Exemple #1
 function getUntranslated()
     $result = array();
     $files = glob(rad_config::getParam('lang.cacheDir') . "*.cachenf");
     if (!empty($files)) {
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if ($this->getState('lang', $this->getState('lang_id'))) {
                 $res = json_decode(file_get_contents($file));
                 foreach ($res as $url => &$d1) {
                     foreach ($d1 as $lngId => &$d2) {
                         if ($this->getState('lang', $this->getState('lang_id')) != $lngId) {
                     if (empty($res->{$url})) {
             } else {
                 $result[] = json_decode(file_get_contents($file));
     return $result;
 protected function __construct()
     include SPHINXPATH . 'sphinxapi.php';
     $this->_sphinx = new SphinxClient();
     $this->_sphinx->SetServer(rad_config::getParam('sphinx.host'), rad_config::getParam('sphinx.port'));
 public static function setHandlers()
     if (rad_config::getParam('debug.showErrors', true)) {
         ini_set('display_errors', 1);
         error_reporting(rad_config::getParam('debug.reportingLevel', E_ALL));
     } else {
         ini_set('display_errors', 0);
Exemple #4
 function __construct()
     if ($this->getParamsObject()) {
         $params = $this->getParamsObject();
         $params->substring_checkbox = rad_config::getParam('sphinx.on') && rad_config::getParam('sphinx.substring_search') == 'allow';
         $params->substring_checked = $params->substring_checkbox && $this->get('ss');
         $this->setVar('search', $this->request('s', ''));
         $this->setVar('params', $params);
         if (rad_config::getParam('sphinx.on')) {
             $this->setVar('autocomplete_url', $this->makeURL('alias=searchxml&action=autocomplete') . 'term/');
function smarty_function_sendtotpl($params, $template)
    if (!isset($params['var'])) {
        throw new Exception("currency: missing 'var' parameter", E_USER_WARNING);
    if (!isset($params['value'])) {
        throw new Exception("currency: missing 'value' parameter", E_USER_WARNING);
    if (!isset($params['template'])) {
        throw new Exception("currency: missing 'template' parameter", E_USER_WARNING);
    call_user_func_array(array(rad_config::getParam('loader_class'), 'sendToTemplate'), array($params['template'], $params['var'], $params['value']));
    //rad_ sloader::sendToTemplate($params['template'],$params['var'],$params['value']);
    return '';
function smarty_function_config($params, $smarty)
    if (!isset($params['get'])) {
        throw new rad_exception('Not enouph actual parameters for tag {config', __LINE__);
    $params['get'] = $params['get'][0] == '"' ? substr($params['get'], 1, -1) : $params['get'];
    $params['get'] = $params['get'][0] == '\'' ? substr($params['get'], 1, -1) : $params['get'];
    if (!empty($params['assign'])) {
        $params['assign'] = $params['assign'][0] == '"' ? substr($params['assign'], 1, -1) : $params['assign'];
        $params['assign'] = $params['assign'][0] == '\'' ? substr($params['assign'], 1, -1) : $params['assign'];
        $smarty->assign(trim($params['assign']), rad_config::getParam($params['get']));
        return '';
    } else {
        return rad_config::getParam($params['get']);
  * Init and gets all the params and make the html strings!
  * @return Boolean - if all is good
 public static function initandmake(struct_core_alias $alias)
     $o = rad_rsmarty::getSmartyObject();
     $o->assign('lang', call_user_func(array(rad_config::getParam('loader_class'), 'getLangContainer')));
     foreach (self::$_varvals as $classname => $vrnn) {
         foreach ($vrnn as $varname => $varvalue) {
             $o->assign('<%' . $classname . '.' . $varname . '%>', $varvalue);
         $o->assign($classname, $vrnn);
     $srcPrefix = SMARTYBCCACHE . 'alias_' . $alias->id . '_';
     self::$_title = self::_fetchSrc($o, $srcPrefix . 'title.tpl', $alias->title_script);
     self::$_breadcrumbs = self::_fetchSrc($o, $srcPrefix . 'bc.tpl', $alias->navi_script);
     self::$_tags = self::_fetchSrc($o, $srcPrefix . 'meta.tpl', $alias->metatitle_script);
     self::$_description = self::_fetchSrc($o, $srcPrefix . 'descr.tpl', $alias->metadescription_script);
     return true;
  * parse templates from alias and assing variables from Controller To Templates
  * Also I think I can do that in function show()
 public static function parseTemplates()
     $o = rad_rsmarty::getSmartyObject();
     if (rad_config::getParam('lang.caching')) {
         $templates = array();
         foreach (self::$_alias->includes as $id) {
             $templates[] = self::$_includes[$id->inc_name];
     //No needed - fix to {lang code= in older modules
     define(rad_config::getParam('bc.title'), rad_breadcrumbs::getTitle());
     define(rad_config::getParam('bc.meta_description'), rad_breadcrumbs::getMetaDescription());
     define(rad_config::getParam('bc.meta_tags'), rad_breadcrumbs::getMetaTags());
     define(rad_config::getParam('bc.breadcrumbs'), rad_breadcrumbs::getBreadcrumbs());
     foreach (self::$_alias->includes as $id) {
         if (isset(self::$_controllerResults[$id->incinal_id]) and self::$_controllerResults[$id->incinal_id]) {
             if (isset(self::$sendedParams[$id->inc_filename]) and count(self::$sendedParams[$id->inc_filename])) {
                 foreach (self::$sendedParams[$id->inc_filename] as $pkey => $pval) {
                     $o->assign($pkey, $pval);
             $data = self::$_controllerResults[$id->incinal_id]->getVars();
             if ($data !== null) {
                 foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                     $o->assign($key, $value);
         if (!isset(self::$_html[$id->rp_name])) {
             self::$_html[$id->rp_name] = '';
         $o->assign('_CURRENT_LOAD_PATH', dirname(self::$_includes[$id->inc_name]));
         $o->assign('_CURR_LANG_OBJ', rad_lang::getCurrentLanguage());
         self::$_html[$id->rp_name] .= $o->fetch(self::$_includes[$id->inc_name]);
function smarty_function_lang($params, $smarty)
    if (!isset($params['code'])) {
        throw new rad_exception("lang: missing 'code' parameter", E_USER_WARNING);
    $params['code'] = trim($params['code'], " \t\"'");
    if (isset($params['lang'])) {
        $val = call_user_func_array(array(rad_config::getParam('loader_class'), 'lang'), array($params['code'], $params['lang']));
    } else {
        $val = call_user_func_array(array(rad_config::getParam('loader_class'), 'lang'), array($params['code']));
    if (isset($params['find']) && isset($params['replace'])) {
        if (!is_array($params['find'])) {
            $params['find'] = array($params['find']);
        if (!is_array($params['replace'])) {
            $params['replace'] = array($params['replace']);
        if (count($params['find']) != count($params['replace'])) {
            throw new rad_exception('lang: find/replace params should either be both scalar or be arrays of the same size');
        $find = reset($params['find']);
        $replace = reset($params['replace']);
        while ($find) {
            $val = mb_str_replace($val, $find, $replace);
            $find = next($params['find']);
            $replace = next($params['replace']);
    if (!empty($params['htmlchars'])) {
        $val = mb_str_replace($val, '"', '&quot;');
    if (!empty($params['ucf'])) {
        $val = mb_ucfirst($val);
    if (isset($params['assign'])) {
        $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $val);
    } else {
        return $val;
  * Returns Smarty Object or null
  * @var Smarty
  * @return Smarty
 public static function getSmartyObject()
     if (!self::$object) {
         if (!class_exists('Smarty', false)) {
             if (!file_exists(SMARTYPATH . 'Smarty.class.php')) {
                 die(SMARTYPATH . 'Smarty.class.php does not exists!');
             include_once SMARTYPATH . 'Smarty.class.php';
         self::$object = new Smarty();
         self::$object->compile_check = rad_config::getParam('smarty.compile_check', true);
         self::$object->debugging = rad_config::getParam('smarty.debugging;', false);
         self::$object->template_dir = rad_config::getParam('rootPath');
         //NB: Looks like this parameter is never used since we use absolute adressing.
         self::$object->compile_dir = SMARTYCOMPILEPATH;
         self::$object->caching = rad_config::getParam('smarty.caching', false);
         self::$object->cache_dir = SMARTYCACHEPATH;
     return self::$object;
Exemple #11
 function __construct()
     $this->setVar('hash', $this->hash());
     if ($this->request('action')) {
         $this->setVar('action', $this->request('action'));
         switch ($this->request('action')) {
             case 'getjs':
             case 'save':
     $configParams = array();
     foreach ($this->_allowedConfigFields as $field) {
         $configParams[$field] = rad_config::getParam($field);
     $this->setVar('configParams', $configParams);
     $this->setVar('languages', rad_instances::get('model_core_lang')->getItems());
Exemple #12
 public static function getAliasByName(&$aliasname = '')
     $result = self::getAliasRecord($aliasname);
     if (!$result->id || !$result->active) {
         rad_session::setVar('message', $aliasname);
         $aliasname = rad_config::getParam('alias.404');
         $result = self::getAliasRecord(self::$alias);
     if ($result->ali_admin && !rad_session::adminAccess()) {
         rad_session::setVar('message', $aliasname);
         $aliasname = rad_config::getParam('alias.loginform');
         $result = self::getAliasRecord(self::$alias);
     if ($result->id) {
         $result->includes = array();
         $themeId = $result->themeid ? $result->themeid : 0;
         $sqlParams = array('alias_1_id' => $result->id, 'theme_1_id' => $themeId);
         if ($result->group_id) {
             $sqlParams['alias_2_id'] = $result->group_id;
             $theme2Id = rad_dbpdo::query('SELECT theme_id FROM ' . RAD . 'themes WHERE theme_aliasid=? AND theme_folder=?', array($result->group_id, rad_themer::getCurrentTheme()));
             $theme2Id = !empty($theme2Id['theme_id']) ? (int) $theme2Id['theme_id'] : $themeId;
             $sqlParams['theme_2_id'] = $theme2Id;
         $sql = 'SELECT inc_id,inc_name,inc_filename,controller,order_sort,rp_name,id_module,m_name,params_hash,ina.id as incinal_id,ina.params_presonal as params_presonal, ip.ip_params as original_params ' . 'FROM ' . RAD . 'includes_in_aliases ina ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'includes on include_id=inc_id ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'modules m on m.m_id=id_module ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'positions p on position_id=p.rp_id ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . RAD . 'includes_params ip on ip.ip_incid=ina.include_id ' . 'WHERE alias_id=:alias_1_id' . ' AND ina.theme_id=:theme_1_id' . ($result->group_id ? ' UNION (SELECT inc_id,inc_name,inc_filename,controller,order_sort,rp_name,id_module,m_name,params_hash,ina.id as incinal_id,ina.params_presonal as params_presonal, ip.ip_params as original_params ' . 'FROM ' . RAD . 'includes_in_aliases ina ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'includes on include_id=inc_id ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'modules m on m.m_id=id_module ' . 'INNER JOIN ' . RAD . 'positions p on position_id=p.rp_id ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . RAD . 'includes_params ip on ip.ip_incid=ina.include_id ' . 'WHERE alias_id=:alias_2_id' . ' AND ina.theme_id=:theme_2_id' . ')' : '') . ' ORDER BY order_sort, rp_name';
         foreach (rad_dbpdo::queryAll($sql, $sqlParams) as $id) {
             $result->includes[] = new struct_core_include($id);
     } else {
         $result = NULL;
     return $result;
Exemple #13
 final function config($paramname, $defaultValue = NULL)
     return rad_config::getParam($paramname, $defaultValue);
  * Edit the product - shows the edit form
  * @return html Full page edit form
 function editForm()
     $cat_id = (int) $this->request('cat_id');
     if ($cat_id) {
         $this->setVar('cat_id', $cat_id);
         $model = rad_instances::get('model_coremenus_tree');
         $model->setState('pid', $this->request('pid', $this->_pid))->setState('lang', $this->getContentLangID());
         $this->setVar('trees', $model->getItems(true));
         $model->setState('pid', $this->_pid_types);
         $producttypes = $model->getItems(true);
         $firest_el = new struct_coremenus_tree();
         $firest_el->tre_name = $this->lang('-pleaseselect');
         array_unshift($producttypes, $firest_el);
         $this->setVar('producttypes', $producttypes);
         $this->setVar('currencys', rad_instances::get('model_corecatalog_currency')->getItems());
             $model = new model_core_table('measurement','corecatalog');
             $model->setState('order by','ms_position,ms_value');
             $measurements = $model->getItems();
             $this->setVar( 'measurements', $measurements );
         $model_product = rad_instances::get('model_corecatalog_catalog');
         if ($this->_have_downloads) {
             $model_product->setState('with_download_files', true);
         if ($this->_have_tags) {
             $model_product->setState('with_tags', true);
         $product = $model_product->getItem($cat_id);
         $this->addBC('product', $product->cat_name);
         $tree_link = $this->product ? $this->product->tree_link : $product->tree_catin_link;
         if (count($tree_link)) {
             $curr_cat = $model->getItem($tree_link[0]->cit_tre_id);
             $this->addBC('curr_cat', $curr_cat);
             $cat_path = $model->getCategoryPath($curr_cat, $this->_pid, 0);
             $this->addBC('parents', $cat_path);
             $mas = array();
             foreach ($tree_link as $id) {
                 $mas[] = $id->cit_tre_id;
             $this->setVar('selected_tree', $mas);
         //if count catin_link
         $model = rad_instances::get('model_corecatalog_brands');
         $this->setVar('brands', $model->getListBrands());
         $this->setVar('product', $product);
         $this->setVar('cleanurl_enabled', rad_config::getParam('cleanurl.on'));
         if ($cat_id && rad_config::getParam('cleanurl.on')) {
             $this->setVar('url_alias', rad_cleanurl::getAlias('product', $cat_id));
         include_once 'helpers' . DS . 'fileuploader.php';
         $uploader = new fileuploader($this);
         $imageWidgets = array($uploader->initWidget('images', array(), '', CORECATALOG_IMG_PATH, 'catalog', true));
         $this->setVar('widgets', $imageWidgets);
     } else {
         //if $cat_id
         $this->securityHoleAlert(__FILE__, __LINE__, $this->getClassName());
 protected function makeUrl($page)
     if ($page == 1 and SITE_ALIAS == rad_config::getParam('defaultAlias', 'index.html')) {
         return SITE_URL;
     $current = $this->currentPage == $this->rightNeighbour ? true : false;
     $gp = strlen($this->getParams) ? '&' . $this->getParams : '';
     $site_alias = SITE_ALIAS;
     if ($this->addAliasXML and substr($site_alias, -3) != 'XML') {
         $site_alias .= 'XML';
     return rad_input::makeURL('alias=' . $site_alias . $gp . ($page > 1 ? '&' . $this->getParam . '=' . $page : ''));
Exemple #16
  * Download the code from the cache
  * node_id(int)
 function installCachedLang($node_id)
     $controller_temp = rad_config::getParam('lang.cacheDir');
     $pr = $this->allTemplate($controller_temp);
     $rs = array();
     $no_code = array();
     if (is_array($pr)) {
         foreach ($pr as $v) {
             $rs[] = $this->_readCachedLangueges($v);
         if (is_array($rs)) {
             foreach ($rs as $k => $v) {
                 if (is_array($v)) {
                     foreach ($v as $vk) {
                         if ($this->noCodeValue($vk, $node_id)) {
                             $no_code[] = $this->noCodeValue($vk, $node_id);
     if (is_array($no_code)) {
         foreach ($no_code as $value) {
             if ($value) {
                 $model = rad_instances::get('model_core_langvalues');
                 $rows = $model->insertItem($value);
                 if ($rows) {
                     //echo 'RADLangList.message("'.addslashes( $this->lang('deletedrows.lang.message') ).': '.$rows.'");';
                 } else {
                     //echo 'RADLangList.message("'.addslashes( $this->lang('deleted.lang.error') ).': '.$rows.'");';
             } else {
                 echo 'RADLangList.message("' . addslashes($this->lang('update.lang.error')) . '");';
Exemple #17
  * Formats cost depending on the amount of entered in the admin settings
  * @param number $cost
  * @return float format
 public static function formatCost($cost, $curId = null)
     $currency = $curId ? self::$_currs[$curId] : self::$_curcours;
     $decimal_separator = $currency->cur_decimal_separator ?: rad_config::getParam('currency.decimal_separator', '.');
     $group_separator = $currency->cur_group_separator ?: rad_config::getParam('currency.group_separator', ' ');
     return number_format($cost, (int) rad_config::getParam('currency.precision'), $decimal_separator, $group_separator);
Exemple #18
 * @example
 * {url type="js" module="core" file="..." load="sync|defer|async|inplace" tag="0"}
 * Parameter "tag" is used only with type="js|css|image":
 * tag="0" - return only link
 * tag="1" - return html code
 * for type="image" default value is "0", for type="js|css" default value is "1"
 * Parameter "load" is used only with type="js":
 * load="defer" - the script will not run until after the page has loaded (default value)
 * load="async" - the script will be run asynchronously
 * load="inplace" - the script will be insert into template where {url} tag was placed
 * load="sync" - the script will be run in order during the page rendering
 * Parameter "attr" contains a list of additional attributes, that will be inserted into the tag
 * @example
 * {url type="css" module="core" file="..." attr="media=screen"}
 * {url type="image" module="core" file="..." attr="border=0&class=preview"}
function smarty_function_url($params, $smarty)
    $valid_attributes = array('css' => array('media'), 'image' => array('class', 'border'));
    $params += array('load' => false, 'type' => '', 'tag' => isset($params['type']) && $params['type'] == 'image' ? 0 : 1, 'priority' => 0);
    if (isset($params['href']) != empty($params['file'])) {
        //Either both params are set or both ain't.
        if (rad_config::getParam('debug.showErrors')) {
            throw new rad_exception('url file=[EMPTY]!');
        } else {
            return '';
    if (isset($params['href'])) {
        $url = $params['href'];
        if (!is_link_absolute($url)) {
            if (!empty($params['canonical'])) {
                if (empty($url)) {
                    $url = SITE_URL . 'index.php?lang=' . rad_lang::getCurrentLanguage();
                } else {
                    $url = SITE_URL . 'index.php?lang=' . rad_lang::getCurrentLanguage() . '&' . $url;
            } else {
                $url = rad_input::makeURL($url, true);
    } else {
        if (!empty($params['type'])) {
            if (!isset($params['module'])) {
                if (rad_config::getParam('debug.showErrors')) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Module is required in {url type='{$params['type']}' TAG");
                } else {
                    return '';
            try {
                switch ($params['type']) {
                    case 'js':
                        $url = rad_jscss::getLinkToJS($params['module'], $params['file']);
                    case 'css':
                        $url = rad_jscss::getLinkToCSS($params['module'], $params['file']);
                    case 'dfile':
                        //TODO: implement per-component dfiles folders and dfiles caching.
                        return DOWNLOAD_FILES . $params['module'] . '/' . $params['file'];
                    case 'image':
                        $url = rad_gd_image::getLinkToImage($params['module'], $params['file'], $params['preset']);
                        throw new rad_exception("Wrong parameter type in {url type='{$params['type']}'}");
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                if (rad_config::getParam('debug.showErrors')) {
                    throw $e;
                } else {
                    return '';
            /* TODO: some draft for future #850 implementation
               } elseif(get_class($params['file'])=='struct_core_files') {
                   if(!isset($params['module'])) {
                       $smarty->_syntax_error("url: missing 'module' parameter for struct_core_files class when genere url", E_USER_ERROR);
                   $module = $params['module'];
                   if( rad_input::getDefine( strtoupper($module.'PATH') ) != strtoupper($module.'PATH') ) {
                       return SITE_URL.str_replace( rad_input::getDefine('rootPath') ,'', rad_input::getDefine( strtoupper($module.'PATH') ));
                   } elseif(rad_input::getDefine('DOWNLOAD_FILES')!='DOWNLOAD_FILES') {
                       return DOWNLOAD_FILES.$params['file']->rfl_filename.'/'.$module.'/'.$params['file']->rfl_name;
                   } else {
                       throw new rad_exception('DOWNLOAD_FILES_DIR or '.strtoupper($module.'PATH').' not defined in config!');
        } elseif (get_class($params['file']) == 'struct_corecatalog_cat_files') {
            return DOWNLOAD_FILES . $params['file']->rcf_filename . '/' . $params['file']->rcf_name;
        } else {
            if (rad_config::getParam('debug.showErrors')) {
                throw new rad_exception('Unknown class in url function "' . get_class($params['file']) . '" ', __LINE__);
            } else {
                return '';
    if (!empty($params['type']) && $params['tag']) {
        $attributes = '';
        if (!empty($params['attr']) && !empty($valid_attributes[$params['type']])) {
            parse_str($params['attr'], $attr_array);
            $attributes_array = array_intersect_key($attr_array, array_flip($valid_attributes[$params['type']]));
            foreach ($attributes_array as $k => $v) {
                $v = htmlspecialchars($v);
                $attributes .= " {$k}='{$v}'";
        switch ($params['type']) {
            case 'js':
                switch ($params['load']) {
                    case 'async':
                        $attributes .= " async='true'";
                    case 'defer':
                        //NB: also for "async" mode for IE compatibility
                        $attributes .= " defer='true'";
                $html = "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$url}'{$attributes}></script>";
                if ($params['load'] == 'inplace') {
                    return $html;
                if (isset($params['href'])) {
                    rad_jscss::addFile('--EXTERNAL--', $params['href'], $html, (int) $params['priority']);
                } else {
                    rad_jscss::addFile($params['module'], $params['file'], $html, (int) $params['priority']);
                return '';
            case 'css':
                $html = "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='{$url}'{$attributes} />";
                if (isset($params['href'])) {
                    rad_jscss::addFile('--EXTERNAL--', $params['href'], $html, (int) $params['priority']);
                } else {
                    rad_jscss::addFile($params['module'], $params['file'], $html, (int) $params['priority']);
                return '';
            case 'image':
                return "<img src='{$url}'{$attributes} />";
    return $url;
Exemple #19
  * Makes the url from standart params
  * @param string $context
  * @param bool $url_aliases_enabled
  * @return string
  * @example makeURL('alias=index.html&page=2&itemsperpage=10&category=754')
 public static function makeURL($context, $url_aliases_enabled = false)
     static $alias_plugins = null;
     static $search = null;
     static $replace = null;
     if (!$alias_plugins) {
         $alias_plugins = rad_loader::getAliasInputClasses();
     if (!$search) {
         $search = array('SITE_URL');
         $replace = array(SITE_URL);
         if (defined('SITE_ALIAS')) {
             $search[] = 'SITE_ALIAS';
             $replace[] = SITE_ALIAS;
     $c = str_replace($search, $replace, $context);
     if (is_link_external($c)) {
         return $c;
     $r = strstr($c, '?');
     if ($r) {
         $c = substr($r, 1);
     $r = explode('&', $c);
     $get = array();
     foreach ($r as $id) {
         $r1 = explode('=', $id);
         if (count($r1) >= 2) {
             $get[$r1[0]] = $r1[1];
         } else {
             $get[$r1[0]] = '';
     if (!isset($get['alias'])) {
         $get['alias'] = SITE_ALIAS;
     if ($url_aliases_enabled && rad_config::getParam('cleanurl.on')) {
         if ($alias = rad_cleanurl::getAliasByParams($get)) {
             return SITE_URL . $alias;
     if (isset($alias_plugins[$get['alias']])) {
         $model = rad_instances::get($alias_plugins[$get['alias']]);
         $string = $model->makeurl($get);
     } else {
         if ((!count($get) or count($get) == 1 and isset($get['alias'])) and trim($get['alias']) == rad_config::getParam('defaultAlias')) {
             $string = SITE_URL;
         } else {
             if (rad_config::getParam('lang.location_show')) {
                 $string = SITE_URL . rad_lang::getCurrentLanguage() . '/' . $get['alias'] . '/';
             } else {
                 $string = SITE_URL . $get['alias'] . '/';
             if (strlen($context)) {
                 foreach ($get as $prmname => $prmvalue) {
                     if ($prmname != 'alias') {
                         $string .= $prmname . '/' . $prmvalue . '/';
                 if (strpos($prmvalue, '.')) {
                     if ($string[strlen($string) - 1] == '/') {
                         $string = substr($string, 0, -1);
     return $string;
function smarty_function_paginator($params, $smarty)
     * Default params
    $step = 1;
    $maxshow = 30;
    $showsteps = false;
    $showfirst = false;
    $showlast = false;
    $show_long_listing = false;
    $first_title_text = call_user_func_array(array(rad_config::getParam('loader_class'), 'lang'), array('-first'));
    $last_title_text = call_user_func_array(array(rad_config::getParam('loader_class'), 'lang'), array('-last'));
    $next_title_text = call_user_func_array(array(rad_config::getParam('loader_class'), 'lang'), array('-next'));
    $prev_title_text = call_user_func_array(array(rad_config::getParam('loader_class'), 'lang'), array('-prev'));
    $long_listing_text = '..';
    $num_delimiter = '&nbsp;';
    $alias = SITE_ALIAS;
    $page_varname = 'p';
    if (!isset($params['from'])) {
        throw new rad_exception("paginator: missing 'from' parameter", E_USER_ERROR);
    $from = (int) $params['from'];
    if (!isset($params['to'])) {
        throw new rad_exception("paginator: missing 'to' parameter", E_USER_ERROR);
    $to = (int) $params['to'];
    if (!isset($params['curpage'])) {
        throw new rad_exception("paginator: missing 'curpage' parameter", E_USER_ERROR);
    $curpage = (int) $params['curpage'];
    if (isset($params['step'])) {
        $step = (int) $params['step'];
    if (!$step or $step <= 0) {
        throw new rad_exception("paginator: default parameter 'step' can't be < or = 0 ", E_USER_ERROR);
    if (isset($params['maxshow'])) {
        $maxshow = (int) $params['maxshow'] - 1;
    if (!$maxshow or $maxshow <= 1) {
        throw new rad_exception("paginator: default parameter 'maxshow' can't be < or = 1 ", E_USER_ERROR);
    if (isset($params['long_listing_text'])) {
        $long_listing_text = $params['long_listing_text'];
    $showsteps = isset($params['showsteps']) ? (bool) $params['showsteps'] : $showsteps;
    $showfirst = isset($params['showfirst']) ? (bool) $params['showfirst'] : $showfirst;
    $showlast = isset($params['showlast']) ? (bool) $params['showlast'] : $showlast;
    $show_long_listing = isset($params['show_long_listing']) ? (bool) $params['show_long_listing'] : $show_long_listing;
    $first_title_text = isset($params['first_title_text']) ? (string) rad_sloader::lang($params['first_title_text']) : $first_title_text;
    $last_title_text = isset($params['last_title_text']) ? (string) rad_sloader::lang($params['last_title_text']) : $last_title_text;
    $next_title_text = isset($params['next_title_text']) ? (string) rad_sloader::lang($params['next_title_text']) : $next_title_text;
    $prev_title_text = isset($params['prev_title_text']) ? (string) rad_sloader::lang($params['prev_title_text']) : $prev_title_text;
    $num_delimiter = isset($params['num_delimiter']) ? (string) $params['num_delimiter'] : $num_delimiter;
    $alias = isset($params['alias']) ? (string) $params['alias'] : $alias;
    $page_varname = isset($params['page_varname']) ? (string) $params['page_varname'] : $page_varname;
    $bothldelimiter = isset($params['bothldelimiter']) ? (string) $params['bothldelimiter'] : '';
    $bothrdelimiter = isset($params['bothrdelimiter']) ? (string) $params['bothrdelimiter'] : '';
    /****  Calculate and return values ******/
    $return = '';
    /*** Parse GET params ******/
    $get_params = array();
    if (isset($params['GET']) and strlen($params['GET'])) {
        if ($params['GET'][0] == '&') {
            substr($params['GET'], 1);
        $pt = explode('&', $params['GET']);
        if (count($pt)) {
            foreach ($pt as $ptID => $ptVL) {
                $pv = explode('=', $ptVL);
                if (count($pv) > 1) {
                    $get_params[trim($pv[0])] = trim($pv[1]);
    $get_params['alias'] = $alias;
    //TODO Сделать чтобы при переходе на первую страницу или назад(если таже самая страница будет при клике назад) - небыло ссылки
    if ($showfirst) {
        $get_params[$page_varname] = $from;
        if ($get_params[$page_varname] == $from) {
        $return .= $bothldelimiter . '<a href="' . smarty_function_url(array('href' => smarty_function_paginator_make_get($get_params)), $smarty) . '">' . $first_title_text . '</a>&nbsp;' . $bothrdelimiter;
        if (isset($get_params[$page_varname])) {
    if ($showsteps) {
        $get_params[$page_varname] = $curpage == $from ? $curpage : $curpage;
        if ($get_params[$page_varname] == $from) {
        } else {
            $return .= $bothldelimiter . '<a href="' . smarty_function_url(array('href' => smarty_function_paginator_make_get($get_params)), $smarty) . '">' . $prev_title_text . '</a>&nbsp;' . $bothrdelimiter;
        if (isset($get_params[$page_varname])) {
    if ($show_long_listing) {
        $get_params[$page_varname] = $curpage - $maxshow - 1 <= $from ? $from : $curpage - $maxshow - 1;
        if ($from + $maxshow >= $curpage) {
        } else {
            $return .= $bothldelimiter . '<a href="' . smarty_function_url(array('href' => smarty_function_paginator_make_get($get_params)), $smarty) . '">' . $long_listing_text . '</a>&nbsp;' . $bothrdelimiter;
        if (isset($get_params[$page_varname])) {
    $return_pag = array();
    if ($from == $to - 1) {
        $return_pag[] = $bothldelimiter . '<font class="pages_active last">1</font>' . $bothrdelimiter;
    } else {
        for ($i = $from; $i < $to - 1; $i = $i + $step) {
            if ($i >= $curpage - $maxshow and $i <= $curpage + $maxshow) {
                if ($curpage == $i) {
                    $return_pag[] = $bothldelimiter . '<font class="pages_active' . ($i == $to - 2 ? ' last' : '') . '">' . (string) ($i + 1) . '</font>' . $bothrdelimiter;
                } else {
                    $get_params[$page_varname] = $i;
                    $return_pag[] = $bothldelimiter . '<font class="pages_active' . ($i == $to - 2 ? ' last' : '') . '"><a href="' . smarty_function_url(array('href' => smarty_function_paginator_make_get($get_params)), $smarty) . '">[' . ($i + 1) . ']</a></font>' . $bothrdelimiter;
    $return .= implode($num_delimiter, $return_pag);
    if ($show_long_listing) {
        $get_params[$page_varname] = $curpage + $maxshow + 1 >= $to - 2 ? $curpage : $curpage + $maxshow + 1;
        $get_params[$page_varname] = $get_params[$page_varname] == 0 ? $curpage + $maxshow + 1 : $get_params[$page_varname];
        if ($curpage + $maxshow < $to - 2) {
            $return .= $bothldelimiter . '&nbsp;<a href="' . smarty_function_url(array('href' => smarty_function_paginator_make_get($get_params)), $smarty) . '">' . $long_listing_text . '</a>&nbsp;' . $bothrdelimiter;
    if ($showsteps) {
        if ($curpage != $to - 2) {
            $get_params[$page_varname] = $curpage == $to - 2 ? $curpage : $curpage + 1;
            $return .= $bothldelimiter . '&nbsp;<a href="' . smarty_function_url(array('href' => smarty_function_paginator_make_get($get_params)), $smarty) . '">' . $next_title_text . '</a>&nbsp;' . $bothrdelimiter;
    if ($showlast) {
        $get_params[$page_varname] = $to - 2;
        if ($get_params[$page_varname] != $to) {
            $return .= $bothldelimiter . '<a href="' . smarty_function_url(array('href' => smarty_function_paginator_make_get($get_params)), $smarty) . '">' . $last_title_text . '</a>' . $bothrdelimiter;
    if ($to > 2) {
        return $return;
    return '';
Exemple #21
 private static function _renewCache($module, $file, $type)
     $filename = fixPath($file);
     $cacheFile = CACHEPATH . $type . DS . self::$themeName . DS . $module . DS . $filename;
     $cachePath = dirname($cacheFile);
     if (!file_exists($cachePath)) {
     if (file_exists($cacheFile) && time() - filemtime($cacheFile) < rad_config::getParam('cache.power.time')) {
         return true;
     if ($fname = rad_themer::getFilePath(self::$themeName, 'jscss', $module, $filename)) {
         return self::copyToCache($fname, $cacheFile);
     return false;
Exemple #22
  * Assign theme folders
 function assignThemes()
     $this->setVar('theme_default', rad_config::getParam('theme.default'));
     $this->setVar('themes', rad_themer::getThemes());
     $this->setVar('curr_theme', call_user_func(array(rad_config::getParam('loader_class'), 'getCurrentTheme')));
Exemple #23
  * Install the file
  * @param string $filename - specified filename with @CONSTANT@ without root start path to RADCMS
  * @param float $version
 public function installFile($filename, $version)
     $fileContent = $this->_getURL($this->_url, array('action' => 'getfile', 'version' => $version, 'filename' => $filename));
     if (strlen($fileContent)) {
         $search = array('@LIBPATH@', '@COMPONENTSPATH@', '@THEMESPATH@', '@SMARTYPATH@', '@ROOTPATH@');
         $replace = array(LIBPATH, COMPONENTSPATH, THEMESPATH, SMARTYPATH, rad_config::getParam('rootPath'));
         $fullFileName = str_replace($search, $replace, $filename);
         $this->mkFile($fullFileName, $fileContent, 0777);
     } else {
         throw new rad_exception('File "' . $filename . '" with version "' . $version . '" is empty');
Exemple #24
  * Makes the correct url from string to work with the access
  * It is not recommended overriding the function. Override protected _makeUrl*() instead.
  * @param array $get Parsed $GET array
  * @return string Full URI generated
 public final function makeurl($get = array())
     $string = SITE_URL;
     if (rad_config::getParam('lang.location_show')) {
         $string .= rad_lang::getCurrentLanguage() . '/';
     $string .= $get['alias'] . '/';
     $string .= $this->_makeUrlMiddle($get);
     $string .= $this->_makeUrlEnd($get);
     if (substr($string, -1) == '/') {
         $string .= 'index' . $this->_ending;
     } else {
         $string .= $this->_ending;
     return $string;
Exemple #25
 public static function redirectUrl($params)
     $string = 'alias=';
     switch ($params['type']) {
         case self::TYPE_INDEX:
             $string .= rad_config::getParam('defaultAlias');
         case self::TYPE_ARTICLE:
             $string .= 'articles&a=' . (int) $params['item_id'];
         case self::TYPE_CATALOG:
             $string .= 'catalog&cat=' . (int) $params['item_id'];
         case self::TYPE_NEWS:
             $string .= 'news&nid=' . (int) $params['item_id'];
         case self::TYPE_PAGE:
             $string .= 'page&pgid=' . (int) $params['item_id'];
         case self::TYPE_PRODUCT:
             $string .= 'product&p=' . (int) $params['item_id'];
 public static function prepareImages(array $files)
     $theme = rad_themer::getCurrentTheme();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $fileOriginal = rad_themer::getFilePath($theme, 'img', $file['module'], $file['file']);
         $fileCached = CACHEPATH . 'img' . DS . $theme . DS . $file['module'] . DS . 'original' . DS . fixPath($file['file']);
         if (file_exists($fileCached)) {
             if (time() - filemtime($fileCached) < rad_config::getParam('cache.power.time')) {
                 //File is already cached
         } else {
             $cachePath = dirname($fileCached);
             if (!is_dir($cachePath) && !recursive_mkdir($cachePath)) {
                 throw new RuntimeException('Could not create cache folder for image');
         copy($fileOriginal, $fileCached);
Exemple #27
 public static function getCurrentTheme()
     static $theme;
     if (isset($theme)) {
         return $theme;
     if (($theme = @$_SESSION['theme']) && ($theme == 'default' || self::themeExists($theme))) {
         return $theme;
     if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && preg_match('~^' . preg_quote($GLOBALS['config']['url']) . 'cache/(?:js|css)/([a-z0-9]+)/~i', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $matches)) {
         $theme = $matches[1];
         if ($theme == 'default' || self::themeExists($theme)) {
             return $theme;
     if (!empty($_GET['th'])) {
         $theme = urldecode($_GET['th']);
         if ($theme == 'default' || self::themeExists($theme)) {
             return $theme;
     $theme = rad_config::getParam('theme.default');
     if ($theme == 'default' || self::themeExists($theme)) {
         return $theme;
     $theme = $GLOBALS['config']['theme.default'];
     if ($theme == 'default' || self::themeExists($theme)) {
         return $theme;
     $theme = 'default';
     return $theme;
Exemple #28
 private function substringSearchChecked()
     return rad_config::getParam('sphinx.on') && rad_config::getParam('sphinx.substring_search') == 'allow' && $this->request('ss');
  * Gets the main javascript for the page
 function getJS()
     $this->setVar('ROOT_PID', addslashes(str_replace(rad_config::getParam('rootPath'), '', TEMPLATESPATH)));
     $this->setVar('lang', $this->getCurrentLang());
     $this->header('Content-type: text/javascript');
Exemple #30
 protected function getValValuesCache()
     $file = self::getCacheFileName($this->_catIds, $this->_cat->tre_id);
     $result = NULL;
     if (is_file($file)) {
         $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($file));
         if ($data['date'] >= time() - rad_config::getParam('cache.power.time')) {
             $result = $data['rows'];
     if (!$result) {
         $result = $this->getValValues();
         $data = array('date' => time(), 'rows' => $result);
         safe_put_contents($file, serialize($data));
     return $result;