Exemple #1
    public static function import_email($ticket_account_id, $import = true, $debug = false)
        require_once 'includes/plugin_ticket/cron/rfc822_addresses.php';
        require_once 'includes/plugin_ticket/cron/mime_parser.php';
        $admins_rel = self::get_ticket_staff_rel();
        $created_tickets = array();
        $ticket_account_id = (int) $ticket_account_id;
        $account = self::get_ticket_account($ticket_account_id);
        if (!$account) {
            return false;
        $email_account_address = $account['email'];
        $email_username = $account['username'];
        $email_password = $account['password'];
        $email_host = $account['host'];
        $email_port = $account['port'];
        $reply_from_user_id = $account['default_user_id'];
        $support_type = (int) $account['default_type'];
        $subject_regex = $account['subject_regex'];
        $body_regex = $account['body_regex'];
        $to_regex = $account['to_regex'];
        $search_string = $account['search_string'];
        $mailbox = $account['mailbox'];
        $imap = (int) $account['imap'];
        $secure = (int) $account['secure'];
        $start_date = $account['start_date'] && $account['start_date'] != '0000-00-00' ? $account['start_date'] : false;
        if (!$email_host || !$email_username) {
            return false;
        // try to connect with ssl first:
        $ssl = $secure ? '/ssl' : '';
        if ($imap) {
            $host = '{' . $email_host . ':' . $email_port . '/imap' . $ssl . '/novalidate-cert}' . $mailbox;
            if ($debug) {
                echo "Connecting to {$host} <br>\n";
            $mbox = imap_open($host, $email_username, $email_password);
        } else {
            $host = '{' . $email_host . ':' . $email_port . '/pop3' . $ssl . '/novalidate-cert}' . $mailbox;
            if ($debug) {
                echo "Connecting to {$host} <br>\n";
            $mbox = imap_open($host, $email_username, $email_password);
        if (!$mbox) {
            // todo: send email letting them know bounce checking failed?
            echo 'Failed to connect when checking for support ticket emails.' . imap_last_error();
            return false;
        update_insert('ticket_account_id', $account['ticket_account_id'], 'ticket_account', array('last_checked' => time()));
        $MC = imap_check($mbox);
        //echo 'Connected'.$MC->Nmsgs;
        // do a search if
        $search_results = array(-1);
        if ($imap && $search_string) {
            // we do a hack to support multiple searches in the imap string.
            if (strpos($search_string, '||')) {
                $search_strings = explode('||', $search_string);
            } else {
                $search_strings = array($search_string);
            $search_results = array();
            foreach ($search_strings as $this_search_string) {
                $this_search_string = trim($this_search_string);
                if (!$this_search_string) {
                    return false;
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "Searching for {$this_search_string} <br>\n";
                $this_search_results = imap_search($mbox, $this_search_string);
                if ($debug) {
                    echo " -- found " . count($this_search_results) . " results <br>\n";
                $search_results = array_merge($search_results, $this_search_results);
            if (!$search_results) {
                echo "No search results for {$search_string} ";
                return false;
            } else {
        //print_r($search_results);//imap_close($mbox);return false;
        $sorted_emails = array();
        foreach ($search_results as $search_result) {
            if ($search_result >= 0) {
                $result = imap_fetch_overview($mbox, $search_result, 0);
            } else {
                //$result = imap_fetch_overview($mbox,"1:100",0);
                $result = imap_fetch_overview($mbox, "1:" . min(100, $MC->Nmsgs), 0);
            foreach ($result as $overview) {
                if (!isset($overview->subject) && (!isset($overview->date) || !$overview->date)) {
                $overview->subject = self::_subject_decode(isset($overview->subject) ? (string) $overview->subject : '');
                if ($subject_regex && !preg_match($subject_regex, $overview->subject)) {
                if (!isset($overview->date)) {
                    $overview->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                if ($start_date > 1000) {
                    if (strtotime($overview->date) < strtotime($start_date)) {
                $message_id = isset($overview->message_id) ? (string) $overview->message_id : false;
                if (!$message_id) {
                    $overview->message_id = $message_id = md5($overview->subject . $overview->date);
                //echo "#{$overview->msgno} ({$overview->date}) - From: {$overview->from} <br> {$this_subject} <br>\n";
                // check this email hasn't been processed before.
                // check this message hasn't been processed yet.
                $ticket = get_single('ticket_message', 'message_id', $message_id);
                if ($ticket) {
                // get ready to sort them.
                $overview->time = strtotime($overview->date);
                $sorted_emails[] = $overview;
        if (!function_exists('dtbaker_ticket_import_sort')) {
            function dtbaker_ticket_import_sort($a, $b)
                return $a->time > $b->time;
        uasort($sorted_emails, 'dtbaker_ticket_import_sort');
        $message_number = 0;
        foreach ($sorted_emails as $overview) {
            $message_id = (string) $overview->message_id;
            if ($debug) {

                        <div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid #EFEFEF; margin:4px;">
                echo $message_number;
                                Date: <strong><?php 
                echo $overview->date;
</strong> <br/>
                                Subject: <strong><?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars($overview->subject);
</strong> <br/>
                                From: <strong><?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars($overview->from);
                                To: <strong><?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars($overview->to);
                                <!-- <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('msg_<?php 
                echo $message_number;
').style.display='block'; return false;">view body</a>
                            <div style="display:none; padding:10px; border:1px solid #CCC;" id="msg_<?php 
                echo $message_number;
                // echo htmlspecialchars($results['Data']);
            if (!$import) {
            $tmp_file = tempnam(_UCM_FOLDER . '/temp/', 'ticket');
            imap_savebody($mbox, $tmp_file, $overview->msgno);
            $mail_content = file_get_contents($tmp_file);
            $mime = new mime_parser_class();
            $mime->mbox = 0;
            $mime->decode_bodies = 1;
            $mime->ignore_syntax_errors = 1;
            $parameters = array('Data' => $mail_content);
            $parse_success = false;
            if (!$mime->Decode($parameters, $decoded)) {
                //echo 'MIME message decoding error: '.$mime->error.' at position '.$mime->error_position."\n";
                // TODO - send warning email to admin.
                send_error("Failed to decode this email: " . $mail_content);
                $parse_success = true;
                // so it delets the email below if that account setting is setfalse;
            } else {
                for ($message = 0; $message < count($decoded); $message++) {
                    if ($mime->Analyze($decoded[$message], $results)) {
                        if (isset($results['From'][0]['address'])) {
                            $from_address = $results['From'][0]['address'];
                        } else {
                        /*$results: Array
                                                            [Type] => html
                                                            [Description] => HTML message
                                                            [Encoding] => iso-8859-1
                                                            [Data] => asdfasdf
                                                            [Alternative] => Array
                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                            [Type] => text
                                                                            [Description] => Text message
                                                                            [Encoding] => iso-8859-1
                                                                            [Data] => asdfasdf
                                                            [Subject] => [TICKET:004372] Re: Testing cc and bcc fields...
                                                            [Date] => Sun, 24 Mar 2013 22:04:49 +1000
                                                            [From] => Array
                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                            [address] => email@gmail.com
                                                                            [name] => Dave
                                                            [To] => Array
                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                            [address] => email@dtbaker.
                                                                            [name] => dtbaker Support
                                                                    [1] => Array
                                                                            [address] => email+test@gmail.com
                                                            [Cc] => Array
                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                            [address] => email+testcc@gmail.com
                                                                    [1] => Array
                                                                            [address] => info@email.com.au
                                                                            [name] => Hayley
                                                        ) */
                        if ($to_regex) {
                            $to_match = false;
                            foreach ($results['To'] as $possible_to_address) {
                                if (preg_match($to_regex, $possible_to_address['address'])) {
                                    $to_match = true;
                            if (!$to_match) {
                        // find out which accout this sender is from.
                        if (preg_match('/@(.*)$/', $from_address, $matches)) {
                            // run a hook now to parse the from address.
                            $domain = $matches[1];
                            // find this sender in the database.
                            // if we cant find this sender/customer in the database
                            // then we add this customer as a "support user" to the default customer for this ticketing system.
                            // based on the "to" address of this message.
                            //store this as an eamil
                            $email_to = '';
                            $email_to_first = current($results['To']);
                            if ($email_to_first) {
                                $email_to = $email_to_first['address'];
                            // work out the from and to users.
                            $from_user_id = 0;
                            $to_user_id = 0;
                            // this is admin. leave blank for now i guess.
                            // try to find a user based on this from email address.
                            $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "user` u WHERE u.`email` LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($from_address) . "' ORDER BY `date_created` DESC";
                            $ticket_user_account = $from_user = qa1($sql);
                            // convert the name if it's encoded strangely:
                            if (isset($results['From'][0]['name']) && strlen($results['From'][0]['name']) && isset($results['Encoding']) && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf8' && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf-8') {
                                //$name_decoded = quoted_printable_decode($results['From'][0]['name']);
                                if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                                    $name_decoded = mb_convert_encoding($results['From'][0]['name'], 'UTF-8', $results['Encoding']);
                                    if (strlen($name_decoded) > 0) {
                                        $results['From'][0]['name'] = $name_decoded;
                            // todo! this user may be in the system twice!
                            // eg: once from submitting a ticket - then again when creating that user as a contact under a different customer.
                            // so we find the latest entry and use that... ^^ done! updated the above to sort by date updated.
                            if ($from_user) {
                                $from_user_id = $from_user['user_id'];
                                // woo!!found a user. assign this customer to the ticket.
                                if ($from_user['customer_id']) {
                                    //$account['default_customer_id'] = $from_user['customer_id'];
                            } else {
                                if (module_config::c('ticket_allow_new_from_email', 1)) {
                                    // create a user under this account customer because we allow new emails to be created
                                    if ($account['default_customer_id']) {
                                        // create a new support user! go go!
                                        $ticket_user_account = $from_user = array('name' => isset($results['From'][0]['name']) ? $results['From'][0]['name'] : $from_address, 'customer_id' => $account['default_customer_id'], 'email' => $from_address, 'status_id' => 1, 'password' => substr(md5(time() . mt_rand(0, 600)), 3));
                                        global $plugins;
                                        $from_user_id = $plugins['user']->create_user($from_user, 'support');
                                        $ticket_user_account['user_id'] = $from_user_id;
                                    } else {
                                        $ticket_user_account = $from_user = array('name' => isset($results['From'][0]['name']) ? $results['From'][0]['name'] : $from_address, 'customer_id' => -1, 'email' => $from_address, 'status_id' => 1, 'password' => substr(md5(time() . mt_rand(0, 600)), 3));
                                        global $plugins;
                                        $from_user_id = $plugins['user']->create_user($from_user, 'support');
                                        $ticket_user_account['user_id'] = $from_user_id;
                                        //echo 'Failed - no from account set';
                            if (!$from_user_id) {
                                // creating a new user for this ticket. not allowed for spam reasons sometimes.
                                if (module_config::c('ticket_allow_new_from_email', 1)) {
                                    // failed to create a user in the database.
                                    echo 'Failed - cannot find the from user id';
                                    echo $from_address . ' to ' . var_export($results['To'], true) . ' : subject: ' . $overview->subject . '<hr>';
                                } else {
                                    // new option to ignore these emails and force people to submit new tickets via the web interface
                                    // send an autoreply to this user saying that their ticket was not created.
                                    $temp_from_user = array('name' => isset($results['From'][0]['name']) ? $results['From'][0]['name'] : $from_address, 'email' => $from_address);
                                    module_ticket::send_customer_rejection_alert($temp_from_user, $overview->subject);
                                    echo 'Rejecting new tickets';
                                    $parse_success = true;
                            $message_type_id = _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_CREATOR;
                            // from an end user.
                            if (strtolower($from_address) == strtolower($email_account_address)) {
                                $message_type_id = _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADMIN;
                                // from an admin replying via email.
                            } else {
                                if (strtolower($from_address) == strtolower(module_config::c('ticket_admin_email_alert'))) {
                                    $message_type_id = _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADMIN;
                                    // from an admin replying via email.
                                } else {
                                    if (isset($admins_rel[$from_user_id])) {
                                        $message_type_id = _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADMIN;
                                        // from an admin replying via email.
                            $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "user` u WHERE u.`email` LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($email_to) . "'";
                            $to_user_temp = qa1($sql);
                            if ($to_user_temp) {
                                $to_user_id = $to_user_temp['user_id'];
                                // hack for BCC support (eg: email invoice, bcc goes to our ticket email address).
                                if ($message_type_id == _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADMIN) {
                                    // swap these around. the email is coming from us to the customer.
                                    $ticket_user_account = array('customer_id' => $to_user_temp['customer_id'], 'user_id' => $to_user_temp['user_id']);
                            $ticket_id = false;
                            $new_message = true;
                            // check if the subject matches an existing ticket subject.
                            if (preg_match('#\\[TICKET:(\\d+)\\]#i', $overview->subject, $subject_matches) || preg_match('#\\#(\\d+)#', $overview->subject, $subject_matches)) {
                                // found an existing ticket.
                                // find this ticket in the system.
                                $ticket_id = ltrim($subject_matches[1], '0');
                                // see if it exists.
                                $existing_ticket = get_single('ticket', 'ticket_id', $ticket_id);
                                if ($existing_ticket) {
                                    // woot!
                                    // search to see if this "from" address is in any of the past ticket messages.
                                    $valid_previous_contact = false;
                                    if ($message_type_id == _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADMIN) {
                                        $valid_previous_contact = true;
                                    } else {
                                        $past_ticket_messages = self::get_ticket_messages($existing_ticket['ticket_id'], true);
                                        //foreach($past_ticket_messages as $past_ticket_message){
                                        while ($past_ticket_message = mysql_fetch_assoc($past_ticket_messages)) {
                                            $past_header_cache = @unserialize($past_ticket_message['cache']);
                                            $past_to_temp = array();
                                            if ($past_ticket_message['to_user_id']) {
                                                $past_to_temp = module_user::get_user($past_ticket_message['to_user_id'], false);
                                            } else {
                                                if ($past_header_cache && isset($past_header_cache['to_email'])) {
                                                    $past_to_temp['email'] = $past_header_cache['to_email'];
                                            if (isset($past_to_temp['email']) && strtolower($past_to_temp['email']) == strtolower($from_address)) {
                                                $valid_previous_contact = true;
                                            foreach (array('to_emails', 'cc_emails', 'bcc_emails') as $header_cache_key) {
                                                if ($past_header_cache && isset($past_header_cache[$header_cache_key]) && is_array($past_header_cache[$header_cache_key])) {
                                                    foreach ($past_header_cache[$header_cache_key] as $to_email_additional) {
                                                        if (isset($to_email_additional['address']) && strlen($to_email_additional['address']) && strtolower($to_email_additional['address']) == strtolower($from_address)) {
                                                            $valid_previous_contact = true;
                                                            break 3;
                                    if ($valid_previous_contact) {
                                        update_insert('ticket_id', $ticket_id, 'ticket', array('status_id' => _TICKET_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_ID, 'last_message_timestamp' => strtotime($overview->date)));
                                        $new_message = false;
                                    } else {
                                        // create new message based on this one.
                                        // remove the old ticket ID number from subject
                                        $ticket_id = false;
                                        $overview->subject = str_replace($subject_matches[0], '', $overview->subject);
                                } else {
                                    // fail..
                                    $ticket_id = false;
                            } else {
                                // we search for this subject, and this sender, to see if they have sent a follow up
                                // before we started the ticketing system.
                                // handy for importing an existing inbox with replies etc..
                                // check to see if the subject matches any existing subjects.
                                $search_subject1 = trim(preg_replace('#^Re:?\\s*#i', '', $overview->subject));
                                $search_subject2 = trim(preg_replace('#^Fwd?:?\\s*#i', '', $overview->subject));
                                $search_subject3 = trim($overview->subject);
                                // find any threads that match this subject, from this user id.
                                $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "ticket` t ";
                                $sql .= " WHERE t.`user_id` = " . (int) $from_user_id . " ";
                                $sql .= " AND ( t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject1) . "%' OR ";
                                $sql .= " t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject2) . "%' OR ";
                                $sql .= " t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject3) . "%') ";
                                $sql .= " ORDER BY ticket_id DESC;";
                                $match = qa1($sql);
                                if (count($match) && (int) $match['ticket_id'] > 0) {
                                    // found a matching email. stoked!
                                    // add it in as a reply from the end user.
                                    $ticket_id = $match['ticket_id'];
                                    update_insert('ticket_id', $ticket_id, 'ticket', array('status_id' => _TICKET_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_ID, 'last_message_timestamp' => strtotime($overview->date)));
                                    $new_message = false;
                                if (!$ticket_id) {
                                    // now we see if any match the "TO" address, ie: it's us replying to the user.
                                    // handly from a gmail import.
                                    if ($email_to) {
                                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "user` u WHERE u.`email` LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($email_to) . "'";
                                        $temp_to_user = qa1($sql);
                                        if ($temp_to_user && $temp_to_user['user_id']) {
                                            // we have sent emails to this user before...
                                            // check to see if the subject matches any existing subjects.
                                            $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "ticket` t ";
                                            $sql .= " WHERE t.`user_id` = " . (int) $temp_to_user['user_id'] . " ";
                                            $sql .= " AND ( t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject1) . "%' OR ";
                                            $sql .= " t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject2) . "%' OR ";
                                            $sql .= " t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject3) . "%') ";
                                            $sql .= " ORDER BY ticket_id DESC;";
                                            $match = qa1($sql);
                                            if (count($match) && (int) $match['ticket_id'] > 0) {
                                                // found a matching email. stoked!
                                                // add it in as a reply from the end user.
                                                $ticket_id = $match['ticket_id'];
                                                update_insert('ticket_id', $ticket_id, 'ticket', array('status_id' => _TICKET_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_ID, 'last_message_timestamp' => strtotime($overview->date)));
                                                $new_message = false;
                            if (!$ticket_id) {
                                $ticket_id = update_insert('ticket_id', 'new', 'ticket', array('subject' => $overview->subject, 'ticket_account_id' => $account['ticket_account_id'], 'status_id' => _TICKET_STATUS_NEW_ID, 'user_id' => $ticket_user_account['user_id'], 'customer_id' => $ticket_user_account['customer_id'], 'assigned_user_id' => $reply_from_user_id, 'ticket_type_id' => $support_type, 'last_message_timestamp' => strtotime($overview->date)));
                            if (!$ticket_id) {
                                echo 'Error creating ticket';
                            $cache = array('from_email' => $from_address, 'to_email' => $email_to, 'to_emails' => isset($results['To']) && is_array($results['To']) ? $results['To'] : array(), 'cc_emails' => isset($results['Cc']) && is_array($results['Cc']) ? $results['Cc'] : array());
                            // pull otu the email bodyu.
                            $body = $results['Data'];
                            if (isset($results['Encoding']) && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf8' && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf-8') {
                                //mail('*****@*****.**','Ticket import results: Encoding',$results['Encoding']."\n\n".var_export($results,true));
                                //$body2 = quoted_printable_decode($body);
                                if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                                    $body3 = mb_convert_encoding($body, 'UTF-8', $results['Encoding']);
                                    //$body3 = mb_convert_encoding($body,'HTML-ENTITIES',$results['Encoding']);
                                    //$body4 = iconv_mime_decode($body,ICONV_MIME_DECODE_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR,"UTF-8");
                                    //mail('*****@*****.**','Ticket import results: Converted',$body . "\n\n\n\n\n ------------ " . $body2 . "\n\n\n\n\n ------------ " . $body3);
                                    if (strlen($body3) > 0) {
                                        $body = $body3;
                            //} // debug
                            if ($results['Type'] == "html") {
                                $is_html = true;
                            } else {
                                // convert body to html, so we can do wrap.
                                $body = nl2br($body);
                                $is_html = true;
                            // find the alt body.
                            $altbody = '';
                            if (isset($results['Alternative']) && is_array($results['Alternative'])) {
                                foreach ($results['Alternative'] as $alt_id => $alt) {
                                    if ($alt['Type'] == "text") {
                                        $altbody = $alt['Data'];
                                        // if($from_address=='*****@*****.**'){
                                        if (isset($results['Encoding']) && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf8' && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf-8') {
                                            //$altbody2 = quoted_printable_decode($altbody);
                                            if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                                                $altbody3 = mb_convert_encoding($altbody, 'UTF-8', $results['Encoding']);
                                                if (strlen($altbody3) > 0) {
                                                    $altbody = $altbody3;
                            if (!$altbody) {
                                // should really never happen, but who knows.
                                // edit - i think this happens with godaddy webmailer.
                                $altbody = $body;
                                // todo: strip any html.
                                $altbody = preg_replace('#<br[^>]*>\\n*#imsU', "\n", $altbody);
                                $altbody = strip_tags($altbody);
                            // pass the body and altbody through a hook so we can modify it if needed.
                            // eg: for envato tickets we strip the header/footer out and check the link to see if the buyer really bought anything.
                            // run_hook(...
                            //echo "<hr>$body<hr>$altbody<hr><br><br><br>";
                            // save the message!
                            $ticket_message_id = update_insert('ticket_message_id', 'new', 'ticket_message', array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, 'message_id' => $message_id, 'content' => $altbody, 'htmlcontent' => $body, 'message_time' => strtotime($overview->date), 'message_type_id' => $message_type_id, 'from_user_id' => $from_user_id, 'to_user_id' => $to_user_id, 'cache' => serialize($cache), 'status_id' => _TICKET_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_ID));
                            if (isset($results['Related'])) {
                                foreach ($results['Related'] as $related) {
                                    if (isset($related['FileName']) && $related['FileName']) {
                                        // save as attachment against this email.
                                        $attachment_id = update_insert('ticket_message_attachment_id', 'new', 'ticket_message_attachment', array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, 'ticket_message_id' => $ticket_message_id, 'file_name' => $related['FileName'], 'content_type' => $related['Type'] . (isset($related['SubType']) ? '/' . $related['SubType'] : '')));
                                        $result = file_put_contents('includes/plugin_ticket/attachments/' . $attachment_id . '', $related['Data']);
                                        if (!$result) {
                                            send_error("Failed to save attachment (named: " . $related['FileName'] . " for this email: \n\n\n\n" . var_export($related, true) . "\n\n\n" . var_export($results, true) . "\n\n\n" . $mail_content);
                            if (isset($results['Attachments'])) {
                                foreach ($results['Attachments'] as $related) {
                                    if (isset($related['FileName']) && $related['FileName']) {
                                        // save as attachment against this email.
                                        $attachment_id = update_insert('ticket_message_attachment_id', 'new', 'ticket_message_attachment', array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, 'ticket_message_id' => $ticket_message_id, 'file_name' => $related['FileName'], 'content_type' => $related['Type'] . (isset($related['SubType']) ? '/' . $related['SubType'] : '')));
                                        $result = file_put_contents('includes/plugin_ticket/attachments/' . $attachment_id . '', $related['Data']);
                                        if (!$result) {
                                            send_error("Failed to save attachment (named: " . $related['FileName'] . " for this email: \n\n\n\n" . var_export($related, true) . "\n\n\n" . var_export($results, true) . "\n\n\n" . $mail_content);
                            //$new_message &&
                            if (!preg_match('#failure notice#i', $overview->subject)) {
                                // we don't sent ticket autoresponders when the from user and to user are teh same
                                if ($from_user_id && $to_user_id && $from_user_id == $to_user_id) {
                                } else {
                                    $created_tickets[$ticket_id] = $ticket_id;
                            $parse_success = true;
            if ($parse_success && $account['delete']) {
                // remove email from inbox if needed.
                imap_delete($mbox, $overview->msgno);
        return $created_tickets;