Exemple #1
  * @Given /^there is "EU" zone containing all members of European Union$/
 public function thereIsEUZoneContainingAllMembersOfEuropeanUnion()
     $zone = $this->zoneFactory->createWithMembers($this->euMembers);
     $zone->setName('European Union');
Exemple #2
  * @Given /^there is a zone "The Rest of the World" containing all other countries$/
 public function thereIsAZoneTheRestOfTheWorldContainingAllOtherCountries()
     $restOfWorldCountries = array_diff(array_keys(Intl::getRegionBundle()->getCountryNames('en')), array_merge($this->euMembers, ['US']));
     $zone = $this->zoneFactory->createWithMembers($restOfWorldCountries);
     $zone->setName('The Rest of the World');
Exemple #3
  * @Given the store has a zone :zoneName with code :code
  * @Given the store also has a zone :zoneName with code :code
 public function theStoreHasAZoneWithCode($zoneName, $code)
     $zone = $this->zoneFactory->createTyped(ZoneInterface::TYPE_ZONE);
     $this->sharedStorage->set('zone', $zone);
  * @param array $zones
  * @param \Closure $zoneValidator
 private function loadZones(array $zones, \Closure $zoneValidator)
     foreach ($zones as $zoneCode => $zoneOptions) {
         $zoneName = $zoneOptions['name'];
         try {
             $zoneType = $this->getZoneType($zoneOptions);
             $zoneMembers = $this->getZoneMembers($zoneOptions);
             /** @var ZoneInterface $zone */
             $zone = $this->zoneFactory->createWithMembers($zoneMembers);
         } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $exception) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('An exception was thrown during loading zone "%s" with code "%s"!', $zoneName, $zoneCode), 0, $exception);
 function it_creates_and_persist_a_country_type_zone_and_a_zone_containing_it(FactoryInterface $countryFactory, ObjectManager $countryManager, ZoneFactoryInterface $zoneFactory, ObjectManager $zoneManager, CountryInterface $country, ZoneInterface $countryTypeZone, ZoneInterface $zoneTypeZone)
     $zoneTypeZone->setName('Yo dawg')->shouldBeCalled();
     $this->load(['countries' => ['PL'], 'provinces' => [], 'zones' => ['POLAND' => ['name' => 'Poland', 'countries' => ['PL'], 'provinces' => [], 'zones' => []], 'YO-DAWG' => ['name' => 'Yo dawg', 'countries' => [], 'provinces' => [], 'zones' => ['POLAND']]]]);