Exemple #1
 public static function stub()
     $lexicon = LexiconStub::get();
     $factory = $lexicon->getFoundation()->getNodeFactory();
     $node = $factory->make(new static($lexicon));
     return $node->setRawAttributes('name="foo"');
  * @return SectionExtends
 public static function stub()
     $lexicon = LexiconStub::get();
     $factory = $lexicon->getFoundation()->getNodeFactory();
     $root = $factory->make(new Block($lexicon));
     return $factory->make(new static($lexicon), [], $root);
Exemple #3
  * Stub for testing with PHPSpec
  * @return \Anomaly\Lexicon\Contract\Node\NodeInterface
 public static function stub()
     $lexicon = LexiconStub::get();
     $nodeFactory = $lexicon->getFoundation()->getNodeFactory();
     $parent = $nodeFactory->make(new Block($lexicon));
     $parent->setFullContent('{{ children }}');
     return $nodeFactory->make(new static($lexicon), [], $parent);
  * Stub for testing with PHPSpec
  * @return ConditionalInterface
 public static function stub()
     $lexicon = LexiconStub::get();
     $nodeFactory = $lexicon->getFoundation()->getNodeFactory();
     /** @var ConditionalInterface $conditionalNode */
     $expressionNode = $nodeFactory->make(new ExpressionNode($lexicon), []);
     return $nodeFactory->make(new static($lexicon), [], $expressionNode);
 public static function get()
     $lexicon = LexiconStub::get();
     $nodeFactory = $lexicon->getFoundation()->getNodeFactory();
     $if = $nodeFactory->make(new Conditional($lexicon));
     $if2 = $nodeFactory->make(new Conditional($lexicon));
     $elseif = $nodeFactory->make(new Conditional($lexicon));
     $endif = $nodeFactory->make(new ConditionalEndif($lexicon));
     $match = [['content', 25]];
     $schoolName = $nodeFactory->make(new NodeStub($lexicon), $match);
     $books = $nodeFactory->make(new Block($lexicon));
     $libraries = $nodeFactory->make(new Block($lexicon));
     $schools = $nodeFactory->make(new Block($lexicon));
     $root = $nodeFactory->make(new Block($lexicon));
     return $lexicon->getFoundation()->getNodeFinder($schoolName);
  * Stub for testing with PHPSpec
  * @return ConditionalInterface
 public static function stub()
     $lexicon = LexiconStub::get();
     $nodeFactory = $lexicon->getFoundation()->getNodeFactory();
     /** @var ConditionalInterface $conditionalNode */
     $conditionalNode = $nodeFactory->make(new Conditional($lexicon), []);
     $conditionalNode->setContent('foo or bar and baz && yin || yang');
     $expressionNode = $nodeFactory->make(new static($lexicon), [], $conditionalNode);
     /*        $expressionNode
               ->setContent('foo or bar and baz && yin || yang')
     return $expressionNode;
Exemple #7
  * Engine stub for PHPSpec unit test at spec\Anomaly\Lexicon\View\EngineSpec
  * @return Engine
 public static function stub()
     return LexiconStub::engine();
Exemple #8
  * @return static
 public static function stub()
     return new static(LexiconStub::get());
Exemple #9
  * Stub for testing with PHPSpec
  * @return NodeFactory
 public static function stub()
     return LexiconStub::foundation()->getNodeFactory();
Exemple #10
  * Stub for testing with PHPSpec
  * @return Block
 public static function stub()
     $lexicon = LexiconStub::get();
     $factory = $lexicon->getFoundation()->getNodeFactory();
     return $factory->make(new static($lexicon))->setName('books');
Exemple #11
 public static function stub()
     return (new static())->setLexicon(LexiconStub::get());
Exemple #12
  * View stub for PHPSpec unit test at spec\Anomaly\Lexicon\View\ViewSpec
  * @return Engine
 public static function stub()
     $data = ['name' => 'Mr. Anderson'];
     return LexiconStub::factory()->make('test::hello', $data);
Exemple #13
  * Lexicon
  * @return AttributeNode
 public static function stub()
     $lexicon = LexiconStub::get();
     $nodeFactory = $lexicon->getFoundation()->getNodeFactory();
     $variableNode = $nodeFactory->make(new Variable($lexicon));
     return $nodeFactory->make(new static($lexicon), [], $variableNode);
Exemple #14
  * @return static
 public static function stub()
     $lexicon = LexiconStub::get();
     return new static($lexicon, new EscapePhpParser($lexicon));
  * Engine stub for PHPSpec unit test at spec\Anomaly\Lexicon\View\EngineSpec
  * @return CompilerInterface
 public static function stub()
     return LexiconStub::compiler();
Exemple #16
  * Factory stub for PHPSpec test
  * @return Factory
 public static function stub()
     return LexiconStub::factory();