  * Displays a list of available payment types.
  * @return array
  *   A render array.
 public function execute()
     $table = ['#empty' => $this->t('There are no available payment types.'), '#header' => [$this->t('Type'), $this->t('Description'), $this->t('Operations')], '#type' => 'table'];
     $definitions = $this->paymentTypeManager->getDefinitions();
     foreach ($definitions as $plugin_id => $definition) {
         $operations_provider = $this->paymentTypeManager->getOperationsProvider($plugin_id);
         $operations = $operations_provider ? $operations_provider->getOperations($plugin_id) : [];
         // Add the payment type's global configuration operation.
         $operations['configure'] = ['url' => new Url('payment.payment_type', ['bundle' => $plugin_id]), 'title' => $this->t('Configure')];
         // Add Field UI operations.
         if ($this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('field_ui')) {
             if ($this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer payment fields')) {
                 $operations['manage-fields'] = ['title' => $this->t('Manage fields'), 'url' => new Url('entity.payment.field_ui_fields', ['bundle' => $plugin_id])];
             if ($this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer payment form display')) {
                 $operations['manage-form-display'] = ['title' => $this->t('Manage form display'), 'url' => new Url('entity.entity_form_display.payment.default', ['bundle' => $plugin_id])];
             if ($this->currentUser->hasPermission('administer payment display')) {
                 $operations['manage-display'] = ['title' => $this->t('Manage display'), 'url' => new Url('entity.entity_view_display.payment.default', ['bundle' => $plugin_id])];
         $table[$plugin_id]['label'] = ['#markup' => $definition['label']];
         $table[$plugin_id]['description'] = ['#markup' => isset($definition['description']) ? $definition['description'] : NULL];
         $table[$plugin_id]['operations'] = ['#links' => $operations, '#type' => 'operations'];
     return $table;
  * @covers ::render
 public function testRender()
     $plugin_id = $this->randomMachineName();
     $plugin_label = $this->randomMachineName();
     $plugin_definition = ['label' => $plugin_label];
     $result_row = new ResultRow();
     $result_row->{$this->sut->field_alias} = $plugin_id;
     $this->assertSame($plugin_label, $this->sut->render($result_row));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function create(array $values = [])
     /** @var \Drupal\payment\Entity\PaymentInterface $payment */
     $payment = parent::create($values);
     $payment_type = $this->paymentTypeManager->createInstance($values['bundle']);
     $status = $this->paymentStatusManager->createInstance('payment_created')->setCreated(time());
     return $payment;
  * @covers ::execute
 public function testExecute()
     $definitions = ['foo' => ['label' => $this->randomMachineName(), 'description' => $this->randomMachineName()], 'bar' => ['label' => $this->randomMachineName()], 'payment_unavailable' => []];
     $operations_foo = ['baz' => ['title' => $this->randomMachineName()]];
     $operations_provider_foo = $this->getMock(PluginOperationsProviderInterface::class);
     $map = [['foo', $operations_provider_foo], ['bar', NULL]];
     $map = [['administer payment fields', TRUE], ['administer payment form display', TRUE], ['administer payment display', TRUE]];
     $build = $this->sut->execute();
     $expected_build = ['#empty' => 'There are no available payment types.', '#header' => ['Type', 'Description', 'Operations'], '#type' => 'table', 'foo' => ['label' => ['#markup' => $definitions['foo']['label']], 'description' => ['#markup' => $definitions['foo']['description']], 'operations' => ['#links' => $operations_foo + ['configure' => ['url' => new Url('payment.payment_type', ['bundle' => 'foo']), 'title' => 'Configure'], 'manage-fields' => ['title' => 'Manage fields', 'url' => new Url('entity.payment.field_ui_fields', ['bundle' => 'foo'])], 'manage-form-display' => ['title' => 'Manage form display', 'url' => new Url('entity.entity_form_display.payment.default', ['bundle' => 'foo'])], 'manage-display' => ['title' => 'Manage display', 'url' => new Url('entity.entity_view_display.payment.default', ['bundle' => 'foo'])]], '#type' => 'operations']], 'bar' => ['label' => ['#markup' => $definitions['bar']['label']], 'description' => ['#markup' => NULL], 'operations' => ['#links' => ['configure' => ['url' => new Url('payment.payment_type', ['bundle' => 'bar']), 'title' => 'Configure'], 'manage-fields' => ['title' => 'Manage fields', 'url' => new Url('entity.payment.field_ui_fields', ['bundle' => 'bar'])], 'manage-form-display' => ['title' => 'Manage form display', 'url' => new Url('entity.entity_form_display.payment.default', ['bundle' => 'bar'])], 'manage-display' => ['title' => 'Manage display', 'url' => new Url('entity.entity_view_display.payment.default', ['bundle' => 'bar'])]], '#type' => 'operations']]];
     $this->assertEquals($expected_build, $build);
  * @covers ::title
 public function testTitle()
     $plugin_id = $this->randomMachineName();
     $label = $this->randomMachineName();
     $definition = ['label' => $label];
     $this->assertSame($label, $this->sut->title($plugin_id));
  * Gets the title of the payment type configuration page.
  * @param string $bundle
  *   The payment type's plugin ID.
  * @return string
 public function title($bundle)
     $definition = $this->paymentTypeManager->getDefinition($bundle);
     return $definition['label'];
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function render(ResultRow $values)
     $plugin_id = $this->getValue($values);
     $plugin_definition = $this->paymentTypeManager->getDefinition($plugin_id);
     return $plugin_definition['label'];