Exemple #1
  * Display an error message using red color on the console to make it
  * easier to spot.
  * @param string $error
  * @returns RendererInterface
 public function error($error)
     echo PHP_EOL;
     $this->console->writeLine('ERROR: ' . $error . PHP_EOL, Color::calculate('ff0000'));
     echo PHP_EOL;
     return $this;
Exemple #2
  * Determine and return current console height.
  * @return false|int
 public function getHeight()
     static $height;
     if ($height > 0) {
         return $height;
     // Try to read console size from ANSICON env var
     if (preg_match('/\\(\\d+x(\\d+)/', getenv('ANSICON'), $matches)) {
         $height = $matches[1];
     } else {
         $height = AbstractAdapter::getHeight();
     return $height;
  * Determine and return current console height.
  * @return false|int
 public function getHeight()
     static $height;
     if ($height > 0) {
         return $height;
     // Try to read console size from "mode" command
     if ($this->modeResult === null) {
     if (preg_match('/Rows\\:\\s+(\\d+)/', $this->modeResult, $matches)) {
         $height = $matches[1];
     } else {
         $height = parent::getHeight();
     return $height;
Exemple #4
  * Determine and return current console height.
  * @return false|int
 public function getHeight()
     static $height;
     if ($height > 0) {
         return $height;
     // Try to read env variable
     if (($result = getenv('LINES')) !== false) {
         return $height = (int) $result;
     // Try to read console size from "tput" command
     $result = exec('tput lines', $output, $return);
     if (!$return && is_numeric($result)) {
         return $height = (int) $result;
     return $height = parent::getHeight();
Exemple #5
  * @param $question
  * @param ConsoleAdapter $console
  * @return string|null
 private function askUrlQuestion($question, ConsoleAdapter $console)
     $console->writeLine($question . ' (URL)', ColorInterface::CYAN);
     $prompt = new Line('');
     $url = $prompt->show();
     if (!(new Uri(['allowRelative' => false]))->isValid($url)) {
         $console->writeLine('The provided URL "' . $url . '" doesn\'t seem to be valid!', ColorInterface::RED);
         return null;
     return $url;