Exemple #1
  * Additional Save procedures
 public function has(Mongo $item)
     // if $item doesn't have a DBRef, then we can't proceed
     if (!$item->getDBRef()) {
         return false;
     // check for Tags
     if ($item instanceof Tag) {
         if ($tags = @$this->data['tags']) {
             foreach ($this->data['tags'] as $tag) {
                 if ($item->getDBRef() == $tag) {
                     return true;
     // check for Photo
     if ($item instanceof Photo) {
         if ($photos = @$this->data['photos']) {
             foreach ($this->data['photos'] as $photo) {
                 if ($item->getDBRef() == $photo) {
                     return true;
     return false;
  * Create photos in photos collection and attach to Mongo object (e.g. Article)
  * @param Mongo $article Article to attach the photos to
  * @param array $photos POST param
  * @return void
 protected function attachPhotosTo(Mongo $target, $photos)
     $container = $this->app->getContainer();
     $settings = $container->get('settings');
     if (@$photos['name']) {
         // generate the photo dir from the target id
         // we'll use Photo::getCurrentDir to generate the dir from date
         // useful when managing thousands of photos/articles
         // e.g. /var/www/.../data/photos/201601/31/
         $dir = $settings['photos_dir']['original'] . '/' . Photo::getNewDir();
         $fileExists = $this->get('fs')->fileExists($dir);
         if (!$fileExists and !$this->get('fs')->makeDir($dir, 0775, true)) {
             throw new \Exception('Could not create directory');
         // loop through photos and create in photos collection
         // also, attach the newly created photo to article
         foreach ($photos['name'] as $i => $file) {
             // get the parameters from the form submission
             $name = $photos['name'][$i];
             $tmpName = $photos['tmp_name'][$i];
             $type = $photos['type'][$i];
             $ext = pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
             // if the file field is blank, move onto the next field
             if (empty($file)) {
             // build the file name and path, we'll store the filename in the db
             $file = sprintf('%s.%s', substr(md5_file($tmpName), 0, 10), strtolower($ext));
             $destpath = $dir . '/' . $file;
             // handle the uploaded file
             $this->get('photo_manager')->moveUploadedFile($tmpName, $destpath, $maxWidth = 2000, $maxHeight = 2000);
             // create the photo in collection first so that we have an id to
             // name the photo by
             $photo = $this->get('model.photo')->create(array('original_file' => $file, 'type' => $type, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height));
             // attach the photo to $article
             $target->push(array('photos' => $photo));