Exemple #1
  * Allow for static access to HTTP Methods.
  * @param string $method The method name
  * @param array  $args   The function arguments
  * @return mixed The route is compiled
 public static function __callStatic($method, $args)
     $method = strtolower($method);
     list($route, $closure) = $args;
     if (!in_array($method, static::$allowed)) {
         throw new InvalidMethodException($method . ' is not a valid method name.');
     if (!static::$router) {
         static::$router = new static();
     return static::$router->compile($method, $route, $closure);
Exemple #2
  * Redirect to a route.
  * @param Route|string $route The route object or route name
  * @param array        $vars  An array of variables to pass to the route
 public static function route($route, array $vars = [])
     $app = Application::instance();
     if (!$route instanceof Route) {
         $route = Router::route($route);
     if ($route !== null) {
Exemple #3
  * Create a new request for the application.
 public function __construct()
     $this->router = new Router();
     $this->method = strtoupper($this->router->requestMethod());
     // Store the raw input data
     $input = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
     $this->rawInput = new Input($input);
     // Escape the input data, and store it again
     $input = $this->escapeInput($input);
     $this->input = new Input($input);
     // Store the current URI
     if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
         $this->uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
     // Retrieve the previous URI from the session, and store it
     // against the request object
     if (($previous = Session::get('previous_uri')) !== null) {
         $this->previousUri = $previous;
     // Update the previous URI session key now that we have retrieved
     // it's value
     Session::set('previous_uri', $this->uri);
Exemple #4
 public function test()
     list($uri, $verb) = array_pad($this->args, 2, null);
     if (!$uri) {
         Prompt::outputend(ANSI::fg('You must specify a URI to test.' . "\n", ANSI::RED));
         return Help::execute(Application::instance());
     if (!$verb) {
         $verb = 'GET';
     $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $uri;
     foreach (Router::routes() as $route) {
         if ($route->match()) {
             Prompt::tableHeader(['Verb' => 10, 'Route' => 35, 'Name' => 20]);
             return Prompt::tableRow([strtoupper($route->verb), $route->route, $route->name !== $route->route ? $route->name : ' ']);
     Prompt::outputend(ANSI::fg('Route for URI ' . $uri . ' could not be found.', ANSI::RED));
Exemple #5
  * Check that a valid route has been found.
 protected function checkRoute()
     if (Router::current() === null) {
         return $this->error(404);
Exemple #6
  * Check if the route matches the current request on ANY method,
  * and if so execute its callback.
  * @return mixed The route callback is invoked
 private function executeAny()
     if (in_array(Router::requestMethod(), Router::allowed()) && is_array($vars = $this->match())) {
         $ref = new \ReflectionFunction($this->callback);
         return $ref->invokeArgs($vars);