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HTML Form Abstraction for PHP

This library provides a bidirectional abstraction layer between HTML <form>'s (and their elements) and PHP objects. Such a layer makes it easier to map form fields to classes, validate them and transform back to HTML containers.

The benefits

  • OOP representation of HTML forms and their elements (input, select, button, file uploads, etc)
  • data de-coupling and object model that cares about your app architecture and fits into MVC pattern
  • mapping of raw incoming data (GET, POST) to objects of forms and forms elements
  • builtin and extensible data validation
  • really easy interaction with mapping and validation errors
  • builtin form signatures to prevent CSRF attacks
  • transformation of objects to raw HTML, taking predefined and raw values into consideration

Why to have yet another abstraction layer?

The history of PHP provides a lot of great examples of template engines and HTML abstractions: Smarty, HTML_FormPersister, etc. Still, there is no truly OOP solution, which is important when dealing with huge projects.

Why not to use native PHP?

Perhaps, abstraction is useless when we deal with simple form that consists of one or two input fields:

<input type="text" name="email" value="<?=htmlSpecialChars($_GET['email'])?>" />

The complexity comes when we need to generate a single or multivalue selectbox with the set of predefined values, when some of them may be default or selected:

<select name="fruits" multiple="multiple" id="fruit-selector" class="f-sel">
	<? foreach ($fruitsOptions as $fruitId => $fruitName) { ?>
		<option name="<?= $fruitId?> " <? // check if $fruitId is selected

Uf, that is not easy...

With HTML Form Abstraction such a mess goes away forever. Example:

	"id" => fruit-selector", 
	"class" => 'f-sel'

The Status


This library was developed to be compatible with Phoebius framework ( and thus it is not a standalone library yet.

This library is licensed under the LGPL.

Some examples


class PhotoEditForm extends Form 
	 * @var Photo
	private $photo;

	function __construct(Photo $photo, HttpUrl $url)
		$this->photo = $photo;
		parent::__construct(__CLASS__, $url, $signed);
		$this->addControl(FormControl::string("website", false));
		$this->addControl(FormControl::checkboxSet("licence", array(0 => 'free', 1 => 'pay'), array(0, 1)));
		$this->addControl(FormControl::select("quality", array(0 => 'low', 1 => 'normal', 2 => 'high'), 0));
		$this->addControl(FormControl::selectMultiple("license", array(0 => 'free', 1 => 'pay'), array(0, 1)));
		$this->addControl(FormControl::radioGroup("priority", array(0 => 'low', 1 => 'normal', 2 => 'high'), 0));
		$this->addButton("save", "Save");
		$this->addButton("delete", "Delete");

Using inside the controllers

// signless:
$form = new SomeForm();
if ($form->hasErrors()) {
	// import failed
else {
	// all ok
return new View("auth", array('form' => $form));

// signed:
$form = new SomeForm(..., $signed = true);
try {
	if (!$form->hasErrors())
		return "/";
catch (FormSubmitException $e) {
	// not matched or invalidated
return new View("auth", array('form' => $form));

Using inside the views

<?= $this->form->getHeadHtml(array('id' => 'page-form'))?>
	<div class="row">
		<label class="title"><?= $this->form->title->getLabel()?></label>
		<div class="field"><?= $this->form->title->toHtml()?></div>
		<div class="error"><?= $this->form->title->getErrorMessage()?></div>
	<div class="row">
		<label class="title"><?= $this->form->path->getLabel()?></label>
		<div class="field"><?= $this->form->path->toHtml()?></div>
		<div class="error"><?= $this->form->path->getErrorMessage()?></div>
	<div class="row">
		<label class="title"><?= $this->form->text->getLabel()?></label>
		<div class="field"><?= $this->form->text->toHtml(array('cols' => 100, 'rows' => 20))?></div>

	<div class="actions">
		<div class="loading">
			<span style="visibility: hidden;"></span>
		<div class="buttons">
			<?= $this->form->submit->toHtml()?>
			<? if (isset($this->form->delete)) echo $this->form->delete->toHtml(); ?>
<?= $this->form->getHeelHtml()?>


An abstraction layer between HTML forms and PHP clases







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