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Version 1.0 of the PSS project.

  1. To setup this website on your machine, make sure you have the following: a. MySQL or MariaDB service b. A PHP webservice e.g., apache

  2. Download and install software for the above e.g., using xampp from:

  3. Copy the root folder to the webapps folder e.g., C:\xampp\htdocs

  4. Run the scripts in the folder below on the mysql database starting with the earliest script: C:\xampp\htdocs\pss\database

  5. Update the BASE_URL value in the config.php file: C:\xampp\htdocs\pss\config.php

  6. Access the website in your browser at: http://localhost:[http port e.g., 8080]/pss/

  7. For any questions please contact: