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Each service shares only the framework code and the Api service located in services/Api/Api.php. Each service including main app can interact with other services only through Api service. Api service will use internal routing in monolith. When dividing monolith into microservices only this has to change.

Initial setup

file or dir action
storage/ make it writable by apache
public/index.php change to $app->run($app['request'])
bootstrap/app.php uncomment Dotenv::load
bootstrap/app.php uncomment $app->withFacades()
bootstrap/app.php move app route group to app/Http/routes.php
.env copy .env.example to .env
conifg/ copy vendor/laravel/lumen-framework/config/
app/Http/routes.php add $app->configure('app')
services/ mkdir services and use app dir structure for each service and change namespaces, filenames etc.
composer.json add "Services\\": "services/" and run composer dump-autoload
bootstrap/app.php add services/ServiceName/Http/routes.php
config/services/ mkdir services and add service specific config here
services/ServiceName/Http/routes.php add $app->configure('services/service_name')

Monolith to Microservices

  • Make copies of the framework code and do initial setup for each microservice
  • Copy config/services/service_name.php and services/ServiceName/ dir
  • Copy other config like config/database.php that is used by common services like DB, Cache etc.
  • Keep only current service routes in bootstrap/app.php
  • Implement Api service to make requests to respective endpoints instead of doing internal routing


# cd to www root
mkdir test && cd test
git clone
cd test-lumen/monolith
composer install
# now cd to other dirs (app, service_a, service_b) and run composer install
# or simply copy composer.lock and vendor dir

If required change $base_url in services/Api/Api.php inside test-lumen/app/, test-lumen/service_a/ and test-lumen/service_b/. Default $base_url is http://localhost/test/test-lumen/.


Test monolith and microservices implementation in lumen.






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