/** * Move incoming usersets to be a subuset of current userset. * @throws moodle_exception * @param array $elements An array of userset information to assign to the track. * @param bool $bulkaction Whether this is a bulk-action or not. * @return array An array to format as JSON and return to the Javascript. */ protected function _respond_to_js(array $elements, $bulkaction) { global $DB, $USER; // The userset that will be the new parent set. $curusersetid = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // Limit incoming usersets to possible-to-move usersets. $possiblesubsets = cluster_get_possible_sub_clusters($curusersetid); $elements = array_intersect_key($elements, $possiblesubsets); unset($possiblesubsets); // We need edit permissions. $perm = 'local/elisprogram:userset_edit'; $userseteditctx = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', $perm, $USER->id); if ($userseteditctx->context_allowed($curusersetid, 'cluster') !== true) { throw new moodle_exception('not_permitted', 'local_elisprogram'); } // Loop through requested elements to move. Check for permissions and do an sanity check on IDs and parent ID, then move. foreach ($elements as $tomoveusersetid => $label) { // Ensure user has edit perm on $tomoveusersetid. if ($userseteditctx->context_allowed($tomoveusersetid, 'cluster')) { $tomove = new userset($tomoveusersetid); $tomove->load(); // The userset we're moving shouldn't be the userset we're moving below, and it shouldn't already be a child // of the new parent. if ($tomove->id !== $curusersetid && $tomove->parent !== $curusersetid) { $tomove->parent = $curusersetid; $tomove->save(); } } } return array('result' => 'success', 'msg' => 'Success'); }
function get_records($filter) { global $DB, $USER; $id = $this->required_param('id', PARAM_INT); $sort = $this->optional_param('sort', 'name', PARAM_ALPHA); $dir = $this->optional_param('dir', 'ASC', PARAM_ALPHA); $pagenum = $this->optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT); $perpage = $this->optional_param('perpage', 30, PARAM_INT); $filters = array(); // find users who do not have a manual assignment already $filters[] = new join_filter('id', clusterassignment::TABLE, 'userid', new AND_filter(array(new field_filter('clusterid', $id), new field_filter('plugin', 'manual'))), true); // user-defined filter list($extrasql, $params) = $filter->get_sql_filter(); if ($extrasql) { $filters[] = new select_filter($extrasql, $params); } // TODO: Ugly, this needs to be overhauled $upage = new usersetpage(); if (!$upage->_has_capability('local/elisprogram:userset_enrol')) { //perform SQL filtering for the more "conditional" capability //get the context for the "indirect" capability $context = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:userset_enrol_userset_user', $USER->id); $allowed_clusters = userset::get_allowed_clusters($id); if (empty($allowed_clusters)) { $filters[] = new select_filter('FALSE'); } else { $filters[] = new join_filter('id', clusterassignment::TABLE, 'userid', new in_list_filter('clusterid', $allowed_clusters)); } } $count = user::count($filters); $users = user::find($filters, array($sort => $dir), $pagenum * $perpage, $perpage); return array($users, $count); }
/** * Determines whether the current user is allowed to enrol users into the provided curriculum * * @param int $curriculumid The id of the curriculum we are checking permissions on * * @return boolean Whether the user is allowed to enrol users into the curriculum * */ static function can_enrol_into_curriculum($curriculumid) { global $USER; //check the standard capability // TODO: Ugly, this needs to be overhauled $cpage = new curriculumpage(); if ($cpage->_has_capability('local/elisprogram:program_enrol', $curriculumid)) { return true; } //get the context for the "indirect" capability $context = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:program_enrol_userset_user', $USER->id); //get the clusters and check the context against them $clusters = clustercurriculum::get_clusters($curriculumid); if (!empty($clusters)) { foreach ($clusters as $cluster) { if ($context->context_allowed($cluster->clusterid, 'cluster')) { return true; } } } return false; }
/** * Obtain the count of users who can be assigned to the provided track * * @param int $trackid The record id of the track we are currently assigning to * @param string $namesearch A substring of users' fullnames to search by * @param string $alpha The first letter of users' fullnames to search by * * @return array The total count of appropriate users */ public static function count_available_users($trackid, $namesearch = '', $alpha = '') { global $CFG, $DB, $USER; require_once elispm::file('trackpage.class.php'); require_once elispm::lib('data/clusterassignment.class.php'); $FULLNAME = $DB->sql_concat('usr.firstname', "' '", 'usr.lastname'); $select = 'SELECT COUNT(*) '; $sql = 'FROM {' . user::TABLE . '} usr ' . 'LEFT OUTER JOIN {' . usertrack::TABLE . '} ut ON ut.userid = usr.id AND ut.trackid = :trackid ' . 'WHERE ut.userid IS NULL '; $params = array('trackid' => $trackid); if ($namesearch != '') { $NAMELIKE = $DB->sql_like($FULLNAME, ':namesearch', false); $namesearch = trim($namesearch); $sql .= 'AND ' . $NAMELIKE . ' '; $params['namesearch'] = "%{$namesearch}%"; } if ($alpha != '') { //todo: determine if this should actually be using last name? $ALPHA_LIKE = $DB->sql_like($FULLNAME, ':lastname', false); $sql .= 'AND ' . $ALPHA_LIKE . ' '; $params['lastname'] = "{$alpha}%"; } if (empty(elis::$config->local_elisprogram->legacy_show_inactive_users)) { $sql .= 'AND usr.inactive = 0 '; } // TODO: Ugly, this needs to be overhauled $tpage = new trackpage(); if (!$tpage->_has_capability('local/elisprogram:track_enrol', $trackid)) { //perform SQL filtering for the more "conditional" capability //get the context for the "indirect" capability $context = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:track_enrol_userset_user', $USER->id); //get the clusters and check the context against them $clusters = clustertrack::get_clusters($trackid); $allowed_clusters = $context->get_allowed_instances($clusters, 'cluster', 'clusterid'); if (empty($allowed_clusters)) { $sql .= 'AND 0=1 '; } else { $cluster_filter = implode(',', $allowed_clusters); $sql .= "AND usr.id IN (\n SELECT userid FROM {" . clusterassignment::TABLE . "}\n WHERE clusterid IN (:clusterfilter)) "; $params['clusterfilter'] = $cluster_filter; } } return $DB->count_records_sql($select . $sql, $params); }
/** * Calculates the number of records in a listing as created by track_get_listing * * @param string $namesearch Search string for curriculum name * @param string $alpha Start initial of curriculum name filter * @param int $curriculumid Necessary associated curriculum * @param int $clusterid Necessary associated cluster * @param pm_context_set $contexts Contexts to provide permissions filtering, of null if none * @return int The number of records */ function track_count_records($namesearch = '', $alpha = '', $curriculumid = 0, $parentclusterid = 0, $contexts = null) { global $DB; //$LIKE = $this->_db->sql_compare(); $params = array(); $NAMESEARCH_LIKE = $DB->sql_like('name', ':search_namesearch', FALSE); $ALPHA_LIKE = $DB->sql_like('name', ':search_alpha', FALSE); $where = array('defaulttrack = 0'); if (!empty($namesearch)) { //$where[] = "name $LIKE '%$namesearch%'"; $where[] = $NAMESEARCH_LIKE; $params['search_namesearch'] = "%{$namesearch}%"; } if ($alpha) { //$where[] = "(name $LIKE '$alpha%')"; $where[] = $ALPHA_LIKE; $params['search_alpha'] = "{$alpha}%"; } if ($curriculumid) { //$where[] = "(curid = $curriculumid)"; $where[] = "(curid = :curriculumid)"; $params['curriculumid'] = $curriculumid; } if ($parentclusterid) { $where[] = "(id IN (SELECT trackid FROM {" . clustertrack::TABLE . "}\n WHERE clusterid = :parentclusterid))"; $params['parentclusterid'] = $parentclusterid; } if ($contexts !== null) { /* TODO: not working yet... $filter_object = $contexts->filter_for_context_level('id', 'track'); $where[] = $filter_object->get_sql(); */ $filter_object = $contexts->get_filter('id', 'track'); $filter_sql = $filter_object->get_sql(false, null, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); if (isset($filter_sql['where'])) { $where[] = $filter_sql['where']; $params = array_merge($params, $filter_sql['where_parameters']); } } $where = implode(' AND ', $where); return $DB->count_records_select(track::TABLE, $where, $params); }
/** * Determine if the user can autocreate class instances. * * @return bool Whether the user can autocreate class instances. */ public function can_do_autocreate() { global $USER; $id = $this->required_param('id', PARAM_INT); // Determine if user has track_create or track_edit permissions. $trackcreatectx = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('track', 'local/elisprogram:track_create', $USER->id); $trackeditctx = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('track', 'local/elisprogram:track_edit', $USER->id); $trackcreateallowed = $trackcreatectx->context_allowed($id, 'track') === true ? true : false; $trackeditallowed = $trackeditctx->context_allowed($id, 'track') === true ? true : false; return $trackcreateallowed === true || $trackeditallowed === true ? true : false; }
/** * Gets a curriculum listing with specific sort and other filters as a recordset. * * @param string $sort Field to sort on. * @param string $dir Direction of sort. * @param int $startrec Record number to start at. * @param int $perpage Number of records per page. * @param string $namesearch Search string for curriculum name. * @param string $alpha Start initial of curriculum name filter. * @param array $contexts Contexts to search (in the form return by * @param int $userid The id of the user we are assigning to curricula * @uses $CFG * @uses $DB * @uses $USER * @return recordset Returned recordset. */ function curriculum_get_listing_recordset($sort = 'name', $dir = 'ASC', $startrec = 0, $perpage = 0, $namesearch = '', $alpha = '', $contexts = null, $userid = 0) { global $CFG, $DB, $USER; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/elisprogram/lib/data/curriculum.class.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/elisprogram/lib/data/curriculumcourse.class.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/elisprogram/lib/data/clustercurriculum.class.php'; $select = 'SELECT cur.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {' . curriculumcourse::TABLE . '} WHERE curriculumid = cur.id ) as courses '; $tables = 'FROM {' . curriculum::TABLE . '} cur '; $join = ''; $on = ''; $params = array(); $where = array("cur.iscustom = '0'"); if ($contexts !== null && !empty($namesearch)) { $where[] = '(' . $DB->sql_like('name', ':like_param', false) . ')'; $namesearch = trim($namesearch); $params['like_param'] = "%{$namesearch}%"; } if ($alpha) { $where[] = '(' . $DB->sql_like('name', ':starts_with', false) . ')'; $params['starts_with'] = "{$alpha}%"; } if ($contexts !== null) { $filter_object = $contexts->get_filter('id', 'curriculum'); $filter_sql = $filter_object->get_sql(false, 'cur'); if (isset($filter_sql['where'])) { $where[] = $filter_sql['where']; $params = array_merge($params, $filter_sql['where_parameters']); } } if (!empty($userid)) { //get the context for the "indirect" capability $context = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:program_enrol_userset_user', $USER->id); $clusters = cluster_get_user_clusters($userid); $allowed_clusters = $context->get_allowed_instances($clusters, 'cluster', 'clusterid'); $curriculum_context = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('curriculum', 'local/elisprogram:program_enrol', $USER->id); $filter_object = $curriculum_context->get_filter('id', 'curriculum'); $filter_sql = $filter_object->get_sql(false, 'cur'); if (isset($filter_sql['where'])) { $curriculum_filter = $filter_sql['where']; $curriculum_params = $filter_sql['where_parameters']; } if (empty($allowed_clusters)) { if (!empty($curriculum_filter)) { $where[] = $curriculum_filter; if (!empty($curriculum_params)) { $params = array_merge($params, $curriculum_params); } } } else { $allowed_clusters_list = implode(',', $allowed_clusters); //this allows both the indirect capability and the direct curriculum filter to work $cluster_where = '( cur.id IN ( SELECT clstcur.curriculumid FROM {' . clustercurriculum::TABLE . '} clstcur WHERE clstcur.clusterid IN (' . $allowed_clusters_list . ') )'; if (!empty($curriculum_filter)) { $cluster_where .= "OR\n {$curriculum_filter}\n )"; if (!empty($curriculum_params)) { $params = array_merge($params, $curriculum_params); } } $where[] = $cluster_where; } } if (!empty($where)) { $where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' '; } else { $where = ''; } if ($sort) { $sort = 'ORDER BY ' . $sort . ' ' . $dir . ' '; } $sql = $select . $tables . $join . $on . $where . $sort; return $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params, $startrec, $perpage); }
/** * Whether the user has access to see the main page (assigned list) * @return bool Whether the user has access. */ public function can_do_default() { global $USER; $id = $this->required_param('id', PARAM_INT); $requiredperms = array('local/elisprogram:course_view', 'local/elisprogram:associate'); foreach ($requiredperms as $perm) { $ctx = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('course', $perm, $USER->id); if ($ctx->context_allowed($id, 'course') !== true) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Check whether a field has view or edit capability on either Moodle or ELIS context(s). * * @param object $field the custom field we are viewing / editing * @param object $context Moodle context * @param string $contexteditcap The edit capability to check if the field owner * is set up to use the "edit this context" option for editing * @param string $contextviewcap The view capability to check if the field owner * is set up to use the "view this context" option for viewing * @param string $entity optional entity/context name * @param int $entityid The id of the entity. Required only if an entity is passed. * @return int MANUAL_FIELD_NO_VIEW_OR_EDIT (-1) if not viewable or editable * MANUAL_FIELD_VIEWABLE (0) if viewable * MANUAL_FIELD_EDITABLE (1) if editable (which implies viewable) */ function manual_field_is_view_or_editable($field, $context, $contexteditcap = NULL, $contextviewcap = NULL, $entity = 'system', $entityid = 0) { global $CFG, $USER; $canview = 0; $canedit = 0; if (!isset($field->owners['manual'])) { return MANUAL_FIELD_NO_VIEW_OR_EDIT; } $manual = new field_owner($field->owners['manual']); // Determine which exact capabilities we are checking $editcap = $manual->param_edit_capability; if ($editcap == '') { // Context-specific capability $editcap = $contexteditcap; } $viewcap = $manual->param_view_capability; if ($viewcap == '') { // Context-specific capability $viewcap = $contextviewcap; } if ($editcap == NULL || $viewcap == NULL) { // Capabilities for editing or viewing the context were not correctly specified return MANUAL_FIELD_NO_VIEW_OR_EDIT; } // Check if ELIS PM exists and if the given entity exists within PM if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot . '/local/elisprogram/lib/setup.php')) { if (empty($entityid)) { if ($entity !== 'system') { // Validate entity. \local_eliscore\context\helper::get_level_from_name($entity); $contextset = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability($entity, $editcap, $USER->id); $canedit = !$contextset->is_empty(); $contextset = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability($entity, $viewcap, $USER->id); $canview = !$contextset->is_empty(); } } else { // Validate entity. \local_eliscore\context\helper::get_level_from_name($entity); // Check ELIS contexts for the user's capability in an entity. $contextset = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability($entity, $editcap, $USER->id); $canedit = $contextset->context_allowed($entityid, $entity); $contextset = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability($entity, $viewcap, $USER->id); $canview = $contextset->context_allowed($entityid, $entity); } } if ($editcap == 'disabled' || !$canedit && !has_capability($editcap, $context)) { if (!$canview && !has_capability($viewcap, $context)) { // Do not have view or edit permissions return MANUAL_FIELD_NO_VIEW_OR_EDIT; } return MANUAL_FIELD_VIEWABLE; } return MANUAL_FIELD_EDITABLE; }
/** * Adds controls specific to this filter in the form. * @param object $mform a MoodleForm object to setup * @uses $CFG * @uses $OUTPUT * @uses $PAGE * @uses $USER */ function setupForm(&$mform) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT, $PAGE, $USER; // Javascript for cluster dropdown onchange event $cluster_group_separator = '------------------------------'; $js = ' <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function dropdown_separator(selectelem) { /* alert("dropdown_separator(" + selectelem.selectedIndex + ")"); */ if (selectelem.options[selectelem.selectedIndex].value < 0) { return 0; } return selectelem.selectedIndex; } //]]> </script> '; /** * CSS includes */ $mform->addElement('html', '<style>@import url("' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/yui/2.9.0/build/treeview/assets/skins/sam/treeview-skin.css");</style>' . $js); /** * Get set up necessary CSS classes */ $manageclusters_css_class = block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('manageclusters'); $cluster_css_class = block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('cluster_instance'); //figure out which capability to check if ($this->execution_mode == php_report::EXECUTION_MODE_SCHEDULED) { $capability = 'local/elisreports:schedule'; } else { $capability = 'local/elisreports:view'; } $context_result = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', $capability, $USER->id); /** * TreeView-related work */ //CM entities for placement at the top of the menu $cm_entity_pages = array(); $cm_entity_pages[] = new menuitem('root'); if ($clusters = cluster_get_listing('priority, name', 'ASC', 0, 0, '', '', array('parent' => 0))) { foreach ($clusters as $cluster) { $params = array('id' => $cluster->id, 'action' => 'viewreport', 'execution_mode' => $this->execution_mode); $cluster_count = cluster_count_records('', '', array('parent' => $cluster->id)); $isLeaf = empty($cluster_count); $cm_entity_pages[] = test_cluster_tree_get_menu_item('cluster', $cluster, 'root', $manageclusters_css_class, $cluster->id, 0, $params, $isLeaf); } } $menuitemlisting = new menuitemlisting($cm_entity_pages); $tree = new checkbox_treerepresentation($menuitemlisting, $this->options['report_id']); /** * UI element setup */ require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/local/eliscore/lib/filtering/equalityselect.php'; $choices_array = array(0 => get_string('anyvalue', 'filters')); //set up cluster listing if ($records = $this->cluster_dropdown_get_listing($context_result)) { foreach ($records as $record) { if (empty($choices_array[$record->id])) { if (count($choices_array) > 1) { $choices_array[-$record->id] = $cluster_group_separator; } $ancestors = $record->depth - 1; // shorten really long cluster names $name = strlen($record->name) > 100 ? substr($record->name, 0, 100) . '...' : $record->name; $choices_array[$record->id] = $ancestors ? str_repeat('- ', $ancestors) . $name : $name; //merge in child clusters $child_array = $this->find_child_clusters($records, $record->id, $ancestors); $choices_array = $this->merge_array_keep_keys($choices_array, $child_array); } } } //get help text if (isset($this->options['help'])) { $this->_filterhelp = $this->options['help']; } else { $this->_filterhelp = null; } //add filterhelp and label to this filter //import required css for the fieldset $style = '<style>@import url("' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/local/elisprogram/styles.css");</style>'; $helplink = ''; $nested_fieldset = ''; $title = ''; if ($this->options['fieldset']) { $nested_fieldset = '<fieldset class="nested clearfix" id="' . $this->_uniqueid . "_label\">\n"; } else { $title = $this->_label . $helplink . ' '; } $legend = '<legend class="ftoggler">' . $this->_label . "</legend>\n"; $mform->addElement('html', $style . $nested_fieldset . $legend); $mform->addElement('static', $this->_uniqueid . '_help', ''); // cluster select dropdown $selectparams = array('onchange' => 'this.selectedIndex = dropdown_separator(this);'); $mform->addElement('select', $this->_uniqueid . '_dropdown', $title, $choices_array, $selectparams); //dropdown / cluster tree state storage $mform->addElement('hidden', $this->_uniqueid . '_usingdropdown'); $mform->setType($this->_uniqueid . '_usingdropdown', PARAM_BOOL); // Must use addHelpButton() to NOT open help link on page, but in popup! $mform->addHelpButton($this->_uniqueid . '_dropdown', $this->_filterhelp[0], $this->_filterhelp[2]); // TBV //default to showing dropdown if nothing has been persisted $report_shortname = $this->options['report_shortname']; $preferences = php_report_filtering_get_user_preferences($report_shortname); if (!isset($preferences["php_report_{$report_shortname}/{$this->_uniqueid}_usingdropdown"])) { $mform->setDefault($this->_uniqueid . '_usingdropdown', 1); } $initclustertreeopts = array($CFG->httpswwwroot, $tree->instanceid, $this->_uniqueid, $tree->get_js_object(), $this->execution_mode, $this->options['report_id'], $this->options['dropdown_button_text'], $this->options['tree_button_text']); $PAGE->requires->yui_module('moodle-local_elisprogram-clustertree', 'M.local_elisprogram.init_clustertree', $initclustertreeopts, null, true); // cluster tree $clustertreehtml = '<div class="fitem"><div class="fitemtitle"></div>' . '<style>@import url("' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/yui/2.9.0/build/treeview/assets/skins/sam/treeview.css");</style>' . '<div id="cluster_param_tree_' . $tree->instanceid . '_' . $this->_uniqueid . '" class="ygtv-checkbox felement"></div>' . '</div>'; $mform->addElement('html', $clustertreehtml); //list of explicitly selected elements $mform->addElement('hidden', $this->_uniqueid . '_listing'); $mform->setType($this->_uniqueid . '_listing', PARAM_TEXT); //list of selected and unexpanded elements $mform->addElement('hidden', $this->_uniqueid . '_unexpanded'); $mform->setType($this->_uniqueid . '_unexpanded', PARAM_TEXT); //list of explicitly unselected elements $mform->addElement('hidden', $this->_uniqueid . '_clrunexpanded'); $mform->setType($this->_uniqueid . '_clrunexpanded', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->addElement('button', $this->_uniqueid . '_toggle', ''); // close hacked nested fieldset if ($this->options['fieldset']) { $mform->addElement('html', '</fieldset>'); } }
/** * Fetch the contexts where the user has a given capability. This only works * with the CM context levels. * * Assumes that the user does not have "too many" role assignments. Assumes * the user has no "prevents"/"prohibits" roles. */ static function for_user_with_capability($contextlevel, $capability, $userid = null, $doanything = true) { global $USER, $DB; static $pm_context_parents = array('track' => array('curriculum'), 'course' => array('curriculum'), 'class' => array('course', 'track'), 'user' => array('cluster')); if ($userid === null) { $userid = $USER->id; } $obj = new pm_context_set(); $obj->contextlevel = $contextlevel; // if the user has the capability at the system level (or has the // manage master capability), we can stop here if (has_capability($capability, context_system::instance(), $userid, $doanything) || has_capability('local/elisprogram:manage', context_system::instance(), $userid, $doanything)) { $obj->contexts = array('system' => 1); return $obj; } $contexts = array($contextlevel => array()); // find all contexts at the given context level where the user has a direct // role assignment $ctxlevel = \local_eliscore\context\helper::get_level_from_name($contextlevel); $ctxclass = \local_eliscore\context\helper::get_class_for_level($ctxlevel); $sql = "SELECT c.id, c.instanceid\n FROM {role_assignments} ra\n JOIN {context} c ON ra.contextid = c.id\n WHERE ra.userid = {$userid}\n AND c.contextlevel = " . $ctxlevel; $possiblecontexts = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); foreach ($possiblecontexts as $c) { $context = $ctxclass::instance($c->instanceid); if (has_capability($capability, $context, $userid, $doanything)) { $contexts[$contextlevel][] = $context->__get('instanceid'); } } if (empty($contexts[$contextlevel])) { unset($contexts[$contextlevel]); } // look in the parent contexts if (isset($pm_context_parents[$contextlevel])) { foreach ($pm_context_parents[$contextlevel] as $parentlevel) { $parent = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability($parentlevel, $capability, $userid, $doanything); $contexts = array_merge($contexts, $parent->contexts); } } $obj->contexts = $contexts; return $obj; }
function can_do_view() { $id = $this->required_param('id', PARAM_INT); if ($this->_has_capability('local/elisprogram:userset_view')) { return true; } /* * Start of cluster hierarchy extension */ $viewable_clusters = userset::get_viewable_clusters(); $contextset = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:userset_view'); return in_array($id, $viewable_clusters) || userset::exists(array(new usersubset_filter('id', new field_filter('id', $id)), $contextset->get_filter('id'))) || userset::exists(array(new usersubset_filter('id', $contextset->get_filter('id')), new field_filter('id', $id))); /* * End of cluster hierarchy extension */ }
/** * Test the basic functionality of the methods for fetching users as a * recordset when applying userset permissions and an appropriate SQL filter */ public function test_usermanagementgetsusersrecordsetrespectsfilters() { global $USER, $DB; require_once elispm::lib('data/clusterassignment.class.php'); require_once elispm::lib('data/user.class.php'); require_once elispm::lib('lib.php'); // Make sure we don't hit corner-cases with permissions. set_config('siteguest', ''); set_config('siteadmins', ''); // Prevent accesslib caching. accesslib_clear_all_caches(true); // Data setup. $this->load_csv_data(); $this->set_up_users(); // Assign a second user to the user set. $secondclusteruser = new user(array('idnumber' => 'secondclusteruser', 'username' => 'secondclusteruser', 'firstname' => 'Secondcluster', 'lastname' => 'User', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'country' => 'CA')); $secondclusteruser->save(); $clusterassignment = new clusterassignment(array('clusterid' => 1, 'userid' => $secondclusteruser->id)); $clusterassignment->save(); // The context set our user set administrator has access to. $contextset = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:user_edit', $USER->id); // Add a filter to filter down to only our first test user. $extrasql = array('username = :testusername', array('testusername' => 'clusteruser')); // Validate record. $users = usermanagement_get_users_recordset('name', 'ASC', 0, 0, $extrasql, $contextset); $this->assertTrue($users->valid()); $user = $users->current(); $this->assertEquals('clusteruser', $user->idnumber); $this->assertNull($users->next()); }
function get_content() { global $CFG, $ADMIN, $USER, $HTTPSPAGEREQUIRED, $PAGE, $DB, $SITE; require_once $CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php'; //dependencies on page classes require_once elispm::file('usersetpage.class.php'); require_once elispm::file('curriculumpage.class.php'); require_once elispm::file('coursepage.class.php'); require_once elispm::file('trackpage.class.php'); //require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/my/pagelib.php'); /// Determine the users CM access level. $access = cm_determine_access($USER->id); //make sure local_elisprogram / custom contexts set up correctly //to prevent error before the upgrade to ELIS 2 if (empty($access) || $this->content !== NULL || !defined('CONTEXT_ELIS_PROGRAM')) { return $this->content; } //if we are not on a PM page, disable the expansion of //entities in the curr admin tree (logic in curriculum/index.php) if (!is_a($PAGE, 'pm_page') && $PAGE->pagetype != 'admin-setting-local_elisprogram_settings') { unset($USER->currentitypath); } // Include Icon CSS. $PAGE->requires->css('/local/elisprogram/icons.css'); //CM entities for placement at the top of the menu $cm_entity_pages = array(); $cm_entity_pages[] = new menuitem('root'); $num_block_icons = isset(elis::$config->local_elisprogram->num_block_icons) ? elis::$config->local_elisprogram->num_block_icons : 5; /***************************************** * Clusters *****************************************/ if (!isset(elis::$config->local_elisprogram->display_clusters_at_top_level) || !empty(elis::$config->local_elisprogram->display_clusters_at_top_level)) { $manageclusters_css_class = block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('manageclusters'); $cluster_css_class = block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('cluster_instance'); require_once elispm::lib('contexts.php'); $context_result = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:userset_view', $USER->id); $extrafilters = array('contexts' => $context_result, 'parent' => 0); $num_records = cluster_count_records('', '', $extrafilters); if ($clusters = cluster_get_listing('priority, name', 'ASC', 0, $num_block_icons, '', '', $extrafilters)) { foreach ($clusters as $cluster) { $params = array('id' => $cluster->id, 'action' => 'view'); //count sub-clusters $cluster_filter = array('contexts' => usersetpage::get_contexts('local/elisprogram:userset_view')); $cluster_count = cluster_count_records('', '', array('parent' => $cluster->id), $cluster_filter); //count associated curricula $curriculum_filter = array('contexts' => curriculumpage::get_contexts('local/elisprogram:program_view')); $curriculum_count = clustercurriculum::count_curricula($cluster->id, $curriculum_filter); $isLeaf = empty($cluster_count) && empty($curriculum_count); $cm_entity_pages[] = block_elisadmin_get_menu_item('userset', $cluster, 'root', $manageclusters_css_class, $cluster->id, 0, $params, $isLeaf); } } if ($num_block_icons < $num_records) { $cm_entity_pages[] = block_elisadmin_get_menu_summary_item('userset', $cluster_css_class, $num_records - $num_block_icons); } } /***************************************** * Curricula *****************************************/ if (!empty(elis::$config->local_elisprogram->display_curricula_at_top_level)) { $managecurricula_css_class = block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('managecurricula'); $curriculum_css_class = block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('curriculum_instance'); require_once elispm::file('curriculumpage.class.php'); $num_records = curriculum_count_records('', '', curriculumpage::get_contexts('local/elisprogram:program_view')); $curricula = $DB->get_recordset(curriculum::TABLE, null, 'priority ASC, name ASC', '*', 0, $num_block_icons); foreach ($curricula as $curriculum) { $params = array('id' => $curriculum->id, 'action' => 'view'); //count associated courses $course_filter = array('contexts' => coursepage::get_contexts('local/elisprogram:course_view')); $course_count = curriculumcourse_count_records($curriculum->id, '', '', $course_filter); //count associated tracks $track_contexts = trackpage::get_contexts('local/elisprogram:track_view'); $track_count = track_count_records('', '', $curriculum->id, 0, $track_contexts); //count associated clusters $cluster_filter = array('contexts' => usersetpage::get_contexts('local/elisprogram:userset_view')); $cluster_count = clustercurriculum::count_clusters($curriculum->id, 0, $cluster_filter); $isLeaf = empty($course_count) && empty($track_count) && empty($cluster_count); $cm_entity_pages[] = block_elisadmin_get_menu_item('curriculum', $curriculum, 'root', $managecurricula_css_class, 0, $curriculum->id, $params, $isLeaf); } unset($curricula); if ($num_block_icons < $num_records) { $cm_entity_pages[] = block_elisadmin_get_menu_summary_item('curriculum', $curriculum_css_class, $num_records - $num_block_icons); } } //general cm pages $pages = array(new menuitem('dashboard', new menuitempage('dashboardpage'), 'root', '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('dashboard')), new menuitem('admn', null, 'root', get_string('admin'), block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('admn', true)), new menuitem('bulkuser', new menuitempage('bulkuserpage'), null, get_string('userbulk', 'admin'), block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('bulkuser')), new menuitem('resultsconfig', new menuitempage('resultsconfigpage'), null, 'Default Results Engine Score Settings', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('resultsconfig'))); // ELIS-3208 - commented out this code as the Jasper reports no longer work in ELIS 2 /* //show the Jasper report server link if applicable if (cm_jasper_link_enabled()) { //page action $jasper_link_params = array('action' => 'reportslist'); //page instance $jasper_link_page = new menuitempage('jasperreportpage', '', $jasper_link_params); //styling for the link $jasper_link_css = block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('reportslist'); $pages[] = new menuitem('reportslist', $jasper_link_page, null, '', $jasper_link_css); } */ $pages = array_merge($pages, array(new menuitem('customfields', new menuitempage('customfieldpage', '', array('level' => 'user')), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('customfields')), new menuitem('clusterclassification', new menuitempage('usersetclassificationpage', 'plugins/usetclassify/usersetclassificationpage.class.php'), null, get_string('userset_classification', 'elisprogram_usetclassify'), block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('clusterclassification')), new menuitem('users', null, 'root', '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('users', true)), new menuitem('manageusers', new menuitempage('userpage'), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('manageusers')), new menuitem('manageclusters', new menuitempage('usersetpage'), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('manageclusters')), new menuitem('curr', null, 'root', get_string('curriculum', 'local_elisprogram'), block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('curr', true)), new menuitem('certificatelist', new menuitempage('certificatelistpage'), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('certificatelist')), new menuitem('managecurricula', new menuitempage('curriculumpage'), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('managecurricula')), new menuitem('managecourses', new menuitempage('coursepage'), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('managecourses')), new menuitem('manageclasses', new menuitempage('pmclasspage'), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('manageclasses')), new menuitem('crscat', null, 'root', get_string('learningplan', 'local_elisprogram'), block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('crscat', true)), new menuitem('currentcourses', new menuitempage('coursecatalogpage', '', array('action' => 'current')), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('currentcourses')), new menuitem('availablecourses', new menuitempage('coursecatalogpage', '', array('action' => 'available')), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('availablecourses')), new menuitem('waitlist', new menuitempage('coursecatalogpage', '', array('action' => 'waitlist')), null, get_string('waitlistcourses', 'local_elisprogram'), block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('waitlist')), new menuitem('rept', null, 'root', get_string('reports', 'local_elisprogram'), block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('rept', true)))); if (has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', context_course::instance($SITE->id))) { if (elis::$config->elisprogram_usetgroups->site_course_userset_groups) { $pages[] = new menuitem('frontpagegroups', new menuitempage('url_page', 'lib/menuitem.class.php', "{$CFG->wwwroot}/group/index.php?id={$SITE->id}"), 'admn', get_string('frontpagegroups', 'elisprogram_usetgroups'), block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('manageclusters')); } if (elis::$config->elisprogram_usetgroups->userset_groupings) { $pages[] = new menuitem('frontpagegroupings', new menuitempage('url_page', 'lib/menuitem.class.php', "{$CFG->wwwroot}/group/groupings.php?id={$SITE->id}"), 'admn', get_string('frontpagegroupings', 'elisprogram_usetgroups'), block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('manageclusters')); } } /** * This section adds all the necessary PHP reports to the menu */ //get all report pages, including categories but not including the //topmost report element $report_pages = block_elisadmin_get_report_tree_items(); //merge in the reporting page links $pages = array_merge($pages, $report_pages); if (empty(elis::$config->local_elisprogram->userdefinedtrack)) { $pages[] = new menuitem('managetracks', new menuitempage('trackpage'), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('managetracks')); } $syscontext = context_system::instance(); if (has_capability('local/elisprogram:config', $syscontext)) { $pages[] = new menuitem('configmanager', new menuitempage('url_page', 'lib/menuitem.class.php', "{$CFG->wwwroot}/admin/settings.php?section=local_elisprogram_settings"), 'admn', get_string('configuration'), block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('configuration')); } $pages[] = new menuitem('notifications', new menuitempage('notifications', 'notificationspage.class.php', array('section' => 'admn')), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('notifications')); //$pages[] = new menuitem('dataimport', new menuitempage('dataimportpage', 'elis_ip/elis_ip_page.php', array('section' => 'admn')), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('integrationpoint')); $pages[] = new menuitem('defaultcls', new menuitempage('configclsdefaultpage', '', array('section' => 'admn')), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('defaultcls')); $pages[] = new menuitem('defaultcrs', new menuitempage('configcrsdefaultpage', '', array('section' => 'admn')), null, '', block_elisadmin_get_item_css_class('defaultcrs')); //turn all pages that have no children into leaf nodes menuitemlisting::flag_leaf_nodes($pages); //combine the specific entity page listing with the general CM listing $menuitemlisting = new menuitemlisting(array_merge($cm_entity_pages, $pages)); $tree = new treerepresentation($menuitemlisting); $this->content = new stdClass(); $this->content->text = $tree->convert_to_markup(); $this->content->footer = ''; $PAGE->requires->yui_module('moodle-local_elisprogram-menuitem', 'M.local_elisprogram.init_menuitem', array($tree->get_js_object(), $CFG->httpswwwroot), null, true); return $this->content; }
/** * Determine whether the current user can unassign the track from the userset. * @param int $usersetid The ID of the userset. * @param int $trackid The ID of the track. * @return bool Whether the current can unassign (true) or not (false) */ protected function can_unassign($usersetid, $trackid) { global $USER; $perm = 'local/elisprogram:associate'; $trkassocctx = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('track', $perm, $USER->id); $trackassociateallowed = $trkassocctx->context_allowed($trackid, 'track') === true ? true : false; $clstassocctx = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', $perm, $USER->id); $usersetassociateallowed = $clstassocctx->context_allowed($usersetid, 'cluster') === true ? true : false; return $trackassociateallowed === true && $usersetassociateallowed === true ? true : false; }
/** * Determine whether the current user has certain permissions for a given ID and context level. * @param array $perms An array of permissions the user must have to return true. * @param int $ctxlevel The context level name. * @param int $id The instance ID to check for. * @return bool Whether the user has all required permissions. */ protected function has_perms_for_element(array $perms, $ctxlevel, $id) { global $USER; foreach ($perms as $perm) { $ctx = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability($ctxlevel, $perm, $USER->id); if ($ctx->context_allowed($id, $ctxlevel) !== true) { return false; } } return true; }
/** * Determines whether the current user is allowed to create, edit, and delete associations * between a user and a class * * @param int $userid The id of the user being associated to the class * @param int $classid The id of the class we are associating the user to * @uses $DB * @uses $USER; * @return boolean True if the current user has the required permissions, otherwise false */ public static function can_manage_assoc($userid, $classid) { global $DB, $USER; // TODO: Ugly, this needs to be overhauled $cpage = new pmclasspage(); if (!pmclasspage::can_enrol_into_class($classid)) { //the users who satisfty this condition are a superset of those who can manage associations return false; } else { if ($cpage->_has_capability('local/elisprogram:class_enrol', $classid)) { //current user has the direct capability return true; } } //get the context for the "indirect" capability $context = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:class_enrol_userset_user', $USER->id); $allowed_clusters = array(); $allowed_clusters = pmclass::get_allowed_clusters($classid); //query to get users associated to at least one enabling cluster $cluster_select = ''; if (empty($allowed_clusters)) { $cluster_select = '0=1'; } else { $cluster_select = 'clusterid IN (' . implode(',', $allowed_clusters) . ')'; } $select = "userid = ? AND {$cluster_select}"; //user just needs to be in one of the possible clusters if ($DB->record_exists_select(clusterassignment::TABLE, $select, array($userid))) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Test user capability check. */ public function test_usercapabilitycheck() { global $DB, $USER; $role = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'editingteacher')); // Assign the test user the editing teacher role on a test cluster. $ctx = \local_elisprogram\context\user::instance($this->tuserid); $this->assertNotEmpty(role_assign($role->id, $this->mdluserid, $ctx->id)); load_role_access_by_context($role->id, $ctx, $USER->access); // We need to force the accesslib cache to refresh. // Validate the return value when looking at the 'user' level. $contextsuser = new pm_context_set(); $contextsuser->contexts = array('user' => array($this->tuserid)); $contextsuser->contextlevel = 'user'; $contexts = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('user', 'local/elisprogram:userset_enrol_userset_user', $this->mdluserid); $this->assertEquals($contextsuser, $contexts); // Validate checking for users with the given capability on this context. $users = pm_get_users_by_capability('user', $this->tuserid, 'local/elisprogram:userset_enrol_userset_user'); $this->assertEquals($this->mdluserid, current($users)->id); }
/** * Whether the user has access to see the main page (assigned list) * * @return bool Whether the user has access. */ public function can_do_default() { global $USER; $id = $this->required_param('id', PARAM_INT); $usersetviewctx = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:userset_view', $USER->id); return $usersetviewctx->context_allowed($id, 'cluster') === true ? true : false; }
/** * Determine whether the current user can unassign the course from the program. * @param int $programid The ID of the program. * @param int $courseid The ID of the course. * @return bool Whether the current can unassign (true) or not (false) */ protected function can_unassign($programid, $courseid) { global $USER; $perm = 'local/elisprogram:associate'; $programassocctx = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('curriculum', $perm, $USER->id); $programassociateallowed = $programassocctx->context_allowed($programid, 'curriculum') === true ? true : false; $courseassocctx = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('course', $perm, $USER->id); $courseassociateallowed = $courseassocctx->context_allowed($courseid, 'course') === true ? true : false; return $programassociateallowed === true && $courseassociateallowed === true ? true : false; }
/** * Gets filter sql for permissions. * @return array An array consisting of additional WHERE conditions, and parameters. */ protected function get_filter_sql_permissions() { global $USER; $ctxlevel = 'cluster'; $perm = 'local/elisprogram:associate'; $additionalfilters = array(); $additionalparams = array(); $associatectxs = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability($ctxlevel, $perm, $USER->id); $associatectxsfilerobject = $associatectxs->get_filter('id', $ctxlevel); $associatefilter = $associatectxsfilerobject->get_sql(false, 'element', SQL_PARAMS_QM); if (isset($associatefilter['where'])) { $additionalfilters[] = $associatefilter['where']; $additionalparams = array_merge($additionalparams, $associatefilter['where_parameters']); } return array($additionalfilters, $additionalparams); }
/** * Determines whether the current user is allowed to enrol users into the provided class * * @param int $classid The id of the class we are checking permissions on * * @return boolean Whether the user is allowed to enrol users into the class * */ static function can_enrol_into_class($classid) { global $USER; //check the standard capability // TODO: Ugly, this needs to be overhauled $cpage = new pmclasspage(); if ($cpage->_has_capability('local/elisprogram:class_enrol', $classid) || $cpage->_has_capability('local/elisprogram:class_enrol_userset_user', $classid)) { return true; } //get the context for the "indirect" capability $context = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:class_enrol_userset_user', $USER->id); //we first need to go through tracks to get to clusters $track_listing = new trackassignment(array('classid' => $classid)); $tracks = $track_listing->get_assigned_tracks(); //iterate over the track ides, which are the keys of the array if (!empty($tracks)) { foreach (array_keys($tracks) as $track) { //get the clusters and check the context against them $clusters = clustertrack::get_clusters($track); if (!empty($clusters)) { foreach ($clusters as $cluster) { if ($context->context_allowed($cluster->clusterid, 'cluster')) { return true; } } } } } return false; }
function get_records($filter) { global $USER; $sort = optional_param('sort', 'name', PARAM_ALPHA); $dir = optional_param('dir', 'ASC', PARAM_ALPHA); $pagenum = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT); $perpage = optional_param('perpage', 30, PARAM_INT); if ($sort == 'name') { $sort = 'lastname'; } $extrasql = $filter->get_sql_filter(); //filter based on cluster role assignments $context_set = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:user_edit', $USER->id); // Get list of users $items = usermanagement_get_users_recordset($sort, $dir, $perpage * $pagenum, $perpage, $extrasql, $context_set); $numitems = usermanagement_count_users($extrasql, $context_set); return array($items, $numitems); }
/** * Returns an array of cluster ids that are associated to the supplied class through tracks and * the current user has access to enrol users into * * @param int $clsid The class whose association ids we care about * @return int array The array of accessible cluster ids */ public static function get_allowed_clusters($clsid) { global $USER; $context = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:assign_userset_user_class_instructor', $USER->id); $allowed_clusters = array(); // TODO: Ugly, this needs to be overhauled $cpage = new pmclasspage(); if ($cpage->_has_capability('local/elisprogram:assign_userset_user_class_instructor', $clsid)) { require_once elispm::lib('data/clusterassignment.class.php'); $cmuserid = pm_get_crlmuserid($USER->id); $userclusters = clusterassignment::find(new field_filter('userid', $cmuserid)); foreach ($userclusters as $usercluster) { $allowed_clusters[] = $usercluster->clusterid; } } //we first need to go through tracks to get to clusters $track_listing = new trackassignment(array('classid' => $clsid)); $tracks = $track_listing->get_assigned_tracks(); //iterate over the track ides, which are the keys of the array if (!empty($tracks)) { foreach (array_keys($tracks) as $track) { //get the clusters and check the context against them $clusters = clustertrack::get_clusters($track); $allowed_track_clusters = $context->get_allowed_instances($clusters, 'cluster', 'clusterid'); //append all clusters that are allowed by the available clusters contexts foreach ($allowed_track_clusters as $allowed_track_cluster) { $allowed_clusters[] = $allowed_track_cluster; } } } return $allowed_clusters; }
/** * Get standard permission filters for an element - user available table. * * This takes into account the local/elisprogram:[element]_enrol, and elis:program/[element]_enrol_userset_user permissions. * * @param string $elementtype The type of element we're associating to. I.e. program, track, class, userset. * @param int $elementid The ID of the base element we're associating to. * @param string $elementid2clusterscallable A callable that will get the associated cluster ids from an element id. * @return array An array consisting of an array of additional filters as 0, and parameters as 1 */ protected function get_filter_sql_permissions_elementuser($elementtype, $elementid, $elementid2clusterscallable) { global $USER, $DB; $elementtype2ctxlevel = array('program' => 'curriculum', 'track' => 'track', 'class' => 'pmclass', 'userset' => 'cluster'); if (!isset($elementtype2ctxlevel[$elementtype])) { throw new Exception('Bad element type specified for get_filter_sql_permissions_userelement_available'); } $enrolperm = 'local/elisprogram:' . $elementtype . '_enrol'; $usersetenrolperm = 'local/elisprogram:' . $elementtype . '_enrol_userset_user'; $ctxlevel = $elementtype2ctxlevel[$elementtype]; $additionalfilters = array(); $additionalparams = array(); // If $USER has $enrolperm permission for this element, we don't have to go any further. $enrolctxs = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability($ctxlevel, $enrolperm, $USER->id); if ($enrolctxs->context_allowed($elementid, $ctxlevel) !== true) { // We now cross-reference the clusters the assigner has the $usersetenrolperm permission with clusters the element is // assigned to. We limit the users returned in the search results to users that are in the resulting clusters. $enrolusersetuserctxs = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', $usersetenrolperm, $USER->id); // Get the clusters and check the context against them. $clusters = call_user_func($elementid2clusterscallable, $elementid); $allowedclusters = $enrolusersetuserctxs->get_allowed_instances($clusters, 'cluster', 'clusterid'); if (!empty($allowedclusters)) { list($clusterfilterwhere, $clusterfilterparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowedclusters); $useridsfromclusters = 'SELECT userid FROM {' . clusterassignment::TABLE . '} WHERE clusterid ' . $clusterfilterwhere; $additionalfilters[] = 'element.id IN (' . $useridsfromclusters . ')'; $additionalparams = array_merge($additionalparams, $clusterfilterparams); } else { $additionalfilters[] = 'FALSE'; } } else { $additionalfilters[] = 'TRUE'; } return array($additionalfilters, $additionalparams); }
/** * Returns an array of cluster ids that are parents of the supplied cluster * and the current user has access to enrol users into * * @param int $clusterid The cluster whose parents we care about * @return int array The array of accessible cluster ids */ public static function get_allowed_clusters($clusterid) { global $USER, $DB; //get the clusters and check the context against them $cluster_context_instance = \local_elisprogram\context\userset::instance($clusterid); // ELIS-3848 -- Use named parameters otherwise array += array doesn't work correctly $path = $DB->sql_concat('ctxt.path', ':pathwildcard'); //query to get parent cluster contexts $cluster_permissions_sql = 'SELECT clst.* FROM {' . self::TABLE . "} clst\n JOIN {context} ctxt\n ON clst.id = ctxt.instanceid\n AND ctxt.contextlevel = :ctxlevel\n AND :ctxpath LIKE {$path} "; $params = array('ctxlevel' => CONTEXT_ELIS_USERSET, 'ctxpath' => $cluster_context_instance->path, 'pathwildcard' => '/%'); // filter out the records that the user can't see $context = pm_context_set::for_user_with_capability('cluster', 'local/elisprogram:userset_enrol_userset_user', $USER->id); $filtersql = $context->get_filter('id')->get_sql(true, 'clst', SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); if (isset($filtersql['join'])) { $cluster_permissions_sql .= $filtersql['join']; $params = array_merge($params, $filtersql['join_params']); } if (isset($filtersql['where'])) { $cluster_permissions_sql .= ' WHERE ' . $filtersql['where']; $params = array_merge($params, $filtersql['where_parameters']); } $result = array(); $allowed_clusters = $DB->get_recordset_sql($cluster_permissions_sql, $params); foreach ($allowed_clusters as $cluster) { $result[] = $cluster->id; } unset($allowed_clusters); return $result; }