Exemple #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $period = $input->getArgument('period');
     $start = $input->getOption('start');
     $project = $input->getOption('project');
     $start = $start ? new \DateTime($start) : NULL;
     if (!in_array($period, [static::MONTH, static::DAY, static::WEEK, static::FORTNIGHT], TRUE)) {
         $output->writeln('<error>Period must be one of day|week|month|fortnight</error>');
         $output->writeln('E.g. <comment>tl billable week</comment>');
     switch ($period) {
         case static::WEEK:
             $date = DateHelper::startOfWeek($start);
             $end = clone $date;
             $end->modify('+7 days');
         case static::MONTH:
             $date = DateHelper::startOfMonth($start);
             $end = clone $date;
             $end->modify('+1 month');
             $end = DateHelper::startOfMonth($end);
             $end->modify('-1 second');
         case static::FORTNIGHT:
             $date = DateHelper::startOfWeek($start);
             $date->modify('-7 days');
             $end = clone $date;
             $end->modify('+14 days');
             $date = DateHelper::startOfDay($start);
             $end = clone $date;
             $end->modify('+1 day');
     $billable = 0;
     $non_billable = 0;
     $unknown = 0;
     $unknowns = [];
     $projects = [];
     $billable_projects = [];
     $non_billable_projects = [];
     foreach ($this->repository->totalByTicket($date->getTimestamp(), $end->getTimestamp()) as $tid => $duration) {
         $details = $this->connector->ticketDetails($tid);
         if ($details) {
             if (!isset($projects[$details->getProjectId()])) {
                 $projects[$details->getProjectId()] = 0;
             if ($details->isBillable()) {
                 $billable += $duration;
                 $projects[$details->getProjectId()] += $duration;
                 $billable_projects[$details->getProjectId()] = $details->getProjectId();
             } else {
                 $non_billable += $duration;
                 $projects[$details->getProjectId()] += $duration;
                 $non_billable_projects[$details->getProjectId()] = $details->getProjectId();
         } else {
             $unknown += $duration;
             $unknowns[] = $tid;
     $table = new Table($output);
     if (!$project) {
         $table->setHeaders(['Type', 'Hours', 'Percent']);
     } else {
         $table->setHeaders(['Type', 'Project', 'Hours', 'Percent']);
     $total = $billable + $non_billable + $unknown;
     $tag = 'info';
     // @todo make this configurable.
     if ($billable / $total < 0.8) {
         $tag = 'error';
     if ($project) {
         $project_names = $this->connector->projectNames();
         $rows[] = ['Billable', '', '', ''];
         foreach ($billable_projects as $project_id) {
             $project_name = isset($project_names[$project_id]) ? $project_names[$project_id] : "Project ID {$project_id}";
             $rows[] = ['', $project_name, Formatter::formatDuration($projects[$project_id]), ''];
         $rows[] = new TableSeparator();
         $rows[] = ['Billable', '', Formatter::formatDuration($billable), "<{$tag}>" . round(100 * $billable / $total, 2) . "%</{$tag}>"];
         $rows[] = new TableSeparator();
         $rows[] = ['Non-Billable', '', '', ''];
         foreach ($non_billable_projects as $project_id) {
             $project_name = isset($project_names[$project_id]) ? $project_names[$project_id] : "Project ID {$project_id}";
             $rows[] = ['', $project_name, Formatter::formatDuration($projects[$project_id]), ''];
         $rows[] = new TableSeparator();
         $rows[] = ['Non-billable', '', Formatter::formatDuration($non_billable), round(100 * $non_billable / $total, 2) . '%'];
         if ($unknown) {
             $rows[] = new TableSeparator();
             $rows[] = ['Unknown', '', '', ''];
             $rows[] = ['', 'Unknown<comment>*</comment>', Formatter::formatDuration($unknown), round(100 * $unknown / $total, 2) . '%'];
             $rows[] = ['', '<comment>* Deleted or access denied tickets:</comment> ' . implode(',', $unknowns), '', ''];
         $rows[] = new TableSeparator();
         $rows[] = ['', 'Total', Formatter::formatDuration($total), '100%'];
     } else {
         $rows[] = ['Billable', Formatter::formatDuration($billable), "<{$tag}>" . round(100 * $billable / $total, 2) . "%</{$tag}>"];
         $rows[] = ['Non-billable', Formatter::formatDuration($non_billable), round(100 * $non_billable / $total, 2) . '%'];
         if ($unknown) {
             $rows[] = ['Unknown<comment>*</comment>', Formatter::formatDuration($unknown), round(100 * $unknown / $total, 2) . '%'];
             $rows[] = ['<comment>* Deleted or access denied tickets:</comment> ' . implode(',', $unknowns), '', ''];
         $rows[] = new TableSeparator();
         $rows[] = ['Total', Formatter::formatDuration($total), '100%'];