs->catalogdir, false); } if ($this->config['ishtm']) { //if($this->ishtml_z){ //静态 //zhaoyanmin 新动静态判断 $rs->hits = "<script src=\"{$this->dir}action.php?do=hits&id={$rs->id}&view=yes\" language=\"javascript\"></script>"; $rs->digg = "<script src=\"{$this->dir}action.php?do=digg&action=show&id={$rs->id}\" language=\"javascript\"></script>"; $rs->comments = "<script src=\"{$this->dir}action.php?do=comment&id={$rs->id}\" language=\"javascript\"></script>"; } $this->assign('id', $rs->id); $this->assign('pic', $rs->pic); $this->assign('filename', $rs->filename); $this->assign('title', $rs->title); //标题 $this->assign('keywords', $rs->keywords); //关键字 $this->assign('description', $rs->description); //简介 $this->assign('source', $rs->source); //出处 $this->assign('author', $rs->author); //作 者 $this->assign('pubdate', $rs->pubdate); $this->assign('subtitle', $rs->subtitle); //标题 //zhaoyanmin start if ($zymrs && is_array($zymrs)) { foreach ($zymrs as $key => $val) { $this->assign("{$key}", $val); } } //查询此文章所含其它副表 $catalog = $this->db->get_row("SELECT m.`table` FROM `#DC@__catalog` AS c,`#DC@__model` AS m WHERE c.`id`='" . $rs->cid . "' AND c.`modelid`=m.`modelid` limit 1", ARRAY_A); $table = $catalog['table']; if ($table) { $otherdata = $this->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `#DC@__" . $table . "` WHERE `aid`='" . $rs->id . "' limit 1", ARRAY_A); if ($otherdata && is_array($otherdata)) { foreach ($otherdata as $key => $val) { $this->assign("{$key}", $val); } } } //zhaoyanmin end //$body =explode('<div style="page-break-after: always"><span style="display: none"> </span></div>',$rs->body); $body = explode('<div style="page-break-after: always;"><span style="DISPLAY:none"> </span></div>', $rs->body); //zhaoyanmin 内容分页 $total = count($body); $this->keywords($body[intval($page - 1)]); $this->assign('body', $body[intval($page - 1)]); //内容 if ($total > 1) { $CLArray = array('id' => $rs->id, 'link' => $rs->customlink, 'dir' => $rs->catalogdir, 'pubdate' => $rs->pubdate); $pagebreak = $page - 1 > 1 ? '<a href="' . $this->_url('show', $CLArray, $page - 1) . '" class="pagebreak" target="_self">上一页</a> ' : '<a href="' . $this->_url('show', $CLArray) . '" class="pagebreak" target="_self">' . $this->language('page:prev') . '</a> '; for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++) { $cls = $i == $page ? "pagebreaksel" : "pagebreak"; $pagebreak .= $i == 1 ? '<a href="' . $this->_url('show', $CLArray) . '" class="' . $cls . '" target="_self">' . $i . '</a>' : '<a href="' . $this->_url('show', $CLArray, $i) . '" class="' . $cls . '" target="_self">' . $i . '</a>'; } $np = $total - $page > 0 ? $page + 1 : $page; $pagebreak .= '<a href="' . $this->_url('show', $CLArray, $np) . '" class="pagebreak" target="_self">' . $this->language('page:next') . '</a>'; } $this->assign('current', $page); $this->assign('pagebreak', $pagebreak); $this->assign('hits', $rs->hits); //点击数 $this->assign('digg', $rs->digg); //点击数 $this->assign('comments', $rs->comments); //回复数 if ($rs->tags) { $tagarray = explode(' ', $rs->tags); if (count($tagarray) > 1) { foreach ($tagarray as $tag) { $this->chkTagVisible($tag) && ($tags .= '<a href="' . $this->dir . 'tag.php?t=' . rawurlencode($tag) . '" class="tag" target="_self">' . $tag . '</a> '); } } else { $this->chkTagVisible($tagarray[0]) && ($tags = '<a href="' . $this->dir . 'tag.php?t=' . rawurlencode($tagarray[0]) . '" class="tag" target="_self">' . $tagarray[0] . '</a>'); } } $this->assign('tags', $tags); $prers = $this->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `#DC@__article` WHERE `id` < '{$rs->id}' AND `cid`='{$rs->cid}' AND `visible`='1' order by id DESC Limit 1"); $opn['prev'] = $prers ? '<a href="' . $this->_url('show', array('id' => $prers->id, 'link' => $prers->customlink, 'url' => $prers->url, 'dir' => $_catalog[$prers->cid]['dir'], 'pubdate' => $prers->pubdate)) . '" class="prev" target="_self">' . $prers->title . '</a>' : $this->language('show:first'); $nextrs = $this->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `#DC@__article` WHERE `id` > '{$rs->id}' and `cid`='{$rs->cid}' AND `visible`='1' order by id ASC Limit 1"); $opn['next'] = $nextrs ? '<a href="' . $this->_url('show', array('id' => $nextrs->id, 'link' => $nextrs->customlink, 'url' => $nextrs->url, 'dir' => $_catalog[$nextrs->cid]['dir'], 'pubdate' => $nextrs->pubdate)) . '" class="next" target="_self">' . $nextrs->title . '</a>' : $this->language('show:last'); $this->assign('show', $opn); //上一篇下一篇 $this->mode != 'CreateHtml' && $this->db->query("UPDATE `#DC@__article` SET hits=hits+1 WHERE `id` ='{$rs->id}' LIMIT 1"); return $this->DCPrint($_catalog[$rs->cid]['tpl_contents'], 'show'); }
function share() { global $_G; $type = $_GET[type]; if ($_GET[id] || $_GET[aid]) { $aid = $_GET[id] ? intval($_GET[id]) : intval($_GET[aid]); $goods = D(array('and' => 'and aid = ' . $aid)); if ($goods[aid] > 0) { $share = get_share($goods); } $desc = '分享商品-' . $goods[title] . '-' . $type . '-aid=' . $aid; $share_type = 'share_goods'; } else { $share = get_share($goods); $desc = '分享站点'; $share_type = 'share_web'; } if (isset($share[$type]) && $share[$type]) { $url = $share[$type]; if ($_G[uid]) { $count = getcount('sign', " uid = " . $_G[uid] . " AND `desc`='" . $desc . "' AND type = '" . $share_type . "'"); $is_add = false; if ($count == 0) { $is_add = true; } $today = dmktime(dgmdate(TIMESTAMP, 'd')); $count_day = getcount('sign', " uid = " . $_G[uid] . " AND type = '" . $share_type . "' AND dateline >=" . $today); if ($share_type == 'web' || $share_type == 'share_web') { if ($count_day > $_G[setting][share_web_num]) { $is_add = false; } } elseif ($share_type == 'share_goods') { if ($count_day > $_G[setting][share_goods_num]) { $is_add = false; } } if ($is_add) { $jf = $_G[setting][share_goods]; $add_jf = $_G['member']['jf'] + $jf; $sid = insert_sign(array('desc' => $desc, 'type' => 'share_goods', 'org_jf' => $add_jf, 'jf' => $jf)); if ($sid) { update_member(array('jf' => $_G[member][jf] + $jf), $_G[uid]); } } } } else { $url = $share['weibo']; } _header("Location:" . $url); }