Exemple #1
function Check($va)
    global $scDb;
    $cUserName = strtolower($va['cUser']);
    $cPassword = $va['cPassword'];
    $cPassword = scCrypt::CryptPass($cPassword);
    $dbData = $scDb->Browse("username", "*", "UserName = '******' and Password like '{$cPassword}%'");
    if ($dbRow = $scDb->GetRow($dbData)) {
        $cNama = "Administrator";
        SaveSession("cSession_UserName", $cUserName);
        SaveSession("cSession_FullName", $dbRow['FullName']);
        SaveSession("cSession_Foto", $dbRow['Foto']);
        SaveSession("cSession_UserName_Target", $dbRow['UserName_Target']);
        //new sc levelup
        $cLevel = scCrypt::GetLevelPass($dbRow['Password']);
        SaveSession("cSession_SCLevel", $cLevel);
        SaveSession("cSession_SCLevelmd5", scSys::GetKeteranganOne("Isi", "Kode = '{$cLevel}'", "username_level"));
        //update login and last login
        $vaArray = array("LastLogin" => date("Y-m-d h:i:s"));
        $scDb->Edit("username", $vaArray, "UserName = '******' and Password like '{$cPassword}%'");
        SaveSession("bismillahauth", md5(time() . $cUserName));
        //reload me
        echo '  
				window.location = "./" ;
    } else {
        echo '
					$("#login.panel .panel-body .error").slideDown(800,function(){
						$(this).html("User or Password not found") ; 
					}) ;  
Exemple #2
function GetData($va)
    global $scDb;
    $cKode = $va['cUserName'];
    $dbData = $scDb->Browse("username", "*", "UserName = '******'");
    if ($dbRow = $scDb->GetRow($dbData)) {
        $cLevel = scCrypt::GetLevelPass($dbRow['Password']);
        $UserName_Target = "";
        if ($dbRow['UserName_Target'] !== "") {
            $UserName_Target = array("id" => $dbRow['UserName_Target'], "text" => scSys::GetKeteranganOne("nama", "nip = '{$dbRow['UserName_Target']}'", "pegawai"));
        echo '
						cUserName.value 	= "' . $dbRow['UserName'] . '" ;
						cUserName.readOnly	= 1 ; 
						cFullName.value 	= "' . $dbRow['FullName'] . '" ;  
					$("#UserName_Target").select2("data",' . json_encode($UserName_Target) . ')
					$("#cUserName").select2("data",{id: "' . $dbRow['UserName'] . '", text: "' . $dbRow['UserName'] . '"}) ;  
					$("#cLevel").select2("data",{id: "' . $cLevel . '", text: "' . $cLevel . '"}) ;  
    } else {
        echo ' 
			alert("Data not found ' . $cKode . '") ;
			scLoadPage("sc-content-load","sys/sysuser_grid.php") ;
Exemple #3
			<div class="box-body pad table-responsive">
				<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover sc-DataTable" id="sc-DataTable">
			    			<td width="100" align="center">UserName</td>
			    			<td width="100" align="center">Level</td>
			    			<td width="80" align="center">Action</td>
$dbData = $scDb->Browse("username", "*");
while ($dbRow = $scDb->GetRow($dbData)) {
    $cLevel = scCrypt::GetLevelPass($dbRow['Password']);
		    				<td width="100" align="center"><?php 
    echo $dbRow['UserName'];
			    			<td ><?php 
    echo $dbRow['FullName'];
			    			<td width="100"> 
    echo scSys::GetKeteranganOne("Keterangan", "Kode = '{$cLevel}'", "username_level");