Exemple #1
  * Get link to a dynamic asset.
  * @param array|Linkable|string|null $route A route, see {@see \Jivoo\Routing\Routing}. 
  * @return string|null Link to asset, or null if not found.
 public function getDynamicAsset($route)
     $route = $this->m->Routing->validateRoute($route);
     if ($route['dispatcher'] instanceof ActionDispatcher) {
         $path = array_map(array('Jivoo\\Core\\Utilities', 'camelCaseToDashes'), explode('\\', $route['controller']));
         $path[] = str_replace('_', '.', Utilities::camelCaseToDashes($route['action']));
     } else {
         if ($route['dispatcher'] instanceof SnippetDispatcher) {
             $path = explode('\\', str_replace('_', '.', $route['snippet']));
             $path = array_map(array('Jivoo\\Core\\Utilities', 'camelCaseToDashes'), $path);
         } else {
             return null;
     $suffix = '';
     //     if ($this->config['mtimeSuffix'])
     //       $suffix = '?' . filemtime($file);
     return $this->m->Routing->getLinkFromPath(array_merge(array('assets'), $path), $route['query'], $route['fragment']) . $suffix;
Exemple #2
  * Render a template.
  * If $templateName is not set, the path of the template will be computed
  * based on the name of the controller and the name of the action.
  * @param string $templateName Name of template to render.
  * @return ViewResponse A view response for template.
 protected function render($templateName = null)
     if (!$this->response instanceof ViewResponse) {
         $response = $this->response;
         $this->response = new ViewResponse(Http::OK, $this->view);
         return $response;
     if (!isset($templateName)) {
         list(, $caller) = debug_backtrace(false);
         $class = str_replace($this->app->n('Controllers\\'), '', $caller['class']);
         $class = preg_replace('/Controller$/', '', $class);
         $templateName = '';
         if ($class != 'App') {
             $dirs = array_map(array('Jivoo\\Core\\Utilities', 'camelCaseToDashes'), explode('\\', $class));
             $templateName = implode('/', $dirs) . '/';
         $type = 'html';
         $action = $caller['function'];
         if (strpos($action, '_') !== false and preg_match('/^(.*)_([a-z0-9]+)$/i', $action, $matches) === 1) {
             $action = $matches[1];
             $type = $matches[2];
         $templateName .= Utilities::camelCaseToDashes($action) . '.' . $type;
     $this->response->template = $templateName;
     $response = $this->response;
     $this->response = new ViewResponse(Http::OK, $this->view);
     return $response;
Exemple #3
  * Declaration getter.
  * @param string $property Property in camelCase, e.g. backgroundColor,
  * fontFamily, etc.
  * @return string|array Value.
 public function __get($property)
     $property = Utilities::camelCaseToDashes($property);
     if (isset($this->declarations[$property])) {
         return $this->declarations[$property];
     return null;
Exemple #4
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function render($templateName = null)
     if (!isset($templateName)) {
         list(, $caller) = debug_backtrace(false);
         $class = str_replace($this->app->n('Snippets\\'), '', $caller['class']);
         $dirs = array_map(array('Jivoo\\Core\\Utilities', 'camelCaseToDashes'), explode('\\', $class));
         $templateName = implode('/', $dirs) . '/';
         $templateName .= Utilities::camelCaseToDashes($caller['function']) . '.html';
     return parent::render($templateName);
Exemple #5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function autoRoute(RoutingTable $table, $route, $resource = false)
     $controller = $route['controller'];
     $dirs = explode('\\', $controller);
     if ($dirs == array('App')) {
         $dirs = array();
     } else {
         $dirs = array_map(array('Jivoo\\Core\\Utilities', 'camelCaseToDashes'), $dirs);
     $patternBase = implode('/', $dirs);
     if ($resource) {
         $table->match($patternBase, 'action:' . $controller . '::index');
         $table->match($patternBase . '/add', 'action:' . $controller . '::add');
         $table->match($patternBase . '/:0', 'action:' . $controller . '::view');
         $table->match($patternBase . '/:0/edit', 'action:' . $controller . '::edit');
         $table->match($patternBase . '/:0/delete', 'action:' . $controller . '::delete');
         $table->match('DELETE ' . $patternBase . '/:0', 'action:' . $controller . '::delete');
         $table->match('PATCH ' . $patternBase . '/:0', 'action:' . $controller . '::edit');
         $table->match('PUT ' . $patternBase . '/:0', 'action:' . $controller . '::edit');
         $table->match('POST ' . $patternBase, 'action:' . $controller . '::add');
         return $patternBase . '/:0';
     } else {
         if (isset($route['action'])) {
             $action = $route['action'];
             $class = $this->getClass($controller);
             if (!$class) {
                 throw new InvalidClassException(tr('Invalid controller: %1', $controller));
             $route = array('controller' => $controller, 'action' => $action);
             $reflect = new \ReflectionMethod($class, $action);
             $required = $reflect->getNumberOfRequiredParameters();
             $total = $reflect->getNumberOfParameters();
             if (!empty($prefix) and substr($prefix, -1) != '/') {
                 $prefix .= '/';
             if ($action == 'index') {
                 $table->match($patternBase, $route);
             $patternBase .= '/' . str_replace('_', '.', Utilities::camelCaseToDashes($action));
             if ($required < 1) {
                 $table->match($patternBase, $route);
             $path = $patternBase;
             for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
                 $path .= '/*';
                 if ($i <= $required) {
                     $table->match($path, $route);
             return $patternBase;
         } else {
             $actions = $this->getActions($controller);
             if ($actions === false) {
                 throw new InvalidClassException(tr('Invalid controller: %1', $controller));
             foreach ($actions as $action) {
                 $route['action'] = $action;
                 $this->autoRoute($table, $route, false);
             return $patternBase;
Exemple #6
  * Render a template. Will look for template in the extension directory.
  * @param string $templateName Name of template to render, uses name of class
  * if not specified.
  * @return ViewResponse A view response.
 protected function render($templateName = null)
     list($key, $path) = $this->info->getKeyPath();
     $this->view->addTemplateDir($key, $path, 4);
     if (!isset($templateName)) {
         $templateName = Utilities::camelCaseToDashes(get_class($this)) . '.html';
     return $this->view->renderOnly($templateName);