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Repository files navigation

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        ██╔████╔██║██║██████      Mismatch\Model     █║   ██║     ███████║╝
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        A   S I M P L E   L I B R A R Y   F O R   C O M P L E X   T Y P E S


          The goal of Mismatch\Model is to make building and modelling
          your domain dead simple. While you can quickly create models
          with it, it remains backend agnostic—allowing you to manage
          your datasource.

          Let's take a look.


            namespace Model;

            use Mismatch;

            class User
              use Mismatch\Model;

              public function init($m)
                $m->id    = 'Primary';
                $m->name  = 'String';
                $m->email = 'Email';