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Latest release: v1.0-BETA3

The client of REST api for PHP (5.4+, HHVM).

Basic Usage

First, initialize the Spike object with your api secret key. It's the entry point for accessing the all api interfaces:

$spike = new \Issei\Spike\Spike('your_api_secret_key');

Create a new charge

To create a new charge, you have to build a ChargeRequest object. It can be specified card token, amount, currency and some related products. Next, call charge() method with it. If charge succeeded this method will return the new Charge object generated by REST api:

// The token's id is retrieved by SPIKE Checkout (client side script) usually.
$token = new \Issei\Spike\Model\Token('tok_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');

$request = new \Issei\Spike\ChargeRequest();
    ->setAmount(123.45, 'USD')
    ->setCapture(true) // If you set false, you can delay capturing.

$product = new \Issei\Spike\Model\Product('my-product-00001');
    ->setTitle('Product Name')
    ->setDescription('Description of Product.')
    ->setPrice(123.45, 'USD')

// The product can be added any times.

/** @var $createdCharge \Issei\Spike\Model\Charge */
$createdCharge = $spike->charge($request);

Tips: You can pass the Token's id directly instead of generating the new Token object:


NOTE: If you want to know how to get a card token, read Request a token section.

Find a charge

Call getCharge() method with charge id:

/** @var $charge \Issei\Spike\Model\Charge */
$charge = $spike->getCharge('20150101-100000-xxxxxxxxxx');

Capture the charge

If you have a charge which has not been captured, you can use capture() method to capture it:

/** @var $charge \Issei\Spike\Model\Charge */
$capturedCharge = $spike->capture($charge);

Refund the charge

Call refund() method with the Charge object that you want to refund:

/** @var $charge \Issei\Spike\Model\Charge */
$refundedCharge = $spike->refund($charge);

Tips: You can pass the Charge's id directly instead of generating/retrieving the Charge object:

$refundedCharge = $spike->refund('20150101-100000-xxxxxxxxxx');

Retrieve the all charges

Call getCharges() method. it returns an array containing the Charge objects.

/** @var $charges \Issei\Spike\Model\Charge[] */
$charges = $spike->getCharges();


You can specify the limit of number of records at 1st argument (10 records by default):

$charges = $spike->getCharges(5);

If you pass a Charge object (or ID as a string directly) into 2nd argument, you can retrieve charges that older than (passed charge is NOT included to list):

$nextCharges = $spike->getCharges(5, $charges[count($charges) - 1]);

At 3rd argument, you can also specify the charge (or ID as a string directly) object if you want to retrieve charges that newer than (passed charge is NOT included to list):

$nextCharges = $spike->getCharges(5, $charges[count($charges) - 1], ...);

Request a token

If you have contracted with to request a new token, you can get a new token by requestToken() method with TokenRequest:

$request = new \Issei\Spike\TokenRequest();
    ->setHolderName('Taro Spike')

/** @var $charge \Issei\Spike\Model\Token */
$token = $spike->requestToken($request);

Of course, you can create a new charge with it:

$request = new \Issei\Spike\ChargeRequest();
    // ...

/** @var $charge \Issei\Spike\Model\Charge */
$charge = $spike->charge($request);

Find a token

Call getToken() method with token id:

/** @var $token \Issei\Spike\Model\Token */
$token = $spike->getToken('tok_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');


Use Composer to install the package:

$ composer require issei-m/spike-php


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The client of REST api for PHP.







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