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Symlex - Silex with Symfony DI Container

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This ready-to-use boilerplate app is built on Silex and Symfony Components for dependency injection instead of Pimple. Twitter Bootstrap, RequireJS and AngularJS are used for the example front-end code (static home page, login form and user management). You can use Symlex with any JavaScript library and REST client or to output static HTML. An example for command line applications is included as well.

Note: contains the bootstrap and routers as reusable components.

The goal of this project is to simplify Silex development by providing a working system that favors convention over configuration.


  1. Run composer to create a new project and fetch external dependencies:

     composer create-project lastzero/symlex symlex
  2. Configure your Web server to use the web directory as root path, see also (.htaccess file for Apache exists)

  3. Import app/db/schema.sql to the MySQL database configured in app/config/parameters.yml

Note: Bower - the JavaScript equivalent to composer - is not required for installation, but you are advised to use it for managing your JavaScript dependencies.

After successful installation, open the site and log in with the credentials / passwd.


This project started as a simple Silex boilerplate, since Silex itself doesn't come with a "Standard Edition" that puts you on the right track. Using Silex instead of Symfony 2 was recommend to me by SensioLabs (the creators of both frameworks) as a light-weight alternative to Symfony + FOSRestBundle for quickly building high-performance REST services and single-page Web applications.

The only thing I wasn't happy with is Pimple, the dependency injection container that comes with Silex - it feels cumbersome for developers coming from Symfony 2 and makes it hard to reuse existing code. If you're sharing the same experience, you might like this mix of Silex and Symfony, which aims to combine the best of both worlds.

Key Features

  • Built on top of well documented standard components
  • Contains everything to create full-featured Web applications (Twig template engine, REST routing, dependency injection)
  • Clean configuration and bootstrap
  • Small code footprint
  • High performance


It's obvious that PHP framework performance mainly depends on the lines of code that have to be executed for each request. While Symlex was designed to be simple and lean, a good performance certainly is an important by-product of this approach.

"The best code is no code. Where there is no code, there are no bugs. No API to learn. No awkward UI. The best refactors are deletions." -- Eric Elliott

Here is a benchmark, comparing the framework overhead for REST requests (Symlex vs Symfony 2 with FOSRestBundle on a Core i7 1.7 GHz running Ubuntu Linux 12.04 / Apache 2 / PHP 5.4.28 with APC and autoloader class cache enabled):

PHP frameworks: REST routing overhead

Why should you care? As a rule of thumb, 100 ms is about the limit for having the user feel that the system is reacting instantaneously, meaning that no special feedback is necessary except to display the result ( To be more precise, Wikipedia states that the perceptual processor cycle time has a range of 50 to 200 ms for a young adult ( The total response time also includes network (about 25 ms for DSL), browser and other overhead, which only leaves a small fraction of those 100 ms for implementing the actual business logic.


There is no support for bundles in Symlex currently. Using Symfony bundles often adds complexity to the overall architecture: They hide bootstrap/configuration details and encourage to build bloated applications. Symlex is designed to build focused, lean and fully testable applications: Writing meaningful component tests is not possible, if certain functionality is exclusively encoded in framework configuration files or magically generated by bundles (acceptance tests can be created, but they are slow and not suitable for test driven development or refactoring tasks).

See also:


YAML files located in app/config/ configure the entire system via dependecy injection. The filename matches the application's environment name:

  • app/config/web.yml configures Web (HTTP) applications bootstrapped in web/app.php
  • app/config/console.yml configures command-line applications bootstrapped in app/console

These files are in the same format you know from Symfony 2. In addition to the regular services, they also contain the actual application as a service ("app"):

        class: Silex\Application

This provides a uniform approach for bootstrapping Web (Silex\Application) and command-line (Symfony\Component\Console\Application) applications with the same kernel.

Note: If debug mode is turned off, the dependency injection container is cached in var/cache/. You have to run app/clearcache after updating the configuration. To disable caching completely, add container.cache: false to app/config/parameters.yml


A light-weight kernel bootstraps the application. It's just about 150 lines of code, initializes the Symfony dependency injection container and then starts the app by calling run():

namespace Symlex\Bootstrap;

class App
    protected $environment;
    protected $debug;
    protected $appPath;

    public function __construct($environment = 'app', $appPath = '', $debug = false)
        $this->environment = $environment;
        $this->debug = $debug;
        $this->appPath = $appPath;

    public function getApplication()
        return $this->getContainer()->get('app');
    public function run()
        return $this->getApplication()->run();

The kernel base class can be extended to customize it for a specific purpose (e.g. command line application):

namespace App;
use Symlex\Bootstrap\App;

class ConsoleApp extends App
    public function __construct($appPath, $debug = false)
        parent::__construct('console', $appPath, $debug);

    public function boot()
        ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');


Creating a kernel instance and calling run() is enough to start the application (see app/console and web/app.php):

#!/usr/bin/env php

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Symlex\Bootstrap\ConsoleApp;
$app = new ConsoleApp (__DIR__);

Routing and Rendering

Matching requests to controller actions is performed based on convention instead of extensive configuration. There are three router classes included in the core library (they configure Silex to perform the actual routing). After routing a request to the appropriate controller action, the router subsequently renders the response to ease controller testing (actions never directly return JSON or HTML):

  • Symlex\Router\RestRouter handles REST requests (JSON)
  • Symlex\Router\ErrorRouter renders exceptions as error messages (HTML or JSON)
  • Symlex\Router\TwigRouter renders regular Web pages via Twig (HTML)

It's easy to create your own custom routing/rendering based on the existing examples.

The application's HTTP kernel class initializes routing and sets optional URL/service name prefixes:


namespace Symlex\Bootstrap;

class WebApp extends App
    public function __construct($appPath, $debug = false)
        if($debug) {
            ini_set('display_errors', 1);

        parent::__construct('web', $appPath, $debug);

    public function boot () {

        $container = $this->getContainer();

        $container->get('')->route('/api', '');
        $container->get('router.twig')->route('', 'controller.web.');

Routing examples based on the default configuration in Symlex\Bootstrap\WebApp:

  • GET / will be routed to controller.web.index service's indexAction(Request $request)
  • POST /session/login will be routed to controller.web.session service's postLoginAction(Request $request)
  • GET /api/user will be routed to service's cgetAction(Request $request)
  • GET /api/user/123 will be routed to service's getAction($id, Request $request)
  • POST /api/user will be routed to service's postAction(Request $request)
  • PUT /api/user/123/item/5 will be routed to service's putItemAction($id, $itemId, Request $request)


Symlex controllers are plain PHP classes. They have to be added as service to app/config/web.yml:
        class: App\Rest\UserController
        arguments: [ @model.session, @model.user, @form.user ]

Note: In Symfony 2, controllers aren't services by default. Some Symfony developers give their controllers direct access to the DI container, which makes testing more difficult and breaks the architecture.

The routers pass on the request instance to each matched controller action as last argument. It contains request parameters and headers:

Web controller actions can either return nothing (the matching Twig template will be rendered), an array (the Twig template can access the values as variables) or a string (redirect URL). Twig's template base directory can be configured in app/config/twig.yml (twig.path). The template filename is matching the request route: [twig.path]/[controller]/[action].twig. If no controller or action name is given, index is the default (the response to / is therefore rendered using index/index.twig).



Symlex REST controllers use a naming scheme similar to FOSRestBundle's "implicit resource name definition". The action name is derived from the request method and optional sub resources:

    class UserController
        public function cgetAction(Request $request)
        {} // [GET] /user
        public function postAction(Request $request)
        {} // [POST] /user

        public function getAction($id, Request $request)
        {} // [GET] /user/{id}
        public function getCommentsAction($id, Request $request)
        {} // [GET] /user/{id}/comments

REST controller actions always return arrays, which are automatically converted to valid JSON. Delete actions can return null ("204 No Content").


Models, Forms & Databases

Symlex isn't designed for any specific database abstraction layer or model library. The examples are based on MySQL and Doctrine ActiveRecord - Object-oriented CRUD for Doctrine DBAL.

Controllers use the InputValidation for PHP library to securely validate user input data.

Doctrine Migrations for versioning your database schema is supported out of the box (app/console lists all available commands).

Error Handling

Exceptions are automatically catched by Silex and then passed on to ErrorRouter, which either renders an HTML error page or returns the error details as JSON (depending on the request headers). Exception class names are mapped to error codes in app/config/web.yml:

        InvalidArgumentException: 400
        App\Exception\UnauthorizedException: 401
        App\Exception\AccessDeniedException: 403
        App\Exception\FormInvalidException: 409
        Exception: 500

        400: 'Bad request'
        401: 'Unauthorized'
        403: 'Forbidden'
        404: 'Not Found'
        405: 'Method Not Allowed'
        409: 'Conflict'
        500: 'Looks like something went wrong!'

        class: Symlex\Router\ErrorRouter
        arguments: [ @app, @twig,, %exception.messages%, %app.debug% ]

The filename for Twig error templates is src/App/View/error/[code].twig. If no template is found, the default template (default.twig) is used.


Symlex comes with a pre-configured PHPUnit environment that automatically executes tests found in src/:

[lastzero/symlex]# app/phpunit
PHPUnit 4.8.18 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.


Time: 147 ms, Memory: 11.25Mb
OK (21 tests, 53 assertions)

See also TestTools for PHPUnit - Easy dependency injection and self-initializing fixtures


Silex with Symfony DI Container







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  • JavaScript 80.6%
  • PHP 7.7%
  • CSS 6.1%
  • HTML 5.0%
  • Other 0.6%