// end deletion.
// Handle copying files to local
if (pb_backupbuddy::_GET('cpy_file') != '') {
    pb_backupbuddy::alert('The remote file is now being copied to your local backups. If the backup gets marked as bad during copying, please wait a bit then click the `Refresh` icon to rescan after the transfer is complete.');
    echo '<br>';
    pb_backupbuddy::status('details', 'Scheduling Cron for creating S3 copy.');
    backupbuddy_core::schedule_single_event(time(), 'process_remote_copy', array('s32', pb_backupbuddy::_GET('cpy_file'), $settings));
    spawn_cron(time() + 150);
    // Adds > 60 seconds to get around once per minute cron running limit.
    update_option('_transient_doing_cron', 0);
    // Prevent cron-blocking for next item.
// end copying to local.
// Handle download link
if (pb_backupbuddy::_GET('downloadlink_file') != '') {
    $link = pb_backupbuddy_destination_s32::getFileURL($settings, pb_backupbuddy::_GET('downloadlink_file'));
    pb_backupbuddy::alert('You may download this backup (' . pb_backupbuddy::_GET('downloadlink_file') . ') with <a href="' . $link . '">this link</a>. The link is valid for one hour.');
    echo '<br>';
// end download link.
// Get list of files for this site.
if ('true' != pb_backupbuddy::_GET('listAll')) {
    $remotePath = $settings['directory'] . 'backup-' . backupbuddy_core::backup_prefix();
} else {
    $remotePath = $settings['directory'];
$files = pb_backupbuddy_destination_s32::listFiles($settings, $remotePath);
if (!is_array($files)) {
    die('Error listing files: `' . $files . '`.');
$backup_list_temp = array();