protected function __construct()
     if (Application::getProfiler()) {
     Logger::getInstance()->addGroup('router', 'Router Benchmark and Informations', true);
 public function stop()
     if ($this->_isInit && $this->_isRun) {
         // run caches gc
         $caches = Cache::getCaches();
         foreach ($caches as $cache) {
         if (self::getProfiler()) {
             // Caches
             foreach ($caches as $cache) {
                 Logger::getInstance()->debug('Adaptater : "' . get_class($cache) . '"', 'cache' . $cache->getName());
             // Databases
             $databases = Database::getDatabases();
             foreach ($databases as $database) {
                 Logger::getInstance()->debug('Type : ' . $database->getType(), 'database' . $database->getName());
                 Logger::getInstance()->debug('Adaptater : ' . get_class($database->getAdaptater()), 'database' . $database->getName());
                 $stats = $database->getStats();
                 Logger::getInstance()->debug('Queries : ' . (string) $database->getQueryCount() . ' (Aproximately memory used  : ' . $stats['ram'] . ' KB in aproximately ' . $stats['time'] . ' ms)', 'database' . $database->getName());
                 Logger::getInstance()->debug('Servers : ' . $database->countServers() . ' (Masters : ' . $database->countServers(Server::TYPE_MASTER) . '  Slaves : ' . $database->countServers(Server::TYPE_SLAVE) . ')', 'database' . $database->getName());
             // Templates
             $templates = Template::getTemplates();
             foreach ($templates as $template) {
                 Logger::getInstance()->debug('Adaptater : ' . get_class($template), 'template' . $template->getName());
             // Language
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Language default is : "' . Language::getInstance()->getDefaultLanguage() . '"', 'language');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug(Language::getInstance()->countVars() . ' vars defined', 'language');
             // Router
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Current url : ' . Http::getCurrentUrl(), 'router');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Current route : ' . Router::getInstance()->getCurrentRoute(), 'router');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Current route rule : ' . Router::getInstance()->getCurrentRule(), 'router');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Ajax request : ' . (int) Http::isAjax(), 'router');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Ssl request : ' . (int) Http::isHttps(), 'router');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Request dispatched in aproximately : ' . Benchmark::getInstance('router')->stopTime()->getStatsTime() . ' ms', 'router');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Aproximately memory used  : ' . Benchmark::getInstance('router')->stopRam()->getStatsRam() . ' KB', 'router');
             // Logger debug informations and benchmark
             Logger::getInstance()->addGroup('logger', 'Logger Benchmark and Informations', true);
             Logger::getInstance()->debug(Logger::getInstance()->countObservers() . ' observers registered', 'logger');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug(Logger::getInstance()->countGroups() . ' groups and ' . (Logger::getInstance()->countLogs() + 3) . ' logs', 'logger');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('In aproximately ' . Benchmark::getInstance('logger')->stopTime()->getStatsTime() . ' ms', 'logger');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Aproximately memory used  : ' . Benchmark::getInstance('logger')->stopRam()->getStatsRam() . ' KB', 'logger');
             // Autoloader
             Logger::getInstance()->addGroup('autoloader', 'Autoloader report', true);
             $logs = Autoloader::getLogs();
             foreach ($logs as &$log) {
                 Logger::getInstance()->debug($log, 'autoloader');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug(count(Autoloader::getAutoloaders()) . ' autoloader adaptaters, ' . count(Autoloader::getDirectories()) . ' directories and ' . count(Autoloader::getNamespaces()) . ' namespaces registered', 'autoloader');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Loading ' . count(Autoloader::getClasses()) . ' classes (' . Autoloader::countGlobalizedClasses() . ' globalized classes)  in aproximately ' . round(Autoloader::getBenchmark('time') * 1000, 4) . ' ms', 'autoloader');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Aproximately memory used  : ' . round(Autoloader::getBenchmark('memory') / 1024, 4) . ' KB', 'autoloader');
             // Global informations && Benchmark
             Logger::getInstance()->addGroup('global', 'Global Benchmark and Informations', true);
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Page generated in aproximately : ' . Benchmark::getInstance('global')->stopTime()->getStatsTime() . ' ms', 'global');
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Aproximately memory used  : ' . Benchmark::getInstance('global')->stopRam()->getStatsRam() . ' KB - Memory allocated : ' . memory_get_peak_usage(true) / 1024 . ' KB', 'global');
         //notify logger
         // Stop managers
         // avoid multi call
         $this->_isInit = false;
         $this->_isRun = false;
 protected function __construct()
     $this->_observers = new \SplObjectStorage();
 public function logQuery($query, $params = array(), $bindParamType = null, $lastError = null)
     if (!is_array($params)) {
         throw new \Exception('Params must be an array');
     // Query
     Logger::getInstance()->debug('Query : ' . $query, 'database' . $this->getName());
     if (count($params) > 0) {
         // Parameters
         Logger::getInstance()->debug('Params (' . count($params) . ') bind by ' . $this->_getBindParamType($bindParamType), 'database' . $this->getName());
         if ($bindParamType == self::PARAM_BIND_POSITIONAL) {
             $i = 0;
         foreach ($params as &$param) {
             $key = $bindParamType == self::PARAM_BIND_POSITIONAL ? $i : $param['key'];
             Logger::getInstance()->debug('Key : ' . $key . ', Value : ' . $param['value'] . ', Type : ' . (int) $param['type'] . ' (' . self::$_paramTypeName[$param['type']] . '), IsParam : ' . (int) $param['isParam'], 'database' . $this->getName());
             if ($bindParamType == self::PARAM_BIND_POSITIONAL) {
     // Benchmark
     $time = Benchmark::getInstance($this->getName())->stopTime()->getStatsTime();
     $ram = Benchmark::getInstance($this->getName())->stopRam()->getStatsRam();
     Logger::getInstance()->debug('Benchmark time : ' . $time . ' ms Ram : ' . $ram, 'database' . $this->getName());
     // Error
     if (!is_null($lastError)) {
         Logger::getInstance()->debug('Error : ' . $lastError, 'database' . $this->getName());
     // increment stats
     $this->setStats($time, $ram);
Exemple #5
 public function execute($checkBindNumber = true)
     if (Application::getDebug()) {
     if (is_null($this->_query) || !$this->_statement) {
         throw new \Exception('Prepare query before execute');
     if ($checkBindNumber) {
         if (count($this->_params) < $this->_paramsNumberNecesary) {
             throw new \Exception('Miss bind parameters');
     // Bind parameters
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->_params as $param) {
         $bindName = $this->_bindParamType === Database::PARAM_BIND_POSITIONAL ? $i + 1 : ':' . $this->_namedParamOrder[$i];
         if ($param['isParam']) {
             $this->_statement->bindParam($bindName, $param['value'], $param['type']);
         } else {
             $this->_statement->bindValue($bindName, $param['value'], $param['type']);
     // Execute
     $this->_execute = $this->_statement->execute();
     //check error
     $lastError = $this->getLastError(true);
     if (!is_null($lastError)) {
         Logger::getInstance()->error('Sql query : ' . $this->_query . ' has error : ' . $lastError);
     // Debug
     if (Application::getDebug()) {
         Database::getDatabase($this->_configName)->logQuery($this->_query, $this->_params, $this->_bindParamType, $lastError);
     return $this->_execute;