Exemple #1
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
  * @param RationaleEntity         $rationale
 public function __construct(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator, RationaleEntity $rationale)
     $projectService = $serviceLocator->get(ProjectService::class);
     $contactService = clone $serviceLocator->get('contact_contact_service');
     $this->setAttribute('method', 'post');
     $this->setAttribute('class', 'form-horizontal');
     $this->add(['type' => 'Zend\\Form\\Element\\Textarea', 'name' => 'rationale', 'options' => ['label' => _("txt-rationale"), 'help-block' => _("txt-detailed-rationale-explanation")], 'attributes' => ['class' => 'form-control', 'rows' => 12]]);
     $contactsInProject = [];
      * A form element for a contact (project leader) is only needed when a projectService has already a project
      * So when we are editing a project. If not, simply replace it with the currently logged in user
     if (!is_null($projectService->getProject())) {
          * @var Contact[]
         $contactsInProject = $contactService->findContactsInProject($projectService);
     $valueOptions = [];
     foreach ($contactsInProject as $contact) {
          * Filter the contacts based on the country
         if (!is_null($contact->getContactOrganisation()) && $contact->getContactOrganisation()->getOrganisation()->getCountry()->getId() === $rationale->getCountry()->getId()) {
             $valueOptions[$contact->getId()] = $contact->getDisplayName();
     $this->add(['type' => 'Zend\\Form\\Element\\Select', 'name' => 'contact', 'options' => ['value_options' => $valueOptions, 'label' => _("txt-nationale-coordinator")], 'attributes' => ['class' => 'form-control', 'required' => true]]);
     $this->add(['type' => 'Zend\\Form\\Element\\Submit', 'name' => 'submit', 'attributes' => ['class' => "btn btn-primary", 'value' => _("txt-update-rationale")]]);
     $this->add(['type' => 'Zend\\Form\\Element\\Submit', 'name' => 'cancel', 'attributes' => ['class' => "btn btn-warning", 'value' => _("txt-cancel")]]);
  * Load the Project
  * @param ObjectManager $manager
 public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
     $rationale = new Rationale();
     $rationale->setCountry($manager->find("General\\Entity\\Country", 1));
     $rationale->setContact($manager->find("Contact\\Entity\\Contact", 1));
     $rationale->setProject($manager->find("Project\\Entity\\Project", 1));
     $rationale->setRationale('This is the rationale');
Exemple #3
  * @param Project $project
  * Temporary function to fill up the rationale for public function table with the relevant data.
  * We will go over each project and find the countries
 public function generateCountryRationaleByProject(Project $project)
     //Get the current (already) present $rationale
     $countriesCollected = new ArrayCollection();
     foreach ($project->getRationale() as $rationale) {
     $affiliations = $this->getAffiliationService()->findAffiliationByProjectAndWhich($project);
     //Produce an array with unique countries
     foreach ($affiliations as $affiliation) {
         if ($affiliation->getAffiliation()->getOrganisation()->getCountry()->getId() === 0 || $countriesCollected->contains($affiliation->getAffiliation()->getOrganisation()->getCountry()->getId())) {
         //Create a new $rationale
         $rationale = new Rationale();
Exemple #4
  * @param Invite  $invite
  * @param Contact $contact
  * @param         $joinMethod
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public function acceptInvitation(Invite $invite, Contact $contact, $joinMethod)
     $contactService = clone $this->getContactService();
      * Introduce an extra instance of the contactService
     $projectContactService = clone $this->getContactService();
     if (!$contactService->hasOrganisation()) {
         throw new \Exception("An organisation is needed to accept an invitation");
      * The contact-organisation is already in the project. Find the affiliation and create the join
     $affiliation = $this->getAffiliationService()->findAffiliationByProjectAndContactAndWhich($invite->getProject(), $contact, AffiliationService::WHICH_ALL);
     switch ($joinMethod) {
         case InviteAccept::OPTION_NEW_PARTNER:
             //new: txt-new-partner
              * Send an email to the project leader
             $email = $this->getEmailService()->create();
             //Set the contactService to the emailService to have the correct parameters present
              * Send an email tot he acceptor
             $email = $this->getEmailService()->create();
              * Update the technical contact for the organisation
              * If the Affiliation is null, create a new one else, update the current one
             $affiliation = new Affiliation();
             //Update the rationale if not already set
             if (is_null($this->getProjectService()->findRationaleByProjectAndCountry($invite->getProject(), $contactService->parseCountry()))) {
                 $rationale = new Rationale();
         case InviteAccept::OPTION_FINANCIAL_CONTACT:
             //financial: txt-financial-contact
             if (is_null($affiliation)) {
                 throw new \Exception("An affiliation is needed to accept an invitation");
             $financial = $affiliation->getFinancial();
             if (is_null($financial)) {
                 $financial = new Financial();
             } else {
             //No break
         //No break
         case InviteAccept::OPTION_ADDITIONAL_CONTACT:
             //associate: txt-additional-contact
             //Remove the dateEnd (if not already done)
         case InviteAccept::OPTION_MAIN_TECHNICAL_CONTACT:
             //new: txt-main-technical-contact
             if (is_null($affiliation)) {
                 throw new \Exception("An affiliation is needed to accept an invitation");
     //Refresh the permissions of the project
     return true;