Exemple #1
 public function onBeforeBrowse($tpl = null)
     // Prevent phpStorm's whining...
     if ($tpl) {
     // Load the model
     /** @var Releases $model */
     $model = $this->getModel();
     // Assign data to the view, part 1 (we need this later on)
     $this->items = $model->get()->filter(function ($item) {
         return Filter::filterItem($item, true);
     // Add breadcrumbs
     $repoType = $this->items->first()->category->type;
     Breadcrumbs::addCategory($this->items->first()->category->id, $this->items->first()->category->title);
     // Add RSS links
     /** @var \JApplicationSite $app */
     $app = \JFactory::getApplication();
     /** @var \JRegistry $params */
     $params = $app->getParams('com_ars');
     // Get the ordering
     $this->order = $model->getState('filter_order', 'id', 'cmd');
     $this->order_Dir = $model->getState('filter_order_Dir', 'DESC', 'cmd');
     // Assign data to the view
     $this->pagination = new \JPagination($model->count(), $model->limitstart, $model->limit);
     $this->category = $this->getModel('Categories');
     // Pass page params
     $this->params = $app->getParams();
     $this->Itemid = $this->input->getInt('Itemid', 0);
     $this->menu = $app->getMenu()->getActive();
     return true;
Exemple #2
 public function onBeforeBrowse($tpl = null)
     // Prevent phpStorm's whining...
     if ($tpl) {
     // Load the model
     /** @var Items $model */
     $model = $this->getModel();
     // Assign data to the view, part 1 (we need this later on)
     $this->items = $model->get(true)->filter(function ($item) {
         return Filter::filterItem($item, true);
     /** @var \JApplicationSite $app */
     $app = \JFactory::getApplication();
     $user = $this->container->platform->getUser();
     $params = $app->getParams();
     // Add Breadcrumbs
     /** @var Releases $release */
     $release = $this->getModel('Releases');
     /** @var Categories $category */
     $category = $release->category;
     Breadcrumbs::addCategory($category->id, $category->title);
     Breadcrumbs::addRelease($release->id, $release->version);
     // DirectLink setup
     $this->downloadId = Filter::myDownloadID();
     $directlink = $params->get('show_directlink', 1) && !$user->guest;
     $this->directlink = $directlink;
     // Pass on Direct Link-related stuff
     if ($directlink) {
         $directlink_extensions = explode(',', $params->get('directlink_extensions', 'zip,tar,tar.gz,tgz,tbz,tar.bz2'));
         if (empty($directlink_extensions)) {
             $directlink_extensions = array();
         } else {
             $temp = array();
             foreach ($directlink_extensions as $ext) {
                 $temp[] = '.' . trim($ext);
             $directlink_extensions = $temp;
         $this->directlink_extensions = $directlink_extensions;
         $this->directlink_description = $params->get('directlink_description', \JText::_('COM_ARS_CONFIG_DIRECTLINKDESCRIPTION_DEFAULT'));
     // Get the ordering
     $this->order = $model->getState('filter_order', 'id', 'cmd');
     $this->order_Dir = $model->getState('filter_order_Dir', 'DESC', 'cmd');
     // Assign data to the view
     $this->pagination = new \JPagination($model->count(), $model->limitstart, $model->limit);
     $this->release = $this->getModel('Releases');
     // Pass page params
     $this->params = $params;
     $this->Itemid = $this->input->getInt('Itemid', 0);
     $this->menu = $app->getMenu()->getActive();
     return true;