Exemple #1
  * Ask applicable plugins to "decorate" (alter) the breadcrumb.
  * @param array $breadcrumb
 function decorateBreadcrumb($breadcrumb)
     $plugin_methods = $this->pluginInfo->basicPluginMethods('decorateBreadcrumb');
     foreach ($plugin_methods as $plugin_key => $method) {
          * @var crumbs_PluginInterface $plugin
         $plugin = $this->plugins[$plugin_key];
         if (!method_exists($plugin, 'decorateBreadcrumb')) {
             // This means the code has changed, without the cache being cleared.
             // It is the user's responsibility to clear the cache.
             // Until then, we simply ignore and move on.
Exemple #2
  * Prepared list of plugins and methods for a given find operation and route.
  * @param crumbs_Container_CachedLazyPluginInfo $container
  * @param string $method
  * @param string $route
  * @return array
 function routePluginMethods($container, $method, $route)
     $plugin_methods = $container->routePluginMethodsCached($method, $route);
     return FALSE !== $plugin_methods ? $plugin_methods : $container->basicPluginMethods($method);