  * This function will update the refresh token by the specific user 
 public function refreshAndUpdateAccessToken()
     $service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($this->wpdb, $this->user_id);
     $time = new Time();
     //Get specific access token
     $userCurrentAccessToken = $service_bgl360->getCurrentAccessTokenByUser($this->user_id);
     // $this->authentication_bgl360->clear();
     // print_r( $userCurrentAccessToken );
     // echo "Current logged in access token " . $userCurrentAccessToken[0]['access_token'] . '<br>';
     // echo "Current logged in refresh token " . $userCurrentAccessToken[0]['refresh_token'] . '<br>';
     // echo "Is access token expired?<br>" .  $userCurrentAccessToken[0]['id'] . '  <BR>';
     // @todo get access token by refresh token smsf database.
     // echo "Token is automatically refreshed <br>";
     // echo "refresh token " . $userCurrentAccessToken[0]['refresh_token'] . '<br>';
     // Set the refresh token
     // Set the access token
     // Get the refresh token data composed by the set access and refresh tokens
     $response = $this->authentication_bgl360->getRefreshTokenData($this->authentication_bgl360->getRefreshTokenUrl());
     // print_r($response);
     // echo "This is refresh url => " . $this->authentication_bgl360->getRefreshTokenUrl() . '<br>';
     // If there is something wrong with the refresh token provided then response will include "invalid_token"
     if ($response['error'] == 'invalid_token') {
         echo "<span style='color:red' >Refresh token is already used to retrieved new access token </span><br>";
         //delete the current user's access tokens
         if ($service_bgl360->deleteAccessToken($this->user_id)) {
             echo "user id: " . $this->user_id . " <-- deleted <br>";
     } else {
         echo "<span style='color:green' > New access token updated</span>";
         // Update access token and refresh token by the user in SMSF database
         $service_bgl360->updateAccessToken(array('access_token' => $response['access_token'], 'refresh_token' => $response['refresh_token'], 'expired_at' => $time->getAccessTokenExpireDateTime(), 'updated_at' => $time->getCurrentDateTime()));
 function save_instructor(Request $request)
     $acam = Session::get('phaseterm');
     $instructor = $request->instructor;
     $class_id = $request->cl_id;
     // no point if the instructor = 0
     if ($instructor != 0) {
         $time = Time::getPeriod($class_id);
         $day = Day::getShortDay($class_id);
         $conflict = Api::checkInstructor($instructor, $time, $day);
         if ($conflict == false) {
             $class = Classallocation::find($class_id);
             $class->instructor = $instructor;
             if ($request->ajax == 0) {
                 Session::flashdata('message', htmlAlert('Successfully Assigned', 'success'));
                 return back();
         } else {
             if ($request->ajax == 0) {
                 Session::flashdata('message', htmlAlert('Conflict'));
                 return back();
             } else {
                 echo 'conflict';
     } else {
         if ($request->ajax == 0) {
             Session::flashdata('message', htmlAlert('Please Select a instructor'));
             return back();
         } else {
             echo 'no';
 public function index()
     $data['is_showzhiye'] = Zhiye::where('z_show', '=', '1')->get();
     $data['allzhiye'] = Zhiye::all();
     $data['is_showcompany'] = Company::where('c_show', '=', '1')->get();
     $data['allcompany'] = Company::all();
     $data['alltime'] = Time::all();
     return view('contestRoom.index', $data);
Exemple #4
 function testTag()
     $now = strtotime('2016-12-03T12:03:56Z');
     $result = Time::tag($now, false, Time::TAG_ALLOW_DYNTIME, $now);
     self::assertEquals("<time datetime='2016-12-03T12:03:56Z' title='3rd Dec 2016, 12:03:56 pm GMT'>a few seconds ago</time>", $result);
     $result = Time::tag($now, Time::TAG_EXTENDED, Time::TAG_ALLOW_DYNTIME, $now);
     self::assertEquals("<time datetime='2016-12-03T12:03:56Z'>3rd Dec 2016, 12:03:56 pm GMT</time><span class='dynt-el'>a few seconds ago</span>", $result);
     $result = Time::tag($now, Time::TAG_EXTENDED, Time::TAG_NO_DYNTIME, $now);
     self::assertEquals("<time datetime='2016-12-03T12:03:56Z' class='nodt'>3rd Dec 2016, 12:03:56 pm GMT</time>", $result);
     $result = Time::tag($now, Time::TAG_EXTENDED, Time::TAG_STATIC_DYNTIME, $now);
     self::assertEquals("<time datetime='2016-12-03T12:03:56Z' class='no-dynt-el'>3rd Dec 2016, 12:03:56 pm GMT</time>", $result);
Exemple #5
 function room($roomId)
     $data['system'] = $this->system;
     $room = Classroom::findOrFail($roomId);
     $data['room_id'] = $roomId;
     $data['room_name'] = $room->legacycode;
     $data['location'] = $room->location;
     $data['days'] = Day::where('id', '!=', 8)->get();
     $data['times'] = Time::all();
     $schedCollection = new SchedCollection();
     $data['table_day'] = $schedCollection->getSchedRoom($roomId, $this->system);
     return view('edp.room_sched', $data);
Exemple #6
 public function show($id)
     $inst = Party::find($id);
     if ($inst instanceof ModelNotFoundException) {
         return view('errors.404');
     $data['instructor'] = $inst;
     $data['classes'] = Classallocation::where('academicterm', $this->system->phaseterm)->where('instructor', $id);
     $data['days'] = Day::where('id', '!=', 8)->get();
     $data['times'] = Time::all();
     $schedCollection = new SchedCollection();
     $data['table_day'] = $schedCollection->getSchedInstructor($id, $this->system);
     return view('instructor.sched', $data);
Exemple #7
 function add_day_period(Request $request, $id)
     if ($request->has('day')) {
         $valid = $this->assign($request);
         if ($valid) {
             return redirect('add_day_period/' . $id);
     } elseif ($request->has('submit')) {
         $this->error = htmlAlert('Please select a day');
     $data['cid'] = $id;
     $data['error'] = $this->error;
     $data['cl'] = Classallocation::find($id);
     $data['days'] = Day::where('id', '!=', 8)->get();
     $data['times'] = Time::where('id', '!=', 12)->get();
     return view('dean.assigned_subj', $data);
Exemple #8
     * Render log page <tbody> content
     * @param $LogItems
     * @return string
    static function getTbody($LogItems)
        global $Database;
        $HTML = '';
        if (count($LogItems) > 0) {
            foreach ($LogItems as $item) {
                if (!empty($item['initiator'])) {
                    $inituser = Users::get($item['initiator'], 'id');
                    if (empty($inituser)) {
                        $inituser = '******';
                    } else {
                        $inituser = $inituser->getProfileLink();
                    $ip = in_array($item['ip'], array('::1', '')) ? "localhost" : $item['ip'];
                    if ($item['ip'] === $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) {
                        $ip .= ' <span class="self">(from your IP)</span>';
                } else {
                    $inituser = null;
                    $ip = '<a class="server-init" title="Search for all entries by Web server"><span class="typcn typcn-zoom"></span>&nbsp;Web server</a>';
                $event = Logs::$LOG_DESCRIPTION[$item['reftype']] ?? $item['reftype'];
                if (isset($item['refid'])) {
                    $event = '<span class="expand-section typcn typcn-plus">' . $event . '</span>';
                $ts = Time::tag($item['timestamp'], Time::TAG_EXTENDED);
                if (!empty($inituser)) {
                    $ip = "{$inituser}<br>{$ip}";
                $HTML .= <<<HTML
\t\t\t<td class='entryid'>{$item['entryid']}</td>
\t\t\t<td class='timestamp'>{$ts}</td>
\t\t\t<td class='ip'>{$ip}</td>
\t\t\t<td class='reftype'>{$event}</td>
        } else {
            $HTML = '<tr><td colspan="4"><div class="notice info align-center"><label>No log items found</label></td></tr>';
        return $HTML;
Exemple #9
     if ($reserved_by === $currentUser->id) {
         Response::fail("You've already reserved this {$type}");
     if ($Post->isOverdue()) {
         $message = "This post was reserved " . Time::tag($Post->reserved_at) . " so anyone's free to reserve it now.";
         $checkIfUserCanReserve($message, $data, 'overdue');
         Response::fail($message, $data);
     if (!$Post->isTransferable()) {
         Response::fail("This {$type} was reserved recently, please allow up to 5 days before asking for a transfer");
     $ReserverLink = Users::get($reserved_by, 'id', 'name')->getProfileLink();
     $PreviousAttempts = Posts::getTransferAttempts($Post, $type, $currentUser->id, $reserved_by);
     if (!empty($PreviousAttempts[0]) && empty($PreviousAttempts[0]['read_at'])) {
         Response::fail("You already expressed your interest in this post to {$ReserverLink} " . Time::tag($PreviousAttempts[0]['sent_at']) . ', please wait for them to respond.');
     $notifSent = Notifications::send($Post->reserved_by, 'post-passon', array('type' => $type, 'id' => $Post->id, 'user' => $currentUser->id));
     Response::success("A notification has been sent to {$ReserverLink}, please wait for them to react.<br>If they don't visit the site often, it'd be a good idea to send them a note asking him to consider your inquiry.");
 $isUserReserver = $Post->reserved_by === $currentUser->id;
 if (!empty($Post->reserved_by)) {
     switch ($action) {
         case 'reserve':
             if ($isUserReserver) {
                 Response::fail("You've already reserved this {$type}", array('li' => Posts::getLi($Post)));
             if ($Post->isOverdue()) {
                 $overdue = array('reserved_by' => $Post->reserved_by, 'reserved_at' => $Post->reserved_at);
                 $Post->reserved_by = null;
  * Execute the command.
  * @return void
 public function handle()
     //set_time_limit( 600 );
     //ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
     //bump up limits
     ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');
     //will we be checking entities
     $entityCheck = $this->validate_entities == 'on' ? false : true;
     //create new file
     $inputFileData = ['raw_data' => $this->data, 'fk_user_id' => $this->userId];
     $inputFile = InputFile::create($inputFileData);
     $inputFileDataId = $inputFile->id;
     $multivariantDataset = $this->multivariant_dataset;
     $variables = $this->variables;
     if (!empty($variables)) {
         $entityData = [];
         //creating new datasource, if there is some
         $sourceName = $this->source_name;
         if (!empty($sourceName)) {
             $datasourceData = ['name' => $this->source_name, 'link' => $this->source_link, 'description' => $this->source_description];
             $datasource = Datasource::create($datasourceData);
         } else {
             //fake datasoure
             $datasource = new \stdClass();
             $datasource->id = null;
         //create new dataset or pick existing one
         $datasetName = $this->new_dataset_name;
         $datasetData = ['name' => $datasetName, 'fk_dst_cat_id' => $this->category_id, 'fk_dst_subcat_id' => $this->subcategory_id, 'description' => $this->new_dataset_description, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id];
         $dataset = Dataset::create($datasetData);
         $datasetId = $dataset->id;
         //process possible tags
         $tagsInput = $this->new_dataset_tags;
         if (!empty($tagsInput)) {
             $tagsArr = explode(',', $tagsInput);
             foreach ($tagsArr as $tag) {
                 $tag = DatasetTag::create(['name' => $tag]);
                 $tagId = $tag->id;
                 $datasetTagLink = LinkDatasetsTags::create(['fk_dst_id' => $datasetId, 'fk_dst_tags_id' => $tagId]);
         //store inserted variables, for case of rolling back
         $inserted_variables = array();
         foreach ($variables as $variableJsonString) {
             //convert back single out to actual single quote
             //$variableJsonString = str_replace( "'", "‘", $variableJsonString );
             //setting json_decode second param to false, to try to save memory
             $variableObj = json_decode($variableJsonString, false);
             $variableData = ['name' => $variableObj->name, 'fk_var_type_id' => $this->variable_type, 'fk_dst_id' => $datasetId, 'unit' => $variableObj->unit, 'description' => $variableObj->description, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id];
             //update of existing variable or new variable
             if (!isset($variableObj->id)) {
                 //new variable
                 $variable = Variable::create($variableData);
             } else {
                 //update variable
                 $variable = Variable::find($variableObj->id);
             $variableId = $variable->id;
             $inserted_variables[] = $variable;
             $variableValues = $variableObj->values;
             foreach ($variableValues as $countryValue) {
                 $entityData = ['name' => $countryValue->key, 'fk_ent_t_id' => 5, 'validated' => 0];
                 if ($entityCheck) {
                     //entity validation (only if not multivariant dataset)
                     //find corresponding iso code
                     $entityIsoName = EntityIsoName::match($entityData['name'])->first();
                     if (!$entityIsoName) {
                         //!haven't found corresponding country, throw an error!
                         //rollback everything first
                         foreach ($inserted_variables as $inserted_var) {
                         //is new dataset
                         if ($this->new_dataset === '1') {
                             $dataset = Dataset::find($datasetId);
                             //delete itself
                         \Log::error('Error non-existing entity in dataset.');
                         return redirect()->route('import')->with('message', 'Error non-existing entity in dataset.')->with('message-class', 'error');
                     //enter standardized info
                     $entityData['name'] = $entityIsoName->name;
                     $entityData['code'] = $entityIsoName->code;
                     $entityData['validated'] = 1;
                 //find try finding entity in db
                 if (isset($entityIsoName)) {
                     $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityIsoName->code)->first();
                 } else {
                     //not standardized data
                     $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityData['name'])->orWhere('name', $entityData['name'])->first();
                 if (!$entity) {
                     //entity haven't found in database, so insert it
                     $entity = Entity::create($entityData);
                 //check to override validation if stored in db not validated and now is validate
                 if ($entity->validated == 0 && $entityData['validated'] === 1) {
                     $entity->validated = 1;
                 $entityId = $entity->id;
                 $countryValues = $countryValue->values;
                 //prepare vars for mass insert
                 $times = [];
                 $values = [];
                 //TODO - get latest time for base timeId
                 $lastTime = Time::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
                 $timeId = !empty($lastTime) ? $lastTime->id : 0;
                 foreach ($countryValues as $value) {
                     if ($this->hasValue($value->x) && $this->hasValue($value->y)) {
                         //create time
                         $timeObj = $value->x;
                         $timeValue = ['startDate' => isset($timeObj->sd) ? $timeObj->sd : "", 'endDate' => isset($timeObj->ed) ? $timeObj->ed : "", 'date' => isset($timeObj->d) ? $timeObj->d : "", 'label' => isset($timeObj->l) ? $timeObj->l : ""];
                         //convert timedomain
                         $fk_ttype_id = 1;
                         if (!empty($timeObj->td)) {
                             $ttQuery = TimeType::query();
                             $fk_ttype_id = $ttQuery->whereRaw('LOWER(`name`) like ?', [$timeObj->td])->first()->id;
                         $timeValue['fk_ttype_id'] = $fk_ttype_id;
                         //using mass insert instead
                         //$time = Time::create( $timeValue );
                         //$timeId = $time->id;
                         $times[] = $timeValue;
                         //create value
                         $dataValueData = ['value' => $value->y, 'fk_time_id' => $timeId, 'fk_input_files_id' => $inputFileDataId, 'fk_var_id' => $variableId, 'fk_ent_id' => $entityId, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id];
                         //using mass insert instead
                         //$dataValue = DataValue::create( $dataValueData );
                         $values[] = $dataValueData;
                 //mass insertion
use App\ServiceBgl360;
use App\AuthenticationBgl360;
use App\ResourceRequestBgl360;
use App\Time;
 * Declare local and global variables
global $wpdb;
 * Instantiate classes
$service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($wpdb, $current_user->ID);
$authentication_bgl360 = new AuthenticationBgl360();
$resource_request_bgl360 = new ResourceRequestBgl360();
$time = new Time();
 * Set up authentication data
//echo "this is authentication page <br>";
$clientId = 'f937a03e-db37-4213-9d37-9484e7eab33d';
$clientSecret = '9a88e4bc-ab1c-41b3-a8b3-a5f7b32502de';
$basicAuthorizationHeader = 'ZjkzN2EwM2UtZGIzNy00MjEzLTlkMzctOTQ4NGU3ZWFiMzNkOjlhODhlNGJjLWFiMWMtNDFiMy1hOGIzLWE1ZjdiMzI1MDJkZQ==';
use App\AuthenticationBgl360;
use App\ResourceRequestBgl360;
use App\Time;
use App\AccessToken;
 * Initialized global and local variables
global $wpdb;
$totalDaysRemaining = 0;
 * Instantiate classes
$service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($wpdb, $current_user->ID);
$authentication_bgl360 = new AuthenticationBgl360();
$resource_request_bgl360 = new ResourceRequestBgl360();
$time = new Time();
 * Get all access token saved to database
$accessData = $service_bgl360->getAccessTokens();
foreach ($accessData as $accessToken) {
    echo "id = " . $accessToken['id'] . "<br>";
    echo " current date " . $time->getCurrentDate() . '<br>';
    echo " expired at date " . $time->toDate($accessToken['expired_at']) . '<br>';
    echo " Total remaining days " . $time->getTotalRemainingDays($time->getCurrentDate(), $time->toDate($accessToken['expired_at'])) . '<br>';
     * Get total days remaining
    if ($time->getTotalRemainingDays($time->getCurrentDate(), $time->toDate($accessToken['expired_at'])) == 0) {
         * Update access token because total days passed days is 6
Exemple #13
		<div class="main">
    echo CoreUtils::escapeHTML($heading);
				<p>Vector Requests & Reservations</p>
    if (Permission::sufficient('staff')) {
				<p class="addedby"><em><?php 
        echo $CurrentEpisode->isMovie ? 'Movie' : 'Episode';
 added by <?php 
        echo Users::get($CurrentEpisode->posted_by)->getProfileLink() . ' ' . Time::tag($CurrentEpisode->posted);
		<div class="next-ep"><?php 
    if (!empty($NextEpisode)) {
        $NextEpisodeTitle = $NextEpisode->formatTitle(AS_ARRAY, null, false);
				<a href="<?php 
        echo $NextEpisode->formatURL();
Exemple #14
  * Save a new time entry to the database
  * @param Request $request The incoming request.
  * @return Response
 public function store(TimeRequest $request)
     $time = new Time();
     $time->project_id = (int) $request->project_id;
     $time->estimatedDuration = (int) $request->estimatedDuration;
     $time->start = $request->start;
     $time->minutes = $request->minutes;
     $time->summary = $request->summary;
     $userMessage = $this->successMessage('time entry');
     return redirect()->route('time.index', [$time->id])->with('userMessage', $userMessage);
Exemple #15
     * List ltem generator function for reservation suggestions
     * This function assumes that the post it's being used for is not reserved or it can be contested.
     * @param Request $Request
     * @return string
    static function getSuggestionLi(Request $Request) : string
        $escapedLabel = CoreUtils::aposEncode($Request->label);
        $label = self::_getPostLabel($Request);
        $time_ago = Time::tag($Request->posted);
        $reserve = self::getPostReserveButton($Request, null, false);
        return <<<HTML
<li id="request-{$Request->id}">
\t<div class="image screencap">
\t\t<a href="{$Request->fullsize}" target="_blank">
\t\t\t<img src="{$Request->fullsize}" alt="{$escapedLabel}">
\t<em class="post-date">Requested <a href="{$Request->toLink()}">{$time_ago}</a> under {$Request->toAnchor()}</em>
use App\ServiceBgl360;
use App\AuthenticationBgl360;
use App\ResourceRequestBgl360;
use App\Time;
 * Declare local and global variables
global $wpdb;
 * Instantiate classes
$service_bgl360 = new ServiceBgl360($wpdb, $current_user->ID);
$authentication_bgl360 = new AuthenticationBgl360();
$resource_request_bgl360 = new ResourceRequestBgl360();
$time = new Time();
 * Set up authentication data
if ($service_bgl360->isExistAccessToken()) {
    // Get access token from database
    $userCurrentAccessToken = $service_bgl360->getCurrentAccessTokenByUser();
Exemple #17
  * Display a listing of the resource.
  * @return Response
 public function index($page = '')
     return view('home.time')->withTimes(Time::orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->paginate(10)->setPath('time'));
Exemple #18
 private static function _getNotifElem($html, $n)
     if (empty(self::$ACTIONABLE_NOTIF_OPTIONS[$n['type']])) {
         $actions = "<span class='mark-read variant-green typcn typcn-tick' title='Mark read' data-id='{$n['id']}'></span>";
     } else {
         $actions = '';
         foreach (self::$ACTIONABLE_NOTIF_OPTIONS[$n['type']] as $value => $opt) {
             $actions .= "<span class='mark-read variant-{$opt['color']} typcn typcn-{$opt['icon']}' title='{$opt['label']}' data-id='{$n['id']}' data-value='{$value}'></span>";
     return "<li>{$html} <span class='nobr'>&ndash; " . Time::tag(strtotime($n['sent_at'])) . "{$actions}</span></li>";
Exemple #19
  * Returns the HTML of the GIT informaiiton in the website's footer
  * @param bool $appendSeparator
  * @return string
 static function getFooterGitInfo(bool $appendSeparator = true) : string
     $commit_info = "Running <strong><a href='" . GITHUB_URL . "' title='Visit the GitHub repository'>MLPVC-RR</a>";
     $commit_id = rtrim(shell_exec('git rev-parse --short=4 HEAD'));
     if (!empty($commit_id)) {
         $commit_time = Time::tag(date('c', strtotime(shell_exec('git log -1 --date=short --pretty=format:%ci'))));
         $commit_info .= "@<a href='" . GITHUB_URL . "/commit/{$commit_id}' title='See exactly what was changed and why'>{$commit_id}</a></strong> created {$commit_time}";
     } else {
         $commit_info .= "</strong> (version information unavailable)";
     if ($appendSeparator) {
         $commit_info .= ' | ';
     return $commit_info;
Exemple #20
  * Returns the markup for the time of last update displayed under an appaerance
  * @param int  $PonyID
  * @param bool $wrap
  * @return string
 static function getUpdatesHTML($PonyID, $wrap = WRAP)
     global $Database;
     $update = Updates::get($PonyID, MOST_RECENT);
     if (!empty($update)) {
         $update = "Last updated " . Time::tag($update['timestamp']);
     } else {
         if (!Permission::sufficient('staff')) {
             return '';
         $update = '';
     return $wrap ? "<div class='update'>{$update}</div>" : $update;
Exemple #21
  * Display a project
  * @param Request $request The incoming request.
  * @param integer $id      A project primary key.
  * @return Response
 public function show(Request $request, $id)
     $project = $request->user()->projects()->with('client')->findOrFail($id);
     $numMonths = 6;
     $timeByMonth = Time::forProjectAndUserByMonth($project, $request->user(), $numMonths);
     $totalTime = $project->time()->sum('minutes');
     $slice = array_slice($timeByMonth, 0, $numMonths);
     $sliceTotal = array_sum($slice);
     $viewVars = ['project' => $project, 'page_title' => $project->name, 'totalTime' => $totalTime, 'slice' => $slice, 'sliceTotal' => $sliceTotal, 'sliceRange' => $numMonths];
     return view('projects.show', $viewVars);
Exemple #22
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function destroy($id)
     $time = Time::find($id);
     if (file_exists(public_path() . '/uploads/' . $time->image && $time->image)) {
         unlink(public_path() . '/uploads/' . $time->image);
     return Redirect::to('Today/time');
Exemple #23
	if (!empty($Unbanishes)){
		$Banishes = array_merge($Banishes,$Unbanishes);
		usort($Banishes, function($a, $b){
			$a = strtotime($a['timestamp']);
			$b = strtotime($b['timestamp']);
			return $a > $b ? -1 : ($a < $b ? 1 : 0);

	$displayInitiator = Permission::sufficient('staff');

	foreach ($Banishes as $b){
		$initiator = $displayInitiator ? Users::get($b['initiator']) : null;
		$b['reason'] = htmlspecialchars($b['reason']);
		echo "<li class=".strtolower($Actions[$b['action']])."><blockquote>{$b['reason']}</blockquote> - ".(isset($initiator)?$initiator->getProfileLink().' ':'').Time::tag($b['timestamp'])."</li>";
	<div id="settings"><?php
	if ($sameUser || Permission::sufficient('staff')){ ?>
		<section class="guide-settings">
			<h2><?=$sameUser? Users::PROFILE_SECTION_PRIVACY_LEVEL['staff']:''?>Color Guide</h2>
			<form action="/preference/set/cg_itemsperpage">
					<span>Appearances per page</span>
					<input type="number" min="7" max="20" name="value" value="<?=UserPrefs::get('cg_itemsperpage', $User->id)?>" step="1"<?=!$sameUser?' disabled':''?>>
<?php   if ($sameUser){ ?>
					<button class="save typcn typcn-tick green" disabled>Save</button>
Exemple #24
    static function getPendingReservationsHTML($UserID, $sameUser, &$YouHave = null)
        global $Database, $currentUser;
        $YouHave = $sameUser ? 'You have' : 'This user has';
        $PrivateSection = $sameUser ? Users::PROFILE_SECTION_PRIVACY_LEVEL['staff'] : '';
        $cols = "id, season, episode, preview, label, posted, reserved_by";
        $PendingReservations = $Database->where('reserved_by', $UserID)->where('deviation_id IS NULL')->get('reservations', null, $cols);
        $PendingRequestReservations = $Database->where('reserved_by', $UserID)->where('deviation_id IS NULL')->get('requests', null, "{$cols}, reserved_at, true as requested_by");
        $TotalPending = count($PendingReservations) + count($PendingRequestReservations);
        $hasPending = $TotalPending > 0;
        $HTML = '';
        if (Permission::sufficient('staff') || $sameUser) {
            $pendingCountReadable = $hasPending > 0 ? "<strong>{$TotalPending}</strong>" : 'no';
            $posts = CoreUtils::makePlural('reservation', $TotalPending);
            $gamble = $TotalPending < 4 && $sameUser ? ' <button id="suggestion" class="btn orange typcn typcn-lightbulb">Suggestion</button>' : '';
            $HTML .= <<<HTML
<section class='pending-reservations'>
<h2>{$PrivateSection}Pending reservations{$gamble}</h2>
\t\t\t\t<span>{$YouHave} {$pendingCountReadable} pending {$posts}
            if ($hasPending) {
                $HTML .= " which ha" . ($TotalPending !== 1 ? 've' : 's') . "n't been marked as finished yet";
            $HTML .= ".";
            if ($sameUser) {
                $HTML .= " Please keep in mind that the global limit is 4 at any given time. If you reach the limit, you can't reserve any more images until you finish or cancel some of your pending reservations.";
            $HTML .= "</span>";
            if ($hasPending) {
                /** @var $Posts Post[] */
                $Posts = array_merge(Posts::getReservationsSection($PendingReservations, RETURN_ARRANGED)['unfinished'], array_filter(array_values(Posts::getRequestsSection($PendingRequestReservations, RETURN_ARRANGED)['unfinished'])));
                usort($Posts, function (Post $a, Post $b) {
                    $a = strtotime($a->posted);
                    $b = strtotime($b->posted);
                    return -($a < $b ? -1 : ($a === $b ? 0 : 1));
                $LIST = '';
                foreach ($Posts as $Post) {
                    $postLink = $Post->toLink($_);
                    $postAnchor = $Post->toAnchor(null, $_);
                    $label = !empty($Post->label) ? "<span class='label'>{$Post->label}</span>" : '';
                    $is_request = isset($Post->rq);
                    $reservation_time_known = !empty($Post->reserved_at);
                    $posted = Time::tag($is_request && $reservation_time_known ? $Post->reserved_at : $Post->posted);
                    $PostedAction = $is_request && !$reservation_time_known ? 'Posted' : 'Reserved';
                    $contestable = $Post->isOverdue() ? Posts::CONTESTABLE : '';
                    $LIST .= <<<HTML
<div class='image screencap'>
\t<a href='{$postLink}'><img src='{$Post->preview}'></a>
<em>{$PostedAction} under {$postAnchor} {$posted}</em>{$contestable}
\t<a href='{$postLink}' class='btn blue typcn typcn-arrow-forward'>View</a>
\t<button class='red typcn typcn-user-delete cancel'>Cancel</button>
                $HTML .= "<ul>{$LIST}</ul>";
            $HTML .= "</section>";
        return $HTML;
Exemple #25
 public static function checkInstructor($instructor, $time, $day)
     $instructor_sched = Day_period::getInstructorsSched($instructor);
     $subject_time = explode(' / ', $time);
     $subject_day = explode(' / ', $day);
     foreach ($instructor_sched as $sched) {
         if (!in_array('TBA', $subject_day)) {
             $inst_day = Day::find($sched->day);
             if (!in_array($inst_day, $subject_day)) {
                 $from = Time::find($sched->from_time);
                 $to = Time::find($sched->to_time);
                 foreach ($subject_time as $key) {
                     $keys = explode('-', $key);
                     $isConflict = intersectCheck($from->time, $keys[0], $to->time, $keys[1]);
                     if ($isConflict) {
                         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #26
  * Render episode voting HTML
  * @param Episode $Episode
  * @return string
 static function getSidebarVoting(Episode $Episode) : string
     $thing = $Episode->isMovie ? 'movie' : 'episode';
     if (!$Episode->aired) {
         return "<p>Voting will start " . Time::tag($Episode->willair) . ", after the {$thing} had aired.</p>";
     global $Database, $signedIn, $currentUser;
     $HTML = '';
     if (empty($Episode->score)) {
     $Score = preg_replace(new RegExp('^(\\d+)\\.0+$'), '$1', number_format($Episode->score, 1));
     $ScorePercent = round($Score / 5 * 1000) / 10;
     $HTML .= '<p>' . (!empty($Score) ? "This {$thing} is rated {$Score}/5 (<a class='detail'>Details</a>)" : 'Nopony voted yet.') . '</p>';
     if ($Score > 0) {
         $HTML .= "<img src='/muffin-rating?w={$ScorePercent}' id='muffins' alt='muffin rating svg'>";
     $UserVote = Episodes::getUserVote($Episode);
     if (empty($UserVote)) {
         $HTML .= "<br><p>What did <em>you</em> think about the {$thing}?</p>";
         if ($signedIn) {
             $HTML .= "<button class='blue rate typcn typcn-star'>Cast your vote</button>";
         } else {
             $HTML .= "<p><em>Sign in above to cast your vote!</em></p>";
     } else {
         $HTML .= "<p>Your rating: " . CoreUtils::makePlural('muffin', $UserVote['vote'], PREPEND_NUMBER) . '</p>';
     return $HTML;
 public function stop($id)
     $time = \App\Time::find($id);
     return \Redirect::route('projects.tickets.show', ['project_id' => $time->ticket->project->id, 'ticket_id' => $time->ticket->id]);
 public function entity(Request $request)
     try {
         $name = $request->get('name');
         $entityCheck = $request->has('entityCheck') ? $request->get('entityCheck') : false;
         $inputFileDataId = $request->has('inputFileId') ? $request->get('inputFileId') : '';
         $datasourceId = $request->has('datasourceId') ? $request->get('datasourceId') : '';
         $variableId = $request->has('variableId') ? $request->get('variableId') : '';
         $entityData = ['name' => $name, 'fk_ent_t_id' => 5, 'validated' => 0];
         if ($entityCheck) {
             //entity validation (only if not multivariant dataset)
             //find corresponding iso code
             $entityIsoName = EntityIsoName::match($entityData['name'])->first();
             if (!$entityIsoName) {
                 return redirect()->route('import')->with('message', 'Error non-existing entity in dataset.')->with('message-class', 'error');
             //enter standardized info
             $entityData['name'] = $entityIsoName->name;
             $entityData['code'] = $entityIsoName->code;
             $entityData['validated'] = 1;
         //find try finding entity in db
         if (isset($entityIsoName)) {
             $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityIsoName->code)->first();
         } else {
             //not standardized data
             $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityData['name'])->orWhere('name', $entityData['name'])->first();
         if (!$entity) {
             //entity haven't found in database, so insert it
             $entity = Entity::create($entityData);
         //check to override validation if stored in db not validated and now is validate
         if ($entity->validated == 0 && $entityData['validated'] === 1) {
             $entity->validated = 1;
         $entityId = $entity->id;
         $countryValues = $request->get("values");
         //prepare vars for mass insert
         $times = [];
         $values = [];
         //TODO - get latest time for base timeId
         $lastTime = Time::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
         $timeId = !empty($lastTime) ? $lastTime->id : 0;
         foreach ($countryValues as $value) {
             if (isset($value['x']) && isset($value['y']) && $this->hasValue($value['x']) && $this->hasValue($value['y'])) {
                 //create time
                 $timeObj = $value['x'];
                 $timeValue = ['startDate' => isset($timeObj['sd']) ? $timeObj['sd'] : "", 'endDate' => isset($timeObj['ed']) ? $timeObj['ed'] : "", 'date' => isset($timeObj['d']) ? $timeObj['d'] : "", 'label' => isset($timeObj['l']) ? $timeObj['l'] : ""];
                 //convert timedomain
                 $fk_ttype_id = 1;
                 if (!empty($timeObj['td'])) {
                     $ttQuery = TimeType::query();
                     $fk_ttype_id = $ttQuery->whereRaw('LOWER(`name`) like ?', [$timeObj['td']])->first()->id;
                 $timeValue['fk_ttype_id'] = $fk_ttype_id;
                 //using mass insert instead
                 //$time = Time::create( $timeValue );
                 //$timeId = $time->id;
                 $times[] = $timeValue;
                 //create value
                 $dataValueData = ['value' => $value['y'], 'fk_time_id' => $timeId, 'fk_input_files_id' => $inputFileDataId, 'fk_var_id' => $variableId, 'fk_ent_id' => $entityId, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasourceId];
                 //using mass insert instead
                 //$dataValue = DataValue::create( $dataValueData );
                 $values[] = $dataValueData;
         //mass insertion
         return ['success' => true];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return ['success' => false];