require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
use zamnuts\EANAPIClient\EANFacade;
use zamnuts\EANAPIClient\EANConfig;
use zamnuts\EANAPIClient\Query\EANPing;
// need session ID for EAN API, this can technically be anything, but this is best practice
// config for EANFacade
$config = new EANConfig();
$config->apiKey = '';
$config->apiSecret = '';
$config->cid = 0;
$config->sessionId = session_id();
// this happens automatically, but just for example
$config->devMode = true;
// switch to "false" in prod
// this is the gateway into the EAN API, all query structures are executed through this profile
$ean = new EANFacade($config);
// just need one of these for all queries to use
$ping = new EANPing();
$ping->echo = 'Hello World';
// send this data
// due to the nature of the EAN API's ping request,
// the "echo" parameter should be the same in the response as the request
echo $ping->response->echo . "\n";
// got this data back
echo ($ping->response->echo === $ping->echo ? 'MATCH' : 'INVALID') . "\n";
// switch to "false" in prod
// this is the gateway into the EAN API, all query structures are executed through this profile
$ean = new EANFacade($config);
// just need one of these for all queries to use
// let's perform a free-text hotel search
$search = new EANHLSearchDestinationString('New York, NY');
// search by string
$hotels = new EANHotelList($search);
// search for hotels using the particular search method
$hotels->numberOfResults = 4;
// limit to 4 results
$hotels->arrivalDate = new DateTime('now + 3day');
// must specify date range...
$hotels->departureDate = new DateTime('now + 6day');
// otherwise entire hotel list is returned for query
// execute the query
if ($hotels->lastError) {
    // got a low-level error
// var_dump($hotels->response); // inspect the result, this specific response is an EANResponseHotelList
foreach ($hotels->response->hotelList->hotels as $hotel) {
    echo $hotel->name . ': ' . $hotel->lowRate . '-' . $hotel->highRate . ' ' . $hotel->rateCurrencyCode . "\n";
 * New York Marriott Marquis: 299-399 USD
 * Park Central New York: 245-427.78 USD
 * Manhattan NYC-an Affinia hotel: 167.2-429 USD
 * Wyndham New Yorker: 159.2-299 USD