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Document Object Relational Mapper


The purpose of this library is to blend ORM and ODM fundamentals with NoSQL database platforms, allowing you to use NoSQL databases with pseudo-relationships through means of a traditional entity manager.

Table of Contents

Further Examples



If you intend to use Redis, please include Predis in your composer.json:

"require": {
    "predis/predis": "~1.0"

Creating an entity manager for a Redis database with annotation mappings:

$em = new EntityManager(
    new RedisDriver(['host' => '']),
    new AnnotationMapper()

Persisting a simple relationship:

$address = new Address();
$address->setId(1)->setStreet("123 Example St");

$user = new User();


Retrieving a relationship with lazy-loading:

$user = $em->retrieve('User', 1);   // Only user entity retrieved
$address = $user->getAddress();     // DB call to get address made here

Example entity files:


use Bravo3\Orm\Annotations as Orm;

 * @Orm\Entity(table="users")
class User
     * @var int
     * @Orm\Id
     * @Orm\Column(type="int")
    protected $id;

     * @var string
     * @Orm\Column(type="string")
    protected $name;

     * @var Address
     * @Orm\ManyToOne(target="Address", inversed_by="users")
    protected $address;

    // Other getters and setters here

     * Get Address
     * @return Address
    public function getAddress()
        return $this->address;

     * Set Address
     * @param Address $address
     * @return $this
    public function setAddress(Address $address)
        $this->address = $address;
        return $this;


use Bravo3\Orm\Annotations as Orm;

 * @Orm\Entity
class Address
     * @var int
     * @Orm\Id
     * @Orm\Column(type="int")
    protected $id;

     * @var string
     * @Orm\Column(type="string")
    protected $street;

     * @var User[]
     * @Orm\OneToMany(target="User", inversed_by="address")
    protected $users;

    // Other getters and setters here

     * Get users
     * @return User[]
    public function getUsers()
        return $this->users;

     * Set users
     * @param User[] $users
     * @return $this
    public function setUsers(array $users)
        $this->users = $users;
        return $this;

     * Add a user
     * @param User $user
     * @return $this
    public function addUser(User $user)
        $this->users[] = $user;
        return $this;

Bundled Strategies


  • Redis
  • Native filesystem
  • Tar or zip archives

See drivers for more info on database implementations.


  • JSON

Entity Metadata Mappers

  • Annotation
  • YAML

Key Schemes

  • Standard scheme: configurable delimiter, defaulting to Redis-style
  • Filesystem path scheme

Major Planned Additions

  • Validation service

Change Log


  • Added a YAML mapper
  • Added map portation to easily convert between mapping types


  • Add a chained mapper, allowing you to examine multiple forms of entity mapping in a single project


  • Removed 'entity hydration errors as events' due to its dangerous nature
  • Added a filesystem driver - designed for backup purposes but could also serve has a mini internal database


  • Added the ability to perform sorted, conditional queries on all items in a table
  • Added the ability to name sorted queries, allowing different configurations of conditions on the same column


  • Changed logic for retrieving entities. If nothing found (during writing) it will generate a new instance of the entity with the correct id
  • Retrieving an entity with missing relatives will now return blank new instances of the relatives


  • Added ref tables to maintain non-reciprocated relationships
  • Added restrictions to table names and entity ID values
  • Changed sort index key names to include the relationship name (WARNING: will break existing data)
    • Multiple relationships with the same sort-by columns would conflict
    • Use the Maintenance#rebuild() function to repair sort indices


  • Added EntityManager::refresh()
  • The entity manager will now remember previously retrieved entities and return them instead of querying the database
  • Added $use_cache parameter to all retrieve*() and *Query() functions on the entity manager