getMainRequest() public méthode

Returns the top level ActionRequest: the one just below the HTTP request
public getMainRequest ( ) : ActionRequest
Résultat ActionRequest
  * @test
 public function getMainRequestReturnsTheTopLevelActionRequestWhoseParentIsTheHttpRequest()
     $anotherActionRequest = new ActionRequest($this->actionRequest);
     $yetAnotherActionRequest = new ActionRequest($anotherActionRequest);
     $this->assertSame($this->actionRequest, $this->actionRequest->getMainRequest());
     $this->assertSame($this->actionRequest, $yetAnotherActionRequest->getMainRequest());
     $this->assertSame($this->actionRequest, $anotherActionRequest->getMainRequest());
  * Pass the arguments which were addressed to the plugin to its own request
  * @param ActionRequest $pluginRequest The plugin request
  * @return void
 protected function passArgumentsToPluginRequest(ActionRequest $pluginRequest)
     $arguments = $pluginRequest->getMainRequest()->getPluginArguments();
     $pluginNamespace = $this->getPluginNamespace();
     if (isset($arguments[$pluginNamespace])) {
  * Get a new RequestMatcher for the Request's MainRequest
  * @return RequestMatcher
  * @api
 public function getMainRequest()
     return new RequestMatcher($this->request->getMainRequest(), $this);
  * Returns the top level ActionRequest: the one just below the HTTP request
  * @return ActionRequest
  * @api
 public function getMainRequest()
     return $this->parentRequest instanceof HttpRequest ? $this : $this->parentRequest->getMainRequest();
Exemple #5
  * @param \Neos\Form\Core\Model\FormDefinition $formDefinition
  * @param \Neos\Flow\Mvc\ActionRequest $request
  * @param \Neos\Flow\Http\Response $response
  * @throws \Neos\Form\Exception\IdentifierNotValidException
  * @internal
 public function __construct(\Neos\Form\Core\Model\FormDefinition $formDefinition, \Neos\Flow\Mvc\ActionRequest $request, \Neos\Flow\Http\Response $response)
     $this->formDefinition = $formDefinition;
     $rootRequest = $request->getMainRequest() ?: $request;
     $pluginArguments = $rootRequest->getPluginArguments();
     $this->request = new ActionRequest($request);
     $formIdentifier = $this->formDefinition->getIdentifier();
     $this->request->setArgumentNamespace('--' . $formIdentifier);
     if (isset($pluginArguments[$formIdentifier])) {
     $this->response = $response;
  * Merges specified arguments with arguments from request.
  * If $this->request is no sub request, request arguments will only be merged if $this->addQueryString is set.
  * Otherwise all request arguments except for the ones prefixed with the current request argument namespace will
  * be merged. Additionally special arguments (PackageKey, SubpackageKey, ControllerName & Action) are merged.
  * The argument provided through the $arguments parameter always overrule the request
  * arguments.
  * The request hierarchy is structured as follows:
  * root (HTTP) > main (Action) > sub (Action) > sub sub (Action)
  * @param array $arguments
  * @return array
 protected function mergeArgumentsWithRequestArguments(array $arguments)
     if ($this->request !== $this->request->getMainRequest()) {
         $subRequest = $this->request;
         while ($subRequest instanceof ActionRequest) {
             $requestArguments = (array) $subRequest->getArguments();
             // Reset arguments for the request that is bound to this UriBuilder instance
             if ($subRequest === $this->request) {
                 if ($this->addQueryString === false) {
                     $requestArguments = [];
                 } else {
                     foreach ($this->argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString as $argumentToBeExcluded) {
             } else {
                 // Remove all arguments of the current sub request if it's namespaced
                 if ($this->request->getArgumentNamespace() !== '') {
                     $requestNamespace = $this->getRequestNamespacePath($this->request);
                     if ($this->addQueryString === false) {
                         $requestArguments = Arrays::unsetValueByPath($requestArguments, $requestNamespace);
                     } else {
                         foreach ($this->argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString as $argumentToBeExcluded) {
                             $requestArguments = Arrays::unsetValueByPath($requestArguments, $requestNamespace . '.' . $argumentToBeExcluded);
             // Merge special arguments (package, subpackage, controller & action) from main request
             $requestPackageKey = $subRequest->getControllerPackageKey();
             if (!empty($requestPackageKey)) {
                 $requestArguments['@package'] = $requestPackageKey;
             $requestSubpackageKey = $subRequest->getControllerSubpackageKey();
             if (!empty($requestSubpackageKey)) {
                 $requestArguments['@subpackage'] = $requestSubpackageKey;
             $requestControllerName = $subRequest->getControllerName();
             if (!empty($requestControllerName)) {
                 $requestArguments['@controller'] = $requestControllerName;
             $requestActionName = $subRequest->getControllerActionName();
             if (!empty($requestActionName)) {
                 $requestArguments['@action'] = $requestActionName;
             if (count($requestArguments) > 0) {
                 $requestArguments = $this->addNamespaceToArguments($requestArguments, $subRequest);
                 $arguments = Arrays::arrayMergeRecursiveOverrule($requestArguments, $arguments);
             $subRequest = $subRequest->getParentRequest();
     } elseif ($this->addQueryString === true) {
         $requestArguments = $this->request->getArguments();
         foreach ($this->argumentsToBeExcludedFromQueryString as $argumentToBeExcluded) {
         if ($requestArguments !== []) {
             $arguments = Arrays::arrayMergeRecursiveOverrule($requestArguments, $arguments);
     return $arguments;
  * This method generates the Uri through the joinPoint with
  * temporary overriding the used node
  * @param ActionRequest $request
  * @param JoinPointInterface $joinPoint The current join point
  * @param NodeInterface $node
  * @return string $uri
 public function generateUriForNode(ActionRequest $request, JoinPointInterface $joinPoint, NodeInterface $node)
     // store original node path to restore it after generating the uri
     $originalNodePath = $request->getMainRequest()->getArgument('node');
     // generate the uri for the given node
     $request->getMainRequest()->setArgument('node', $node->getContextPath());
     $result = $joinPoint->getAdviceChain()->proceed($joinPoint);
     // restore the original node path
     $request->getMainRequest()->setArgument('node', $originalNodePath);
     return $result;
  * Calculates the dimensions of the thumbnail to be generated and returns the thumbnail URI.
  * In case of Images this is a thumbnail of the image, in case of other assets an icon representation.
  * @param AssetInterface $asset
  * @param ThumbnailConfiguration $configuration
  * @param ActionRequest $request Request argument must be provided for asynchronous thumbnails
  * @return array|null Array with keys "width", "height" and "src" if the thumbnail generation work or null
  * @throws AssetServiceException
 public function getThumbnailUriAndSizeForAsset(AssetInterface $asset, ThumbnailConfiguration $configuration, ActionRequest $request = null)
     $thumbnailImage = $this->thumbnailService->getThumbnail($asset, $configuration);
     if (!$thumbnailImage instanceof ImageInterface) {
         return null;
     $resource = $thumbnailImage->getResource();
     if ($thumbnailImage instanceof Thumbnail) {
         $staticResource = $thumbnailImage->getStaticResource();
         if ($configuration->isAsync() === true && $resource === null && $staticResource === null) {
             if ($request === null) {
                 throw new AssetServiceException('Request argument must be provided for async thumbnails.', 1447660835);
             $uri = $this->uriBuilder->reset()->setCreateAbsoluteUri(true)->uriFor('thumbnail', array('thumbnail' => $thumbnailImage), 'Thumbnail', 'Neos.Media');
         } else {
             $uri = $this->thumbnailService->getUriForThumbnail($thumbnailImage);
     } else {
         $uri = $this->resourceManager->getPublicPersistentResourceUri($resource);
     return array('width' => $thumbnailImage->getWidth(), 'height' => $thumbnailImage->getHeight(), 'src' => $uri);