Exemple #1
  * 把一个表的数据转换到另外一个表中
  * @param string   $srcTableName                     源表名
  * @param array    $condArray
  *                                                   array(
  *                                                   array('supplier_id = ?', $supplier_id)
  *                                                   array('is_on_sale = ?', 1)
  *                                                   array('supplier_price > ? or supplier_price < ?', $priceMin, $priceMax)
  * )
  * @param array    $optionArray                      排序分页等条件 ,格式例如  array('order' => 'goods_id asc', 'offset' => 100, 'limit' => '10')
  * @param string   $dstTableName                     目的表名
  * @param array    $columnMap                        列对应,格式如 array('id' => 'goods_id' , 'name' => 'goods_name')
  * @param array    $srcValueConvertFuncArray
  *              对源数据做装换,例如: array('id' => function($srcValue, $srcRecord){ return $srcValue + 1;} , ...),用闭包函数做转化
  * @param callable $recordPreFunc                    在查询到 src 的记录之后调用 ,函数原型 function(&$srcRecord){ ... }
  * @param callable $recordPostFunc                   在 src 已经往 dst 赋值完成之后,dst 还没有写入数据库之前调用,函数原型  function(&$srcRecord, &dstRecord){...}
 public function convertTable($srcTableName, $condArray, $optionArray, $dstTableName, $columnMap, $srcValueConvertFuncArray, $recordPreFunc = null, $recordPostFunc = null)
     $srcFieldArray = array();
     $dstFieldArray = array();
     foreach ($columnMap as $srcField => $dstField) {
         $srcFieldArray[] = $srcField;
         $dstFieldArray[] = $dstField;
     $srcTable = new SrcDataMapper($srcTableName);
     // 构造查询条件
     $filter = null;
     if (!empty($condArray)) {
         $filter = QueryBuilder::buildAndFilter($condArray);
     // 获得总数
     $totalRecordCount = $srcTable->count($filter);
     printLog('begin convertTable ' . $srcTableName . '-->' . $dstTableName . ' totalRecordCount:' . $totalRecordCount, self::$loggerSource);
     $recordLeft = $totalRecordCount;
     // 剩余多少记录需要处理
     $queryOffset = 0;
     // 查询的起始位置
     while ($recordLeft > 0) {
         // 这次需要处理多少记录
         $processCount = $recordLeft > $this->batchProcessCount ? $this->batchProcessCount : $recordLeft;
         // 记录处理进度
         printLog('totalRecordCount:' . $totalRecordCount . ' recordLeft:' . $recordLeft . ' processCount:' . $processCount, self::$loggerSource);
         $recordLeft -= $processCount;
         // 从源表查询数据
         $srcField = '*';
         if (!empty($srcFieldArray)) {
             $srcField = implode(',', $srcFieldArray);
         // 处理查询的起始位置
         $optionArray = array_merge($optionArray, array('offset' => $queryOffset, 'limit' => $processCount));
         $queryOffset += $processCount;
         // 查询数据
         $srcRecordList = $srcTable->select($srcField, $filter, $optionArray);
         // 转换数据到目标表中
         foreach ($srcRecordList as $srcRecordItem) {
             // PreFunc 处理
             if ($recordPreFunc) {
             $dstTable = new DstDataMapper($dstTableName);
             foreach ($columnMap as $srcField => $dstField) {
                 // 无意义的字段,不复制
                 if (null == $dstField) {
                 if (isset($srcValueConvertFuncArray) && isset($srcValueConvertFuncArray[$srcField])) {
                     if (!is_callable($srcValueConvertFuncArray[$srcField])) {
                         printLog($srcField . ' value convert is not function ', self::$loggerSource, \Core\Log\Base::ERROR);
                     // 做数据转化
                     $dstTable->{$dstField} = $srcValueConvertFuncArray[$srcField]($srcRecordItem[$srcField], $srcRecordItem);
                 } else {
                     $dstTable->{$dstField} = $srcRecordItem[$srcField];
             // postFunc 处理
             if ($recordPostFunc) {
                 $recordPostFunc($srcRecordItem, $dstTable);
             // 及时释放数据,优化内存使用
         // 及时释放数据,优化内存使用
         // 主动做一次垃圾回收
     printLog('finish convertTable ' . $srcTableName . '-->' . $dstTableName . ' totalRecordCount:' . $totalRecordCount, self::$loggerSource);
Exemple #2
  * 取得一组记录的数目,用于分页
  * @return int 查询条数
  * @param mixed $table        需要查询的数据表,可以是单个表,例如:'user',
  *                      也可以是多个表的数组,例如:array('user' ,'order_info' => 'oi')
  * @param array $condArray    查询条件数组,例如:
  *                            array(
  *                            array('supplier_id = ?', $supplier_id)
  *                            array('is_on_sale = ?', 1)
  *                            array('supplier_price > ? or supplier_price < ?', $priceMin, $priceMax)
  * )
  * 这些查询条件最终会用 and 拼接起来
  * @param array $optionArray  目前不支持 Having 查询,留待以后扩展
  * @param int   $ttl          缓存多少时间
 public function _countArray($table, array $condArray = null, array $optionArray = null, $ttl = 0)
     // 构造参数验证数组
     $validatorArray = array();
     $validatorArray['table'] = $table;
     $validatorArray['ttl'] = $ttl;
     if (null != $condArray) {
         $validatorArray['condArray'] = $condArray;
     if (null != $optionArray) {
         $validatorArray['optionArray'] = $optionArray;
     // 参数验证
     $validator = new Validator($validatorArray, '');
     $table = $validator->required()->validate('table');
     $ttl = $validator->digits()->min(0)->validate('ttl');
     if (null != $condArray) {
         $condArray = $validator->requireArray(false)->validate('condArray');
     if (null != $optionArray) {
         $optionArray = $validator->requireArray(false)->validate('optionArray');
     // 构造查询条件
     $filter = null;
     if (!empty($condArray)) {
         $filter = QueryBuilder::buildAndFilter($condArray);
     // 创建 DataMapper
     $dataMapper = new DataMapper($table);
     if (is_string($table)) {
         $table = array($table);
     if (is_array($table)) {
         // 复杂的多表查询
         return $dataMapper->selectCount($table, $filter, $optionArray, $ttl);
     throw new \InvalidArgumentException('table should be string or array');
Exemple #3
  * 取得对应分类下面商品的总数,用于分页显示
  * @return int 商品总数
  * @param int $categoryId 分类的ID
  * @param int $level 取得多少层,子分类有可能很深,我们只取有限层次
  * @param string $systemTag 系统标记
  * @param int $ttl 缓存时间
 public function countGoodsArray($categoryId, $level, $systemTag, $ttl = 0)
     // 参数验证
     $validator = new Validator(array('categoryId' => $categoryId, 'level' => $level, 'systemTag' => $systemTag, 'ttl' => $ttl));
     $categoryId = $validator->digits()->min(0)->validate('categoryId');
     $level = $validator->required()->digits()->min(1)->validate('level');
     $systemTag = $validator->validate('systemTag');
     $ttl = $validator->digits()->min(0)->validate('ttl');
     $childrenIdArray = $this->fetchCategoryChildrenIdArray($categoryId, $level, $ttl);
     $childrenIdArray[] = $categoryId;
     // 加入父节点
     $queryCondArray = array();
     $queryCondArray[] = array('is_delete = 0 AND is_on_sale = 1 AND is_alone_sale = 1');
     // 构建 SQL 的 in 语句, cat_id in (100,20,30)
     $queryCondArray[] = array(QueryBuilder::buildInCondition('cat_id', $childrenIdArray, \PDO::PARAM_INT));
     if (!empty($systemTag)) {
         $queryCondArray[] = array('system_tag_list like ? ', '%' . Utils::makeTagString(array($systemTag)) . '%');
     $dataMapper = new DataMapper('goods');
     return $dataMapper->count(QueryBuilder::buildAndFilter($queryCondArray), null, $ttl);
Exemple #4
 protected function prepareSearchParam($searchParamArray)
     if (!is_array($searchParamArray)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('searchParam illegal : ' . var_export($searchParamArray, true));
     // 调用父类先处理
     $searchParamArray = parent::prepareSearchParam($searchParamArray);
     $resultParamArray = array();
     foreach ($searchParamArray as $searchParam) {
         $addParam = true;
         if (is_array($searchParam) && count($searchParam) == 3) {
             switch ($searchParam[0]) {
                 /** 根据过滤规则,我们构造子查询
                  *  结构 array('ga.filter', '123.321.45', '100_20.34.67_78')
                  *  其中 123.321.45 为 attr_item_id
                  *  100_20.34.67_78 为 goods_attr_id 对应的值
                 case 'ga.filter':
                     // 不加入这个参数
                     $addParam = false;
                     // 没有值,不需要过滤
                     $trimSearchParam2 = trim(str_replace('.', '', $searchParam[2]));
                     // 有可能没有值,全部为点 "..."
                     if (empty($searchParam[1]) || empty($searchParam[2]) || empty($trimSearchParam2)) {
                     $goodsTypeService = new GoodsTypeService();
                     // 构造子查询
                     $queryJoinTable = '';
                     $firstJoinTable = '';
                     $queryCondArray = array();
                     // 构造子查询
                     $attrItemIdArray = explode('.', $searchParam[1]);
                     $goodsAttrIdStrArray = explode('.', $searchParam[2]);
                     $count = min(count($attrItemIdArray), count($goodsAttrIdStrArray));
                     for ($index = 0; $index < $count; $index++) {
                         $attrItemId = abs(intval($attrItemIdArray[$index]));
                         $goodsAttrIdArray = explode('_', $goodsAttrIdStrArray[$index]);
                         // 跳过无效值
                         if ($attrItemId <= 0 || empty($goodsAttrIdArray)) {
                         $goodsAttrItemCond = array();
                         foreach ($goodsAttrIdArray as $goodsAttrId) {
                             $goodsAttrId = abs(intval($goodsAttrId));
                             $goodsAttr = $goodsTypeService->loadGoodsAttrById($goodsAttrId);
                             // 无效的属性,返回
                             if ($goodsAttr->isEmpty()) {
                             $goodsAttrItemCond[] = array("attr_item_value = ?", $goodsAttr['attr_item_value']);
                         if (!empty($goodsAttrItemCond)) {
                             $condArray = QueryBuilder::buildAndFilter(array(array('attr_item_id = ?', $attrItemId), QueryBuilder::buildOrFilter($goodsAttrItemCond)));
                             $tmpTableName = 'ga' . $index;
                             $tmpTable = '(select distinct(goods_id) from ' . DataMapper::tableName('goods_attr') . ' where ' . array_shift($condArray) . ') as ' . $tmpTableName;
                             $queryCondArray = array_merge($queryCondArray, $condArray);
                             if (empty($queryJoinTable)) {
                                 $queryJoinTable = $tmpTable;
                                 $firstJoinTable = $tmpTableName;
                             } else {
                                 $queryJoinTable .= ' INNER JOIN ' . $tmpTable . ' on ' . $firstJoinTable . '.goods_id = ' . $tmpTableName . '.goods_id ';
                     // 构造子查询
                     $this->searchTable = DataMapper::tableName('goods') . ' as g INNER JOIN ' . '(select distinct(' . $firstJoinTable . '.goods_id) from (' . $queryJoinTable . ')) as ga on g.goods_id = ga.goods_id';
                      * 这里是一个很 tricky 的构造查询的方法
                      * 我们不想拼接 SQL 语句,比如 attr_item_value = $attr_item_value,
                      * 而是采用 array('attr_item_value = ?', $attr_item_value),这样可以 SQL Bind 避免 SQL 注入
                      * 由于前面的 子查询带了很多 ? 查询,所以我们需要把参数值 unshift 到第一个的位置
                     // 头部压入一个空条件
                     array_unshift($queryCondArray, '1=1');
                     // 把这个参数压入到头部
                     array_unshift($resultParamArray, $queryCondArray);
         //  是否加入参数
         if ($addParam) {
             $resultParamArray[] = $searchParam;
     return $resultParamArray;