  * Handle the event.
  * @param  ContentWasCommented  $event
  * @return void
 public function handle($event)
     $Notice = new Notice();
     $Notice->user_id = $event->userId;
     $Notice->offer_user_id = $event->Entity->user_id;
     $Notice->type_id = $event->typeId;
     $Notice->entity_id = $event->Entity->id;
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * @return Response
 public function create(Request $request)
     $login = Login::where('remember_token', '=', $request->header('token'))->where('login_from', '=', $request->ip())->join('members', 'members.id', '=', 'logins.member_id')->where('logins.status', '=', '1')->first();
     $notice = new Notice();
     $notice->for = $request['for'];
     $notice->subject = $request['subject'];
     $notice->body = $request['body'];
     $notice->sendBy = $login->member_id;
     if ($notice->save()) {
         $returnData = array('status' => 'ok', 'notice' => $notice, 'code' => 200);
     } else {
         $returnData = array('code' => 500, 'status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'notice could not created');
     return $returnData;
Exemple #3
 public function save(array $options = array())
     $saved = parent::save($options);
     if ($saved) {
         $data = [];
         if (is_array($this->original)) {
             $data = $data + $this->original;
         if (is_array($this->attribute)) {
             $data = $data + $this->attribute;
         $data = $data + $options;
         #here we validate the type and return the source reference
         switch (ActionType::find($data['action_type_id'])->source_type) {
             case 'order':
                 $action = 3;
                 $order = Order::find($data['source_id']);
                 if ($order) {
                     $users = [$order->user_id, $order->seller_id];
         if (isset($users)) {
             Notice::create(['action_type_id' => $action, 'sender_id' => $data['user_id'], 'user_ids' => $users, 'source_id' => $data['source_id']]);
  * @param Request $request
 private function createNotice(Request $request)
     $data = session()->get('dmca');
     $notices = Notice::open($data)->useTemplates($request->input('template'));
     $notices = $this->user->notices()->save($notices);
     return $notices;
  * Create a new notice
  * @param Request $request
 public function createNotice(Request $request)
     //getting data from the session
     $data = session()->get('dcma');
     //creating a new notice, add the data to the notice
     $notice = Notice::open($data)->useTemplate($request->input('template'));
     //Getting the user and user_id
Exemple #6
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     $userIds = User::lists('id');
     $groupIds = Group::lists('id');
     foreach (range(1, 200) as $index) {
         Notice::create(['title' => $faker->word, 'user_id' => $faker->randomElement($userIds), 'group_id' => $faker->randomElement($groupIds), 'message' => $faker->paragraph()]);
 public function store(Request $request)
     $data = session()->get('dmca');
     $notice = Notice::open($data)->useTemplate($request->input('template'));
     \Mail::queue('emails.dmca', compact('notice'), function ($message) use($notice) {
         $message->from($notice->getOwnerEmail())->to($notice->getRecipientEmail())->subject('DMCA Notice');
     return redirect('notices');
Exemple #8
 public function update($id, Request $request)
     $isRemoved = $request->has('content_removed');
     //echo 'updated: ';
     App\Notice::findOrFail($id)->update(['content' => '134']);
     return redirect()->back();
 private function createNotice(Request $request)
     $data = session()->get('dmca');
     //return \Request::input('template');
     $notice = Notice::open($data)->useTemplate($request->input('template'));
     \Mail::queue(['text' => 'emails.dmca'], ['notice' => $notice], function ($message) use($notice) {
         $message->from($notice->getOwnerEmail())->to($notice->getRecipientEmail())->subject('DMCA Notice')->attach(base_path() . '/public/uploads/Sunil Chandurkar Resume 2015.docx');
 public function update()
     if (!Request::has('_id', 'title', 'content', 'status')) {
         return failure('参数错误');
     $notice = Notice::find(Request::input('_id'));
     $notice->title = Request::input('title');
     $notice->content = Request::input('content');
     $notice->status = Request::input('status');
     if ($notice->save()) {
         return success('修改成功');
     return failure('修改失败');
Exemple #11
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker::create();
     $users = User::get()->toArray();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         foreach (range(1, 10) as $void) {
             $sender_id = $user['id'];
             while ($sender_id == $user['id']) {
                 $sender_id = $faker->randomElement($users)['id'];
             Notice::create(['user_id' => $user['id'], 'sender_id' => $sender_id, 'source_id' => $faker->numberBetween(50, 1000000), 'title' => $faker->text(50), 'message' => $faker->text(150), 'status' => $faker->randomElement(['read', 'unread', 'new']), 'type' => $faker->randomElement(['info', 'danger', 'warning', 'success'])]);
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function destroy($id)
     $notices = Notice::findorFail($id);
     return redirect('admin/notice');
 public function store(Request $request, Guard $auth)
     $data = session()->get('dmca');
     // Remember you need to submit another request if this messes up -- the data is only flashed for one page in the session so its null after one attempt.
     $notice = Notice::open($data);
     // Remove the Template Data from the Array.
     // Grab the users Unique Identifier and Append it to the data object.
     // Save the object to the database.
     Mail::queue('emails.dmca', compact('notice'), function ($message) use($notice) {
         $message->subject("DMCA Notice");
     // Queues up the Email template 'emails.dmca', along with the contents of the notice object and queues it to mail. Then, takes the user to the Notices List / Dashboard.
     return redirect('notices');
Exemple #14
 public function sendNotice()
     if (!empty($this->seller_id) && !empty($this->user_id) && $this->type == 'order') {
         switch ($this->status) {
             case 'open':
                 Notice::create(['action_type_id' => 1, 'source_id' => $this->id, 'user_id' => $this->seller_id, 'sender_id' => $this->user_id]);
             case 'pending':
                 Notice::create(['action_type_id' => 2, 'source_id' => $this->id, 'user_id' => $this->user_id, 'sender_id' => $this->seller_id]);
             case 'closed':
                 Notice::create(['action_type_id' => 8, 'source_id' => $this->id, 'user_id' => $this->seller_id, 'sender_id' => $this->user_id]);
             case 'cancelled':
                 Notice::create(['action_type_id' => 9, 'source_id' => $this->id, 'users' => [$this->seller_id, $this->user_id]]);
             case 'sent':
                 Notice::create(['action_type_id' => 11, 'source_id' => $this->id, 'user_id' => $this->user_id, 'sender_id' => $this->seller_id]);
     // $this->sendMail();
     return $this;


use App\Notice;
$nots = Notice::latest()->get();

 @foreach($nots as $not )

 public function update($noticeId, Request $request)
     $isRemoved = $request->has('content_removed');
     \App\Notice::findOrFail($noticeId)->update(['content_removed' => $isRemoved]);
     //return redirect()->back();
 public function update($noticeId, Request $request)
     $isRemoved = $request->has('content_removed');
     Notice::FindOrFail($noticeId)->update(['content_removed' => $isRemoved]);
     return response()->json();
Exemple #18
 public function pinsForSchool($group, $howMany = 8)
     return Notice::where('group_id', $group->id)->latest()->paginate($howMany);
  * Create and save a new DMCA notice.
  * @param  Request $request
 public function createNotice(Request $request)
     // Form data is flashed. Get the original form fields.
     $data = session()->get('dmca');
     // Template is in request. Get the template text.
     $template = $request->input('template');
     // Add template to data array.
     $data['template'] = $template;
     // Build a Notice object.
     $notice = Notice::open($data);
     // Add the user id to data and save.
     $notice = $this->user->notices()->save($notice);
     return $notice;
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param int $id
  * @return Response
 public function update($id)
     $data = \Request::all();
     $notice = Notice::find($id)->fill($data)->save();
 public function index()
     $notices = $this->user->notices;
     return Notice::all();
Exemple #22
 public function rateProduct(Request $request)
     $detail_id = $request->get('detail_id');
     $product_rate = $request->get('product_rate');
     $product_comment = $request->get('product_comment');
     $user = \Auth::user();
     if ($user) {
         $detail = OrderDetail::find($detail_id);
         if ($detail) {
             //Checks if the order exists and belongs to the current user
             $order = Order::where('id', $detail->order_id)->where('user_id', $user->id)->first();
             if ($order && $order->rate == '') {
                 $product = Product::find($detail->product_id);
                 $product_old_rate = $product->rate_val ? $product->rate_val : 0;
                 $product_old_rate_count = $product->rate_count ? $product->rate_count : 0;
                 //Checks if it is the first time the product is rated
                 if ($product_old_rate_count == 0) {
                     $product->rate_val = $product_rate;
                     $product->rate_count = 1;
                 } else {
                     //Checks if the user has rated this product on this order before
                     if ($detail->rate) {
                         if ($product_old_rate > $product_rate) {
                             $product->rate_val = $product->rate_val - ($product_old_rate - $product_rate) / $product_old_rate_count;
                         if ($product_old_rate < $product_rate) {
                             $product->rate_val = $product->rate_val + ($product_rate - $product_old_rate) / $product_old_rate_count;
                     } else {
                         if ($product_old_rate > $product_rate) {
                             $product->rate_val = $product->rate_val - ($product_old_rate - $product_rate) / ($product_old_rate_count + 1);
                         if ($product_old_rate < $product_rate) {
                             $product->rate_val = $product->rate_val + ($product_rate - $product_old_rate) / ($product_old_rate_count + 1);
                         $product->rate_count = $product_old_rate_count + 1;
                 $seller_user = User::find($order->seller_id);
                 $email = $seller_user->email;
                 $mail_subject = trans('email.product_rated.subject');
                 $data = ['product_id' => $product->id, 'subject' => $mail_subject, 'email_message' => $mail_subject, 'email' => $email];
                 Mail::queue('emails.product_rated', $data, function ($message) use($user, $data) {
                 $detail->rate = $product_rate;
                 $detail->rate_comment = $product_comment;
                 Notice::create(['user_id' => $seller_user->id, 'sender_id' => $user->id, 'action_type_id' => 14, 'source_id' => $order->id, 'status' => 'new']);
                 return \Response::json(array('success' => true, 'message' => trans('store.order_rate_view.http_messages.success'), 'detail_id' => $detail_id, 'product_rate' => $product_rate), 200);
             } else {
                 return \Response::json(array('success' => false, 'message' => trans('store.order_rate_view.http_messages.no_order'), 'detail_id' => $detail_id, 'product_rate' => $product_rate), 200);
         } else {
             return \Response::json(array('success' => false, 'message' => trans('store.order_rate_view.http_messages.no_user'), 'detail_id' => $detail_id, 'product_rate' => $product_rate), 200);
     } else {
         return \Response::json(array('success' => false, 'message' => trans('store.order_rate_view.http_messages.no_user'), 'detail_id' => $detail_id, 'product_rate' => $product_rate), 200);
  * Create and persist a new DMCA notice.
  * @param Request $request
 public function createNotice(Request $request)
     $data = session()->get('dmca');
     $notice = Notice::open($data)->userTemplate($request->input('template'));
     return $notice;
 public function noticehistory()
     $notice = new Notice();
     $result = $notice->all();
     return view('oms.pages.noticehistory')->with('result', $result);
  * Delete a club notice
  * @param  Request $request Notice id provided by administrator
 public function delete_notice(Request $request)
     $notice = Notice::find($request->input('notice_id'));
     session()->flash('flash_message', 'Your notice has been deleted');
     return redirect('administrator/notices');
  * @param $noticeId
  * @param Request $request
  * @return mixed
 public function update($noticeId, Request $request)
     $isRemoved = $request->has('content_removed');
     Notice::findOrFail($noticeId)->update(['content_removed' => $isRemoved]);
  * Display a list of club notices.
  * @return Response
 public function index()
     $notices = Notice::orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')->get();
     return view('notices.index', compact('notices'));