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Phergie plugin for monitoring and providing access to channel mode information, forked from the original UserMode plugin by elazar.

It provides the following functionality:

  • Parsing and storing the channel mode and prefix maps received from IRC servers
  • Parsing channel mode changes
  • Storing and maintaining lists of users and their prefix modes in each channel

Build Status


The recommended method of installation is through composer.

    "require": {
        "makeklat00/phergie-irc-plugin-react-chanmodes": "dev-master"

See Phergie documentation for more information on installing and enabling plugins.



use \MakeKlat00\Phergie\Irc\Plugin\ChanModes\Plugin as ChanModesPlugin;

$chanModesPlugin = new ChanModesPlugin(array(
    // All optional
    'defaultmodetypes' => array(
        'b' => ChanModesPlugin::CHANMODE_TYPE_LIST,
        't' => ChanModesPlugin::CHANMODE_TYPE_NOPARAM,
        // ...
    'defaultprefixes' => array(
        '@' => 'o',
        '+' => 'v',
        // ...

return array(

    'connections' => array(
        // ...

    'plugins' => array(


        new \Plugin\That\Uses\ChanModes\Plugin(array(
            'chanmodes' => $chanModesPlugin,

        // ...



This plugin has two optional configuration settings:

  • defaultmodetypes overrides the default mapping of channel modes to mode types, which will be used if no mode map is received from the server. It should be an array of MODE => TYPE pairs, where MODE is a single character and TYPE is one of the class constants CHANMODE_TYPE_*. (You should not override prefix-style channel modes here – use defaultprefixes instead.)
  • defaultprefixes overrides the default mapping of prefixes to channel modes, which will be used if no prefix map is received from the server. It should be an array of PREFIX => MODE pairs, where PREFIX is a single character and MODE is a single character.

Public methods


array Plugin::getChannelUsers(\Phergie\Irc\ConnectionInterface $connection, string $channel)

Returns a list of users in a particular channel.


mixed Plugin::getChannelModeType(\Phergie\Irc\ConnectionInterface $connection, string $mode)

Get the mode type of a particular channel mode. The return value will be one of the class constants CHANMODE_TYPE_*, or false if no such mode exists.


mixed Plugin::getChannelModeFromPrefix(\Phergie\Irc\ConnectionInterface $connection, string $prefix)

Get the channel mode corresponding to the given prefix, or false if the prefix does not exist.


mixed Plugin::getPrefixFromChannelMode(\Phergie\Irc\ConnectionInterface $connection, string $mode)

Get the prefix corresponding to the given channel mode, or false if the mode does not exist or the mode is not a prefix-type mode.


array Plugin::getPrefixMap(\Phergie\Irc\ConnectionInterface $connection)

Get the prefix map for the given connection. The return value will be an array of PREFIX => MODE pairs.


array Plugin::getUserChannels(\Phergie\Irc\ConnectionInterface $connection, string $nick)

Returns a list of active channels for a particular user.


array Plugin::getUserPrefixModes(\Phergie\Irc\ConnectionInterface $connection, string $channel, string $nick)

Returns a list of prefix-type modes held by a given user in a particular channel.


bool Plugin::isUserInChannel(\Phergie\Irc\ConnectionInterface $connection, string $channel, string $nick)

Returns whether a user is in a particular channel.


array Plugin::parseChannelModeChange(\Phergie\Irc\ConnectionInterface $connection, string $modes [, string $params ])

Takes a given mode change string with optional trailing parameters, and separates it into individual modes with corresponding parameters.

The return value will be an array of arrays corresponding to individual mode changes, containing the following keys:

  • 'operation' => '+' or '-'
  • 'mode' => the individual mode character
  • 'prefix' => the prefix corresponding to that mode, if applicable
  • 'param' => the trailing parameter corresponding to that mode, if applicable

There is one special case: a list mode request, where $modes contains only list-type modes and $params is empty. In this case, the return value will be an array of arrays which contain a single key:

  • 'mode' => the individual list mode character

Returns the empty array on failure.


bool Plugin::userHasPrefixMode(\Phergie\Irc\ConnectionInterface $connection, string $channel, string $nick, string $mode)

Returns whether a user has a particular prefix-type mode in the specified channel.


use Phergie\Irc\Bot\React\PluginInterface;
use Phergie\Irc\Bot\React\EventQueueInterface;
use Phergie\Irc\Plugin\React\Command\CommandEvent;

class FooPlugin implements PluginInterface
     * @var \MakeKlat00\Phergie\Irc\Plugin\ChanModes\Plugin
    protected $chanModesPlugin;

    public function __construct(array $config)
        // Validate $config['chanmodes']

        $this->chanModesPlugin = $config['chanmodes'];

    public function getSubscribedEvents()
        return array(
            '' => 'handleFooCommand',

    public function handleFooCommand(CommandEvent $event, EventQueueInterface $queue)
        $connection = $event->getConnection();
        $nick = $event->getNick();
        $params = $event->getParams();
        $source = $event->getCommand() === 'PRIVMSG'
            ? $params['receivers']
            : $params['nickname'];

        // Ignore events sent directly to the bot rather than to a channel
        if ($connection->getNickname() === $source) {

        // Don't process the command if the user is not a channel operator
        if (!$this->chanModesPlugin->userHasPrefixMode($connection, $source, $nick, 'o')) {

        // The user is a channel operator, continue processing the command
        // ...

Differences from UserMode

If you are migrating your plugin from the former UserMode plugin, there are some differences to be aware of.

  1. The following public functions have new names:
    • userHasModeuserHasPrefixMode
    • getUserModesgetUserPrefixModes
  2. The plugin now parses the server's own reported prefix map, meaning that you should never have to specify your own. The option has been made available to provide the default prefix map, but this will only be used if no prefix map is received from the server, which usually means that something's gone wrong. (Note that the name for this config option has changed.)
  3. Channel lists are no longer stored in an array keyed by "connection mask", but are now stored in an object store containing connection instances mapped to ArrayObject objects. This will only be relevant if you are extending the plugin class.


To run the unit test suite:

curl -s | php
php composer.phar install


Released under the BSD License. See LICENSE.


Phergie plugin for monitoring and providing access to channel mode information







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