function process(&$medium, &$gallery) { $ok = true; //innocent, until proven guilty ;) $events =& zmgFactory::getEvents(); $config =& zmgFactory::getConfig(); $imagetools =& zmgToolboxConstants::getImageTools(); $toolkey = intval($config->get('plugins/toolbox/general/conversiontool')); $imagetool = $imagetools[$toolkey - 1]; zmgimport('' . $imagetool . 'Tool'); $klass = 'zmg' . ucfirst($imagetool) . 'Tool'; $file = $medium->getAbsPath(); $size = getimagesize($file); $img_meta = array('width' => $size[0], 'height' => $size[1], 'extension' => $medium->getExtension(), 'jpeg_qty' => $config->get('plugins/toolbox/general/jpegquality')); $metadata = $events->fire('ongetimagemetadata', false, $medium); //rotate image //TODO //resize to thumbnail if ($ok && !file_exists($medium->getAbsPath(ZMG_MEDIUM_THUMBNAIL))) { $ok = call_user_func_array(array($klass, 'resize'), array($file, $medium->getAbsPath(ZMG_MEDIUM_THUMBNAIL), intval($config->get('plugins/toolbox/general/imagesizethumbnail')), $img_meta)); } //resize to viewsize format $maxSize = intval($config->get('plugins/toolbox/general/imagesizemax')); if ($ok && !file_exists($medium->getAbsPath(ZMG_MEDIUM_VIEWSIZE)) && ($img_meta['width'] > $maxSize || $img_meta['height'] > $maxSize)) { $ok = call_user_func_array(array($klass, 'resize'), array($file, $medium->getAbsPath(ZMG_MEDIUM_VIEWSIZE), intval($config->get('plugins/toolbox/general/imagesizethumbnail')), $img_meta)); } //apply watermarks //TODO if ($ok) { $ok = $events->fire('onputimagemetadata', false, $medium, $metadata); } return $ok; }
function autoDetect(&$event) { $selection = $event->getArgument('selection'); if (!is_array($selection)) { $selection = "all"; } $tools =& zmgToolboxConstants::getTools(); $imagetools =& zmgToolboxConstants::getImageTools(); $getall = false; if (!is_array($selection) && $selection == "all") { $getall = true; $selection = $tools; } $toolkey = intval(zmgFactory::getConfig()->get('plugins/toolbox/general/conversiontool')); $imagetool = $imagetools[$toolkey - 1]; if ($getall) { //auto-detect currently selected imagetool first zmgimport('' . $imagetool . 'Tool'); zmgCallAbstract('zmg' . ucfirst($imagetool) . 'Tool', 'autoDetect'); } //auto-detect other tools as well foreach ($selection as $tool) { if (!in_array($tool, $imagetools)) { zmgimport('' . $tool . 'Tool'); zmgCallAbstract('zmg' . ucfirst($tool) . 'Tool', 'autoDetect'); } else { if (!$getall) { if ($tool != $imagetool) { zmgimport('' . $tool . 'Tool'); } zmgCallAbstract('zmg' . ucfirst($tool) . 'Tool', 'autoDetect'); } } } zmgToolboxPlugin::throwErrors(); }