Esempio n. 1
        $line_of_text = fgets($file_handle);
        /* split or explode on ^ since that is our delimiter */
        $args = explode("^", $line_of_text);
        print "<pre>";
        print print_r($args);
        // foreach ($args as $key => $val){
        // 	print trim($val) . " ";
        // }
        print "</pre>";
/* User has dbstr_us.txt uploaded */
if (file_exists($user_dbstr)) {
    echo '<h4 class="page-title"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i> dbstr_us.txt Management</h4><hr>';
    echo FormStart();
    // echo FormInput('Search', "<input type='hidden' name='M' value='ItemEditor'>" . '<input type="text" placeholder="Name, ID or Lore search here..." style="width:500px" value="' . $iname . '" name="iname" class="form-control input-circle"/>', 'Item Type', SelectIType("itype",$itype));
    echo FormInput('Search <i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i> dbstr_us.txt', '<div class="input-icon">
										<i class="fa fa-search"></i>
										<input type="text" class="form-control" id="search_str" placeholder="Search string" style="width:500px !important" onkeyup="if(event.keyCode == 13){ DoDBStrSearch(); } ">
    echo FormInput('', '
			<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-default" onclick="DoDBStrSearch()"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> Search</a><br>
    echo FormInput('', '<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-default green" onclick="DoZipDBStrDownload()"><i class="fa fa-cloud-download"></i> Download</a>');
    echo FormInput('', '<a href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-default red" onclick="DoDBStrDelete()"><i class="fa fa-times"></i> Delete dbstr_us.txt from Server and Upload New</a>');
    echo FormInput('', '<ul>
				<li> <b>::: Spells ::: </b>                          </li>
				<li> #1-12 = Min Value for Spell Effect ID    </li>
Esempio n. 2
        // Do import
    } else {
        file_put_contents($newfile . '.data', serialize($_POST));
        print '<h3>' . s('Importing %d subscribers to %d lists, please wait', count($email_list), count($import_lists)) . '</h3>';
        print $GLOBALS['img_busy'];
        print '<div id="progresscount" style="width: 200; height: 50;">Progress</div>';
        print '<br/> <iframe id="import1" src="./?page=pageaction&action=import1&ajaxed=true&file=' . urlencode(basename($newfile)) . addCsrfGetToken() . '" scrolling="no" height="50"></iframe>';
    // end else
    # print '<p class="button">'.PageLink2("import1",$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Import some more emails')).'</p>';
} else {
    echo FormStart(' enctype="multipart/form-data" name="import"');
    if ($GLOBALS['require_login'] && !isSuperUser()) {
        $access = accessLevel('import1');
        switch ($access) {
            case 'owner':
                $subselect = ' where owner = ' . $_SESSION['logindetails']['id'];
            case 'all':
                $subselect = '';
            case 'none':
                $subselect = ' where id = 0';
Esempio n. 3
                $TableData .= "<td>" . number_format($row["delay"]) . "</td>";
                $TableData .= "<td>" . round($row["damage"] / $row["delay"], 2) . "</td>";
                $TableData .= "</tr>";
                $content_out .= $TableData;
            $content_out .= "</table></center><br><br>";
            echo $content_out;
} else {
    $content_out .= '<div style="padding-left:150px">';
    $content_out .= "<form method='GET' id='item_search'>";
    $itemfields = array("id", "minstatus", "Name", "aagi", "ac", "accuracy", "acha", "adex", "aint", "artifactflag", "asta", "astr", "attack", "augrestrict", "augslot1type", "augslot1visible", "augslot2type", "augslot2visible", "augslot3type", "augslot3visible", "augslot4type", "augslot4visible", "augslot5type", "augslot5visible", "augtype", "avoidance", "awis", "bagsize", "bagslots", "bagtype", "bagwr", "banedmgamt", "banedmgraceamt", "banedmgbody", "banedmgrace", "bardtype", "bardvalue", "book", "casttime", "casttime_", "charmfile", "charmfileid", "classes", "color", "combateffects", "extradmgskill", "extradmgamt", "price", "cr", "damage", "damageshield", "deity", "delay", "augdistiller", "dotshielding", "dr", "clicktype", "clicklevel2", "elemdmgtype", "elemdmgamt", "endur", "factionamt1", "factionamt2", "factionamt3", "factionamt4", "factionmod1", "factionmod2", "factionmod3", "factionmod4", "filename", "focuseffect", "fr", "fvnodrop", "haste", "clicklevel", "hp", "regen", "icon", "idfile", "itemclass", "itemtype", "ldonprice", "ldontheme", "ldonsold", "light", "lore", "loregroup", "magic", "mana", "manaregen", "enduranceregen", "material", "maxcharges", "mr", "nodrop", "norent", "pendingloreflag", "pr", "procrate", "races", "range", "reclevel", "recskill", "reqlevel", "sellrate", "shielding", "size", "skillmodtype", "skillmodvalue", "slots", "clickeffect", "spellshield", "strikethrough", "stunresist", "summonedflag", "tradeskills", "favor", "weight", "UNK012", "UNK013", "benefitflag", "UNK054", "UNK059", "booktype", "recastdelay", "recasttype", "guildfavor", "UNK123", "UNK124", "attuneable", "nopet", "updated", "comment", "UNK127", "pointtype", "potionbelt", "potionbeltslots", "stacksize", "notransfer", "stackable", "UNK134", "UNK137", "proceffect", "proctype", "proclevel2", "proclevel", "UNK142", "worneffect", "worntype", "wornlevel2", "wornlevel", "UNK147", "focustype", "focuslevel2", "focuslevel", "UNK152", "scrolleffect", "scrolltype", "scrolllevel2", "scrolllevel", "UNK157", "serialized", "verified", "serialization", "source", "UNK033", "lorefile", "UNK014", "svcorruption", "UNK038", "UNK060", "augslot1unk2", "augslot2unk2", "augslot3unk2", "augslot4unk2", "augslot5unk2", "UNK120", "UNK121", "questitemflag", "UNK132", "clickunk5", "clickunk6", "clickunk7", "procunk1", "procunk2", "procunk3", "procunk4", "procunk6", "procunk7", "wornunk1", "wornunk2", "wornunk3", "wornunk4", "wornunk5", "wornunk6", "wornunk7", "focusunk1", "focusunk2", "focusunk3", "focusunk4", "focusunk5", "focusunk6", "focusunk7", "scrollunk1", "scrollunk2", "scrollunk3", "scrollunk4", "scrollunk5", "scrollunk6", "scrollunk7", "UNK193", "purity", "evolvinglevel", "clickname", "procname", "wornname", "focusname", "scrollname", "dsmitigation", "heroic_str", "heroic_int", "heroic_wis", "heroic_agi", "heroic_dex", "heroic_sta", "heroic_cha", "heroic_pr", "heroic_dr", "heroic_fr", "heroic_cr", "heroic_mr", "heroic_svcorrup", "healamt", "spelldmg", "clairvoyance", "backstabdmg", "created", "elitematerial", "ldonsellbackrate", "scriptfileid", "expendablearrow", "powersourcecapacity", "bardeffect", "bardeffecttype", "bardlevel2", "bardlevel", "bardunk1", "bardunk2", "bardunk3", "bardunk4", "bardunk5", "bardname", "bardunk7", "UNK214", "UNK219", "UNK220", "UNK221", "UNK222", "UNK223", "UNK224", "UNK225", "UNK226", "UNK227", "UNK228", "UNK229", "UNK230", "UNK231", "UNK232", "UNK233", "UNK234", "UNK235", "UNK236", "UNK237", "UNK238", "UNK239", "UNK240", "UNK241", "UNK242");
    $content_out .= '<div style="width:1000px">';
    $content_out .= '<h2 class="page-title"><i class="fa fa-search" style="font-size:30px"></i> Item Search <small>Begin your item editing search by specifying search criteria below...</small></h2>';
    $content_out .= FormStart();
    $content_out .= FormInput('Name', '<input type="hidden" id="loot_drop_add_item_stack" value="' . $_GET['loot_drop_add_item'] . '"> <input type="text" placeholder="Name, ID or Lore search here..." style="width:500px" value="' . $iname . '" id="iname" class="form-control"/>', 'Item Type', SelectIType("itype", $itype));
    $content_out .= FormInput('Class', SelectIClass("iclass", $iclass));
    $content_out .= FormInput('Race', SelectRace("irace", $irace));
    $content_out .= FormInput('Slot', SelectSlot("islot", $islot));
    $content_out .= FormInput('Stats <br><small>(1st Filter)</small>', SelectStats("istat1", $istat1) . '' . "<select id='istat1comp' class='form-control'>\n                            <option value='&gt;='" . ($istat1comp == '>=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&gt;=</option>\n                            <option value='&lt;='" . ($istat1comp == '<=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&lt;=</option>\n                            <option value='='" . ($istat1comp == '=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">=</option>\n                            <option value='&lt'" . ($istat1comp == '<' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&lt</option>\n                            </select>\n                            <input type='text' size='4' id='istat1value' value='" . $istat1value . "' class='form-control' placeholder='Value here...'/>");
    $content_out .= FormInput('Stats <br><small>(2nd Filter)</small>', SelectStats("istat2", $istat2) . '' . "<select id='istat2comp' class='form-control'>\n                            <option value='&gt;='" . ($istat2comp == '>=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&gt;=</option>\n                            <option value='&lt;='" . ($istat2comp == '<=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&lt;=</option>\n                            <option value='='" . ($istat2comp == '=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">=</option>\n                            <option value='&lt'" . ($istat2comp == '<' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&lt</option>\n                            </select>\n                            <input type='text' size='4' id='istat2value' value='" . $istat2value . "' class='form-control' placeholder='Value here...'/>");
    $content_out .= FormInput('Resists', SelectResists("iresists", $iresists) . '' . "<select id='iresistscomp' class='form-control'>\n                            <option value='&gt;='" . ($iresistscomp == '>=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&gt;=</option>\n                            <option value='&lt;='" . ($iresistscomp == '<=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&lt;=</option>\n                            <option value='='" . ($iresistscomp == '=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">=</option>\n                            <option value='&lt'" . ($iresistscomp == '<' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&lt</option>\n                            </select>\n                            <input type='text' size='4' id='iresistsvalue' value='" . $iresistsvalue . "' class='form-control' placeholder='Value here...'/>");
    $content_out .= FormInput('Heroic Stats', SelectHeroicStats("iheroics", $iheroics) . '' . "\n                <select id='iheroicscomp' class='form-control'>\n                    <option value='&gt;='" . ($iheroicscomp == '>=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&gt;=</option>\n                    <option value='&lt;='" . ($iheroicscomp == '<=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&lt;=</option>\n                    <option value='='" . ($iheroicscomp == '=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">=</option>\n                    <option value='&lt'" . ($iheroicscomp == '<' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&lt</option>\n                </select>\n                <input type='text' size='4' id='iheroicsvalue' value='" . $iheroicsvalue . "' class='form-control' placeholder='Value here...'/>");
    $content_out .= FormInput('Modifiers', SelectModifiers("imod", $imod) . '' . "<select id='imodcomp' class='form-control'>\n                            <option value='&gt;='" . ($imodcomp == '>=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&gt;=</option>\n                            <option value='&lt;='" . ($imodcomp == '<=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&lt;=</option>\n                            <option value='='" . ($imodcomp == '=' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">=</option>\n                            <option value='&lt'" . ($imodcomp == '<' ? " selected='1'" : "") . ">&lt</option>\n                            </select>\n                            <input type='text' size='4' id='imodvalue' value='" . $imodvalue . "' class='form-control' placeholder='Value here...'/>");
    $content_out .= FormInput('Item Type', SelectIType("itype", $itype));
    $content_out .= FormInput('Augmentation Type', SelectAugSlot("iaugslot", $iaugslot));
    $content_out .= FormInput('With Effect', "<input type='text' value='" . $ieffect . "' style='width:400px' placeholder='Effect Name...' id='ieffect' class='form-control'/>");
    $content_out .= FormInput('Min Required Level', SelectLevel("iminlevel", 255, $iminlevel));
    $content_out .= FormInput('Max Required Level', SelectLevel("ireqlevel", 255, $ireqlevel));
    $content_out .= FormInput('Tradeable Items Only', "<input type='checkbox' id='inodrop'" . ($inodrop ? " checked='1'" : "") . "/>");