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#Share Viewer Php based embedded app for Shopify

##Overview: This app will allow a Shopify store ownder to put a Facebook “Share” button over any content
so that people visiting the store must share to view that content. This will work for pages or products.
Once a visitor unlocks content by sharing, that content remains unlocked. While locked, the page will have a
blur over it until shared.

##Specs: This is an embedded app, so it will have a users Shopify store dashboard on the side. The backend control panel for the store owners will have Three main tabs:

  • ###Metrics: Graph is bar graph of all share buttons. Bar will indicate how many shares that
    button has . Filter button on metrics tab for date range.

  • ###Share Buttons: User creates a share button by naming it. They choose a product
    or page to lock. There should be a Heading an Subheading. They can upload meta
    info required for Facebook share or choose to pull from page.

  • ###Settings: Facebook app id input field to be used for Share is only setting now.