Exemple #1
include "../includes/header.php";
// init
$feedback = "";
$ok_record_id = $_SESSION["staff_id"];
// Record View
if (isset($_POST["submit_record"])) {
    // Submit form
    $record = new Staff($_POST["staff_id"], "post", TRUE);
    // Is this an insert or an update?
    if ($_POST["staff_id"] == "") {
        $ok_record_id = $record->getRecordId();
    } else {
    // Show feedback
    $feedback = $record->getMessage();
    // See query?
} else {
    // Start the record display
    $record = new Staff($ok_record_id, '', TRUE);
    // show feedback if it isn't already set
    if (!$feedback) {
        $feedback = $record->getMessage();

require_once "includes/config.php";
require_once "includes/functions.php";
use SubjectsPlus\Control\Querier;
use SubjectsPlus\Control\Staff;
$db = new Querier();
$lstrForm = '';
if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
    if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
        $lobjStaff = new Staff('', 'forgot');
        if ($lobjStaff->getRecordId() == NULL) {
            $introtext = "<p align=\"center\" style=\"clear: both;\" class=\"smaller\"><br />" . _("{$lobjStaff->getMessage()}") . "</p>";
            $lstrForm = $lobjStaff->outputEmailForm();
        } else {
            $lobjTodayDate = new DateTime();
            //The code is a hased string composed of the user's email, installation's salt, and today's date MMDDYYYY
            $lstrCode = md5($lobjStaff->getEmail() . $salt . $lobjTodayDate->format('mdY'));
            $lstrMessage = "Hello {$lobjStaff->getFullName()},\n\nHere is the link to reset your password. Link only works for three days. {$BaseURL}control/forgotpassword.php?id={$lobjStaff->getRecordID()}&code={$lstrCode}";
            mail($lobjStaff->getEmail(), 'Reset password for SubjectsPlus', $lstrMessage, "From: {$administrator_email}");
            $introtext = "<p align=\"center\" style=\"clear: both;\" class=\"smaller\"><br /><strong>" . _("An email has been sent to reset your password.  Please click the link in the email and follow the instructions.") . "</strong></p>";
    } else {
        $lobjStaff = new Staff();
        $introtext = "<p align=\"center\" style=\"clear: both;\" class=\"smaller\"><br />" . _("Please enter your <strong>email</strong> so we can email you a link to reset your password.") . "</p>";
        $lstrForm = $lobjStaff->outputEmailForm();
} else {
    $_SESSION['staff_id'] = $_GET['id'];
    $lobjStaff = new Staff($_GET['id']);
    if (isset($_POST['password'])) {