Exemple #1
        //end while
    if ($debug) {
        echo "dbg: desbloqueo este registro\n";
    Model::query('UPDATE mailer_content SET blocked = 0 WHERE id = ?', array($mailing->id));
} else {
    if ($debug) {
        echo "dbg: FALLO\n";
if ($debug) {
    echo "dbg: FIN, tiempo de ejecución total " . round(microtime(true) - $itime, 2) . " segundos para enviar {$total_users} emails, ratio medio " . round($total_users / (microtime(true) - $itime), 2) . " emails/segundo\n";
// limpiamos antiguos procesados
 * Comprueba si se está ejecutando un proceso cli-sendmail.php con un pid determinado
 * @param  [type] $pid [description]
 * @return [type]      [description]
function check_pid($args, $pid = null)
    $filter = escapeshellarg(escapeshellcmd(__DIR__ . "/cli-sendmail.php {$args}"));
    $order = "ps x | grep {$filter} | grep -v grep | awk '{ print \$1 }'";
    // $order = "pgrep -f $filter";
    $lines = shell_exec($order);
    if ($lines) {
        // echo "[$pid] ";print_r($lines);print_r($order);
        if ($pid) {
            $lines = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $lines));
Exemple #2
 public static function process($action = 'list', $id = null, $filters = array())
     switch ($action) {
         case 'init':
             if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
                 // plantilla
                 $template = $_POST['template'];
                 // destinatarios
                 if ($_POST['test']) {
                     $users = Boletin::getTesters();
                 } elseif ($template == 33) {
                     // los destinatarios de newsletter
                     $users = Boletin::getReceivers();
                 } elseif ($template == 35) {
                     // los destinatarios para testear a subscriptores
                     $users = Boletin::getReceivers();
                 // sin idiomas
                 $nolang = $_POST['nolang'];
                 if ($nolang) {
                     $receivers[LANG] = $users;
                 } else {
                     // separamos destinatarios en idiomas
                     $receivers = array();
                     foreach ($users as $usr) {
                         if (empty($usr->lang) || $usr->lang == LANG) {
                             $receivers[LANG][] = $usr;
                         } else {
                             $receivers[$usr->lang][] = $usr;
                 // idiomas que vamos a enviar
                 $langs = array_keys($receivers);
                 // para cada idioma
                 foreach ($langs as $lang) {
                     // destinatarios
                     $recipients = $receivers[$lang];
                     // datos de la plantilla
                     $tpl = Template::get($template, $lang);
                     // contenido de newsletter
                     $content = $template == 33 ? Boletin::getContent($tpl->text, $lang) : ($content = $tpl->text);
                     // asunto
                     $subject = $tpl->title;
                     // creamos instancia
                     $sql = "INSERT INTO mail (id, email, html, template) VALUES ('', :email, :html, :template)";
                     $values = array(':email' => 'any', ':html' => $content, ':template' => $template);
                     $query = \Goteo\Core\Model::query($sql, $values);
                     $mailId = \Goteo\Core\Model::insertId();
                     // inicializamos el envío
                     if (Sender::initiateSending($mailId, $subject, $recipients, true)) {
                         // ok...
                     } else {
                         Message::Error('No se ha podido iniciar el mailing con asunto "' . $subject . '"');
             throw new Redirection('/admin/newsletter');
         case 'activate':
             if (Sender::activateSending($id)) {
                 Message::Info('Se ha activado un nuevo envío automático');
             } else {
                 Message::Error('No se pudo activar el envío. Iniciar de nuevo');
             throw new Redirection('/admin/newsletter');
         case 'detail':
             $mailing = Sender::getSending($id);
             $list = Sender::getDetail($id, $filters['show']);
             return new View('view/admin/index.html.php', array('folder' => 'newsletter', 'file' => 'detail', 'detail' => $filters['show'], 'mailing' => $mailing, 'list' => $list));
             $list = Sender::getMailings();
             return new View('view/admin/index.html.php', array('folder' => 'newsletter', 'file' => 'list', 'list' => $list));
Exemple #3
    die("Se necesita un identificador de sender como argumento del script!");
$list = array();
$sql = "SELECT\n        mailer_send.id,\n        mailer_send.user,\n        mailer_send.name,\n        mailer_send.email,\n        mailer_content.id as mailing_id\n    FROM mailer_send\n    RIGHT JOIN mailer_content ON mailer_content.id=mailer_send.mailing AND mailer_content.active=1\n    WHERE mailer_send.id = ?\n    AND mailer_send.sended IS NULL\n    AND mailer_send.blocked IS NULL\n    ";
if ($query = Model::query($sql, array($id))) {
    $user = $query->fetchObject();
if (!is_object($user)) {
    die("No se ha encontrado un usuario válido para el mailer_send.id={$id}\n");
//si estamos aqui sabemos que el usuari es valido i el mailing tambien
if ($debug) {
    echo "dbg: Fecha inicio " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n";
// cogemos el siguiente envío a tratar
$mailing = Sender::getSending($user->mailing_id);
// print_r($mailing);
// si no está activa fin
if (!$mailing->active) {
    die("Mailing {$user->mailing_id} inactivo!\n");
// cogemos el contenido y la plantilla desde el historial
$query = Model::query('SELECT html, template FROM mail WHERE id = ?', array($mailing->mail));
$data = $query->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$content = $data['html'];
$template = $data['template'];
if (empty($content)) {
    die("Mailing {$user->mailing_id} sin contenido!\n");
if ($debug) {
    echo "dbg: Bloqueando registro {$user->id} ({$user->email}) mailing: {$user->mailing_id}\n";
Exemple #4
  * Realiza el envio masivo a participantees o cofinanciadores
  * @param type $option 'messegers' || 'rewards'
  * @param type $project Instancia del proyecto de trabajo
  * @return boolean
 public static function process_mailing($option, $project)
     $who = array();
     // verificar que hay mensaje
     if (empty($_POST['message'])) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $msg_content = nl2br(\strip_tags($_POST['message']));
     // si a todos los participantes
     if ($option == 'messegers' && !empty($_POST['msg_all'])) {
         // a todos los participantes
         foreach (Model\Message::getMessegers($project->id) as $messeger => $msgData) {
             if ($messeger == $project->owner) {
             $who[$messeger] = $messeger;
             //                    unset($msgData); // los datos del mensaje del participante no se usan
     } elseif ($option == 'rewards' && !empty($_POST['msg_all'])) {
         // a todos los cofinanciadores
         foreach (Model\Invest::investors($project->id, false, true) as $user => $investor) {
             // no duplicar
             $who[$investor->user] = $investor->user;
     } elseif (!empty($_POST['msg_user'])) {
         // a usuario individual
         $who[$_POST['msg_user']] = $_POST['msg_user'];
     } elseif ($option == 'rewards') {
         $msg_rewards = array();
         // estos son msg_reward-[rewardId], a un grupo de recompensa
         foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
             $parts = explode('-', $key);
             if ($parts[0] == 'msg_reward' && $value == 1) {
                 $msg_rewards[] = $parts[1];
         // para cada recompensa
         foreach ($msg_rewards as $reward) {
             foreach (Model\Invest::choosed($reward) as $user) {
                 $who[$user] = $user;
     // no hay destinatarios
     if (count($who) == 0) {
         return false;
     // obtener contenido
     // segun destinatarios
     $allsome = explode('/', Text::get('regular-allsome'));
     $enviandoa = !empty($_POST['msg_all']) ? $allsome[0] : $allsome[1];
     if ($option == 'messegers') {
         Message::Info(Text::get('dashboard-messegers-mail-sendto', $enviandoa));
     } else {
         Message::Info(Text::get('dashboard-investors-mail-sendto', $enviandoa));
     // Obtenemos la plantilla para asunto y contenido
     $template = Template::get(2);
     // Sustituimos los datos
     if (!empty($_POST['subject'])) {
         $subject = $_POST['subject'];
     } else {
         $subject = str_replace('%PROJECTNAME%', $project->name, $template->title);
     $remite = $project->name . ' ' . Text::get('regular-from') . ' ';
     $search = array('%MESSAGE%', '%PROJECTNAME%', '%PROJECTURL%', '%OWNERURL%', '%OWNERNAME%');
     $replace = array($msg_content, $project->name, SITE_URL . "/project/" . $project->id, SITE_URL . "/user/profile/" . $project->owner, $project->user->name);
     $content = \str_replace($search, $replace, $template->text);
     // para usar el proceso Sender:
     // - $who debe ser compatible con el formato $receivers
     // (falta nombre e email), sacarlo con getMini
     $receivers = array();
     foreach ($who as $userId) {
         $user = Model\User::getMini($userId);
         $user->user = $user->id;
         $receivers[] = $user;
     // - en la plantilla hay que cambiar %NAME% por %USERNAME% para que sender reemplace
     // -
     // - se crea un registro de tabla mail
     $sql = "INSERT INTO mail (id, email, html, template, node) VALUES ('', :email, :html, :template, :node)";
     $values = array(':email' => 'any', ':html' => $content, ':template' => $template->id, ':node' => \GOTEO_NODE);
     $query = \Goteo\Core\Model::query($sql, $values);
     $mailId = \Goteo\Core\Model::insertId();
     // - se usa el metodo initializeSending para grabar el envío (parametro para autoactivar)
     // , también metemos el reply y repplyName (remitente) en la instancia de envío
     if (\Goteo\Library\Sender::initiateSending($mailId, $subject, $receivers, 1, $project->user->email, $remite)) {
         Message::Info(Text::get('dashboard-investors-mail-sended', 'la cola de envíos'));
         // cambiar este texto
     } else {
         Message::Error(Text::get('dashboard-investors-mail-fail', 'la cola de envíos'));
         // cambiar este texto
     return true;
Exemple #5
 public static function process($action = 'list', $id = null, $filters = array())
     // año fiscal
     $year = Model\User\Donor::$currYear;
     $year0 = $year;
     $year1 = $year - 1;
     $errors = array();
     $node = isset($_SESSION['admin_node']) ? $_SESSION['admin_node'] : \GOTEO_NODE;
     // Valores de filtro
     $interests = Model\User\Interest::getAll();
     $status = Model\Project::status();
     $methods = Model\Invest::methods();
     $types = array('investor' => 'Cofinanciadores', 'owner' => 'Autores', 'user' => 'Usuarios');
     $roles = array('admin' => 'Administrador', 'checker' => 'Revisor', 'translator' => 'Traductor');
     // una variable de sesion para mantener los datos de todo esto
     if (!isset($_SESSION['mailing'])) {
         $_SESSION['mailing'] = array();
     switch ($action) {
         case 'edit':
             $_SESSION['mailing']['receivers'] = array();
             $values = array();
             $sqlFields = '';
             $sqlInner = '';
             $sqlFilter = '';
             // cargamos los destiantarios
             // por tipo de usuario
             switch ($filters['type']) {
                 case 'investor':
                     $sqlInner .= "INNER JOIN invest\n                                    ON invest.user = user.id\n                                    AND (invest.status = 0 OR invest.status = 1 OR invest.status = 3 OR invest.status = 4)\n                                INNER JOIN project\n                                    ON project.id = invest.project\n                                    ";
                     $sqlFields .= ", project.name as project";
                     $sqlFields .= ", project.id as projectId";
                 case 'owner':
                     $sqlInner .= "INNER JOIN project\n                                    ON project.owner = user.id\n                                    ";
                     $sqlFields .= ", project.name as project";
                     $sqlFields .= ", project.id as projectId";
             $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] = 'los <strong>' . $types[$filters['type']] . '</strong> ';
             if (!empty($filters['project']) && !empty($sqlInner)) {
                 $sqlFilter .= " AND project.name LIKE (:project) ";
                 $values[':project'] = '%' . $filters['project'] . '%';
                 $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] .= 'de proyectos que su nombre contenga <strong>\'' . $filters['project'] . '\'</strong> ';
             } elseif (empty($filters['project']) && !empty($sqlInner)) {
                 $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] .= 'de cualquier proyecto ';
             if (isset($filters['status']) && $filters['status'] > -1 && !empty($sqlInner)) {
                 $sqlFilter .= "AND project.status = :status ";
                 $values[':status'] = $filters['status'];
                 $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] .= 'en estado <strong>' . $status[$filters['status']] . '</strong> ';
             } elseif ($filters['status'] < 0 && !empty($sqlInner)) {
                 $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] .= 'en cualquier estado ';
             if ($filters['type'] == 'investor') {
                 if (!empty($filters['method']) && !empty($sqlInner)) {
                     $sqlFilter .= "AND invest.method = :method ";
                     $values[':method'] = $filters['method'];
                     $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] .= 'mediante <strong>' . $methods[$filters['method']] . '</strong> ';
                 } elseif (empty($filters['method']) && !empty($sqlInner)) {
                     $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] .= 'mediante cualquier metodo ';
             if (!empty($filters['interest'])) {
                 $sqlInner .= "INNER JOIN user_interest\n                                ON user_interest.user = user.id\n                                AND user_interest.interest = :interest\n                                ";
                 $values[':interest'] = $filters['interest'];
                 if ($filters['interest'] == 15) {
                     $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] .= 'del grupo de testeo ';
                 } else {
                     $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] .= 'interesados en fin <strong>' . $interests[$filters['interest']] . '</strong> ';
             if (!empty($filters['role'])) {
                 $sqlInner .= "INNER JOIN user_role\n                                ON user_role.user_id = user.id\n                                AND user_role.role_id = :role\n                                ";
                 $values[':role'] = $filters['role'];
                 $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] .= 'que sean <strong>' . $roles[$filters['role']] . '</strong> ';
             if (!empty($filters['name'])) {
                 $sqlFilter .= " AND ( user.name LIKE (:name) OR user.email LIKE (:name) ) ";
                 $values[':name'] = '%' . $filters['name'] . '%';
                 $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] .= 'que su nombre o email contenga <strong>\'' . $filters['name'] . '\'</strong> ';
             if (!empty($filters['donant'])) {
                 if ($filters['type'] == 'investor') {
                     $sqlFilter .= " AND invest.resign = 1\n                                AND invest.status IN (1, 3)\n                                AND invest.charged >= '{$year0}-01-01'\n                                AND invest.charged < '{$year1}-01-01'\n                                AND (project.passed IS NOT NULL AND project.passed != '0000-00-00')\n                                ";
                     $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'] .= 'que haya hecho algun donativo ';
                 } else {
                     Message::Error('Solo se filtran donantes si se envia "A los: Cofinanciadores"');
             if ($node != \GOTEO_NODE) {
                 $sqlFilter .= " AND user.node = :node";
                 $values[':node'] = $node;
                 if (!empty($sqlInner)) {
                     $sqlFilter .= " AND project.node = :node";
             $sql = "SELECT\n                                user.id as id,\n                                user.id as user,\n                                user.name as name,\n                                user.email as email\n                                {$sqlFields}\n                            FROM user\n                            {$sqlInner}\n                            WHERE user.active = 1\n                            {$sqlFilter}\n                            GROUP BY user.id\n                            ORDER BY user.name ASC\n                            ";
             //                        die('<pre>'.$sql . '<br />'.print_r($values, 1).'</pre>');
             if ($query = Model\User::query($sql, $values)) {
                 foreach ($query->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_OBJ) as $receiver) {
                     $_SESSION['mailing']['receivers'][$receiver->id] = $receiver;
             } else {
                 Message::Error('Fallo el SQL!!!!! <br />' . $sql . '<pre>' . print_r($values, 1) . '</pre>');
             // si no hay destinatarios, salta a la lista con mensaje de error
             if (empty($_SESSION['mailing']['receivers'])) {
                 Message::Error('No se han encontrado destinatarios para ' . $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt']);
                 throw new Redirection('/admin/mailing/list');
             // si hay, mostramos el formulario de envio
             return new View('view/admin/index.html.php', array('folder' => 'mailing', 'file' => 'edit', 'filters' => $filters, 'interests' => $interests, 'status' => $status, 'types' => $types, 'roles' => $roles));
         case 'send':
             //                    die(\trace($_POST));
             $URL = NODE_ID != GOTEO_NODE ? NODE_URL : SITE_URL;
             // Enviando contenido recibido a destinatarios recibidos
             $receivers = array();
             $subject = $_POST['subject'];
             $templateId = !empty($_POST['template']) ? $_POST['template'] : 11;
             $content = \str_replace('%SITEURL%', $URL, $_POST['content']);
             // quito usuarios desmarcados
             foreach ($_SESSION['mailing']['receivers'] as $usr => $userData) {
                 $errors = array();
                 $campo = 'receiver_' . $usr;
                 if (!isset($_POST[$campo])) {
                     $_SESSION['mailing']['receivers'][$usr]->ok = null;
                 } else {
                     $receivers[] = $userData;
             // montamos el mailing
             // - se crea un registro de tabla mail
             $sql = "INSERT INTO mail (id, email, html, template, node) VALUES ('', :email, :html, :template, :node)";
             $values = array(':email' => 'any', ':html' => $content, ':template' => $templateId, ':node' => $node);
             $query = \Goteo\Core\Model::query($sql, $values);
             $mailId = \Goteo\Core\Model::insertId();
             // - se usa el metodo initializeSending para grabar el envío (parametro para autoactivar)
             // - initiateSending ($mailId, $subject, $receivers, $autoactive = 0)
             if (\Goteo\Library\Sender::initiateSending($mailId, $subject, $receivers, 1)) {
                 $ok = true;
                 // Evento Feed
                 $log = new Feed();
                 $log->populate('comunicación masiva a usuarios (admin)', '/admin/mailing', \vsprintf("El admin %s ha iniciado una %s a %s", array(Feed::item('user', $_SESSION['user']->name, $_SESSION['user']->id), Feed::item('relevant', 'Comunicacion masiva'), $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'])));
             } else {
                 $ok = false;
                 // Evento Feed
                 $log = new Feed();
                 $log->populate('comunicación masiva a usuarios (admin)', '/admin/mailing', \vsprintf("El admin %s le ha %s una %s a %s", array(Feed::item('user', $_SESSION['user']->name, $_SESSION['user']->id), Feed::item('relevant', 'fallado'), Feed::item('relevant', 'Comunicacion masiva'), $_SESSION['mailing']['filters_txt'])));
             return new View('view/admin/index.html.php', array('folder' => 'mailing', 'file' => 'send', 'subject' => $subject, 'interests' => $interests, 'status' => $status, 'methods' => $methods, 'types' => $types, 'roles' => $roles, 'users' => $receivers, 'ok' => $ok));
     return new View('view/admin/index.html.php', array('folder' => 'mailing', 'file' => 'list', 'interests' => $interests, 'status' => $status, 'methods' => $methods, 'types' => $types, 'roles' => $roles, 'filters' => $filters));