Exemple #1
 public final function handleMessage(MessageInterface $message)
     $responseMessage = null;
     if ($this->shouldCallArduino($message)) {
         $message = $message->toString();
         $response = $this->callArduino($this->client, $message);
         if ($response instanceof ResponseInterface) {
             $message = json_decode($response->getBody());
             $responseMessage = Message::createFromString((string) $message->return_value);
     return $responseMessage;
Exemple #2
  * @param MessageInterface $message
 public function handleMessage(MessageInterface $message)
     if ($message->isEmpty() === false) {
         $this->slack->sendMessage(Message::createFromString('Repyling to: ' . $message->toString()));
Exemple #3
use WeCamp\Ardo\Bot;
use WeCamp\Ardo\Cli\Cli;
use WeCamp\Ardo\Messages\Message;
use WeCamp\Ardo\Slack\Plugin\Input;
use WeCamp\Ardo\Slack\Plugin\Output;
use WeCamp\Ardo\Slack\Service\Since;
use WeCamp\Ardo\Slack\Service\Slack;
/* Slack Plugin */
$interactor = new CurlInteractor();
$interactor->setResponseFactory(new SlackResponseFactory());
$slackService = new Slack(new Commander(\getenv('SLACK_TOKEN'), $interactor), 'C09JL3GR0');
$sinceService = new Since('/tmp/since.db');
$slackInput = new Input($slackService, $sinceService);
$slackOutput = new Output($slackService);
/* Commandline Plugin */
$cli = new Cli(Message::createFromString('Hello World, I am a bot!'));
/* Arduino Plugin */
$httpClient = new Client(['base_uri' => '']);
$arduinoPlugin = new InputPlugin($httpClient);
/* Logging */
$logger = new Logger('Ardo');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('ardoBot.log', Logger::INFO));
/* Feed the Plugins and Logger to Ardo */
$bot = new Bot($logger);
/* Crank the handle. */