public static function serializeOptions(Operation $operation, array $userValues = [])
     $options = ['headers' => []];
     $jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
     foreach ($userValues as $paramName => $paramValue) {
         if (null === ($schema = $operation->getParam($paramName))) {
         switch ($schema->getLocation()) {
             case 'query':
                 $options['query'][$schema->getName()] = $paramValue;
             case 'header':
                 $options['headers'] += self::parseHeader($schema, $paramName, $paramValue);
             case 'json':
                 $json = isset($options['json']) ? $options['json'] : [];
                 $options['json'] = $jsonSerializer->stockJson($schema, $paramValue, $json);
             case 'raw':
                 $options['body'] = $paramValue;
     if (!empty($options['json']) && ($key = $operation->getJsonKey())) {
         $options['json'] = [$key => $options['json']];
     return $options;
Exemple #2
 protected function sendRequest(Operation $operation, array $userValues = [], $async = false)
     $uri = uri_template($operation->getPath(), $userValues);
     $options = RequestSerializer::serializeOptions($operation, $userValues);
     $method = $async ? 'requestAsync' : 'request';
     return $this->client->{$method}($operation->getMethod(), $uri, $options);
 public function test_json_is_set_on_request()
     $client = $this->prophesize(ClientInterface::class);
     $client->createRequest('POST', 'path', ['json' => ['X-Foo' => 'bar'], 'exceptions' => false])->shouldBeCalled();
     $def = ['method' => 'POST', 'path' => 'path', 'params' => ['Foo' => ['type' => 'string', 'location' => 'json', 'sentAs' => 'X-Foo']]];
     $userVals = ['Foo' => 'bar'];
     $operation = new Operation($client->reveal(), $def, $userVals);
 public function testHeadersOfRequestAreStocked()
     $definition = (include 'fixtures/headers.php');
     $userValues = ['name' => 'john_doe', 'age' => 30, 'metadata' => ['hair_color' => 'brown'], 'other' => 'blah'];
     $expected = ['X-Foo-Name' => $userValues['name'], 'age' => $userValues['age'], 'X-Meta-hair_color' => $userValues['metadata']['hair_color']];
     $actual = $this->serializer->serialize($userValues, Operation::toParamArray($definition['params']));
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
 public function test_it_nests_object_keys_according_to_path()
     $api = new IdentityV3Api();
     $params = Operation::toParamArray($api->postTokens()['params']);
     $user = ['name' => 'foo', 'password' => 'bar', 'domain' => ['name' => 'default']];
     $scope = ['project' => ['id' => 'baz']];
     $userValues = ['user' => $user, 'scope' => $scope, 'methods' => ['password']];
     $expected = ['auth' => ['identity' => ['methods' => ['password'], 'password' => ['user' => $user]], 'scope' => $scope]];
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->serializer->serialize($userValues, $params));
 public function serializeOptions(Operation $operation, array $userValues = []) : array
     $options = ['headers' => []];
     foreach ($userValues as $paramName => $paramValue) {
         if (null === ($schema = $operation->getParam($paramName))) {
         $this->callStockingMethod($schema, $paramValue, $options);
     if (!empty($options['json'])) {
         if ($key = $operation->getJsonKey()) {
             $options['json'] = [$key => $options['json']];
         if (strpos(json_encode($options['json']), '\\/') !== false) {
             $options['body'] = json_encode($options['json'], JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
             $options['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
     return $options;
  * This method iterates over a collection of resources. It sends the operation's request to the API,
  * parses the response, converts each element into {@see self} and - if pagination is supported - continues
  * to send requests until an empty collection is received back.
  * For paginated collections, it sends subsequent requests according to a marker URL query. The value
  * of the marker will depend on the last element returned in the previous response. If a limit is
  * provided, the loop will continue up until that point.
  * @param Operation $operation The operation responsible for retrieving a new collection
  * @param callable  $mapFn     An optional callback that will be executed on every resource iteration.
 public function enumerate(Operation $operation, callable $mapFn = null)
     $limit = $operation->getValue('limit') ?: false;
     $supportsPagination = $operation->hasParam('marker');
     $markerKey = $this->markerKey ?: self::DEFAULT_MARKER_KEY;
     $count = 0;
     $moreRequestsRequired = true;
     $totalReached = function ($count) use($limit) {
         return $limit && $count >= $limit;
     while ($moreRequestsRequired && $count < 20) {
         $response = $operation->send();
         $body = $response->json();
         $json = $this->flatten($body, $this->resourcesKey);
         foreach ($json as $resourceData) {
             if ($totalReached($count)) {
             $resource = $this->newInstance();
             if ($mapFn) {
                 call_user_func_array($mapFn, [$resource]);
             if ($supportsPagination) {
                 $operation->setValue('marker', $resource->{$markerKey});
             (yield $resource);
         if ($totalReached($count) || !$supportsPagination || empty($json)) {
             $moreRequestsRequired = false;