  * Create a new file driven handler instance.
  * @param \Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem $files
  * @param React\EventLoop\LoopInterface $loop
  * @param string $path
  * @return void
 public function __construct(Factory $factory, LoopInterface $loop, Server $server, $lifetime)
     $this->factory = $factory;
     $this->lifetime = $lifetime;
     $this->server = $server;
     $this->loop = $loop;
     // PING redis connection every 5 minutes
     // and try to reconnect on connection error
     $this->timer = $loop->addPeriodicTimer(60 * 1, function () use($server) {
         $this->promise->then(function ($client) use($server) {
             $client->PING()->then(function ($pong) use($server) {
                 $server->log('Redis server responded ping with: %s', [$pong]);
                 return $pong == 'PONG';
             }, function ($e) {
                 return $this->reconnectByError($e);
     // server statistics for redis connection
     $this->loop->addPeriodicTimer(60 * 30, function () {
         $this->server->log('Server statistics to the last 30 minutes.');
         $this->server->log('Best time of %fs, poor time of %fs and a average of %f seconds for total %d requests.', array_values($this->statistics));
         $this->statistics = array('best' => 0, 'poor' => 0, 'avg' => 0, 'total' => 0);
  * Returns a readable plain text stream for the given ResponseInterface
  * @param PromiseInterface $promise Promise<ResponseInterface>
  * @return ReadableStreamInterface
 public function parsePlainStream(PromiseInterface $promise)
     // text/plain
     return Stream\unwrapReadable($promise->then(function (ResponseInterface $response) {
         return $response->getBody();
 public function parsePlainStream(PromiseInterface $promise)
     // text/plain
     $out = new ReadableStream();
     // try to cancel promise once the stream closes
     if ($promise instanceof CancellablePromiseInterface) {
         $out->on('close', function () use($promise) {
     $promise->then(function ($response) use($out) {
     }, function ($error) use($out) {
         $out->emit('error', array($error, $out));
     }, function ($progress) use($out) {
         if (is_array($progress) && isset($progress['responseStream'])) {
             $stream = $progress['responseStream'];
             /* @var $stream React\Stream\Stream */
             // hack to do not buffer stream contents in body
             // got a streaming HTTP response => forward each data chunk to the resulting output stream
             $stream->on('data', function ($data) use($out) {
                 $out->emit('data', array($data, $out));
     return $out;
Exemple #4
function assertOkay(PromiseInterface $promise, $name = 'end')
    return $promise->then(function ($stream) use($name) {
        echo 'EXPECTED: connection to ' . $name . ' OK' . PHP_EOL;
    }, function (Exception $error) use($name) {
        echo 'FAIL: connection to ' . $name . ' failed: ';
  * Instantiate new unwrapped writable stream for given `Promise` which resolves with a `WritableStreamInterface`.
  * @param PromiseInterface $promise Promise<WritableStreamInterface, Exception>
 public function __construct(PromiseInterface $promise)
     $out = $this;
     $store =& $this->stream;
     $buffer =& $this->buffer;
     $ending =& $this->ending;
     $closed =& $this->closed;
     $this->promise = $promise->then(function ($stream) {
         if (!$stream instanceof WritableStreamInterface) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Not a writable stream');
         return $stream;
     })->then(function (WritableStreamInterface $stream) use($out, &$store, &$buffer, &$ending, &$closed) {
         // stream is already closed, make sure to close output stream
         if (!$stream->isWritable()) {
             return $stream;
         // resolves but output is already closed, make sure to close stream silently
         if ($closed) {
             return $stream;
         // forward drain events for back pressure
         $stream->on('drain', function () use($out) {
             $out->emit('drain', array($out));
         // error events cancel output stream
         $stream->on('error', function ($error) use($out) {
             $out->emit('error', array($error, $out));
         // close both streams once either side closes
         $stream->on('close', array($out, 'close'));
         $out->on('close', array($stream, 'close'));
         if ($buffer !== '') {
             // flush buffer to stream and check if its buffer is not exceeded
             $drained = $stream->write($buffer) !== false;
             $buffer = '';
             if ($drained) {
                 // signal drain event, because the output stream previous signalled a full buffer
                 $out->emit('drain', array($out));
         if ($ending) {
         } else {
             $store = $stream;
         return $stream;
     }, function ($e) use($out) {
         $out->emit('error', array($e, $out));
Exemple #6
  * Converts a Promise to an Observable sequence
  * @param \React\Promise\PromiseInterface $promise
  * @return \Rx\Observable\AnonymousObservable
 public static function toObservable(PromiseInterface $promise)
     return Observable::defer(function () use($promise) {
         $subject = new AsyncSubject();
         $promise->then(function ($value) use($subject) {
         }, [$subject, "onError"]);
         return $subject;
 public function __construct(ReactPromise $promise)
     $promise->then(function (ResponseInterface $response) {
         $this->state = Promise::FULFILLED;
         $this->response = $response;
     }, function (\Exception $error) {
         $this->state = Promise::REJECTED;
         $this->exception = $error;
     $this->promise = $promise;
Exemple #8
 public function __construct(React\Promise\PromiseInterface $promise)
     $promise->then(function ($data) {
         $this->isResolved = TRUE;
         $this->data = $data;
     }, function ($err) {
         $this->isResolved = TRUE;
         $this->error = $err;
     $this->promise = $promise;
Exemple #9
  * Allow to apply callable when the promise resolve.
  * @param callable|null $onFulfilled
  * @param callable|null $onRejected
  * @return Promise
 public function then(callable $onFulfilled = null, callable $onRejected = null)
     $this->promise->then(function () use($onFulfilled) {
         if (null !== $onFulfilled) {
             call_user_func($onFulfilled, $this->response);
     }, function () use($onRejected) {
         if (null !== $onRejected) {
             call_user_func($onRejected, $this->exception);
     return $this;
Exemple #10
  * Converts a Promise to an Observable sequence
  * @param \React\Promise\PromiseInterface $promise
  * @return \Rx\Observable\AnonymousObservable
 public static function toObservable(PromiseInterface $promise)
     return Observable::defer(function () use($promise) {
         $subject = new AsyncSubject();
         $promise->then(function ($value) use($subject) {
         }, function ($error) use($subject) {
             $error = $error instanceof \Exception ? $error : new RejectedPromiseException($error);
         return $subject;
Exemple #11
 private function waitFor(PromiseInterface $promise)
     $resolved = null;
     $exception = null;
     $promise->then(function ($c) use(&$resolved) {
         $resolved = $c;
     }, function ($error) use(&$exception) {
         $exception = $error;
     while ($resolved === null && $exception === null) {
     if ($exception !== null) {
         throw $exception;
     return $resolved;
  * Instantiate new unwrapped readable stream for given `Promise` which resolves with a `ReadableStreamInterface`.
  * @param PromiseInterface $promise Promise<ReadableStreamInterface, Exception>
 public function __construct(PromiseInterface $promise)
     $out = $this;
     $closed =& $this->closed;
     $this->promise = $promise->then(function ($stream) {
         if (!$stream instanceof ReadableStreamInterface) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('Not a readable stream');
         return $stream;
     })->then(function (ReadableStreamInterface $stream) use($out, &$closed) {
         // stream is already closed, make sure to close output stream
         if (!$stream->isReadable()) {
             return $stream;
         // resolves but output is already closed, make sure to close stream silently
         if ($closed) {
             return $stream;
         // stream any writes into output stream
         $stream->on('data', function ($data) use($out) {
             $out->emit('data', array($data, $out));
         // forward end events and close
         $stream->on('end', function () use($out, &$closed) {
             if (!$closed) {
                 $out->emit('end', array($out));
         // error events cancel output stream
         $stream->on('error', function ($error) use($out) {
             $out->emit('error', array($error, $out));
         // close both streams once either side closes
         $stream->on('close', array($out, 'close'));
         $out->on('close', array($stream, 'close'));
         return $stream;
     }, function ($e) use($out) {
         $out->emit('error', array($e, $out));
 * block waiting for the given $promise to resolve
 * @param PromiseInterface $promise
 * @param LoopInterface    $loop
 * @return mixed returns whatever the promise resolves to
 * @throws Exception when the promise is rejected
function await(PromiseInterface $promise, LoopInterface $loop)
    $wait = true;
    $resolved = null;
    $exception = null;
    $promise->then(function ($c) use(&$resolved, &$wait, $loop) {
        $resolved = $c;
        $wait = false;
    }, function ($error) use(&$exception, &$wait, $loop) {
        $exception = $error;
        $wait = false;
    while ($wait) {
    if ($exception !== null) {
        throw $exception;
    return $resolved;
Exemple #14
 private function addShadow()
     // Get the result and error when the promise is resolved. Note that
     // calling this function might trigger the resolution immediately.
     $this->wrappedPromise->then(function ($value) {
         $this->isRealized = true;
         $this->result = $value;
         $this->waitfn = $this->cancelfn = null;
     }, function ($error) {
         $this->isRealized = true;
         $this->error = $error;
         $this->waitfn = $this->cancelfn = null;
Exemple #15
function timeout(PromiseInterface $promise, $time, LoopInterface $loop)
    // cancelling this promise will only try to cancel the input promise,
    // thus leaving responsibility to the input promise.
    $canceller = null;
    if ($promise instanceof CancellablePromiseInterface) {
        $canceller = array($promise, 'cancel');
    return new Promise(function ($resolve, $reject) use($loop, $time, $promise) {
        $timer = $loop->addTimer($time, function () use($time, $promise, $reject) {
            $reject(new TimeoutException($time, 'Timed out after ' . $time . ' seconds'));
            if ($promise instanceof CancellablePromiseInterface) {
        $promise->then(function ($v) use($timer, $loop, $resolve) {
        }, function ($v) use($timer, $loop, $reject) {
    }, $canceller);
Exemple #16
  * Return Promise that absorbs rejects, excluding fatal Throwable.
  * @param  PromiseInterface $promise
  * @return PromiseInterface
 public static function safePromise(PromiseInterface $promise)
     return $promise->then(null, function ($value) {
         if (TypeUtils::isFatalThrowable($value)) {
             throw $value;
         return $value;
Exemple #17
 private function assertArraySubsetPromise($subset, PromiseInterface $promise)
     $array = null;
     $promise->then(function ($value) use(&$array) {
         $array = $value->toArray();
     $this->assertArraySubset($subset, $array);
Exemple #18
 private function getPromiseValue(PromiseInterface $promise)
     $capturedValue = null;
     $promise->then(function ($value) use(&$capturedValue) {
         $capturedValue = $value;
     return $capturedValue;
Exemple #19
 * @param PromiseInterface $promise
 * @return Observable
function fromPromise(PromiseInterface $promise)
    return Observable::defer(function () use($promise) {
        $subject = new AsyncSubject();
        $promise->then(function ($res) use($subject) {
        }, [$subject, 'onError']);
        return $subject;
Exemple #20
  *  Process a result as a promise
  * @param \React\Promise\PromiseInterface $promise
  * @param \Thruway\Message\InvocationMessage $msg
  * @param \Thruway\ClientSession $session
  * @param array $registration
 private function processResultAsPromise(PromiseInterface $promise, InvocationMessage $msg, ClientSession $session, $registration)
     $promise->then(function ($promiseResults) use($msg, $session) {
         $options = new \stdClass();
         if ($promiseResults instanceof Result) {
             $yieldMsg = new YieldMessage($msg->getRequestId(), $options, $promiseResults->getArguments(), $promiseResults->getArgumentsKw());
         } else {
             $promiseResults = is_array($promiseResults) ? $promiseResults : [$promiseResults];
             $promiseResults = !$this::is_list($promiseResults) ? [$promiseResults] : $promiseResults;
             $yieldMsg = new YieldMessage($msg->getRequestId(), $options, $promiseResults);
     }, function ($e) use($msg, $session, $registration) {
         if ($e instanceof \Exception) {
             $this->processExceptionFromRPCCall($session, $msg, $registration, $e);
         $errorMsg = ErrorMessage::createErrorMessageFromMessage($msg);
         $errorMsg->setErrorURI($registration['procedure_name'] . '.error');
     }, function ($results) use($msg, $session, $registration) {
         $options = new \stdClass();
         $options->progress = true;
         if ($results instanceof Result) {
             $yieldMsg = new YieldMessage($msg->getRequestId(), $options, $results->getArguments(), $results->getArgumentsKw());
         } else {
             $results = is_array($results) ? $results : [$results];
             $results = !$this::is_list($results) ? [$results] : $results;
             $yieldMsg = new YieldMessage($msg->getRequestId(), $options, $results);
Exemple #21
  * Returns a promise that is invoked when the pool completed. There will be
  * no passed value.
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function then(callable $onFulfilled = null, callable $onRejected = null, callable $onProgress = null)
     return $this->promise->then($onFulfilled, $onRejected, $onProgress);
 private function assertPromiseYields($expected, PromiseInterface $promise)
     $id = sizeof($this->promiseExpectations);
     $this->promiseExpectations[$id] = ['expected' => $expected];
     $promise->then(function ($value) use($id, $expected) {
         $this->promiseExpectations[$id]['actual'] = $value;