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Query a collection of text files like a document database in PHP.


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Fi lets you query a collection of text files, as if the folder of files were a database (well, almost).

Fi (rhymes with pie) is designed to be used as part of a static site generator.

Super quick start

There is a documented, runnable example you can play with:

$ git clone
$ cd fi
$ composer install
$ php example/example.php

There are also tests.

Quick start

Suppose we have organised our text files into neat date-based folders like so:

`-- 2014/
    |-- 01/
    |   |--
    |   |--
    |   |--
    |   `-- ...
    |-- 02/
    |   `-- ...
    `-- ...

Each text file contains YAML frontmatter and content. The file might be something like:

title: foo title
foo content

We would query our data directory like so:

$dataDir = 'data';
$filePathFormat = '{{ date.year: 4d }}/{{ date.month: 2d }}/{{ 2d }}-{{ title: s }}.md';
$collection = Fi::query($dataDir, $filePathFormat); #=> Collection object

Every file that matches the given $filePathFormat is a Document. A Collection, then, is simply an Iterator over a set of Documents:

foreach ($collection as $document) {
  $document->getFilePath(); #=> 'data/2014/01/', ...
  $document->getField('title'); #=> 'foo title', ...
  $document->getField('date'); #=> ['year' => 2014, 'month' => 1, 'day' => 1], ...
  $document->getContent(); #=> 'foo content', ...

We can also access a Document directly by index:

$document = $collection->getDocument(0); #=> Document object
$document->getFilePath(); #=> 'data/2014/01/'
$document->getField('title'); #=> 'foo title'
$document->getField('date'); #=> ['year' => 2014, 'month' => 1, 'day' => 1]
$document->getContent(); #=> 'foo content'

Map, filter, sort

Fi also supports map, filter, and sort operations over our Collection of Documents:

# set the date to a DateTime object
$collection->map(function($document) {
  $date = DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', implode('-', $document->getField('date')));
  return $document->setField('date', $date);

# filter out Documents with date 2014-01-01
$collection->filter(function($document) {
  return $document->getField('date') != DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2014-01-01');

# sort by date in descending order
$collection->sort(function($document1, $document2) {
  return $document1->getField('date') < $document2->getField('date');

Default values

A text file will inherit default values (for fields or content) from any file found in the same directory, or in a parent directory. Defaults are said to cascade; files found further down the file hierarchy will overwrite those higher up the hierarchy.



Fi::query ( string $dataDir, string $filePathFormat [, string $defaultsFileName = '' ] )

Makes a Collection object.

$dataDir = './data';
$filePathFormat = '{{ year: 4d }}/{{ month: 2d }}/{{ date: 2d }}-{{ title: s }}.md';
$collection = Fi::query($dataDir, $filePathFormat);
  • $dataDir is the directory where Fi will look for text files that match the $filePathFormat.

  • $filePathFormat is specified using a Regex-like syntax; see Extract.php.

  • $defaultsFileName is the name of the text file that Fi will look for when resolving defaults.


map ( callable $callback )

Applies the $callback to each Document in the Collection. Returns the Collection object.

# sets the title of all Documents to 'foo'
$collection->map(function($document) {
  $document->setField('title', 'foo');
  return $document;
}); #=> Collection
  • $callback takes a single argument of type Document. It must return an object of type Document.

filter ( callable $callback )

Filter out Documents in the Collection using the $callback. Returns the Collection object.

# filters out Documents with the title 'foo'
$collection->filter(function($document) {
  return $document->getField('title') !== 'foo';
}); #=> Collection
  • $callback takes a single argument of type Document. Return false to exclude that Document from the Collection.

sort ( callable $callback )

Sorts the Collection using the $callback. Returns the Collection object.

# sorts by title in ascending order
$collection->sort(function($document1, $document2) {
  return strnatcasecmp($document1->getField('title'), $document2->getField('title'));
}); #=> Collection
  • $callback takes two arguments of type Document. Return 1 if the first Document argument is to be ordered before the second, else return -1.

sort ( mixed $fieldName [, int $sortOrder = Fi::ASC ] )

Sorts the Collection by the $fieldName in the specified $sortOrder. Returns the Collection object.

# sorts by title in ascending order
$collection->sort('title', Fi::ASC); #=> Collection

# sorts by title in descending order
$collection->sort('title', Fi::DESC); #=> Collection
  • $sortOrder must be either Fi::ASC or Fi::DESC.

toArr ( )

Gets all the Documents in the Collection as an array.

$collection->toArr(); #=> [Document, Document, ...]


getFilePath ( )

Gets the file path of the text file (relative to the $dataDir) that corresponds to the Document.

$document->getFilePath(); #=> 'data/2014/01/'

getFields ( )

Gets all the fields of the Document.

$document->getFields(); #=> ['title' => 'foo', 'date' => ['year' => 2014, 'month' => 1, 'day' => 1]]

hasField ( mixed $fieldName )

Checks if the Document has a field with the specified $fieldName.

$document->hasField('title'); #=> true

getField ( mixed $fieldName )

Gets the value of the specified $fieldName.

$document->getField('title'); #=> 'foo'

setField ( mixed $fieldName, mixed $fieldValue )

Sets the field with $fieldName to the specified $fieldValue. Returns the Document object.

$document->setField('title', 'bar'); #=> Document

hasContent ( )

Checks if the Document content is non-empty.

$document->hasContent(); #=> true

getContent ( )

Gets the Document content.

$document->getContent(); #=> 'bar'

setContent ( string $content )

Sets the Document content to the specified $content. Returns the Document object.

$document->setContent('baz'); #=> Document


Fi requires at least PHP 5.3 or HHVM, and Composer.


  1. Install Composer.

  2. Install the Composer package:

    $ composer require yuanqing/fi ~0.2
  3. In your PHP file, require the Composer autoloader:

    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


You need PHPUnit to run the tests:

$ git clone
$ cd fi
$ composer install
$ phpunit


MIT license


Query a collection of text files like a document database in PHP.







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