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Sendinblue PHP library

This is the Sendinblue PHP library wrapper.It implements the various exposed APIs that you can read more about on


  • You will need to first get the Access key and Secret key from Sendinblue.

  • Assuming that you have cloned this git repo, or downloaded mailin.php and its in the same directory than the script. You can use this small sample script to get started

 * This will initiate the API with the endpoint and your access and secret key.
$mailin = new Mailin('','Your access key','Your secret key');  

/** Prepare variables for easy use **/ 

$to = array(""=>"to whom!"); //mandatory
$subject = "My subject"; //mandatory
$from = array("","from email!"); //mandatory
$html = "This is the <h1>HTML</h1>"; //mandatory
$text= "This is the text";
$cc = array(""=>"cc whom!"); 
$bcc = array(""=>"bcc whom!");
$replyto = array("","reply to!"); 
$attachment = array(); //provide the absolute url of the attachment/s 
$headers = array("Content-Type"=> "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1","X-Ewiufkdsjfhn"=> "hello","X-Custom" => "Custom");


Available functions

List of API calls that you can make, you can click to read more about it. Please do note that the order of parameters are important.

Campaign calls

  • get_account() - Get your account information
  • create_child_account($email,$password,$company_org,$first_name,$last_name,$credits) - Create a Reseller child account
  • update_child_account($child_authkey,$company_org,$first_name,$last_name,$password) - Update a Reseller child account
  • delete_child_account($child_authkey) - Delete a Reseller child account
  • get_child_account($child_authkey) - Get Reseller child accounts
  • add_remove_child_credits($childauthkey,$add_credits,$remove_credits) - Add/Remove Reseller child credits
  • get_campaigns($type,$status,$page,$page_limit) - Get list of all campaigns or of specific type or status or both
  • get_campaign($id) - Get specific campaign object
  • create_campaign($category,$from_name,$name,$bat_sent,$html_content,$html_url,$listid,$scheduled_date,$subject,$from_email,$reply_to,$to_field,$exclude_list) - Create a campaign
  • delete_campaign($id) - Delete a campaign
  • update_campaign($id,$category,$from_name,$name,$bat_sent,$html_content,$html_url,$listid,$scheduled_date,$subject,$from_email,$reply_to,$to_field,$exclude_list) - Update campaign information
  • campaign_report_email($id,$lang,$email_subject,$email_to,$email_content_type,$email_bcc,$email_cc,$email_body) - Sending reports to specific emails
  • campaign_recipients_export($id,$notify_url,$type) - Export recipients of a campaign
  • send_bat_email($campid,$email_to) - Send a test Email (bat)
  • create_trigger_campaign($category,$from_name,$name,$bat_sent,$html_content,$html_url,$listid,$scheduled_date,$subject,$from_email,$reply_to,$to_field,$exclude_list,$recurring) - Create a trigger campaign
  • update_trigger_campaign($id,$category,$from_name,$name,$bat_sent,$html_content,$html_url,$listid,$scheduled_date,$subject,$from_email,$reply_to,$to_field,$exclude_list,$recurring) - Update trigger campaign information
  • campaign_share_link($campaign_ids) - Get campaign share link
  • update_campaign_status($id,$status) - Modify a campaign status
  • get_folders() - Get list of all the folder details.
  • get_folder($id) - Get all the folder details for folder with id
  • create_folder($name) - Create a folder
  • delete_folder($id) - Delete folder with folder id
  • update_folder($id,$name) - Update folder with folder id
  • get_lists() - Get all the lists
  • get_list($id) - Get information about a list
  • create_list($list_name,$list_parent) - Create a list
  • delete_list($id) - Delete a list
  • update_list($id,$list_name,$list_parent) - Updating a list
  • display_list_users($listids,$page,$page_limit) - Display details of all users for the given lists
  • add_users_list($id,$users) - Add users to a list
  • delete_users_list($id,$users) - Delete users from a list
  • get_attributes() - Listing all attributes
  • get_attribute($type) - Listing a certain type attributes
  • create_attribute($type,$data) - Creating attributes
  • delete_attribute($type,$data) - Deleting attributes of the given type
  • get_user($email) - Get information about a user/email
  • create_update_user($email,$attributes,$blacklisted,$listid,$listid_unlink,$blacklisted_sms) - Create/Update a user information
  • delete_user($email) - Deleting user from db is not permitted but this action will unlink him from all lists
  • import_users($url,$listids,$notify_url,$name) - Import users/emails
  • export_users($export_attrib,$filter,$notify_url) - Export users/emails
  • get_processes() - Get information about all background processes
  • get_process($id) - Get information about a specific process
  • get_senders($option) - Get information about all/specific senders
  • create_sender($sender_name,$sender_email,$ip_domain) - Create a sender
  • delete_sender($id) - Delete a sender
  • update_sender($id,$sender_name,$sender_email,$ip_domain) - Update a sender

SMTP calls

  • get_report($limit,$start_date,$end_date,$offset,$date,$days,$email) - Retrieve information for all report events
  • get_statistics($aggregate,$tag,$days,$end_date,$start_date) - Get aggregate statistics about emails sent
  • get_webhooks() - List registered webhooks
  • get_webhook($id) - Get information about a webhook
  • create_webhook($url,$description,$events) - Registering a webhook
  • delete_webhook($id) - Deleting a webhook
  • update_webhook($id,$url,$description,$events) - Editing a webhook
  • delete_bounces($start_date,$end_date,$email) - Deleting bounces
  • send_email($to,$subject,$from,$html,$text,$cc,$bcc,$replyto,$attachment,$headers) - Sending out a transactional email
  • send_transactional_template($id,$to,$cc,$bcc,$attr) - Send templates created on Sendinblue, through Sendinblue smtp.
  • create_template($from_name,$name,$bat_sent,$html_content,$html_url,$subject,$from_email,$reply_to,$to_field,$status) - Create a template
  • update_template($id,$from_name,$name,$bat_sent,$html_content,$html_url,$subject,$from_email,$reply_to,$to_field,$status) - Update template information

SMS call

  • send_sms($to,$from,$text,$web_url,$tag,$type) - Sending a SMS
  • create_sms_campaign($camp_name,$sender,$content,$bat_sent,$listids,$exclude_list,$scheduled_date) - Create a SMS campaign
  • update_sms_campaign($id,$camp_name,$sender,$content,$bat_sent,$listids,$exclude_list,$scheduled_date) - Update a SMS campaign
  • send_bat_sms($campid,$mobilephone) - Send a test SMS campaign


If you face any error like "Curl error: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:func(144):reason(134)\n", with our library then by adding the below line of code just before curl_exec() ( line no. 48 ) in mailin.php file, you may no longer face this issue.

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "PATH_TO/cacert.pem");

The content of the file is available here:


Official Mailin provided API wrapper.






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