  * Sends a redirect to the client.
  * In case a relative URI is given, it will be resolved using the current base URI.
  * @param \Ableron\Lib\Net\Uri $redirectUri The URI to redirect to
  * @param int|null $statusCode Status code of the redirect, e.g. relevant for HTTP redirects
  * @return void
 public function sendRedirect(Uri $redirectUri, $statusCode = HttpResponse::STATUS_SEE_OTHER)
     // because it is not possible to guess an absolute URL from a relative one because of the flexible module paths, relative URLs are not allowed
     if (!$redirectUri->isAbsolute()) {
         // log error
         Application::getLogManager()->error(sprintf('Unable to perform redirect: Redirect URL must be absolute. Relative URL given: %s', $redirectUri->toString()));
         // redirect to base URL
         $redirectUri = EnvironmentUtil::getBaseUrl();
     // set response
     $this->setResponse(new HttpResponse($statusCode, null, '', null, array(new LocationHeaderField($redirectUri))));
Exemple #2
  * Resolves this relative URI using the given absolute base URI.
  * Does not change this Uri object in case this URI is already absolute.
  * @param \Ableron\Lib\Net\Uri $baseUri The absolute base URI used to resolve this relative URI
  * @throws \Ableron\Core\Exception\SystemException
  * @return \Ableron\Lib\Net\Uri
 public function resolve(Uri $baseUri)
     // check whether base URI is absolute
     if (!$baseUri->isAbsolute()) {
         throw new SystemException(sprintf('Unable to resolve URI using base URI "%s" - Base URI must be absolute!', $baseUri->toString()), 0, E_USER_NOTICE, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     // check whether URI is already absolute
     if ($this->isAbsolute()) {
         return $this;
     // resolve scheme specific part
     if ($this->host !== null) {
     } else {
         // resolve authority part
         // resolve path and query
         if ($this->path === '') {
             if ($this->query === null) {
         } else {
             if (StringUtil::startsWith($this->path, '/')) {
             } else {
                 $this->setPath(self::removeDotSegments($baseUri->getRawHost() !== null && $baseUri->getRawPath() === '' ? '/' : StringUtil::getSubstring($baseUri->getRawPath(), 0, StringUtil::getLastIndexOf($baseUri->getRawPath(), '/') + 1) . $this->path));
     // resolve scheme
     // return reference of this object
     return $this;
Exemple #3
  * Tests whether parser and getter are working correctly.
  * @dataProvider dataProviderTestParserAndGetter
  * @return void
 public function testParserAndGetter($uriString, $expectedResult)
     $uri = new Uri($uriString);
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['scheme'], $uri->getScheme(), 'getScheme()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['authority'], $uri->getAuthority(), 'getAuthority()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['rawAuthority'], $uri->getRawAuthority(), 'getRawAuthority()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['userInfo'], $uri->getUserInfo(), 'getUserInfo()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['rawUserInfo'], $uri->getRawUserInfo(), 'getRawUserInfo()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['host'], $uri->getHost(), 'getHost()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['rawHost'], $uri->getRawHost(), 'getRawHost()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['port'], $uri->getPort(), 'getPort()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['path'], $uri->getPath(), 'getPath()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['rawPath'], $uri->getRawPath(), 'getRawPath()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['query'], $uri->getQuery(), 'getQuery()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['rawQuery'], $uri->getRawQuery(), 'getRawQuery()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['queryParameters'], $uri->getQueryParameters(), 'getQueryParameters()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['fragment'], $uri->getFragment(), 'getFragment()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['rawFragment'], $uri->getRawFragment(), 'getRawFragment()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['isAbsolute'], $uri->isAbsolute(), 'isAbsolute()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['externalForm'], $uri->toString(), 'toString()');
     $this->assertSame($expectedResult['normalized'], $uri->normalize()->toString(), 'normalize()');