Exemple #1

// File with global functions
include 'assets/php/functions.php';
//include 'assets/php/functions-lumm.php';
$find = get('path') . "/" . get('id');
$find = preg_replace("=ajax/=", "", $find);
$container = $pages->find($find);
$template = get('template');
$idx = get('idx');
/*echo $find . "<hr>";
echo $template . "<hr>";
echo $container->title(); 
// if no article could be found for that id…
if (!$container) {
    die('Invalid article ID');
// Zusaetzliche Klassen
$classes = get_additional_classes($container, $site);
// Bilder holen
$bilder = get_images_from_article($container);
// Dokumente holen
$docs = structhelper::get_documents_from_article($container);
// Snip holen
$template = atomicdesign::get_snip($container->uid(), "default");
$template = atomicdesign::get_snip($container->intendedTemplate(), $template);
snippet($template, array('content' => $container, 'snippet' => $template, 'class' => $container->layout(), 'bilder' => $bilder, 'docs' => $docs, 'behavior_classes' => $classes["behavior_classes"], 'heading' => false));
Exemple #2
var kirby = {};
kirby.uid = "<?php 
echo $data->uid();
kirby.title = "<?php 
echo $data->title();

kirby.firstleveluid = "<?php 
echo structhelper::get_first_level($data, 'uid');
kirby.firstleveltitle = "<?php 
echo structhelper::get_first_level($data, 'title');


if (!isset($docs)) {
    $docs = false;
/* Text soll nach oben über die Bilder
	====================================================== */
if (isset($layout_data["otc"]) && $layout_data["otc"] == "top") {
    if (strlen($data->text()) > 0) {
        atomicdesign::output("molecule", "textblock", array("content" => $data, "heading" => $heading, "layout_classes" => $layout_classes, "behavior_classes" => $behavior_classes, "docs" => $docs));