Exemple #1

use Tale\Util\ArrayUtil, Tale\Util\StringUtil, Tale\Util\PathUtil;
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
$array = ['name' => 'someApp', 'path' => '/some/path', 'paths' => ['a' => '{{path}}/a', 'b' => '{{path}}/b'], 'feature' => ['path' => '{{paths.a}}/feature', 'name' => '{{name}}.Feature']];
$singulars = ['user', 'user_group', 'user_group_field', 'user_group_status'];
var_dump($singulars, array_map([StringUtil::class, 'pluralize'], $singulars), array_map([StringUtil::class, 'camelize'], $singulars), array_map([StringUtil::class, 'variablize'], $singulars), array_map([StringUtil::class, 'canonicalize'], $singulars));
foreach (range(0, 10) as $i) {
    list($pl, $pr, $sl, $sr) = array_map(function () {
        return mt_rand(0, 1) ? '/' : '';
    }, array_fill(0, 4, null));
    $parentPath = $pl . 'parent/path' . $pr;
    $subPath = $sl . 'sub/path' . $sr;
    var_dump($parentPath, $subPath, PathUtil::join($parentPath, $subPath));
 public function mergeOptionFile($path, $recursive = false, $reverse = false)
     $this->mergeOptions(ArrayUtil::fromFile($path), $recursive, $reverse);
     return $this;
Exemple #3
 public function run(App $previousApp = null)
     //Make sure all correct feature aliases are registered
     //We will sort the features by dependency on other features
     //and initialize them in the correct order
     //First we create an instance of all features.
      * @var \Tale\App\FeatureBase[] $features
     $features = [];
     foreach ($this->getOption('features') as $name => $options) {
         //Aliases are resolved.
         $className = $this->_featureFactory->resolveClassName($name);
         //We don't want duplicate instances. Rather create a new feature
         //It's better for unique identification
         if (isset($features[$className])) {
             throw new RuntimeException("Failed to add feature {$name}({$className}): Feature does already exist");
         //This creates the actual instance via Tale\Factory
         $feature = $this->_featureFactory->createInstance($className, [$this]);
         //We can pass a string as the options to use a config file
         if (is_string($options)) {
             $feature->appendOptionFile($options, true);
         } else {
             if (is_array($options)) {
                 $feature->appendOptions($options, true);
             } else {
                 throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize feature {$name}({$className}): " . "Config needs to be a path to a file or an option array");
         $features[] = $feature;
     //All features are instanced and got all the options they will get
     //at this point.
     //Now we sort the features by dependencies.
     //TODO: Circular dependencies probably f**k up.
     ArrayUtil::mergeSort($features, [__CLASS__, 'compareFeatures']);
     $classes = array_map('get_class', $features);
     $features = array_combine($classes, $features);
     //Now we can initialize the features
     //Since our deps are ordered now, we can just iterate
     foreach ($features as $feature) {
         //First append our dependencies
         foreach ($feature->getDependencies() as $name => $className) {
             if (isset($features[$className])) {
                 $feature->setDependency($name, $features[$className]);
         //Now initialize the feature
         //This is the possibility to add events etc.
     //This is only sorting! We dont ensure, that the feature exists.
     //The feature has to do that by itself (through an easy way, look at it)
     //Put together our event args
     $args = ['app' => $this, 'previousApp' => $previousApp];
     //First, we prepare (and let features prepare)
     if ($this->emit('beforeRun', new Event\Args($args))) {
         //Then we run
         if ($this->emit('run', new Event\Args($args))) {
             //Clear our features
             $this->_features = null;
             //Allow clean-up at the end (Notice that the "true"
             //makes it reverse
             $this->emit('afterRun', new Event\Args($args), true);
     return $this;
  * Loads a collection from a given file name
  * json => json_decode
  * php => include
  * yml? => Tale\Yaml\Parser
  * xml => Tale\Dom\Xml\Parser
  * @param string $path The path of the collection file to load
  * @return static The config object generated from the passed file
 public static function fromFile($path)
     return new static(ArrayUtil::fromFile($path));
Exemple #5
  * Interpolates {{var.subVar}}-style based on a source array given
  * Dimensions in the source array are accessed with a passed delimeter (Default: Dot (.))
  * @param string $string The input string to operate on
  * @param array $source The associative source array
  * @param mixed $defaultValue The default value for indices that dont exist
  * @param string|null $delimeter The delimeter for multi-dimension access (Default: Dot (.))
  * @return string The interpolated string with the variables replaced with their values
 public static function interpolate($string, array $source, $defaultValue = null, $delimeter = null)
     return preg_replace_callback('/\\{\\{([^\\}]+)\\}\\}/i', function ($m) use($source, $defaultValue, $delimeter) {
         $resolved = ArrayUtil::resolve($source, $m[1], $defaultValue, $delimeter);
         if ($resolved === null) {
             return $m[0];
         return $resolved;
     }, $string);