Exemple #1
 public static function constructSystemMail($message, $subject = '')
     $hasHTML = strip_tags($message) != $message;
     $htmlcontent = '';
     if ($hasHTML) {
         $message = stripslashes($message);
         $textmessage = String::HTML2Text($message);
         $htmlmessage = $message;
     } else {
         $textmessage = $message;
         $htmlmessage = $message;
         #  $htmlmessage = str_replace("\n\n","\n",$htmlmessage);
         $htmlmessage = nl2br($htmlmessage);
         ## make links clickable:
         preg_match_all('~https?://[^\\s<]+~i', $htmlmessage, $matches);
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matches[0]); $i++) {
             $match = $matches[0][$i];
             $htmlmessage = str_replace($match, '<a href="' . $match . '">' . $match . '</a>', $htmlmessage);
     ## add li-s around the lists
     if (preg_match('/<ul>\\s+(\\*.*)<\\/ul>/imsxU', $htmlmessage, $listsmatch)) {
         $lists = $listsmatch[1];
         $listsHTML = '';
         preg_match_all('/\\*([^\\*]+)/', $lists, $matches);
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matches[0]); $i++) {
             $listsHTML .= '<li>' . $matches[1][$i] . '</li>';
         $htmlmessage = str_replace($listsmatch[0], '<ul>' . $listsHTML . '</ul>', $htmlmessage);
     $htmltemplate = '';
     $templateid = Config::get('systemmessagetemplate');
     if (!empty($templateid)) {
         $template = Template::getTemplate($templateid);
         $htmltemplate = stripslashes($template->template);
     if (strpos($htmltemplate, '[CONTENT]')) {
         $htmlcontent = str_replace('[CONTENT]', $htmlmessage, $htmltemplate);
         $htmlcontent = str_replace('[SUBJECT]', $subject, $htmlcontent);
         $htmlcontent = str_replace('[FOOTER]', '', $htmlcontent);
         if (!Config::EMAILTEXTCREDITS) {
             $phpListPowered = preg_replace('/src=".*power-phplist.png"/', 'src="powerphplist.png"', $GLOBALS['PoweredByImage']);
         } else {
             //TODO: make sure not to forget to add this to config
             $phpListPowered = Config::get('PoweredByText');
         if (strpos($htmlcontent, '[SIGNATURE]')) {
             $htmlcontent = str_replace('[SIGNATURE]', $phpListPowered, $htmlcontent);
         } elseif (strpos($htmlcontent, '</body>')) {
             $htmlcontent = str_replace('</body>', $phpListPowered . '</body>', $htmlcontent);
         } else {
             $htmlcontent .= $phpListPowered;
     return array($htmlcontent, $textmessage);
Exemple #2
  * Get an array of Campaigns by searching its status and subject
  * When $owner is provided, only returns the campaigns for the given owner
  * @param string|array $status
  * @param string $subject
  * @param int $owner
  * @param string $order
  * @param int $offset
  * @param int $limit
  * @return array CampaignEntity
 public function getCampaignsBy($status, $subject = '', $owner = 0, $order = '', $offset = 0, $limit = 0)
     $return = array();
     $condition = 'status IN (';
     $condition .= is_array($status) ? implode(',', $status) : $status;
     $condition .= ') ';
     if ($subject != '') {
         $condition .= ' AND subject LIKE "%' . String::sqlEscape($subject) . '%" ';
     if ($owner != 0) {
         $condition .= sprintf(' AND owner = %d', $owner);
     switch ($order) {
         case 'sentasc':
             $sortBySql = ' ORDER BY sent ASC';
         case 'sentdesc':
             $sortBySql = ' ORDER BY sent DESC';
         case 'subjectasc':
             $sortBySql = ' ORDER BY subject ASC';
         case 'subjectdesc':
             $sortBySql = ' ORDER BY subject DESC';
         case 'enteredasc':
             $sortBySql = ' ORDER BY entered ASC';
         case 'entereddesc':
             $sortBySql = ' ORDER BY entered DESC';
         case 'embargoasc':
             $sortBySql = ' ORDER BY embargo ASC';
         case 'embargodesc':
             $sortBySql = ' ORDER BY embargo DESC';
             $sortBySql = ' ORDER BY embargo DESC, entered DESC';
     $result = $this->db->query(sprintf('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %
             WHERE %s %s', $this->config->getTableName('message'), $condition, $sortBySql));
     $return['total'] = $result->fetch();
     $result = $this->db->query(sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s
             WHERE %s %s
             LIMIT %d
             OFFSET %d', $this->config->getTableName('message'), $condition, $sortBySql, $limit, $offset));
     while ($msg = $result->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $return['messages'][] = $this->campaignFromArray($msg);
     return $return;
Exemple #3
  * Parse the from field into it's components - email and name
  * @param $string
  * @param $default_address
  * @return array with fields 'email' and 'name'
 public function parseEmailAndName($string, $default_address)
     if (preg_match("/([^ ]+@[^ ]+)/", $string, $regs)) {
         # if there is an email in the from, rewrite it as "name <email>"
         $name = str_replace($regs[0], "", $string);
         $email_address = $regs[0];
         # if the email has < and > take them out here
         $email_address = str_replace('<', '', $email_address);
         $email_address = str_replace('>', '', $email_address);
         # make sure there are no quotes around the name
         $name = str_replace('"', '', ltrim(rtrim($name)));
     } elseif (strpos($string, ' ')) {
         # if there is a space, we need to add the email
         $name = $string;
         $email_address = $default_address;
     } else {
         $email_address = $default_address;
         $name = $string;
     return ['email' => $email_address, 'name' => String::removeDoubleSpaces(trim($name))];
Exemple #4
  * Update back to db
  * $modifiedby can be any string to see who has changed the record
  * @param string $modifiedby
 public function update($modifiedby)
     $privileges = String::sqlEscape(serialize($this->privileges));
     phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET
             loginname = "%s", namelc = "%s", email = "%s", modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modifiedby = "%s", superuser = %d, disabled = %d, privileges = "%s"', Config::getTableName('admin'), $this->loginname, $this->namelc, $this->email, $modifiedby, $this->superuser, $this->disabled, $privileges));
Exemple #5
  * Get all subscriber attributes
  * @param SubscriberEntity $subscriber
  * @return array
 public function getCleanAttributes(SubscriberEntity $scrEntity)
     if (!$scrEntity->hasAttributes()) {
     $clean_attributes = array();
     foreach ($scrEntity->getAttributes() as $key => $val) {
         ## in the help, we only list attributes with "strlen < 20"
         if (strlen($key) < 20) {
             $clean_attributes[String::cleanAttributeName($key)] = $val;
     return $clean_attributes;
Exemple #6
 public static function HTML2Text($text)
     # strip HTML, and turn links into the full URL
     $text = preg_replace("/\r/", "", $text);
     #$text = preg_replace("/\n/","###NL###",$text);
     $text = preg_replace("/<script[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/script\\s*>/is", "", $text);
     $text = preg_replace("/<style[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/style\\s*>/is", "", $text);
     # would prefer to use < and > but the strip tags below would erase that.
     #  $text = preg_replace("/<a href=\"(.*?)\"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>/is","\\2\n{\\1}",$text,100);
     #  $text = preg_replace("/<a href=\"(.*?)\"[^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>/is","[URLTEXT]\\2[/URLTEXT][LINK]\\1[/LINK]",$text,100);
     $text = preg_replace("/<a[^>]*href=[\"\\'](.*)[\"\\'][^>]*>(.*)<\\/a>/Umis", "[URLTEXT]\\2[ENDURLTEXT][LINK]\\1[ENDLINK]\n", $text);
     $text = preg_replace("/<b>(.*?)<\\/b\\s*>/is", "*\\1*", $text);
     $text = preg_replace("/<h[\\d]>(.*?)<\\/h[\\d]\\s*>/is", "**\\1**\n", $text);
     #  $text = preg_replace("/\s+/"," ",$text);
     $text = preg_replace("/<i>(.*?)<\\/i\\s*>/is", "/\\1/", $text);
     $text = preg_replace("/<\\/tr\\s*?>/i", "<\\/tr>\n\n", $text);
     $text = preg_replace("/<\\/p\\s*?>/i", "<\\/p>\n\n", $text);
     $text = preg_replace("/<br[^>]*?>/i", "<br>\n", $text);
     $text = preg_replace("/<br[^>]*?\\/>/i", "<br\\/>\n", $text);
     $text = preg_replace("/<table/i", "\n\n<table", $text);
     $text = strip_tags($text);
     # find all URLs and replace them back
     preg_match_all('~\\[URLTEXT\\](.*)\\[ENDURLTEXT\\]\\[LINK\\](.*)\\[ENDLINK\\]~Umis', $text, $links);
     foreach ($links[0] as $matchindex => $fullmatch) {
         $linktext = $links[1][$matchindex];
         $linkurl = $links[2][$matchindex];
         # check if the text linked is a repetition of the URL
         if (trim($linktext) == trim($linkurl) || 'http://' . trim($linktext) == trim($linkurl)) {
             $linkreplace = $linkurl;
         } else {
             ## if link is an anchor only, take it out
             if (strpos($linkurl, '#') !== false) {
                 $linkreplace = $linktext;
             } else {
                 $linkreplace = $linktext . ' <' . $linkurl . '>';
         #  $text = preg_replace('~'.preg_quote($fullmatch).'~',$linkreplace,$text);
         $text = str_replace($fullmatch, $linkreplace, $text);
     $text = preg_replace("/<a href=[\"\\'](.*?)[\"\\'][^>]*>(.*?)<\\/a>/is", "[URLTEXT]\\2[ENDURLTEXT][LINK]\\1[ENDLINK]", $text, 500);
     $text = String::replaceChars($text);
     $text = preg_replace("/###NL###/", "\n", $text);
     $text = preg_replace("/\n /", "\n", $text);
     $text = preg_replace("/\t/", " ", $text);
     # reduce whitespace
     while (preg_match("/  /", $text)) {
         $text = preg_replace("/  /", " ", $text);
     while (preg_match("/\n\\s*\n\\s*\n/", $text)) {
         $text = preg_replace("/\n\\s*\n\\s*\n/", "\n\n", $text);
     $text = wordwrap($text, 70);
     return $text;
Exemple #7
  * Load campaign in memory cache
  * @param Campaign $campaign
  * @param bool $forwardContent
  * @return bool
 public static function precacheCampaign($campaign, $forwardContent = false)
     $domain = Config::get('domain');
      * @var Campaign $cached_campaign
     $cached_campaign =& Cache::getCachedCampaign($campaign);
     ## the reply to is actually not in use
     if (preg_match('/([^ ]+@[^ ]+)/', $campaign->replyto, $regs)) {
         # if there is an email in the from, rewrite it as "name <email>"
         $campaign->replyto = str_replace($regs[0], '', $campaign->replyto);
         $cached_campaign->replytoemail = $regs[0];
         # if the email has < and > take them out here
         $cached_campaign->replytoemail = str_replace(array('<', '>'), '', $cached_campaign->replytoemail);
         //$cached->replytoemail = str_replace('>', '', $cached->replytoemail);
         # make sure there are no quotes around the name
         $cached_campaign->replytoname = str_replace('"', '', ltrim(rtrim($campaign->replyto)));
     } elseif (strpos($campaign->replyto, ' ')) {
         # if there is a space, we need to add the email
         $cached_campaign->replytoname = $campaign->replyto;
         $cached_campaign->replytoemail = "listmaster@{$domain}";
     } else {
         if (!empty($campaign->replyto)) {
             $cached_campaign->replytoemail = "{$campaign->replyto}@{$domain}";
             ## makes more sense not to add the domain to the word, but the help says it does
             ## so let's keep it for now
             $cached_campaign->replytoname = "{$campaign->replyto}@{$domain}";
     //$cached_campaign->fromname = $campaign->fromname;
     //$cached_campaign->fromemail = $campaign->fromemail;
     $cached_campaign->to = $campaign->tofield;
     #0013076: different content when forwarding 'to a friend'
     $cached_campaign->subject = $forwardContent ? stripslashes($campaign->forwardsubject) : $campaign->subject;
     #0013076: different content when forwarding 'to a friend'
     $cached_campaign->content = $forwardContent ? stripslashes($campaign->forwardcampaign) : $campaign->campaign;
     if (Config::USE_MANUAL_TEXT_PART && !$forwardContent) {
         $cached_campaign->textcontent = $campaign->textcampaign;
     } else {
         $cached_campaign->textcontent = '';
     #0013076: different content when forwarding 'to a friend'
     $cached_campaign->footer = $forwardContent ? stripslashes($campaign->forwardfooter) : $campaign->footer;
     if (strip_tags($cached_campaign->footer) != $cached_campaign->footer) {
         $cached_campaign->textfooter = String::HTML2Text($cached_campaign->footer);
         $cached_campaign->htmlfooter = $cached_campaign->footer;
     } else {
         $cached_campaign->textfooter = $cached_campaign->footer;
         $cached_campaign->htmlfooter = PrepareCampaign::parseText($cached_campaign->footer);
     $cached_campaign->htmlformatted = strip_tags($cached_campaign->content) != $cached_campaign->content;
     //$cached_campaign->sendformat = $campaign->sendformat;
     ## @@ put this here, so it can become editable per email sent out at a later stage
     $cached_campaign->html_charset = 'UTF-8';
     ## @@ need to check on validity of charset
     /*if (!$cached_campaign->html_charset) {
           $cached_campaign->html_charset = 'UTF-8'; #'iso-8859-1';
     $cached_campaign->text_charset = 'UTF-8';
     /*if (!$cached_campaign->text_charset) {
           $cached_campaign->text_charset = 'UTF-8'; #'iso-8859-1';
     ## if we are sending a URL that contains subscriber attributes, we cannot pre-parse the campaign here
     ## but that has quite some impact on speed. So check if that's the case and apply
     $cached_campaign->subscriberspecific_url = preg_match('/\\[.+\\]/', $campaign->sendurl);
     if (!$cached_campaign->subscriberspecific_url) {
         ## Fetch external content here, because URL does not contain placeholders
         if (Config::get('canFetchUrl') && preg_match('/\\[URL:([^\\s]+)\\]/i', $cached_campaign->content, $regs)) {
             $remote_content = Util::fetchUrl($regs[1]);
             #  $remote_content = fetchUrl($campaign['sendurl'],array());
             # @@ don't use this
             #      $remote_content = includeStyles($remote_content);
             if ($remote_content) {
                 $cached_campaign->content = str_replace($regs[0], $remote_content, $cached_campaign->content);
                 #  $cached[$campaign_id]['content'] = $remote_content;
                 $cached_campaign->htmlformatted = strip_tags($remote_content) != $remote_content;
             } else {
                 #print Error(s('unable to fetch web page for sending'));
                 phpList::log()->notice("Error fetching URL: " . $campaign->sendurl . ' cannot proceed');
                 return false;
         if (Config::VERBOSE && Config::get('getspeedstats', false) !== false) {
             phpList::log()->debug('fetch URL end', ['page' => 'preparecampaign']);
         print $campaign->sendurl;
         print $remote_content;exit;
     // end if not subscriberspecific url
     /*if ($cached_campaign->htmlformatted) {
           #   $cached->content = String::compressContent($cached->content);
     //$cached_campaign->google_track = $campaign->google_track;
         else {
     print $campaign->sendurl;
     if (Config::VERBOSE && Config::get('getspeedstats', false) !== false) {
         phpList::log()->debug('parse config start', ['page' => 'preparecampaign']);
              * this is not a good idea, as it'll replace eg "unsubscribeurl" with a general one instead of personalised
              *   if (is_array($GLOBALS['default_config'])) {
       foreach($GLOBALS['default_config'] as $key => $val) {
         if (is_array($val)) {
           $cached[$campaign_id]['content'] = str_ireplace("[$key]",Config::get($key),$cached[$campaign_id]['content']);
           $cached->textcontent = str_ireplace("[$key]",Config::get($key),$cached->textcontent);
           $cached->textfooter = str_ireplace("[$key]",Config::get($key),$cached[$campaign_id]['textfooter']);
           $cached->htmlfooter = str_ireplace("[$key]",Config::get($key),$cached[$campaign_id]['htmlfooter']);
     if (Config::VERBOSE && Config::get('getspeedstats', false) !== false) {
         phpList::log()->debug('parse config end', ['page' => 'preparecampaign']);
     /*TODO: figure out what this does
       foreach ($campaign as $key => $val) {
           if (!is_array($val)) {
               $cached_campaign->content = str_ireplace("[$key]", $val, $cached_campaign->content);
               $cached_campaign->textcontent = str_ireplace("[$key]", $val, $cached_campaign->textcontent);
               $cached_campaign->textfooter = str_ireplace("[$key]", $val, $cached_campaign->textfooter);
               $cached_campaign->htmlfooter = str_ireplace("[$key]", $val, $cached_campaign->htmlfooter);
     if (preg_match("/##LISTOWNER=(.*)/", $cached_campaign->content, $regs)) {
         $cached_campaign->listowner = $regs[1];
         $cached_campaign->content = str_replace($regs[0], '', $cached_campaign->content);
     } else {
         $cached_campaign->listowner = 0;
     if (!empty($cached_campaign->listowner)) {
         $att_result = phpList::DB()->query(sprintf('SELECT name,value FROM %s AS aa, %s AS a_a
             WHERE aa.id = a_a.adminattributeid AND aa.adminid = %d', Config::getTableName('adminattribute'), Config::getTableName('admin_attribute'), $cached_campaign->listowner));
         while ($att = $att_result->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
             $cached_campaign->content = preg_replace('#\\[LISTOWNER.' . strtoupper(preg_quote($att['name'])) . '\\]#', $att['value'], $cached_campaign->content);
     $baseurl = Config::get('website');
     if (Config::UPLOADIMAGES_DIR != null) {
         ## escape subdirectories, otherwise this renders empty
         $dir = str_replace('/', '\\/', Config::UPLOADIMAGES_DIR);
         $cached_campaign->content = preg_replace('/<img(.*)src="\\/' . $dir . '(.*)>/iU', '<img\\1src="' . Config::get('public_scheme') . '://' . $baseurl . '/' . Config::UPLOADIMAGES_DIR . '\\2>', $cached_campaign->content);
     //if (defined('FCKIMAGES_DIR') && FCKIMAGES_DIR) {
     //$cached[$campaign_id]['content'] = preg_replace('/<img(.*)src="\/lists\/'.FCKIMAGES_DIR.'(.*)>/iU','<img\\1src="'.$GLOBALS['public_scheme'].'://'.$baseurl.'/lists/'.FCKIMAGES_DIR.'\\2>',$cached[$campaign_id]['content']);
     return true;