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Version: 1.4.3

Bedrock is a modern WordPress stack that helps you get started with the best development tools and project structure.

This is a fork of Roots, modified to use with deploying sites via Laravel Forge.

What's This For?

This package is intended for use with Laravel Forge. Forge allows you to provision servers that are primarily used with Laravel, but allow you to deploy really anything you want. It comes with:

  • Nginx
  • PHP 5.5
  • MySQL

and more, pre-installed.

Quick Start

Run composer create-project anchour/bedrock <path> (see Installation/Usage for more details)


  • Dependency management with Composer
  • Better folder structure
  • Easy WordPress configuration with environment specific files
  • Environment variables with Dotenv


  • Git
  • PHP >= 5.3.2 (for Composer)


See Documentation for more details on the steps below.

Using create-project

Composer's create-project command will automatically install the Bedrock project to a directory and run composer install.

The post-install-cmd and post-root-package-install scripts will automatically create .env and prompt you about generating salt keys.

Note: To generate salts without a prompt, run create-project with -n (non-interactive). You can also change the generate-salts setting in composer.json under config in your own fork. The default is true.

To skip the scripts completely, create-project can be run with --no-scripts to disable it.

  1. Run composer create-project anchour/bedrock <path> (path being the folder to install to)
  2. Add theme(s)
  3. Access WP Admin at
  4. Set your Nginx or Apache vhost to /path/to/site/public/.


  1. Clone/Fork repo
  2. Run composer install
  3. Add theme(s)
  4. Access WP Admin at
  5. Set your Nginx or Apache vhost to /path/to/site/public/.


Folder Structure

├── composer.json
├── config
│   ├── environments
│   │   ├── development.php
│   │   ├── staging.php
│   │   └── production.php
│   └── application.php
├── Gemfile
├── vendor
└── web
    ├── app
    │   ├── mu-plugins
    │   ├── plugins
    │   └── themes
    ├── wp-config.php
    ├── index.php
    └── wp

The organization of Bedrock is similar to putting WordPress in its own subdirectory but with some improvements.

  • In order not to expose sensitive files in the webroot, Bedrock moves what's required into a public/ directory including the vendor'd wp/ source, and the wp-content source.
  • wp-content (or maybe just content) has been named app to better reflect its contents. It contains application code and not just "static content".
  • wp-config.php remains in the public/ because it's required by WP, but it only acts as a loader. The actual configuration files have been moved to config/ for better separation.
  • vendor/ is where the Composer managed dependencies are installed to.
  • wp/ is where the WordPress core lives. It's also managed by Composer but can't be put under vendor due to WP limitations.

Configuration Files

The root public/wp-config.php is required by WordPress and is only used to load the other main configs. Nothing else should be added to it.

config/application.php is the main config file that contains what wp-config.php usually would. Base options should be set in there.

For environment specific configuration, use the files under config/environments. By default there's is development, staging, and production but these can be whatever you require.

The environment configs are required before the main application config so anything in an environment config takes precedence over application.

Note: You can't re-define constants in PHP. So if you have a base setting in application.php and want to override it in production.php for example, you have a few options:

  • Remove the base option and be sure to define it in every environment it's needed
  • Only define the constant in application.php if it isn't already defined.

Don't want it?

You will lose the ability to define environment specific settings.

  • Move all configuration into wp-config.php
  • Manually deal with environment specific options
  • Remove config directory

Environment Variables

PHP dotenv is used to load the .env file. All variables are then available in your app by getenv, $_SERVER, or $_ENV. The post-install-cmd and post-root-package-install scripts will automatically generate and set your salts in .env when:

  1. The .env file doesn't exist
  2. The .env file exists, but doesn't contain anything.

Another benefit of Forge is the ability to set environment variables within the UI. The required vars are as follows.


Both the .env variables and the ones set within the UI are available in $_ENV.

Don't want it?

You will lose the separation between config and code and potentially put secure credentials at risk.


Composer is used to manage dependencies. Bedrock considers any 3rd party library as a dependency including WordPress itself and any plugins.

See these two blogs for more extensive documentation:

Screencast ($): Using Composer With WordPress


WordPress Packagist is already registered in the composer.json file so any plugins from the WordPress Plugin Directory can easily be required.

To add a plugin, add it under the require directive or use composer require <namespace>/<packagename> from the command line. If it's from WordPress Packagist then the namespace is always wpackagist-plugin.

Example: "wpackagist-plugin/akismet": "dev-trunk"

Whenever you add a new plugin or update the WP version, run composer update to install your new packages.

plugins, and mu-plugins are Git ignored by default since Composer manages them. If you want to add something to those folders that isn't managed by Composer, you need to update .gitignore to whitelist them:


Note: Some plugins may create files or folders outside of their given scope, or even make modifications to wp-config.php and other files in the app directory. These files should be added to your .gitignore file as they are managed by the plugins themselves, which are managed via Composer. Any modifications to wp-config.php that are needed should be moved into config/application.php.

Updating WP and plugin versions

Updating your WordPress version (or any plugin) is just a matter of changing the version number in the composer.json file.

Then running composer update will pull down the new version.


Themes can also be managed by Composer but should only be done so under two conditions:

  1. You're using a parent theme that won't be modified at all
  2. You want to separate out your main theme and use that as a standalone package

Under most circumstances we recommend NOT doing #2 and instead keeping your main theme as part of your app's repository.

Just like plugins, WPackagist maintains a Composer mirror of the WP theme directory. To require a theme, just use the wpackagist-theme namespace.

Don't want it?

Composer integration is the biggest part of Bedrock, so if you were going to remove it there isn't much point in using Bedrock.


Bedrock disables the internal WP Cron via define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);. If you keep this setting, you'll need to manually set a cron job like the following in your crontab file:

*/5 * * * * curl


Bedrock works with WP-CLI just like any other WordPress project would. Previously we required WP-CLI in our composer.json file as a dependency. This has been removed since WP-CLI now recommends installing it globally with a phar file. It also caused conflicts if you tried using a global install.

The wp command will automatically pick up Bedrock's subdirectory install as long as you run commands from within the project's directory (or deeper). Bedrock includes a wp-cli.yml file that sets the path option to public/wp. Use this config file for any further configuration.


Everyone is welcome to help contribute and improve this project. There are several ways you can contribute:

  • Reporting issues (please read issue guidelines)
  • Suggesting new features
  • Writing or refactoring code
  • Fixing issues


Modern WordPress stack that gets you started with the best development tools, practices, and project structure







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